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Year 2948: Putting down roots


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Idunn had remained silent during the debate between the two lords, listening with great interest, but saying nothing. She could see some merit in the arguments of both Ceawin and Ewald, and did not wish to interfere, for she felt that it was not her place to decide. But she did not need to listen to Mogdred for long to form a strong opinion: not only was he harsh, something which could perhaps be forgiven, given his imprisonment, but there were threats in his words, and this was something Idunn did not appreciate. Many Woodmen seemed to share her opinion.

But when she spoke, she did not challenge Mogdred on his demeanour, nor his ill-concealed attempts at intimidation. It was his competency she wished to cast doubt on.

’You come bearing these 'gifts', but there are many orcs that still dwell in the forest. The Narrows are teeming with them: I saw it with my very own eyes. Countless goblins dwell there, no doubt issuing forth from their stronghold in Fenbridge. How are you to keep these lands safe when there are so many? Those you have slain are but a drop in a great lake.’

[OOC: I'll attempt an Awe check to try to impress Mogdred.]

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’And what would you know of it?’ said Mogdred with disdain. ’Long have we kept their numbers in check: there would be many more if we did not hunt them everywhere we found them. Hard places breed hard men, well-suited for such a grim task, unlike your folk, who are eager to reap the benefits, but unwilling to shoulder the costs. It ends today, one way or another: out task has remained thankless long enough.’

He turned to Ceawin, eager to answer his earlier question. ’My men are unmatched hunters of orcs, far better than any you will find in Mirkwood. But even they cannot be in all places at once. But give us what we ask, and I swear that we will drive the orcs out of Fenbridge, and take their castle for our own.’


As before, you can roll Insight to figure out just how much the Woodmen are against Mogdred. On a success, I'll give you the detailed numeric mechanics.

Even without a roll, it is clear that their overall impression of him is negative. A higher level of success (great / extraordinary) may even give you hints on what sort of arguments would work on Mogdred or the Woodmen (please specify after the great / extraordinary success).

Because of Gramtyng’s inspire, currently Ceawin sees the merit of having Mogdred’s men as allies, and is willing to compromise. You can shift the opinion by providing rolls (e.g. Persuade, Courtesy, etc). Specify the direction in which you are trying to shift opinion (i.e. for or against Mogdred’s proposal).

Each PC can roll only once; after arguments are made, we shall move into the next scene.

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Fundor is surprised by what's happening but he refuses to get involved on other affairs. Still he's involved in the rehabilitation project of the Dwarven Road and in helping Idunn hunting the werewolf. For those tasks, allies are important and needed. Fundor looks at the Woodmen and say "What confidence may someone have in a supposed ally who sell and threaten his assistance to his kin people ?" (Then turning to Mogdred) "If you're Lord Ingomer son, why don't you honour him by joining the Woodmen with no charge ? "

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Despite Mogdred’s arrogant words, Idunn was not dismayed, and she spoke again. But few of the Woodmen heeded her words, for now their attention was focused on the hunters that were by Mogdred’s side: woodmen from Rhosgobel and the other settlements, long thought dead, but now miraculously returned. Many had wives and children and friends amongst those gathered, and they yearned to reunite with their loved ones.

’You make many bold claims,’ Idunn said, ’yet neither your gifts nor your words prove any of them. But you come at a time when there is need for scouts, and hunters, and soldiers.

Lord Ceawin needs men to cut paths through the narrows; the dwarves need skilled scouts to assist them; the Black Tarn needs builders and guards; and we need hunters for the slaying of the werewolf. There are many opportunities to prove yourself, and helping would go a long way towards claiming my folk’s friendship. But cruel words and boasting will get you nowhere.’

[OOC: I’ll invoke forthright to auto-succeed (basic success) at a Persuade check; essentially Idunn wishes to shift the attitude slightly in favour of Mogdred (+1 to attitude), but only if he helps the Woodmen with some of these tasks. Otherwise, her words will have no effect.]

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As the second son of a high ranking family in laketown, Ingi had long been conditioned to be wary of public political declarations so while he followed the discussions, he held his tongue and attempted to gain a better understanding of the suprisingly complex social structures of the woodmen. This meditation was only broken by the need to sooth Munirs agitations when it seemed that the brown wizard was being placed under some minor duress. However the appearance of the riders seemed to catch all, including Ingi, present by surprise and some degree of shock. Ingi hissed at Finn "Do you know of these people or of what they speak ?"

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Relieved of his weapons for the grand meeting, Nori has spent most of the time seated, apparently deep in thought or completely oblivious – depending on your take of the dwarf - as he methodically repairs a chain mail coat. His work is rather quiet, the dwarf mending the rings with a set of metal pliers, specially crafted for his dwarven hands. If he makes any noises, it’s a brief jingle-jangle of the armor as it slides across his lap. Occasionally, he rolls his eyes up without lifting his head to glance out over the crowd as a voice raises in pitch or volume, but the dwarf seems content to remain quiet and seated.

