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Daniel "Dan" Hendrix, Pistolero/Brawler


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             Daniel "Dan" Hendrix


     Class: Pistolero(3)/Brawler(1)

     Nick: Dan

     Race: Wrathful Creature Human

     Appearance: Dan loved his bike. Likely the only thing he truly loved after his mutt Chubby passed away when he was 16. That circle of love did not widen much in the concluding decades. Friends. Trusted partners. Marriages of convenience...sure. But love, just his beloved chopper, so in the end it was almost poetic that it ended part of him, or was it the reverse? Maybe Dan became part of the chopper? Not being to ride it was what he missed. but when he looked down at his body he recognized every part like he was born with them. He was not sure of his age, somewhere late 40's, or early 50's, his life was hardly well cataloged. Well behind the parts he spent in the tender care of the state. He reckoned some 12 years in total. Not too bad. At 6'1" he was of respectable height, but he was built like a 250-pound concrete block. What intimidated people was not how tall he was, or how wide he was but how that particular experiment looked together. As a battering ram, it seemed. In every scrap he ever was he was one in the frontline going against other poor bastards that so looked like him they could be from the same womb. And as a reward for his long service, his body was the map of pain. The scar upon a scar. Here crazy Russian disemboweled him with a top of the tin can, over some deal going wrong. Bellow surgical stitching partially obscured three gun wounds he kindly received in Boston while protecting their Irish rifle contact. On the back he had a neat grouping of eight narrow wounds where his right kidney was, shanking he earned in St. Quentin. More serious looking was a rough gnarled wound that looked like it was never professionally looked after on his left shoulder blade. Heavy cleaver slammed into his back by San Francisco Triad member, over the misunderstanding. They profusely apologized and gave him 50k, but under the condition, he doesn't go to the hospital, he was stitched by the person who hit him in the first place using a fish hook and line. Two deep scars on his face, together with 4 teeth on the inside courtesy of a Columbian cartel over a powder deal going wrong. One going almost at a right angle from those was particularly cherished, going from the base of his nose until he broke the arm it held it. His father's, when he was 14, with a boxcutter. He actually thought his son was shtupping his old lady...at 14. Cocaine is a hell of a drug. He even had scars from the times he was the one dealing the punishment. Besides the usual scars, every respectable bar brawler has on his knuckles he managed to earn a broken fang in his arm when he back-fisted the guy and managed to have a near-knuckle-sized piece of fang stuck right above his knuckle.He had to use pliers to remove it. But the worst by far was when he was having a disagreement with a member of the opponent club in the sandwich shop where they run into each other. And Dan earned a broken nose but also a definitive upper hand, tightly holding the bastard's head and kneeing him in the face when after some fifth knee fu*kers jaw breaks and left side slides out like some weird blade and stuck him into the artery. He nearly died and served fiver for assault, disfigurement, and some other s*it. While the other guy went free as the bird, not a very pretty bird, true. But not a caged one at least, and not like either one of them was picking up chicks with their looks anyway, scarred and broken-nosed. Dan didn't pick them up for free at all since as broken as his visage was, his personality was like a sandpaper with broken glass glued on top of it. And the Turning happened, and he fused with nearly all the metal from his bike, losing his mode of transport and the only thing he loved. He missed his arsenal too. Something else to remedy.


Personality: Dan is many things, too many to list here. However, neither of them would really classify him as someone who deserves to be in the camp of those who could be "saved". Whatever power this may be reckoned there is someone more worthy who stands more chance of hypothetical salvation with Dan on his side and there is certainly some logic behind it as he possessed many qualities to survive the Turning. The only thing that was debatable is the "help" part because while life was grinding Dan under his boot before this it certainly did not instill that part deeply into him. But if there was still a part for him to play. The old biker will do what he always did put one foot in front of the other and keep moving since surrendering was another part missing from his slablike frame.



Birth of G.O.D



People often say that they haven't chosen the life they lead, but the life chose them. How many times it's the truth and how many times just an excuse who can know?  Who is fit to judge? Dan never paid much mind to those people, for good or for ill. Maybe because he saw the coin and realized that some got the fair shake and some got the fixed coin. He wondered which kind his grandfather was, since their lives were as they were in part as he was one of the 14 founding members of "Giants Of Desert" 1% bike club. They likely found it both funny and a bit proud when they rode around with the abbreviation G.O.D. as most bikers of the times were mostly poor, disenfranchised, and left to their own devices. Unlike clubs in some larger cities, in the desert 20 is mostly all you'll ever get. But then there was no 1% BS either.

Dan's father was in the generation that brought that in together with the original patch.

For the first time, there was a Patch under G.O.D. Many of the new generation had no idea what was the big deal anyway. It was just a dumb Picture anyway. They were Giants Of Desert, Dragons were giant, and more importantly cool. The first split happened then.





Dan's father took the second generation away, some 15 youths 18-20 years old moved toward a larger city, Tacoma. They stayed close to the desert, not really trusting large cities, and with good reason it would seem. As soon as youth with  G.O.D patch above a large black dragon patch and nothing else under was seen around and in the city. It became clear territory was already claimed. And those who claimed it was antsy at these anonymous bikers that claimed no territory, but freely rode in and around Tacoma. Clearly living around, and doing business. Mostly legal, but they supplemented it with small-time weed business. From the current perspective if there were talks before weed selling started a hell of trouble and blood could've been saved. But with weed youth broke the rule they didn't know existed. Within a week 4 out 15 were in the hospital, one in critical condition, and the fifth one was found badly beaten, near one of the three houses they lived in with a nailed message on his chest for the whole lot to vanish out of Tacoma. This situation caught 2nd generation on backfoot. But while they always treated their Club Name a bit tongue-in-cheek. Every one of them was tough as the sole of military boot. Back home for fun, they would catch vipers with bare hands since they were 10-12, there wasn't one of them who wasn't sporting "Vampire Kiss" scars, which were what they called snake bites, some had up to 4 of them. They set up small arenas and beat snot one out of another in those "pits" again for fun because there wasn't anything else to do. They were quintessential desert people, just it happened they founded a bike club. If these city slickers thought they were gonna run because few of them got a licking, especially because it was, from their understanding, without any reason they slightly miscalculated. From their PoV, G.O.D. were minding their own business, not looking to make a fuss since they saw themselves as guests. The moment first blood was spilled that was outta the window they made about 50 Molotov Cocktails and anything that could slice cut and maim was brought in the open. While they did that "Unpatched" as they called the first generation collected from the rural community anything that could fling a bullet and as a bonus box of dynamite. For this occasion patch was changed to embody reconciliation. Two Dragons around the healing staff. Although they were there to do very little healing.



Finding culprits was easy they called themselves Jokers and were in their hangout buying drinks for everyone for getting rid of the "cocky little shits", even a few higher-ups from Devil Shits were there. So the atmosphere was at an all-time high when six 1st generations members entered emptied sawed off shotguns into any concentration that seemed to have patches of any kind. Then calmly exited while three new ones entered and flung in total 6 Molotovs before leaving. Due to all the booze bar was an inferno in seconds and every surviving gang member was greeted with hunting rifle fire from the rooftops. 4 members who had the presence of mind to use the back exit were jumped by the remaining members of the second generation and cut to pieces by the mix of machetes, meat cleavers, and hunting knives. The only survivors were a few girls that were obviously unaffiliated. In total, there were 20 dead. 14 Jokers, 2 Devil Shits members, a bartender, and 3 patrons were caught in the crossfire. Some reckoned that end of violence since it was the largest bike gang attack ever. They were wrong. G.O.D. didn't bring a good box of dynamite just to waste it. They were tipped off about an emergency meeting of what was left of Jokers, some 7 members and 5 prospects who left earlier that night and probably felt spirited away by the hand of God, and ironically in a very literal sense they were about to be. Jeremy Stevens of G.O.D. crawled through piss and shit until and one last time checked that he was at the right place by checking publically available blueprints of the neighborhood sewer system. And as lifelong workers of the quarry from which they lifted the dynamite. Then crawled back and checked with the lookout. giving thumbs up when getting go ahead. Wires were conected and G.O.D. in a very literal sense came and took what remained of Jokers, their prospects, and hangers-on to heaven. 15 more dead in total. Jokers were done. Soon Dan's grandfather was picked up and he was fingered as one of the first shooters in the pub case, all in all 2 more were caught for that and Jeremy wasn't too hard to connect with the clubhouse case. In all 4 death sentences, Dan's grandfather was described as particularly callous, with his last words to victim families being "What did they expect? Mess with a giant, get stepped on. Common sense."


