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The Out-of-Character Chat Thread

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48 minutes ago, PureChance said:


Obviously it'll have a hard time dodging all that lightning that's just sprung up !

 Then I guess it's a good thing we won't be going up against the blue dragon army!  😄 

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I just had this kinda crazy idea that I've never seen done in an RPG before, and I'm curious if any of you guys have seen/done anything like this before, and/or what you think about it.  This isn't something we would start with, but maybe do after we've gotten at least 2-3 levels under our belts and are more used to each other's characters' personalities than we are right now.

I find that conflict is at the heart of a good drama, and when we fight bad guys, there's obviously some conflict that way.  But some of my favorite stories have personal conflict between characters, and I think that conflict between PCs can help make for a good story, too, if there's good OOC communication about it and players aren't actually mad at each other, but are just RPing it and everyone knows it's just RP.

My idea is this:  in order to keep the party functional, 2-3 of us could RP out some kind of interpersonal conflict.  We would still help each other and fight together, but the characters that were mad at each other might exchange dirty looks or avoid each other somewhat while in game, however the involved players wanted to handle it.  If they wanted to resort to a physical fight or a duel to resolve the matter, they could do that, provided both parties consented.  Otherwise, they'd need to find some other way to end the fight.

Any player who for whatever reason doesn't want to be involved in it wouldn't have to be; participation would be strictly voluntary.

So...what do you guys think?  And just for my own information, who among you guys really enjoys roleplaying?  I know I sure do!

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Ooooh, secret openings. Exciting! You lot in the other thread also getting a choice of 3 legendary magic items right? 


@tbgg maybe is what I'd say. Certainly think it sensible to get a few levels under our belts first to see how they different characters shape up. I guess the difficulty in introducing ongoing conflict like that is making sure that all parties are still aligned enough to work together. Obviously conflicting points of view are going to arise, but not every argument leads to ongoing dislike? Certainly I think Artanis would be trying to play peacemaker - whilst he' young, idealistic and tightly bound to The Oath and the Measure, I don't think that precludes him understanding that not everyone would act in complete accordance with it.  

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We could certainly draw up some ground rules around how it would work to keep people working together - that would definitely be the goal, and it absolutely shouldn't wind up with the two permanently disliking each other, they are just at odds for a time.  And ideally, it should ultimately bring the two conflicting characters closer together - but it would take a little while to get there - a little while not meaning the entire campaign, but as a rough estimate, maybe a couple of RL weeks to a month?

How Mery would act would depend entirely on whether she was one of the ones having the conflict.  If she wasn't, she would probably work somewhat with Artanis to try to get those involved to make peace, not because of the Oath or Measure, but because she values people getting along.  If she was involved, she'd probably dither a bit between her desire to avoid being seen as a troublemaker and her desire to get in and deal with the problem and be done with it.  Only maybe the other person is on a completely different schedule than she is in terms of being ready to deal with it, or maybe they try to deal with it by not dealing with it, which would delay the resolution.  I see some potential for it to be a scenario that leads to some good character growth for both characters as well as some interesting drama.  But that's just me.  🙂

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I'm absolutely game for interpersonal conflicts, but I think that kind of thing is best when it develops organically.  By the time we've leveled up a bit, I think we'll have a good feel for others' (and our own!) characters, and some differences in personality and ideals are sure to come up.  Looking over everyone's characters, nothing comes up right away... except maybe Hunni's choice of food.  Merituuli is very particular about his food 😆

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@PhoenixSlayer  That was actually my reason for bringing this up now - so it can be percolating in the backs of everyone's minds as we're getting to know each other and our characters.  I definitely like the idea of an RP conflict developing organically.

Personally, I was wondering if Mery and Merituuli might duke it out for rights over the nickname Mery/Meri, which I assume would be pronounced at least somewhat similarly.  🤣🤣

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