His attention is pulled away from his work, however, when voices begin to erupt in continued, impassioned debate. Leaning back slightly in his chair, his eyes shift between his Rohirrim companion and the elder. It’s not long before more unfamiliar faces join in, including the arrival of the prodigal son. “Well, this just got more interesting…” the dwarf chuckles to himself as Mogdred reveals his identity. Setting the chain mail aside with the pliers on top of it, he gives his hands a rest as they clutch his knees loosely.

Nori intently listens to the remainder of the exchanges between Hartfast, Mogdred, Idunn, Ceawin, and the rest. After Idunn makes her suggestion on the various ‘tasks’ Mogdred could assist with, Nori pushes himself up to a standing position and strolls slowly more into the circle where the discussion is actually taking place. Hooking his thumbs into his belt on either side of his hips, he calls out to Mogdred (or so it seems given his eyes being locked on the man), “She’s right, you know.” Nori tilts his head in Idunn’s direction without removing his eyes from Mogdred. “You don’t seem like a man here to prove yourself, though… and rightfully so. You’ve done quite well on your own. But if you intend to keep up this little war of yours to reclaim Fenbridge, you’re going to need gold. And there’s plenty of it to be had. You’ve heard Sunstead’s willingness to demonstrate its friendship… and I’m sure the Lonely Mountain would pay well to reopen such a vital trade route as the Old Forest Road.” Nori glances briefly over towards King Dain’s emissary with a knowing smile before returning his attention to Mogdred. Nori’s voice seems to take on an easy-going tone as he urges Mogdred, “Not to mention whatever you might find on the orcs and spiders you slay in the process. Just think of the resources you’ll have at your disposal when the dust settles. You can pay for whatever soldiers you need and have whatever armament you need. For some light work and a renewed friendship, you can make your path that much easier.”

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The nerve of this man was amazing. Truly, here was someone more arrogant than even the Marshalls of the Golden Hall. Truly, a miraculous occurance that would have usually humbled Gramtyng and caused him to remember a few choice, barbed pieces of poetry written on the matter in the halls of the Sons of the Mark. But... he was not 'one of their folk' - and he could not mislead Mogred on this, even if he was acting like a petulant child.

"What you speak of, Mogdred son of Ingomer, is an ultimatum. Terms of surrender the victor offers the defeated... Not those he seeks to live side by side with. But I am certain you did not wish to phrase it in that manner. After all, hostilities between the Free People of Middle-Earth will only make the Enemy merry. Besides, nobody would attack a larger force, in whose halls dwells a wizard." He spoke without his usual sarcasm or jaded wit - this was not a time to let his prejudice show or for him to prove he was aptly named. "I can understand your hatred for orcs, but I believe lowering yourself to their level is not the way, instead of decorating your wall with their heads. You hurt your chances for an adequate alliance by persisting being a slaver." He half-turned to look at the sylvan elf in his company - for all his dislike of this man, if he had an elf in his company, he could not have been truly evil. Which meant, he could have been reasoned with. He raised his finger upwards, gesturing as if to illustrate a point.

"...And make no mistake, it WILL be needed. No man, nor host, however mighty, will ever clear Mirkwood of the Shadow, if they are alone. Their numbers are too vast, too spread out. Certainly, such a man would die an honorable death, taking many of the orc filth with him, but... It is not heavy enough mark upon the world. If, on the other hand, a coalition of many stood behind him... of those who truly hate the orcs, then the chances increase by far. Helping those whose foes are also yours is basic strategy, after all. Far more ground will be covered, more eyes, better supply lines. You do not fight this war alone." He looked to the horses of the men Mogdred has brought. "I see among your number a great many riders... and you speak of the domain of Tyrant's Hill. Pray tell, are there Leofrings among you? I do not count myself among the Woodmen, though I am their guest - I am from the fields of the Mark, to the South of here. You call that land Rohan."

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Chapter 7: A night of negotiations



The next scene is free-form; in fact, because I want to wrap up this adventure, I am happy to simply play out the mechanics, while leaving the role-playing details in the background. Of course, if you wish to role-play (especially amongst yourselves), you are free to do so, though I may not have time to give replies of all NPCs in detail.

In this next scene, the PCs may seek to speak to the various Woodmen leaders, as well as other third parties (Amaleoda, Ceowin, Ewald, Mogdred, etc) to help negotiate compromises (or work against such compromises) that will ultimately determine the relationships between the established Woodmen settlements and potential new settlements (Black Tarn Hall, the Sunstead, Tyrant’s Hill).