Not one member of the second generation was even charged with as much as disorderly conduct and one Club was exterminated and one to go. They braced. In truth to achieve shock and awe they did, they chewed through a lot of their heavy stuff, and with cops watching like hawks, it was risky even to go and buy common hunting shells. If D.S. struck them then. It would be over. This was still 10 years away from Great Biker Wars, with bombs and dozens of dead. This was the first time in the area, hell country, that such a level of violence was employed so nonchalantly over a beating. D.S. sued for peace that same week, G.O.D.'s first war ended before the victims of the beating were out of the hospital. Dan Sr. was recognized as the first president, in honor of his father's sacrifice. The group had no official ranks before. By the time his son was born, the last patch designated G.O.D. Tuscon, to differentiate them from several Texas, Calli, and Florida branches.


Dan's Generation and the End of G.O.D.


He set them up into well-oiled machines, learning a lot from that first war and imparting that to the third generation, Dan's generation. G.O.D. became known by the way they waged the bike wars. As a horde, they descended onto the target with overwhelming force. Leaving just ruins and not a soul alive. Dan saw the flaws in such an approach and while he ground under the patch of 3rd generation, it became a custom to add another head for every new generation in the given city.


Dan ground, collecting scars, and waited for the inevitable axe of their inflexibility, brought by the hubris of their basically overnight success fall on their head. He was nearing the end of his 30s and actually thought he had piss chance in a hurricane. After 40 he could've called for a retirement clause, he would be able to keep his jacket, with many, many little secret signs of what he did for the Club. Many little horrors, just for few to know. Patch of Judas Tarot card, execution of a snitch, in his mind just represents a picture of his large bricklike hand gripping the bloody tire iron and looking down on a body without the top of the head, brain almost neatly collected in a little mound. Patch of cut wire, execution of the embedded fed. The memory of a headless body slowly sinking into the concrete foundations of what's now one of the newer police stations. The head was on the way to be put on his handler's doorstep. The boys found both things hilarious. Golden plated bullet hung from a front pocket. Man soaked in a barrel of his own urine about to be sealed in it alive and buried in the desert as revenge for setting up a bomb in his father's mailbox. Eyes near crazed with silent panic due to duct taped mouth, looking at the bullet, praying for it. Dozens more. All justified by their moral code. He had no idea how they thought there is some kind of forever happy after for any of them.


They were struck the night when he was about to put on his best indifferent face, the best he could do for some 10-15 years now, and get another dumb trinket. 5-headed dragon pin to go with his 4-headed dragon pin and three-headed Patch, and the two-headed tattoo he got before things were so grotesquely revered. The only President to preside over the raising of two generations and the only 5th generation in the U.S. He saw a rocket being fired through the small bulletproof window. By the flight pattern and backwash from the launcher, he recognized it as RPG-7, an AK-47 of rocket launchers. He didn't even try to warn anyone, why to scare them needlessly, the scythe was finally falling down. In any case, it's not that in that room was anyone who didn't deserve to die 10 times over, himself included. He lost the rocket from sight due to the size of the window but he counted how much to impact, he was off by two things. The first explosion happened half a second earlier, two he expected some basic level of competency from his assassins. They did a wonderful job of destroying the wall and concussing half of the people inside and that would be that. Really no one wanted to spring for a bunker-buster rocket? Or they thought he'd have a plaster-made wall in their clubhouse? Basic incompetence kinda insulted him and he decided to kill a few of them strictly on principle. Owl, his Seargent-In-Arms pushed him into the side room already shooting at black-clad figures running toward them and first cover, since from this distance Owl's Desert-Eagle already dropped one of them while their SMG's peppered walls and bulletproof vests without much success. That will change once they close distance, so their rate of fire and armor piercers can make the difference. But that cut both ways, a few more of his boys regained their faculties and crawled around looking for cover and a myriad of hidden weapon nooks. Owl already turned the table exposing the armored surface toward attackers and changed the clip for his hungry pistol and now was able to steady his aim more than secure behind the behemoth club table, seemingly made of a single piece of engraved Oak nearly 3 inches thick. Even if that were true, that would be a formidable obstacle. However only ornamental sides were thick oak, entire middle about 10 ft long, and 4 wide was like an Oreo from Hell, some half inches of Oak was on either side, while the entire two inches was in army-grade steel. Capable to stop anything except weapons and ammo for higher-end armored vehicles. Eagle roared and while Dan was busy getting his party favors, a smile on Seargents lips told him that another mercenary wasn't going home. Because that was what they were, paid by this or that organized crime entity, it didn't matter.

He recognized how they moved, the mismatch in tactics from at least 4 armies, but still, professionalism regular street mooks couldn't hope to achieve. Well unless they were heavily favored by cover and arsenal, he finished loading his babies. Revolvers would look comical in smaller hands, but they fitted him quite nicely. Two custom .50 caliber beasts. Loaded by special heavy armor-piercing rounds. The only downside is that chambers could fit only 5 bullets. But if he down 5 of the bastards with 10 bullets he'll die happy. In the meantime 4 more managed to get behind the table, 2 plinked with the 9 mil's good for suppression he guessed. Still, he placed the opened ammo box that still had 20 bullets inside in the pocket. And moved up the stairs, to take a position on one of the hidden shooting positions on the second floor. Down Rye's Assault Shotgun joined Owl's occasional barks seriously cutting the amount of return fire, suddenly one of those that got behind the table, Vinnie, run behind the Owl and after him up the stairs cradling M4A1 with a grenade attachment. Some of this was explainable but even if they survived and the law caught them with that (if they finally show up), they were so screwed. He mechanically allowed Vinnie to take a better-hidden hatch because his "crazy" alarm told him that the grenade attachment was not only for show. While Vinnie was taking up his position he went down a few steps down and peaked into the room.

Without exposing too much he saw mercs were finally at their optimal position, no more 9 mils were shooting except one behind the table, raising his hands and shooting a few bullets from his and a few from Vinnies. Doubtfully hitting anything but at least making some noise. Owl bled from a graze wound on his temple and his left ear was gone, but rather than worried about that his Seargent-At-Arms looked at him loading another magazine and calmly informed him: "Last one boss." Sheer absurdity wanted to make him laugh but the boys were really giving their all, laughing somehow seemed disrespectful. He and Vinnie were needed, and he prepared to bolt upstairs but was stopped by near-insane laughter of the only man that was not shooting but destroying the marble floor with a hammer. Giving Dan a knowing glance he position himself to blow him away if he turned that hammer on them but the man now started digging with his hand blabbering how his pappi told him where it was but he couldn't remember the correct row in the whole ruckus. Soon all of them there saw the military green of the box and Dan and Owl approached to help, which cut down their firepower he heard Rye curse, and after a brief exchange, they got the situation. Rye was not gonna dance again with the knee wound he just got, mercs approached even more, and there was movement on the balcony that housed the rocket crew. And besides it was heavy, they had no idea what was in the box. Dan gave his second to last orders as Prez of G.O.D. He tilted his head back to Vinnie and told him that if he had "candy" to share it with the third balcony second row to the right and then do a solo number. He hoped man understood since the next rocket will kill the shit out of them no matter what. Some firepower was very welcome. he yelled to Rye to return to Auto, which likely baffled him, and sent Owl to his would-be secret hatch. It looked like a last stand but as the ground shook destroying not only the balcony he specified but 4 adjacent ones, that was followed by longer bursts from above pushing enemies back under the gentle caress of Rye who emptied what he had in two 4 round bursts before turning to his 357 but before he managed to show the power of his revolver Owl's Eagle roared from the hatch that supposed to belong to Dan. Merc tried an orderly retreat, then finally they managed to open the box almost without a word they grabbed the box and sprinted toward the roof... The last order he gave was to finder be the gunner, it was his papies after all, and he'll feed. 5 seconds later M-60 in perfect condition began strafing the yard. They had two belts, around 400 bullets, superior position, there was no orderly retreat, And once the route began massacre followed. Then he heard whining of sirens. Well thanks a lot, officers.


St.Quentin,Rebirth and the Turning


News milked it for all they could. Due to his familial relationship and history, there was pretty much a straight line to the first massacre in Tuscon. All in all 25 mercs died, one can't say we weren't efficient, on our side they killed 15 before they crawled to cover and wounded 8 more. We were off the hook for killings, straightforward self-defense. But when they searched for the property they found many goodies and our lawyer manage to strike some off as unlawfully gained evidence, or something. Enough stuck for 7 years in St. Quentin for me. Poor Vinnie because of that rifle he got it worse than Dan, an entire tenner, Owl, and Rye got off with 5 each. The remainder on account of their wounds and times served barely got 3 each. After the incident with the tin can top (where he discovered that trying to hold your own intestines is akin to holding a bunch of living eels, nearly impossible and very slimy and sticky afterward) and shanking in the showers that nearly cost him a kidney. Dan was removed from Gen Pop after 4 years and spent the remaining three with snitches and pedos. Well, that was the plan anyway After he was caught trying to throw one of the pedos over the fence into Gen Pop, He spent the last year in peace of the hole. Nothing but his thoughts, piss, s*it, and constant screaming. Occasional fire for the sake of variety. Incredibly meditative place.

After he was out, there was no way he was going back to any of the states G.O.D. had even a passing presence, Dan actually went to a state where whether friend or foe it was hardly anyone would even imagine him going...Utah. Found work as a farmhand, and worked on his bike after finishing working the fields. Catching a few hours to just ride. The simple perfection of the boredom got to him in a positive way. For the first time since he was 13, he was able to walk around unarmed and without watching behind his back. For one grand year, Dan experienced normality. And just as it came it vanished never to return. One day, in the late afternoon he was messing with his bike, and first thought the setting sun is playing tricks on him, then Dan thought he was having an acid flashback...because his bike tried to hug him...and Dan hugged it back. For a moment everything went yellow then black, and that black lasted a while. But when he woke up Dan wished to return to black.


One Year Later


He thought he was in Michigan if this map he took from the junked gas station was telling the truth, or if he was reading it correctly. Bikers should not be able to get lost on the freeways or highways. Map or no. It showed how little took for s*it to get sideways in a blink of an eye. Dan leaned against his empty bike, well it wasn't really his and it wasn't much of a bike either. More one of those off-road frames, overhyped teenagers like to jump around in the mud, in some crazy competition to see who'll break the neck first and have a popular video about it. But comparatively, it used little fuel and was able to go through most of the terrain at a decent pace, thanks to being built for maneuverability it could go over, under, or between most obstacles. It served him well for almost two months. But it seemed their time together was coming to an end. He just for the third time rummaged through three stories of the rather small Mall for fuel or anything fuel-like enough to get it moving again. Nothing. There remained a lot of farming equipment and electric appliances, but electric grids were so jealously guarded by various tribes and factions that you'd have an easier go of an army, navy, or even mighty U.S. Marines. Because they were either gone or served new masters now. These were the times of warlords of old, just weapons got shinier. While on the subject of shiny weapons, he was a bit desperate because he was hunted and he was expecting to see one of their Quad Bikes on any side of the Mall. They were likely delayed because they thought he took his off-road thingie and went...well off-road. And he would give these greenhorns a slip as he did so many before them, but they out-resourced him. Not only they had full tanks of gas one time he dared to stop and watched back from the top of a small hill with is one glas binoculars which probably made them oneoculars, monoculars, but he also wasn't really a wordsmith, he saw all quads had two gas cans as the reserve. Whichever group they belonged it was well supplied.

When they ambushed him 4 nights ago, likely they saw just a bit of sport, gray-haired, "Deviant", "Demon" or as more and more called those like him "Condemned". Condemned to what was easy to see if you kept to roads near the cities. People were nailed to the crosses, human remains were in the ashes around a stake, and trees with rotting fruit swinging from the trees. Piles of excrement so tall around the trees that he saw bony hands protruding from some. Dan was on his road to straight and narrow before this happened, he had enough of the "patches" and memories they held inside. But just as he figured he was slowly climbing his way out of Hell. Unfortunately, Hell beat him to the Earth.


They had their Quads parked in bushes and ready to jump forward as soon as they press the red button and he fell to the oldest trick in the book, fake wounded. He instinctively slowed down. Girl in her maybe twenties "Sir, I need help." By that time he was already begun accelerating. He saw people in need of help, they don't talk like that. Too late 4 LED lights blinded him and he heard motors roar behind him too. Boxed in. They were all in the same age bracket. What he supposed was the leader grinned at him "Hungry for some young meat filth?" The girl laughed and slid behind him hugging his neck. "Not now Honey, you were great but we have justice to perform." He knew talking was pointless, still, the leader was likely the oldest and he couldn't be older than 25. "Look son..." the butt of the semiautomatic rifle slammed into his cheek "You speak when we allow getting that?" It was a decent shot, backed up by muscle likely built by sport and good living. This boy thought this was a game. All the trees filled with bodies, some half his age. Killing children, all game. To the kid's credit, he noticed something wrong and began to turn the rifle back from the swing to aim it back at him. Likely unaware that he saw the death of freshly born Daniel Hendrix and the first rustle on the grave of the man with the patches.


Dan handled choppers and violence for over 40 years, then a year of hard physical labor, followed by a year of running. The off-road bike felt like a feather in his hands. Under full acceleration, he slid back and allow the bike to buck up. Slamming the leader with the front tire straight under the left part of the jaw, he flew from the quad like a broken marionette and the driver's jaw gave a satisfying crack. No time to rest on his laurels. In the same half-circle, he got inertia and tires finally biting the road slam handles of the left quad behind him pushing him enough for a nimble Off-road bike to pass through the gap without him before he reached it again, young idiot, formerly behind him on the right squeezed pump action he held even Dan was clearly already off target. Who wasn't, was the girl. Now painfully exposed with her beau gurgling in the snow, a rain of heavy pellets caught her nearly point blank. Dan doubted one missed. All three still mounted boys yelled "Melanie!!!" almost in unison. She was blown back like someone released a tightly wound bungee cord. Boxing in. Maneuvers like that would be hard to pull off for a well-practiced crew, and for safety, only melee weapons were to be used. Because ALL of them were in someone's crossfire, another proof they used these tactics on innocent civilians who would obey likely until they saw the tree with the nooses, or whatever else. For that alone he did not feel an ounce of guilt. And so they played hide and seek for four days now. His clock ran out. Well, the one for hiding run out. He sighed and returned back into Mall not even bothering with hiding the bike. Why would he when he grabbed some rope, Dark red paint, and the axe?