_Striking a compromise is a prolonged action requiring 3 skill checks at varying TNs. This represents the back-and-forths necessary to establish a compromise that is acceptable to both sides.
_Suggested compromises are given below, but you can also propose your own.
_Each PC is allowed up to 3 skill checks, but not all 3 have to be for the same prolonged action (e.g. you can contribute 1 skill check towards one compromise, and 2 to another, etc). Your PC can team up with other PCs to help each other in each prolonged action.
_Additionally, your PC may work against other PCs to hinder them in seeking a compromise. In that case, their successes are subtracted from those of the compromise-seeking PCs.
_The most appropriate skills to help with seeking compromises are Persuade, Inspire and Courtesy. These three are at TN 14, unless otherwise specified.
_Other skills, namely Awe, Song, and Riddle can help too, but these are less useful, so their TNs are higher, at TN 16, unless otherwise specified.
_Don’t forget your traits, which can grant automatic (basic) successes (but can be used only once in this way).
_Success in all 3 tests for each prolonged action increases the disposition of the two sides by anywhere between +1 to +3. The actual number will be determined by the degree of success of individual skill checks (basic success counts for +1/3, great is +2/3 and extraordinary is +1, round down after totalling). If one or more PCs are working against the compromise, such numbers are similarly deducted (instead of added).
_Because of the highly collaborative nature of seeking such compromises, but the limited number of rolls (3 per PC), you are encouraged to discuss amongst yourselves and strategize about which compromises to pursue, how to team up, etc.

Example: Idunn and Gramtyng team up to seek a compromise between Mogdred and the Woodmen. However, Fundor is against it and will seek to convince the Woodmen that such a compromise is a bad idea.
_Idunn invokes Gruff to convince of the necessity of the compromise (auto-success at Persuade) and then uses Awe twice (TN 16, x 2).
_Gramtyng uses Inspire twice (TN 14, x 2) and Song (TN 16).
_Fundor invokes Cunning for an auto-success in Persuade and then uses Persuade 2 times (TN 14, x 2). Because he speaks against the compromise, his successes will be subtracted from those of Idunn and Gram (-1/3 for basic, -2/3 for great, -1 for extraordinary).

Possible compromises:
1. Ceawin and Ewald:
(a) The Woodmen lean towards accepting Ceawin, but some see the wisdom in Radagast and Ewald’s words. A possible compromise is to demand Ceawin makes Ewald’s offer known to his followers at the East Bight, so that they can choose for themselves whom to follow. Successfully accomplishing this compromise will result in stronger support towards Ceawin from the Woodmen, and Lord Ewald will also provide his help by establishing a small Dalish outpost in the Sunstead; however, Ceawin’s followers may diminish somewhat.
(b) Alternatively, the PCs can ask Bofri to convince Lord Ewald to step down completely, since they do not wish their arrangement with the Woodmen about the Old Forest Road to be compromised.
2. Woodmen and Mogdred: The Woodmen will *not* accept Mogdred’s proposal without some compromise. Possible compromises are as follows:
(a) Mogdred should promise to help with the hunting of the Werewolf. In exchange, the Woodmen villages at the Eaves of Mirkwood will provide some tribute.
(b) Mogdred should help the dwarves with the Old Forest Road. In exchange, Bofri will give him gold. This is more difficult to accomplish, as the dwarves do not like his arrogance, and strongly distrust him (increase all TNs by +2)
(c) Mogdred should help Ceawin cut paths through the Narrows and patrol the forest. In exchange, Ceawin will give him gold. This is easier to accomplish, as Ceawin is eager for alliances (decrease all TNs by 2). However, if Ceawin allies with Mogdred, his support by the Woodmen will be decreased by 2. This may compromise his alliance with them, unless an additional compromise between the Woodmen and Mogdred is struck.
(d) Mogdred should allow the hunters he rescued to return to their homes and families. This is difficult to achieve, as Mogdred made them swear an oath to him, and he is reluctant to dismiss it (increase all TNs by 2). In return, Rhosgobel will allow some of its hunters to join Mogdred (if they want to). If this compromise is successful, raise the overall disposition by an additional +1.
(e) Mogdred should cut his ties with the Toft and stop his orc-slaving trade. In return, Mountain-Hall and Rhosgobel will provide Mogdred with metals and craftsmen for forging weapons, as well as what little gold they have.
(f) Mogdred should allow Woodmen to visit his fortress at Tyrant’s Hill. In return, those amongst the Woodmen who wish may follow him freely. This is difficult to achieve, as Mogdred is reluctant to do so (increase all TNs by 2).

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[OOC: Regarding the mechanics, the rolls provided so far have increased the support of the Woodmen for striking some sort of arrangement with Mogdred, to the point where such support cannot be increased further. The only way to increase it more is to convince Mogdred to strike some compromise (as explained above, in my previous post).

@Diofant: Because of this, there is little point to rolling for the arguments Gram made; however, I still want to provide some reward for your previous post, since it was well written and persuasive. Therefore, feel free to roll one additional success die (d6) on any of your 3 rolls required in the next scene (for seeking compromises). This reflects that all, even Mogdred, see the wisdom of Gram’s words, and this lends more power to Gram’s further arguments.