Dan drew his knife and cut the rope in two before leisurely walked among the mannequins in the looted clothes store and found one whose hair roughly resembled late Mellanies, he even managed to scrounge a similar outfit. Then with a pick side of the axe, he made a few holes in the doll's abdomen shoving half of the rope inside and half leaving half sticking out through various holes. He drenched the rope in dark red and the rest of the paint went inside the doll. He heard the sound of motors, he had to finish his arts and crafts project quickly. He cut off a box and then pinned it to the chest of the mutilated mannequin. Then wrote with his fingers "Mellanie is waiting for you" With an arrow pointing left he made a nice noose with the other half of the rope and broke the window above the store sign and unceremoniously hung "Mel", the arrow pointing toward the door. He got out and look up. It looked even better than he hoped, with the night almost there, his faithful small stallion had one last thing to do he propped it up, turned its light, and lifted it up toward Mellanie. Half corpse in patches almost out of the ground looked at it too and chuckled, Dan didn't but did give a satisfied nod and entered the now almost completely dark Mall. He heard motors drawing closer, his play was working, how well remains to be seen. He took stock of his equipment. One standard fire axe, one large hunting knife, and his pride and joy. Also pride and joy of the farmer that gave him work, he used it to chase off coyotes and foxes from the chicken coop. Actual antique First Generation Colt Single Action Army Revolver. While some museum curators would likely have a minor fit at the thought of one of the first-generation "Peacemakers" being used as a chicken protector, Dan himself using




 it for a said purpose quite often was incredibly thankful to the old man, since in that year not only learned the peculiarity of the weapon but practice on such small pray made him quite proficient with it. He also thought him how to manufacture specific munition slightly different than one used by his more famous long-barreled cousin. One had to be precise, especially with the new materials, the wrong amount of stronger powder could irreparably ruin the weapon, or in extreme cases user's hand. Still, while it held only 5 bullets instead of 6 they were powerful .45 caliber. Unfortunately, he didn't have the opportunity to thank the old farmer because by the time he came to and stumbled into the old house still confused and trying to remove the metal that clung to him. He found them like they are resting heads leaning together. He saw the revolver in the man's hand as did the mess of the exit wound on hers. Dan was not, nor is he now religious man and knew next to nothing about the Bible, he didn't even know their denomination. Still, the man took a chance on the ruin of a man as he was, open his home to him, and treated him better than his own father did. He's not ashamed he cried as he dug those graves next one to another. He chose passages from the Bible he heard read to his wife during the long nights without bothering him. He buried the book too between their graves on the place where their hands would meet if they held them together as they then did. The only thing he took that was not his from that house was this gun and the necessary apparatus for making more munition. He hoped when looters inevitably arrive if they find everything intact including money and jewelry they would leave the graves alone. Yet before leaving, he used all the powder he had to make bullets. He didn't know what happened, but he knew it was bad, his scars whispered so. So he had 20 bullets in the pouch and five more in the revolver itself. Now he recognized the noise from the quads approaching soon their powerful lights shone all over the Mall. He near wistfully remembered his last firefight, it began with a shot from a rocket launcher and a charge from an international squad of professional soldiers. Now, he's baiting a bunch of near teens, some maybe teens who while he had no doubt killed people like him, had never been in a shootout before and they will die still not being in one.


The man with patches was finally out of the grave and cracked his old joints, before sliding the knife into its holster on the shoulderblade and revolver into makeshift holster on his thigh, like gunslingers of old. Finally, he slung an axe over his shoulder and started up the stairs as the Quad Bikes came to a revving halt. He ran the last few stairs until he reached the position where he placed a mirror from the suit-trying room so he can observe the proceedings while now standing in a completely dark cabin he even drew the heavy curtain on so he can observe with just one eye. And there was a lot to see and hear, Leader's face was held by some unholy contraption of which he recognized elastic bandage and icepack. The remainder was a mess of various medical equipment, most misused. His face was a nearly unrecognizable swollen mess and while he grunted and pointed seemingly everywhere, his eyes had an odd sheen to them. An overabundance of painkillers without question but that was not all, Dan suspected the man was wracked with fever brought on by improperly treated inflammation. When the pain stopped, Dan could've bet the youth took an out-of-sight-out-mind approach skipping the normal antibiotic course. So now he had a rather more dangerous condition definitely impairing his decision-making skills. The youth that actually shot bosses beau, who now he thought is...was not only Honeypot but also an on-field medic, had a number done on him. His nose was broken, lips busted, and when he opened his mouth there are several teeth missing. However, there was no indication of a fever, he likely took all of his pills like a good boy. However, his mental state was likely a wreck. He won't present too much of an issue.


The last two however were as night and day compared to the damaged minds and bodies of their companions. Not that they were well-oiled professional killing machines, they were still kids with few days of shooting practice behind them. But they were the kind of people Dan called "True Believers" and while he nicked the name from religious zealots, he was still to find any kind of activity that didn't have a share of those. There were people who just wanted to unwind with their friends with a few beers and a pizza over the weekend and watch the game, and they were those who during their workdays spent a considerable portion of their free time pouring over every possible statistic they could find, not about just the oncoming game but entire damn league. They could within seconds tell you how much time the least-known athlete in the least popular team spent on a bench, and how much playing with a non-existing margin of error if they were into sports. They could tell you the polling numbers of the least relevant person to win a position for a most insignificant job in the municipality elections with an already applied margin of error if they were into politics. These two were not here just to have a good time with their friends, they were here because they believed, to the last fiber, in whatever rhetoric their quad-biking group believed in. He saw it from their posture to the looks they occasionally gave the other two. No matter how competent they actually were that made them dangerous. That assessment took him a few seconds, then he was already on the move slipping from behind the curtain and drawing out the old revolver leaving the axe in the booth. The group was dismounting their bikes, and by the time he was at the minimum position from where he could take the shot, they were moving toward the entrance his hand was already extended and tracking the target. Now he was visible too, one just had to look up and away from Mellies effigy. He had seconds before he was about to lose the target, almost surprised himself when he wordlessly mouthed off the prayer to whoever was listening so that thick Mall glass don't mess with the trajectory of the bullet too much. As he was cocking the hammer and pressing the trigger the moment mechanism was able to. Both Foxes and Coyotes got wise to the sound, and the old thing was too unreliable to carry it around cocked and they would bolt as soon as they heard that clicking sound, so he was practiced enough to fire as soon as possible. Revolver clicked and two "True Believers" as one turned and saw him a fraction of the second before left one had the top of his head vanish spraying his closest neighbor with viscera. Two others let out some incomprehensible sounds as they bolted toward the Mall, while a second True Believer let out a short burst from his modified AR-15 at the same time Dan flung himself backward toward the cabinet, bullets showered the ceiling, letting down the rain of plaster. The kid's accuracy lagged behind his belief, still, Dan let out a half-amused snort. They were about to have a shootout after all. "He killed Lonnie man!!!" articulated speech and whining told him that it was a kid who killed the girl, in response came an angry gruntroar from Leader. He used the noise to cock the revolver again without revealing his position, which was behind one of the columns South-East from them. "Shut up! He can hear us." True Believer joined his buddies and while on edge he was noticeably calmer than the other two.

The entrance was filled with broken glass from when looters entered the place as is a lot of floor in general. He will be able to hear them when they enter and if he was able to silently move to the East side of the square column that would allow him to just expose his arm and a bit of head. But in that case one of them would also have just to move East and they would see him. There were whispers down there, too silent for him to hear, but whatever they plan, they will move soon. Likely as soon as that whisper stops. He grits his teeth and takes the weapon to his left hand. He wasn't really ambidextrous, but he shot with his left before. Unfortunately, that was 9 years before. Yet this will give him most of the protection and he knew where they were while they, at best, knew roughly his position. They stopped whispering he take one deep silent breath and stopped breathing slightly opening his mouth. All small tricks he picked up here and there. Both of these made him hear better and hearing will be important very soon. Like...Now!!! The sound of thick fabric suddenly stressed into rapid motion. He flung his arm and his eye left behind the cover pointing down the same second as the first of them stepped onto the glass. He shot and the advancing figure was jerked backward a few steps before splaying on his back. He recocked and tried to zero in on the second when the first spread of pellets showered the column fortunately it hit it squarely if he hit it on the side he'd eat at least a few little buggers. He recognized the second runner as Leader by his misshapen head and loosen another shot burying the bullet into the metal of the cashier line moment before his target flung himself behind it and second shell slammed much closer home actually so close that he was jerked to the left back into cover, which oddly saved his life because second later third shell pulverized corner his head was. He had to move, the cashier line was the nice long cover, and if the leader just popped up and emptied the magazine in his direction. He'd statistically be fu*ked. If his semi was modified too that is. Still, if he was a decent shot, the semi might be worse. One right between his eyes. He assumes if there is Hell, his punishment would be some sermon about Hubris on repeat for all eternity.


Dan fell into a running crouch and advanced deeper into Mall to stay out of shot from bellow still shotgun fire continued to pepper his former shelter until the weapon was empty. By that time he was back at the suit trying cabin checking with what, crazed Melkiller got him since he felt blood falling on his shoulder, which was bleeding itself. To the point he was worried the side of his skull was all open. Still, before he did anything he pulled a rope, that until now showed Mel's effigy and empty quads, turning it until it showed the entrance. His face made a grimace that represented a smile, still, that particular set of muscles wasn't used for more than 20 years so he more looked constipated than like he was smiling. In any case, it evaporated quickly not because the Leader fired off several ineffectual shots in that direction showing the rifle was still S.A.R. but because instead Mellkiller and splayed corpse. It showed Mellkiller helping True Believer take off his jacket, at first he couldn't believe it. Even an old .45 should have gone through a commercially available bulletproof vest, especially with better gunpowder. Damn revolver was famed for its stopping power when combined with the right ammo, and Dan most definitely made the right ammo. Once kids jacket was off two things hit Dan. The first one was that, fortunately, the front layer showed bullet trajectory, and the kid looked slashed from the chest down. He was hit at a fortunate angle and it deflected the bullet downward toward fresh plates. The second thing was, this was no off-the-shelf crap. This more looked like one of the vests he wore during his day, very expensive, and these days not really easy to find. While looking at the mirror Dan automatically reloaded his weapon by sheer muscle memory. Then he remembered the wounds he glanced at his shoulder. He was lucky, he caught three pellets, and two grazed him, about half-ball only made contact in both cases and they were likely what jerked him around since they were in close grouping. He could tell those previous details, the uninitiated would think something took a bite out of his shoulder since they together tore about an inch-wide portion of his flesh. Not too deep though, what will give him grief later was the only one that stuck he didn't have time to check properly but it seemed it hit a bone between his clavicle and shoulder joint and buried itself there between half and third deep. However, what will give him grief now is his ear. That was the last wound, the shot tore the tip-off. Far from life-threatening, but ear wounds tended to bleed like someone had a throat cut. Not ideal in the situation here if discovered by blood trail might kill you quickly.

Both groups licked their wounds and reloaded their weapons, but that couldn't last he had a bandage pack and, some Blood Pads, a pack of tampons, and a small bottle of pure alcohol. He just lightly washed over the shoulder with alcohol, then slapped the blood pad on it and wrapped it with some bandage, and tighten it. It will have to be enough for now. Ear he ignored for now, he couldn't allow resource waste on it he took off his shirt Rippred a long strip, and wrapped it around his forehead twice. It filled up quickly but at least it wasn't dripped and sprayed now. Somewhat embarrassingly kids took care of themselves quicker, likely on account they weren't shot, but they had brake up in communication. The mirror showed True Believer gesturing something to the leader and he either did not understand it or agreed with it. Dan believed they listened to him because he or, more likely his parents bankrolled this operation. Well, he was about to solve that for them. Dumbass hasn't moved like this was his first time in a Mall, regardless of how was it arranged inside the cashier row, usually the exit to the Mall itself is also located to serve the market with perishables. The second and third floors were filled with independent shops usually going all the way around... basically, he was sitting duck from 50% of the upper portion of the area. At first glance. When Dan made a fast two steps toward the fence from the same side he was originally hidden from his buddies by the sister column of those on the second floor and they started now yelling "Up!!! Up!!!" The look on his misshapen face was of such profound bafflement that patched Ghoul actually gave it a hearty laugh but all that was audible was *click* followed by the explosion. Dan returned back behind the column followed by one burst and another cannonade of shotgun pellets until True Beiliver had to actually yell "Stop you're wasting the ammo!!" Dan was at that point already slid back to the second floor and recocked hidden by shotgun fire now again hidden by the curtain he looked and listened.


Melkiller had tears streaking down his cheeks "He killed Melanie!!" he howled as the wounded animal but True Beiliver held his shotgun with one hand and a shoulder with the other "Mel. Mel!! You killed her. That Devil bewitched you and you did it. But you atoned for it and once we banish him to the burning place all Condemned end in, you will be Pure again." It was likely a wonderful spiritual moment between the two of them, unfortunately behind that Dan's brain was buzzing. Mel and Melanie? Could it be? Devils luck? He slightly raised his voice giving it a mocking pitch. "Mel, Mel, Mel! You poor fu*kup have you really killed your sister?" Both of them visibly winced at the sound of Dan's voice, partly surprised, partly because it was so different from the voice of a reasonable older man he portrayed himself to be when they met. And all beautiful soothing things True Believer said were undone Mel wasn't still shooting "It was all you Devil, you bewit..." Dan touted like a parent to a child "Come now, Mel. I was passing you by when you squeezed that trigger. I was right between the two of you and both of you know it. So poetic you were the last one left. Tell me did I get the likeness right on the mannequin, I was limited by both material and time." And off Mel went...with an un-reloaded gun. Although Mel was gone off the deep end now and even with three guns it was game over for him. Three shots he had left he separated into three floors and sides. To give it to old Mel. While first shot just blew one cashier station in front of him. The bullet on the second floor was for Dan's original hiding place, the Eastern column, and after so many shells and bullets it caught, the entire portion where Dan's head would be hidden got vaporized leaving only four mishappen rebars to hold upper part, the third shot just peppered the fence on the third floor, and then the hammer stuck empty. But like trying to will bullets into a rifle Mel was aiming to continue even while True Believer yelled for him to get to cover. By then Dan slid forward on one knee behind the fence on the side opposite the entrance so Mel would shield him a bit from the last survivor. When he rose from the knee after the first hammer struck empty and lined up shot both saw him, True Believer screamed even more aggressively for Mel to get down while Mel actually began to sing something pumping to clear non-existent shell and squeezing the trigger at the same time Dan did. Shotgun did nothing, Revolver gave another bark. Mel was hit in the eye spinning him around like some kind of toy and fell to the side. True Believer opened fire and Dan hit the floor feeling like someone pressed a cigarette to his neck. Then with both feet on the fence, he pushed himself away. Sliding to the wall between two toilets, he touched his neck and felt a nick and actually chuckled. He knew his bike and during this year he had plenty of time to see what at least visible parts were. Unsurprisingly most were aluminum, not really good to protect even against determined stabs, but there was this line on his right, half-plam part on his right knee, his entire right hip, and largest starting few fingers under his shoulder and going up to halfway around his neck. Those were all stainless steel parts of his bike left. This was the first time they saved his life, that bullet this stopped would tear his artery straight out. Unconsciously he patted the half necklace, making a vow to have it repolished at a better time, Dan pushed himself back to the cabin again and watching the kid first time without hiding he opened the loading hatch, loosened the bullet pouch, and began replacing empty cartridges. Kid likewise first checked how much ammo he had in the magazine and placed a fresh in putting the near empty magazine in its place.


When that was over Dan decided its time to end things. He stood up, and that movement drew the kid's attention who snapped with his rifle toward movement, upon noticing it was a mirror, his face twisted in rage "You were watching us." Dan just nodded, half cocking the revolver and spinning the barrel, the sound made the kid look inside briefly. His lip quirks with disgust "As I suspected, Devil spawn could never beat Rightous in the fair fight, that's why he depends on trickery and lies." Dan spits toward the mirror making it seem like he spat at self-righteous youth. "Fair fight? Five 20-somethings attack a 50-year-old who traveled minding his own business. They have numbers, tanks full of gas, and deep reserves on top of it. They are armed and armored with premium stuff. He has a half tank of gas, a hunting knife, a fire axe, and one of the revolvers that won the West, and unfortunately for me, I mean that literally..." He stops playing with the drum and turns it around "...Impressed? This here is an important part of our foundation myth. Also, this is cool." He turns so the kid can see the bottom part of the....well, butt, there was a string of numbers too far to see but Dan kindly reads them for him. "116, well I know it would be cooler if it was among first 100 but still. The actual fun part comes when you figure out that is issued 116 years ago. You will be killed with the 116th Colt SAA on its 116 birthday. I find that very fascinating. It would be more poetic only if you were 20 because that's how many bullets I have left. Nonetheless, they sure did some revising on the word "Fair fight" since the juvie." Youth defiantly juts the jaw forward "Talk, all you want but you won't sway me from my cause Deviant." Dan chuckled "Of course I will, I'm gonna kill ya as soon as talking stops, I already know how. So if I was you I'd talk my ass off." It would appear the nonchalant way he said that started to get to the kid because, for the first time, he stopped and took the time to take in the reflection in the mirror. The old, shirtless, wounded man he saw but now with a mirror illuminated with the quads and Dan catching the glare from the mirror he saw the large faded two-headed Dragon and, from his perspective just word GOD above it. "Are you him? Fallen one? The serpent that entered Eden?" He was breathing faster and began to visibly sweat. Now was Dan's turn to be taken aback and look at the kid better. He thought about roadside crucifixions. Trees were so heavy under the burden of corpses that some of them had to be cut down to make a place for the new batch. Gangs of heavily armed prep school kids, roam the countryside to catch people like him and take them to those trees. 7 years in one of the harshest penitentiaries in the country haven't prepared him for that. The kid was standing still, patiently waiting for the answer. And Dan genuinely smiled at him "You know kid, I reckon I am."