Below, I will provide a summary of responses to what you guys already posted, especially focusing on Mogdred. However, I greatly encourage you to move along to the next scene; there will be plenty more opportunities to RP with Mogdred and the other NPCs.]


Finn shrugged, and shook his head, for he knew nothing about Mogdred, and the dealings and councils of the Woodmen were as new to him as they were to Ingi. Mogdred was a hard man to like, and Finn was no different than the rest of the Woodmen, who had united in their dislike for the man-though some still thought him worth listening to, for he was the son of Ingomer. When Ingi asked him what he thought of it all, Finn grumbled on about how better it would be if the Woodmen took up Ewald’s offer, for Dale would surely protect these good but simple folk from the threats of ruffians like Mogdred.


The master of Tyrant’s Hill first turned his icy glance to Fundor, directing his attention towards the dwarf. ’No charge? It is not a fee that I seek, master dwarf.’ he said coldly. ’My father abandoned me and others to rot in the dungeons of the Necromancer, but I have not come here to seek an apology, or a compensation. I only wish to parlay and trade. Does Mountain-Hall not trade its metals with the other houses of the Woodmen? Do the folk of Bathi not provide hounds for all the folk in the eaves of Mirkwood, in exchange for their goods and services? Then why should Tyrant’s Hill be different?

For many years we have been hunting orcs, and all who live in this forest have benefited from our deeds. What we ask for in return is precious little for risking our lives in the most dangerous parts of Mirkwood. But view it as trade, if you deem my words too bitter to swallow, and if it helps you see my offer more clearly. I may not be as courteous or as fair-spoken as your folk, but such skills are useless in the pits of Dol Guldur.’


Then Mogdred let Nori speak, and he smiled coldly, for he was content with what he heard. ’Unlike what your cousin implied, we are not mercenaries.’ he finally said to him. ’My men are of the Woodmen, and I am Ingomer’s rightful heir. We deserve a seat in their councils. But your proposal is reasonable, if you are indeed speaking for all your kin. My men would provide the protection your folk seek, if the price were fair.

But know that the deed will not pay itself. There are no great treasures to be found on the corpses of orcs. Crude are their arms and armour, and we have already taken from them all that we could. More precious things may yet lie locked or hidden in the dungeons and towers of Dol Guldur, but only fools would set foot there. It is a haunted place, where many dangers lurk, and many unseen evils still linger there.’


He then turned to Gramtyng and spoke again: ’I like your tone much better now, son of Rohan. But speak to me not of wizards and great armies. If either Radagast or the combined forces of these folk were as strong as you say, then there would be no orcs left for me to hunt. Yet there are many.

Many tales have reached my ears, yet I would be as foolish as a child to believe them. Now I hear of river-maidens and fairies, and that they will protect the Black Tarn. They will do no such thing. I place my trust on cold, hard steel, strong arms to bear it, and loyal hearts to hold men together. These folk would be wise to heed my words, and do the same.’

He turned towards the gathered Woodmen and proclaimed: ’I am Ingomer’s true heir, and I invite all men of such quality to join me. I call for the greatest amongst your hunters: slayers of orcs and spiders, defenders of the free folk of the North. I care not for your past or your station. All men are equal in Tyrant’s Hill.

You too can join me, if you can prove your worth.’ he added, turning back to Gramtyng. ’Perhaps then you can learn more of those you seek. For in my domain there are indeed Leofrings that follow the banner of Tyrant’s Hill, and fight side by side with their Woodmen brothers.’

At those words, the hearts of some young, reckless Woodmen were stirred. These were but a few: a minority of boys, foolhardy and eager to prove themselves, and hungry for great deeds. But in Mogdred they saw a great warrior, a strong leader and an unmatched hunter of orcs.

[OOC: Gramtyng’s words and question unlock a special fellowship undertaking to be taken if an alliance with Mogdred is secured. As Mogdred’s men come from diverse cultures and backgrounds, he is inclusive with those who follow him, and members of the fellowship can also join him in patrolling the woods if Tyrant’s Hill is accepted.]

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Fundor looks at Mogdred with a smirk "Here we are, now I think I better understand you. You're eaten up by anger of those years in the pits of Dol Guldur ! You say that your father abandoned you ? But you know very well that he had absolutely no way, no hope to recover you from that dreadful place. Only the Magicians were able to enter that place some years ago. And I would bet that your father didn't even know that you were still alive. Only anger guide your choices and (turning to the woodmen) anger is often a very bad councellor. Now I let the Woodmen decide of their own affair, still what they showed me since I arrived in Anduin vales has impressed me and I hope they'll do the right choice, whatever it is."

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Gramtyng glared in Fundor's direction but otherwise said nothing. Of course Mogdred was angry - it was a wonder he was even sane, after spending time in the dungeons of the Necromancer. He was acting like an entitled child, it was true - but declaring him to be an enemy over that was equally childish; these were people's lives being decided, and not any place to be emotional. He nodded as he listened to Mogdred - now that he'd calmed, and wasnt showing off, a lot of what he was saying made sense. His temper could be shaped into something to protect, instead of being a destructive force; perhaps age would dull his pain and hate, as well. He was certainly charismatic, even if a lot of it was poorly used.

He grinned at the leader of the riders: "Likewise." He meant the man's tone. "It is true - even accompanied by a wizard, I dont believe we could flush the orcs from Mirkwood with just us. Perhaps it is fortunate that I am an outsider - it gives a better perspective of all of this." He paused for a moment, then spoke carefully: "The Woodmen, as I see it, are trying to survive, to earn their living here. They are not actively attempting to exterminate all orcs - that is closer to a war than what is happening now. They have enough forces to live even here, under the shadow of Dul Guldur. But with the addition of your forces... This is a good chance to stop fighting for the status quo, and aim higher. There, I agree. But I would not underestimate anyone - especially Honored Radagast."

He shook his head when Mogdred spoke of River Maidens and faeries. "I know of no such things... So I cannot vouch for anything other than the strength of my arm, and the sharpness of my mind. But speaking of these things... I will likely take you up on your invitation; I've things to discuss with them. But there is another matter I wanted to bring up to you." He looked at the leader of Tyrant Hill attentively, then back at Idunn, and back to Mogdred: "...There is a beast that stalks these woods. An enormous werewolf, that has claimed a great many lives - all attempts to hunt it have ended in tragedy, and many wish for its blood. It is a powerful, cunning beast that seems as intelligent as us, and many stories speak of its seeming invulnerability." He smiled, his grin turning slightly twisted: "I think its time to put these stories to the test. The beast has harmed those dear to my closest friend, and I gave my oath. It impedes trade and causes untold grief. With the Road being re-established, we need to keep it clear, so the settlements prosper. We were just deciding how to hunt it down... Of course, the glory to be won for slaying such a monster would be... significant, and songs and stories would spread." He as if accidentally shifted the lute on his side. "...Interested?"

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Nori: Convinces Mogdred and Bofri to come to a compromise. Mogdred will provide protection and guidance to the dwarves for scouting and rebuilding the Old Forest Road; in exchange, Bofri will give Mogdred gold. Support added is +2/3 +1/3 +1/3 = 4/3
Fundor: Argues against an alliance with Mogdred. Subtracts -2/3 from Mogdred's support.
Idunn: Convinces Mogdred to cut his ties with the Toft, and stop his orc-trading with them, if he wants to join the Woodmen. Mountain-Hall and Rhosgobel will provide support to Tyrant's Hill in return. Support added is +1/3 +2/3 +1/3 = +4/3.
Gramtyng: Convinces Mogdred to help hunting the Werewolf, in exchange for tribute and potential glory. Support added is +2/3 +1/3 +2/3 = 5/3.
Ingi: Does not involve himself in Woodmen politics (I asked Yelik and she said that's what Ingi would do).

Final results:

_Mogdred's initial support was -2; with the 3 compromises reached, his support increases to -2 + (4-2+4+5)/3 = 1.67 (round down to 1). Because support is now positive, Mogdred's proposal is deemed palatable enough for Tyrant's Hill to be accepted. As you will read later on, there will be an attack of goblins to the Black Tarn, and Mogdred will immediately lend his aid and drive the goblins back. This will increase his support even further, by +1 (for a total of +2).

The alliance means that, over the coming years, Mogdred’s men will help protect the Woodmen’s southern border, but they may sometimes cause trouble. There will be bitter fighting between the Orcs of Fenbridge Castle and the warriors of the Tyrant’s Hill, as Mogdred seeks to capture Fenbridge for his own (to little avail).

_Ceawin's proposal is also accepted, as his support remains unchanged at +3. As a result, over the next few years, Woodmen will move to the Sunstead, and the settlement will become prosperous. Ceawin will independently reach a deal with Mogdred, and Mogdred's men will protect the paths through the Narrows that lead to the East Bight, when they can.

_Lord Ewald's proposal is rejected, and he returns to Dale.

_Amaleoda welcomes any Woodmen who wish to settle by the lake in Black Tarn Hall. Many people from Woodmen-town and Rhosgobel go east to help its building. The Black Tarn eye the folk of Tyrant's Hill suspiciously, and the two houses distrust each other, even after Mogdred's men help protect Amaleoda's village from the orcs and goblins of Mirkwood.

I will provide some narrative to conclude this adventure later on.

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The Woodmen debated back and forth for many hours. The entire affair took up all the night, and most of the day after, as it was difficult to negotiate with Mogdred, but in the end, Ingomer’s firstborn agreed to the Woodmen’s terms, and the Woodmen agreed to his.