Well, he likely did not have one of those smiles that light the room because True Believer screamed and let out a long burst, destroying the entire window panel, and the mirror was obliterated. The kid screamed a few seconds more after that which helped. It helped because this situation favored the kid, even with everyone else dead. It was 4 days already, whatever coo-coo community they were part of, likely already sent a search party or a few. It was just a matter of time before they stumble upon them, if they had some short-range radios they might already be on the way. If he was to go on the offense. The time was now. And the way was through that mirror and window that helped him so much until now. Finding a way for the kid to shoot it was straightforward, although admittedly it lasted a bit longer, the sheer amount of crazy on display stunned him for a bit. But it was a go time and as soon as the mirror was dust he began his run toward the window cocking the revolver as he did when the shooting stopped he was almost there, he risked three more steps and swan dived through the window. He did it so many times during his life that there was no hesitation. However next part was the first even for his long sordid career and he just had to hope. As soon as his shoulders cleared the window he dropped the gun hand down, almost not worrying about, the inevitable upcoming fall. He had to acquire the target. And although maybe a second passed it seemed like forever. He was now upside down which did not help. The thought started forming Where was little bast... when he registered the movement at the door. The kid actually also decided to go on the offensive and rush through the door into the Mall, the earth was coming toward him fast. Soon he'd have to go into rolling position but due to the kids rushing position headshot was out of the question, he saw only the top bopping up and up and down. He ran out of time, aiming toward True Believer's legs he pulled the trigger, and as soon as the revolver barked he started going into roll on his right shoulder, the one cradled in steel, He still hit harder than expected, if it was bone he wouldn't be able to shoot with either hand. World made a cartwheel having him almost sheer off one of those flimsy trash cans off the lamppost before stopping. The gun direction was optimal, fortunately, because though he made a shot kid was still dragging himself inside, and only a few swimming motions through the glass surface and he'll be able to move right or left and bring his rifle to bear. Unfortunately, Dan now had a very limited number of targets. Left boot soil, right boot soil...and crotch, something the kid realized as soon as he heard, by now, a very familiar *click* of a revolver being cocked as his arm movement became more erratic, at least from what Dan could judge before "old faithful" barked one more time. Details omitted, it was a hit. While he still heard ragged breathing, the movement forward ceased so, Dan took the opportunity to check the practical success of his landing. His shoulder and neck were both sore as hell but had the full range of motion and...that was all. He expected sprained ankle at least but nope. He botched dozen easier ones while he was younger.


Rasp from the door reminds him of unfinished business. He carefully moved forward. When he heard him approach kid turned on his back, Dan saw he wasn't long for this world. Feverish eyes found him, Dan was surprised by the amount of feeling of not hate but betrayal he found there. When he spoke dark blood weeped from the corner of his mouth. "It ain't right...This ain't right at all." Dan shrugged "That entirely depends on the perspective kid. It feels just right to me." True Believer actually chuckled and spat a mouthful of blood with a chunk of something in it, that last shot messed something up inside. Still, Dan paused, he believed in little, but as someone who believed that he won't die in the embrace of a loving family, he believed in the ones right to the last words. As the youth reinvigorated a bit he looked up "You have 18 bullets left." Slightly surprised Dan nodded still waiting. "Two weeks ago I had my 18th birthday, you get your poetic ending after all." The older man stood for a second in silence "Well, thanks for that kindness." Kid leans his head in a mocking bow. *click*  Antique First Generation Colt Single Action Army Revolver No 116 barked the last time for the night. Both No 18's doing their duty remarkably that day.




Original Stat Line:  Str: 10, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Cha: 14

Race Adjusted Stat Line:  Str: 10, Dex: 18, Con: 14, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Cha: 14

Race+ Wrathful Creature Adjusted Stat Line:  Str: 16, Dex: 18, Con: 18, Int: 10, Wis: 14, Cha: 14

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Race: Human                    Age: 36                               Height: 6'1"                         Deity: None

Name: Daniel "Dan" Hendrix                          Gender: Male                           Weight: 250 lb.                    Eyes: Black

Class: Gunslinger (Pistolero)/Brawler                 Alignment: NG                       Size: Medium                        Hair: Gray



Ability Score ModifiersHuman characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at the creation                                                                                              

SizeHumans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Base SpeedHumans have a base speed of 30 feet

LanguagesHumans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic)

Bonus FeatHumans select one extra feat at 1st level

SkilledHumans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Wrathful Creature Ability Increase+6 Strenght
+4 Constitution






  Weapon Proficiency 1-Handed Firearms,all simple weapons plus the handaxe, short sword, and weapons from the close fighter weapon group 

Armor ProficiencyLight Armor and Shields (except tower shields)

 Gun training 1 (Revolver)Starting at 5th level, a gunslinger can select one specific type of firearm (such as an axe musket, blunderbuss, musket, or pistol). She gains a bonus equal to her Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when firing that type of firearm. Furthermore, when she misfires with that type of firearm, the misfire value of that firearm increases by 2 instead of 4. Every four levels thereafter (9th, 13th, and 17th), the gunslinger picks up another type of firearm, gaining these bonuses for those types as well. 

DeedsGunslingers spend grit points to accomplish deeds. Most deeds grant the gunslinger some momentary bonus or effect, but there are some that provide longer-lasting effects. Some deeds stay in effect as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point. The following is the list of base gunslinger deeds. A gunslinger can only perform deeds of her level or lower. Unless otherwise noted, a deed can be performed multiple successive times, as long as the appropriate amount of grit is spent to perform the deed.

Up Close and Deadly (Ex) (Lvl 1 Deed)At 1st level, when the pistolero hits a target with a one-handed firearm that is not making a scatter shot, she can spend 1 grit point to deal 1d6 points of extra damage on a hit. If she misses with the attack, she grazes the target, dealing half the extra damage anyway. This is precision damage and is not multiplied if the attack is a critical hit. This precision damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, to 3d6 at 10th level, to 4d6 at 15th level, and to 5d6 at 20th level.

The cost of using this deed cannot be reduced with the Signature Deed feat, the true grit class feature, or any similar effect. This precision damage stacks with sneak attack and other forms of precision damage.

This deed replaces the deadeye deed.

Gunslinger’s Dodge (Ex) (lvl 1 Deed)At 1st level, the gunslinger gains an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of ranged attacks. When a ranged attack is made against the gunslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the gunslinger a +2 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the gunslinger can drop prone to gain a +4 bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The gunslinger can only perform this deed while wearing medium or light armor, and while carrying no more than a light load..

Quick Clear (Ex) (Lvl 1 Deed)At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gunslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can perform quick clear as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action.

Nimble 1Starting at 2nd level, a gunslinger gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC while wearing light or no armor. Anything that causes the gunslinger to lose her Dexterity bonus to AC also causes the gunslinger to lose this dodge bonus. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd level (to a maximum of +5 at 18th level).