Before the council could announce its judgement, the sun had set, and darkness begun to gather again. It was then that ravens came from the forest, messengers for Radagast who warned their master of orcs marching under the cover of the trees, and moving now more openly in the dark towards the Black Tarn. The wizard spoke the language of ravens fluently, and he was able to confirm that these were orcs from the Misty Mountains, the remnants of the forces that had been scattered in the Battle of the Five Armies, as well as forest-goblins, likely the same that the companions had encountered in the Narrows. Quickly, Radagast warned the elders, and started formulating a plan, while Mogdred was glad: for he was eager to prove that his words were no empty boasts, and his blade was thirsty for orc-blood.

But the orcs and the goblins had a head start, and without swift action, it would be too late before any of the Woodmen could reinforce those few that remained at the Black Tarn, whose predicament seemed more dire by the minute. But Radagast knew what to do: he told Mogdred and his men to ready their horses, and brought his own, and prepared to lead them. Though the forest was no place for riding horses, Radagast would concentrate his magic on the path, and would sent forth his messengers the ravens to guide the riders through the safest ways they could find, thus reaching the Black Tarn before the orcs fell upon it. Those amongst the companions who wished to join the wizard could, for Mogdred granted them horses, after Radagast’s insistence. And though none but Gramtyng had ridden before, Radagast cast his spells on the steeds, pacifying them so that they could be ridden even by the least experienced amongst them.

So it was done: the small group, led by Radagast and Mogdred, and accompanied by the Men of Tyrant’s Hill and those amongst the companions who would join, rode hard throughout the night. Many tangled branches and gnarled roots blocked their way, but they seemed to move out of their way as the Brown Wizard passed. The ravens led the way, but they were black as night, and difficult to follow, and when the blackness of the night became impenetrable, fireflies emerged from the forest; at first in few numbers, and then more and more, as Radagast summoned them forth to light their path. At length they arrived at the Black Tarn, weary from their ordeal, but safe, though Radagast himself was spent, and could do naught but retreat to Amaleoda’s Great House and rest.

Quickly, the garrison of the village was warned of the orcs, and most begun evacuating the village, using boats docked on the shores of the lake to travel upstream of the Dusky River, to the more protected Woodmen settlements. But Mogdred and his men yearned to fight, and for many hours they held back the goblins and the orcs, fighting bravely and bitterly, before reinforcements from Rhosgobel could come at daybreak. As the battle drew to its end, the Great House still stood, though it was broken in parts, while other buildings were extensively damaged by the orcs. Of Mogdred’s men, a few lay dead, though their lives cost the enemy dearly: many more orcs and goblins were slain, though some had goblin-arrows buried in their backs, for they were betrayed by their kin as they broke and fled, though what quarrel they had remained an item of speculation for many months after.

Thus the folk-moot came to its end, not with a feast and a celebration, but with a battle. But it was a victory, one brought on by the counsel and magic of Radagast, the bravery and skill of Mogdred’s men, and the help of the companions. And though many pressing duties had to be tended to in the aftermath, a week later the victory was duly celebrated, and the Sunstead, the Tyrant’s Hill and the Black Tarn were proclaimed friends and kin of the Woodmen. The celebration closed with a great song contest, and the folk of Woodmen-town were proclaimed the winners, although Mountain-Hall was a close second.

After much feasting, the Woodmen finally begun to return to their respective towns and villages; the Black Tarn was rebuilt and expanded, and Ceawin returned to the Sunstead glad with the outcome, and begun preparations for the cutting of paths through the narrows.


Details and mechanics

I had initially intended for us to play through this last scene in detail; unfortunately, real life is getting busy, I am also starting to suffer from GM burnout, and I am eager to have the newcomers join us. So I chose to resolve this last scene by narration.
You don’t have to post, but if you want to, then there are many details that were left unspecified so that you can fill them in. Some ideas include:
_Does your PC join Radagast and Mogdred in defending the Black Tarn from the orcs and goblins?
_If yes, then this is probably the first time you ride a horse (unless you are Gramtyng).
_If you are a dwarf, you probably ride at the back of the horse of another companion, as dwarves can’t ride horses, so that’s probably a very unusual / unsettling experience for you.
_If you come, you witness the magic of Radagast, which is not something you see every day.
_Once you arrive at the Black Tarn, do you help evacuate the people there? Do you stay by Radagast’s side, as he is exhausted from the magic and needs your protection? Do you make preparations / fortify your position? Or do you join Mogdred’s men in the actual fighting? Do you kill many orcs / goblins? Do you get hurt in the fighting?
_What about the celebrations afterwards? The companions fail to win the song contest, despite doing really well, so what do you think of that?

In terms of mechanics, the conclusion of this adventure and the beginning of the fellowship phase results in the following:
1. Gain 10 XP. You gain 2 XP more if you write an ‘epilogue’ post for your character, explaining how they spend their fellowship phase.
2. If you stay in Woodmen lands, you may make one bond of friendship with another NPC (see below for rules).
3. You gain some reward from the Woodmen. This is not treasure, but something you can choose from the list I will post below.
4. You can choose two undertakings: a normal one, and a ‘year’s end’ undertaking. These can come from any of the rule books (within reason), but also from those posted below. If you want to do something else, but there is no undertaking for it, then you may contact me and perhaps we can come up with something.
5. For the end of the scene, regain one point of Hope if your fellowship focus survived unscathed (no injuries, miserable, etc), and one more if you did *not* spend your fellowship point (only Gram spent his, so everyone else gets +1 hope from this).
6. You can spend your hard-earned XP / APs as usual.

Please note that some of the specific rules for points 2, 3 and 4 are still under discussion with Diofant – I have already been through some of those with him, but I have not finalized everything yet.

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1. Confer with Radagast the Brown: If you spend your fellowship phase in the Eaves of Mirkwood (Woodmen town, Woodland-Hall, Black Tarn or Rhosgobel) you may gain your next Lore or Explore level at half cost in Advancement points. Or you may gain Beast-lore or Herb-lore as a permanent trait.

2. Compete on the Field of Heroes: Woodmen only. If you spend your fellowship phase in the Eaves of Mirkwood you may roll Athletics, Hunting, Bows or Axe. Success reduces cost of increasing Standing by 3, great success by 6, extraordinary success by 12.

3. Enter Wuduseld: If you spend your fellowship phase in the Eaves of Mirkwood you gain the benefits of the Old-lore trait for the next Adventuring phase. If you already have Old-lore, gain two benefits from invocation.

4. Go Hunting with the Woodmen: If you spend your fellowship phase in the Eaves of Mirkwood you may hunt with the Woodmen. When a companion chooses this undertaking, he first makes a Hunting test, followed by a roll on the table below. This second roll is modified by +1 if the hero possesses the Beast-lore speciality, +2 if the Hunting roll was a great success, +4 if the Hunting roll was an extraordinary success.
Gandalf (12): Choose any one result except A Stag, or roll again.
1: Nothing Useful! If you are a Woodman, reduce your Standing rating by 1 point for the duration of the next Adventuring Phase.
2-3: Nuts and Berries: The character fails to catch anything worthy of telling, but collects plenty of food for the Woodmen. If you are a Woodman, raise your Standing rating by 1 point for the duration of the next Adventuring Phase.
4-5: Good Hunt: Gain an Advancement point in the Survival skill group.
6-7: Great Hunt: Gain one Advancement point each in the Movement and Survival skill groups.
8-9: A Mighty Boar: You brought home a fat forest boar, and everyone feasts! Gain 1 Experience point.
10: A Stag: You brought down one of the fabled stags of Mirkwood. Recover 1 point of Hope and gain 1 Experience point.
Sauron (11): Mirkwood Dark: You wander into a dangerous region of the forest, and gain 1 Shadow point.

5. Patrol the Wild: Only if you spend your fellowship phase in the Eaves of Mirkwood. Gain benefits of Mirkwood-lore for next Adventuring phase. If you already have Mirkwood-lore, gain two benefits from invocation.

6. Visit the Kingstone: Rhosgobel and Black Tarn Hall only. First time, recover 3 points of Hope. Subsequent times gain 1 Hope.

7. Go orc-hunting with Mogdred and his men: End of year fellowship phase only. Must be near the Narrows (e.g. eaves of Mirkwood, Rhosgobel, Black Tarn, etc). Must have spoken in favour of a compromise between Mogdred and the Woodmen during the Adventuring phase.
You join Mogdred and his men in his hunting excursions in the narrows, seeking orcs to slay and fighting them wherever you can find them. You witness many dark deeds, for the Men of Tyrant's Hill are hardened, cynical and ruthless, but you also learn much form these veterans.
First, make a Battle roll. Then, roll a feat die (d12) and consult the table below. Add 1, 2, or 3 to the result if your Battle roll was a success / great success / extraordinary success. (Note: you cannot obtain an 11 (Sauron) or a 12 (Gandalf) by adding this number; the maximum result with adding is 10.
Feat die results:
1-2: Gain 1 temporary Shadow and 1 XP.
3-4: Gain 2 temporary Shadow and 2 XP.
5-6: Gain 3 temporary Shadow and 3 XP.
7-8: Gain 4 temporary Shadow and 4 XP.
9-10: Gain 5 temporary Shadow and 5 XP.
Sauron (11): Gain x temporary Shadow and x XP, but also lose x Hope (x=1-5, your choice).
Gandalf (12): Gain x temporary Shadow and x XP (x=1-5, your choice). Alternatively, you gain the Hardened trait (your choice).

8. Join Bofri's scouting mission: End of year fellowship phase only. Must be near Rhosgobel or the Black Tarn.
Roll Explore. You gain 10 Treasure points on a failure, 12 on a success, 14 on a great success, and 16 on an extraordinary success.