Gunslinger Initiative (Ex) (Lvl 3 Deed)At 3rd level, as long as the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Furthermore, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw a single firearm as part of the initiative check.

Pistol-Whip (Ex) (Lvl 3 Deed)At 3rd level, the gunslinger can make a surprise melee attack with the butt or handle of her firearm as a standard action. When she does, she is considered to be proficient with the firearm as a melee weapon and gains a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the enhancement bonus of the firearm. The damage dealt by the pistol-whip is of the bludgeoning type, and is determined by the size of the firearm. One-handed firearms deal 1d6 points of damage (1d4 if wielded by Small creatures) and two-handed firearms deal 1d10 points of damage (1d8 if wielded by Small creatures). Regardless of the gunslinger’s size, the critical multiplier of this attack is 20/×2. If the attack hits, the gunslinger can make a combat maneuver check to knock the target prone as a free action. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point.

Utility Shot (Ex) Lvl 3 DeedAt 3rd level, if the gunslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can perform all of the following utility shots. Each utility shot can be applied to any single attack with a firearm, but the gunslinger must declare the utility shot she is using before firing the shot.

---Blast Lock: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within the first range increment of her firearm. A Diminutive lock usually has AC 7, and larger locks have a lower AC. The lock gains a bonus to its AC against this attack based on its quality. A simple lock has a +10 bonus to AC, an average lock has a +15 bonus to AC, a good lock has a +20 bonus to AC, and a superior lock has a +30 bonus to AC. Arcane lock grants a +10 bonus to the AC of a lock against this attack. On a hit, the lock is destroyed, and the object can be opened as if it were unlocked. On a miss, the lock is destroyed, but the object is jammed and still considered locked. It can still be unlocked by successfully performing this deed, by using the Disable Device skill, or with the break DC, though the DC for either break or Disable Device or the AC increases by 10. A key, combination, or similar mechanical method of unlocking the lock no longer works, though knock can still be employed to bypass the lock, and the creator of an arcane lock can still bypass the wards of that spell.
---Scoot Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range increment of her firearm. A Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an AC of 11. On a hit, the gunslinger does not damage the object with the shot, but can move it up to 15 feet farther away from the shot’s origin. On a miss, she damages the object normally.
--- Stop Bleeding: The gunslinger makes a firearm attack and then presses the hot barrel against herself or an adjacent creature to staunch a bleeding wound. Instead of dealing damage, the shot ends a single bleed condition affecting the creature. The gunslinger does not have to make an attack roll when performing the deed in this way; she can instead shoot the firearm into the air, but that shot still uses up ammunition normally.

Brawler’s Cunning (Ex)If the brawler’s Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats.

Martial FlexibilityA brawler can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat she doesn’t possess. This effect lasts for 1 minute. The brawler must meet all the feat’s prerequisites. She may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 her brawler level (minimum 1).

The brawler can use this ability again before the duration expires in order to replace the previous combat feat with another choice.

If a combat feat has a daily use limitation (such as Stunning Fist), any uses of that combat feat while using this ability count toward that feat’s daily limit.

At 6th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of two combat feats at the same time. She may select one feat as a swift action or two feats as a move action. She may use one of these feats to meet a prerequisite of the second feat; doing so means that she cannot replace a feat currently fulfilling another’s prerequisite without also replacing those feats that require it. Each individual feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

At 10th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of three combat feats at the same time. She may select one feat as a free action, two feats as a swift action, or three feats as a move action. She may use one of the feats to meet a prerequisite of the second and third feats, and use the second feat to meet a prerequisite of the third feat. Each individual feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

At 12th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of one combat feat as an immediate action or three combat feats as a swift action. Each individual feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

At 20th level, a brawler can use this ability to gain the benefit of any number of combat feats as a swift action. Each feat selected counts toward her daily uses of this ability.

Martial TrainingAt 1st level, a brawler counts her total brawler levels as both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. She also counts as both a fighter and a monk for feats and magic items that have different effects based on whether the character has levels in those classes (such as Stunning Fist and a monk’s robe). This ability does not automatically grant feats normally granted to fighters and monks based on class level, namely Stunning Fist.

Unarmed Strike (1d6)At 1st level, a brawler gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A brawler may attack with fists, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a brawler may make unarmed strikes with her hands full. A brawler applies her full Strength modifier (not half ) on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.

Usually, a brawler’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A brawler’s unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that modify either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

A brawler also deals more damage with her unarmed strikes than others, as shown on Table: Brawler. The unarmed damage values listed on that table are for Medium brawlers. A Small brawler deals less damage than the amount given there with her unarmed attacks, while a Large brawler deals more damage; see the following table.

Blood Feud (Ex)If a wrathful creature kills or entirely eliminates its chosen foe, it loses the benefit of this template. The template is then transferred to the closest blood relative (or friend) of the chosen foe that the wrathful creature killed, destroyed, or used its Worse than Death ability on (see below).

Cold Vengeance (Ex)Wrathful creatures attain a tranquil fury on the far side of rage. Once per day the wrathful creature can gain the benefits of any single barbarian rage power as a free action using its Hit Dice as its barbarian class level without suffering any of the penalties.

Discern Kith (Sp)A wrathful creature often assaults the friends, family, and loved ones of its chosen foe rather than attacking the foe directly.

Most often, the wrathful creature wants the opponent to suffer as the wrathful creature has suffered. Once per day it can learn the names of one of these creatures (GM’s choice), its relationship to the opponent, and can locate this person as a discern location spell.

Disproportionate Retribution (Ex)Once per day, a wrathful creature can, as part of a melee attack action, deal an amount of damage equal to 150% of the amount of damage dealt to the wrathful creature by a single attack within the last round. This ability replaces all damage and effects that would normally occur as part of the wrathful creature’s melee attack.

Taking You With Me (Su)When killed by its chosen foe, a wrathful creature explodes in a blinding flash of fire that deals 5 points of damage per Hit Die (half fire damage, half divine damage) to anything within 10 feet per Hit Die; a successful Reflex Save halves the damage (DC 10 + 1/2 the wrathful creature’s Hit Dice + its Constitution Modifier).

Vengeful List (Su)Sometimes at the time it gains this template, a wrathful creature makes a mental or literal list of those chosen foes against which it has sworn vengeance. If it does this, it gains the benefit of the bane special weapon property against these listed chosen foes. If the wrathful creature’s new CR is 15 or higher, the enhancement bonus of the bane property increases by two and adds an additional +3d6 damage. In addition, if the wrathful creature scores a successful critical hit against the listed chosen foe, that opponent must make a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the wrathful creature’s Hit Dice + its Constitution modifier) or suffer 10 points of damage per Hit Die of the wrathful creature. (This even affects creatures immune to critical hits or death magic.) The wrathful creature does not gain this benefit against chosen foes who are added to this list later; once the list is completed the creature’s vengeance is sated and it loses the benefits of this template (See Blood Feud)

Worse than Death (Su)When a wrathful creature deals damage or creates a spell or effect that would result in its opponent’s death or destruction, it can instead choose to negate that damage, spell or effect. This causes the attack to render the opponent permanently unconscious (the wrathful creature can awaken the creature at will, such as after the wrathful creature has buried its foe alive). It can also leave a vicious scar(s), permanently blinds the opponent (or only take one eye), removes an appendage, and/or permanently suppresses an opponent’s extraordinary, spell, and spell-like abilities (this opponent also cannot activate or use magic items as if it were in an anti-magic shell).

The curse bestowed by this ability cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell. However, this spell must be cast by a divine spellcaster with a caster level greater than the wrathful creature’s CR and whose deity’s portfolio (or ethos) governs the power or nature of mercy.The curse automatically ends if the wrathful creature forgives the opponent.





Improved Unarmed Strike (Bonus)Benefit: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Normal: Without this feat, you are considered unarmed when attacking with an unarmed strike, and you can deal only nonlethal damage with such an attack.

Extra Grit (Human Bonus)Prerequisite: Grit class feature or the Amateur Gunslinger feat.

Benefit: You gain 2 extra grit points at the start of each day, and your maximum grit increases by 2.