9. Rebuild the Black Tarn: End of year fellowship phase only. Must be in the Black Tarn.
The companion can help repair, rebuild and expand the village of the Black Tarn. The companion should roll Craft.
Choosing this undertaking has several effects:
(a) The companion receives the Black Tarn as a sanctuary.
(b) If the companion is not a Woodman, he becomes a hero of the Woodmen (same benefits as 'receive title' undertaking).
(c) The companion heals corruption, reducing his temporary shadow by 2, 4 or 6 points for a normal / great / extraordinary success on the Craft check.
(d) The companion receives a Holding in the Black Tarn; the size and rating of the holding depend on the Craft check (on a fail, the holding rating is 9; on a success, it's 8; and on a great / extraordinary success it is 7).
(e) Finally, the companion gets to place his holding on the map of Black Tarn Hall village.

10. Gain a holding in Mountain-Hall (Fundor only): End of year fellowship phase only. Must be in Mountain-Hall. Hartfast awards Fundor a Holding in Firienseld (Mountain-Hall): a small mine in the Misty Mountains (holding rating 8). In exchange, Fundor must train a few folk of Mountain-Hall how to mine and craft. Hartfast also promises to support Bofri's mission.

11. Learn the speech of ravens (Ingi only): Year's end fellowship phase. Rhosgobel and Black Tarn only. Radagast teaches Ingi much more about the speech of birds, and especially ravens. As a result, Ingi:
(a) Understands the speech of Munir, his raven companion, very well. Munir essentially becomes a secondary, minor character under Yelik's control, to be used to embellish the narrative;
(b) Gains Raven-speech, a limited, situational trait that can be invoked when communicating with ravens;
(c) Learns to communicate with birds more effectively, essentially lowering the Song / Riddle TNs to communicate with any bird by one level (e.g. a TN 14 becomes a 12, and so on).

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Friendships and bonds

Iif your character spends the fellowship phase in the lands of the forest-dwelling Woodmen (i.e. anywhere in the Western Eaves of Mirkwood; all major settlements except Mountain-Hall apply), they may (if they want) create a bond of friendship with an NPC that is sympathetic to their cause, and will aid them in the hunting of the Werewolf (see The Hunters, below). Your character regains one point of Hope.

In addition, your character may teach the NPC something unique to them (e.g. Gramtyng could teach horse-riding, provided he has a horse, Ingi could teach water-craft or boat-building, provided he is close to water, etc). In return, the NPC will teach you something they are skilled at.

Check the Common Skill associated with the NPC (mouse over the name). You receive 2, 4 or 6 free advancement points that can only be spent for improving that specific skill (your choice regarding the number). They do not have to be used immediately. Make a note of them seperately from other advancement points on your character sheet, if you plan on using them later.

However, if some misfortune befalls this NPC, your character immediately gains 1, 2 or 3 temporary Shadow points. The exact number depends on the strength of your friendship (1 shadow for receiving 2 APs, 2 for 4 APs and 3 for 6 APs). Your PC is also obliged to help their NPC friend if they need their aid for something important (otherwise, they break their friendship, and your PC gains the appropriate number (1-3) of Shadow points). Write down this information in your character sheet, for future reference.

Example: Idunn develops a friendship with Borin, son of Dorin, of the Grey Mountains. She regains a point of Hope. She shows him how to travel and hunt in Mirkwood and, in exchange, Borin teaches her how to make compelling, persuasive arguments. She gains 6 APs to be spent in improving Persuade only. She chooses to upgrade Persuade from 0 (her current score) to 2, paying the 6 APs from Borin, plus 6 more from her pool of 'normal' APs, gained during the Adventuring Phase. If she wanted to, she could have upgraded Persuade to 1, and save the 2 Persuade-specific APs for later.

However, if at any point during the story, something bad happens to Borin (death, significant misfortune, important loss), Idunn will gain 3 temporary Shadow Points as soon as she hears of it, and Idunn should try to help Borin when he needs her help.

The hunters of Black Tarn Hall


Wulfred, son of Hartfast, of Mountain-HallSkill: Explore
Evoric the hunter, of Black Tarn HallSkill: Hunting
Fareth, scout of the Southern wildsSkill: Stealth
Cilderic the Wanderer, scout of the Southern wildsSkill: Search
Dwalin of EreborSkill: Craft
Regin of EreborSkill: Riddle
Borin of the Grey MountainsSkill: Persuade
Banna of RhosgobelSkill: Travel
Beran the watchful, warden of RhosgobelSkill: Inspire
Gailar the healer, of Woodmen-townSkill: Healing
Asfrid the sell-sword, of EsgarothSkill: Athletics
Baldac the strong-headed, of WuduseldSkill: Awareness
Frideger the old, of Woodmen-townSkill: Battle
Ragnacar the turncoat, of Tyrant's HillSkill: Awe


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