Normal: If you are a gunslinger, you gain your Wisdom modifier in grit points at the start of each day, which is also your maximum grit. If you have the Amateur Gunslinger feat, you gain 1 grit point at the start of each day, and your maximum grit is equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Special: If you possess levels in the gunslinger class, you can take this feat multiple times.

Precise Shot (+Point-Blank Shot EiTR)Prerequisite: Point-Blank Shot.

Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Note: Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of each other and either threaten the other.

Deadly Aim (Bonus EiTR)Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1.

Benefit: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Weapon Focus (1-Handed Ranged Weapons)+1 to attack to entire chosen weapon group

(+EiTR bonus)



 Acrobatics  10
 Craft (Firearms)   6
 Intimidate   9
 Knowledge (Engineering)   6
 Perception   8
 Ride  10
 Sense motive   8
 Survival   8



Traits:   Black Powder BravadoYou are particularly successful when using deeds. Once per day, when you perform a deed that requires an attack roll and you miss with that roll, you can reroll it. You must take the second result even if it is worse.  CriminalYou spent your early life robbing and stealing to get by. Select one of the following skills: Disable Device, Intimidate, or Sleight of Hand. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

+1 Intimidate

Equipment: Mithral Chain Shirt (1100 gp), Revolver (400 gp), 1h Sawed-Off (500 gp), Semi-Automatic Pistol (400 gp), Shortsword (10 gp) ,Gunsmith’s Kit (15), .357 x100 (10 gp), 12ga x80 (16 gp), 9mm x 200 (20 gp) Alchemical cartridge, Dragon’s Breath x30 (120 gp), Backpack-weaponrack (25 gp), Gunslinger's kit (26 gp) Semi-Auto Pistol Clip x 5 (100 gp), Bandolier x2 (1 gp)   Remaining cash:257 gp












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  • 3 weeks later...

Unless I missed something, you may have 3 too many skill points allocated.

12 - character level
3 - human (skilled)
3 - class bonus
6 - background skills
24 total?

Everything else looks good. Let me know about the skills and I'll mark your application complete.


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@Eborne1 Fast one eh? Dumber than the first explanation. I had Int Bonus but when I got +1 in Intimidation I moved it to Cha forgoting that has influenced my overall skill number. So originally was 15+3+3+6= 27, but now it is not anymore. At least it's nice and round 3, just bump one skill to 0 and it's fixed. Hmmmm I think I'll need Survival more than Swim in post-apocalypse. Eeeeee presto 24 it is.

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By the way, once my guy inevitably bites the dust one of these is whispering in my ear for the next one. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/46/53/92/465392a9e7b8aa6cf190a6e535acadd2.jpg




Ghoulish-looking former soldier (hence the remnants of the uniform) Now due to staff I'm thinking Gunslinger/ Shaman-Druid (of some swarm kind)-Male Witch (so Warlock I guess technically), Second gang member that got some blood power that made him...unstable a bit. Gunslinger/ Bloodrager-or straight-up Barbarian. Last one. Skin cancer-ridden Gunslinger/Fighter- Magus


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Looks good! I'll mark your application as complete.

The tentative character ideas could also just be the same guy returning from progressively further stages of death, looking worse and worse each time. 🧟‍♂️

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5 hours ago, Eborne1 said:

Looks good! I'll mark your application as complete.

The tentative character ideas could also just be the same guy returning from progressively further stages of death, looking worse and worse each time. 🧟‍♂️

Lol that is kinda morbid 💀 but also a good segway into the next question. When our characters die and say they manage to level up to say 5/3, would the new character continue from 5/3 or jumped back on the hamster wheel (3/1)

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https://i.pinimg.com/564x/06/7b/a2/067ba23acef563371cdbbc7b004d8e13.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5b/74/e4/5b74e405d9ed64fce01587c24f31122f.jpg

O.K. I just wanted to put the last nail in the coffin for those who said there is no 1-handed double barrel, yeah all of these are new but examples exist from 18 century. I placed these pics because they look cool and as the game is in the near future. All these guns exist today

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@Eborne1 Ok, I went over the stuff, removed PBS, and instead took Weapon Focus (pistol). So now Dan has Weapon Focus for Revolvers and Pistols, you were right though no +9, both are +8. As for prices, everything checks out from my side since I have 257 gp left (it's on the sheet), only thing is if I misunderstood somewhere and we don't transfer our starting money in the game in which case I'm short on gold for MW (300 gp) so I'd spend all cash on various ammo so get back to me on that soon since the number of available ammo is like candy not to mention more clips and bandoliers 😂

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So you won't get an extra feat after removing PBS. You already had it logged under Precise Shot. Precise Shot is your feat there, so you have one too many feats now.

You should have:
1- Human (extra Grit)
1- Lvl 1 Bonus (Precise Shot)
1- Lvl 3 Bonus (Weapon Focus - Pistols)
+ Deadly Aim (free)
+ Improved Unarmed Strike (Brawler)

The good news is weapon focus for guns in this game is one of three types: (pistols/revolvers) (rifles) (shotguns)... So you're good with the one for both semi-auto pistols AND revolvers.

As far as money transferring, I'm not sure what you mean. You had 3000gp to spend as you like. Whatever is left over, you can hold onto. If you want to rearrange your items list a bit to make room for a MW upgrade on one of your guns, you're welcome to do so, since it's still basically pregame.

Let me know if I missed anything.

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2 hours ago, Eborne1 said:

So you won't get an extra feat after removing PBS. You already had it logged under Precise Shot. Precise Shot is your feat there, so you have one too many feats now.

You should have:
1- Human (extra Grit)
1- Lvl 1 Bonus (Precise Shot)
1- Lvl 3 Bonus (Weapon Focus - Pistols)
+ Deadly Aim (free)
+ Improved Unarmed Strike (Brawler)

The good news is weapon focus for guns in this game is one of three types: (pistols/revolvers) (rifles) (shotguns)... So you're good with the one for both semi-auto pistols AND revolvers.

As far as money transferring, I'm not sure what you mean. You had 3000gp to spend as you like. Whatever is left over, you can hold onto. If you want to rearrange your items list a bit to make room for a MW upgrade on one of your guns, you're welcome to do so, since it's still basically pregame.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Some GMs don't allow the transfer of funds from character creation in the game, kinda "use it to lose it situation" and I lost a lot of money that way. So now I figure it's always best to ask. Well mechanically comes the same then. I took Weapon Focus Revolvers and Weapon Focus Pistols, so even if I cut one of them They are covered by the same feat Weapon Focus (Pistols Revolvers) I lose just the slot but keep the bonus. Anyway, check it now I believe it's good. I'm actually thinking of buying a few more cli[ps and bandoliers, bandoliers especially since for some reason I thought they keep a lot more shells and bullets than they do. I'm likely to buy more clips so I have 5 total and bandolier for every kind of ammo (so shells, slug dragon breath for sawed-off, and bullets and Dragon Breath for Revolver.

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29 minutes ago, Grudge said:

Some GMs don't allow the transfer of funds from character creation in the game, kinda "use it to lose it situation" and I lost a lot of money that way. So now I figure it's always best to ask.

Fair enough... Your money is yours to do with as you like.


29 minutes ago, Grudge said:

Anyway, check it now I believe it's good.

Just knock that Sawed-Off attack bonus down to a +7 since it's no longer covered by weapon focus.
Everything else looks good.

I'm enjoying Dan's 'over the top', personality. He'll no doubt be fun to watch when the killing starts.

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10 minutes ago, Eborne1 said:

Fair enough... Your money is yours to do with as you like.


Just knock that Sawed-Off attack bonus down to a +7 since it's no longer covered by weapon focus.
Everything else looks good.

I'm enjoying Dan's 'over the top', personality. He'll no doubt be fun to watch when the killing starts.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Shotty in all of this, done. I already imagine him bursting like an overripe melon and others standing about his grave "He was such good...bullet magnet?" and half rotting hand burst from the ground "You bloody disrespectful bastards, I could be a father to half of ya!!!" Everyone else: "God Damn it he's back...again." 😂

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