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Return of the Dragons, Part 1: Mothers in Arms - IC

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Music: Bannerlord - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

East Farlsmark


After a restful and refreshing night, the party rose in the morning and reconvened in Duchess Wolfine's mansion to plan the next phase of their quest. To reiterate, their objective is to convince Duchess Djurgurn, the ruler of Zana's Host, to side with Duchess Wolfine in the upcoming vote to repeal the Gavstorian trade policies. To do this, they will have to uncover any Gavstorian intimidation operations targeting Djurgurn and wipe them out. They may expect indirect political support from Wolfine, but officially speaking, they are independent agents.

They can depart for Zana's Host right away, or they could spend a little more time in Farlsmark, if they believe there may be something useful for them here. Considering their proximity to Gavstor-held Amostiv, extra caution will need to be taken from here on out. It is no exaggeration to say that several members of the party have gained quite the notoriety among the dwarf clan...

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • GuideIn charge of all decisions concerning route, rest, and supplies. Guides rely on Survival and Knowledge (geography).: Cyris
  • ScoutIn charge of setting up camp, opening new trails. Scouts rely on Hide, Move Silently, and Search.: Lilith & Noran
  • HunterIn charge of finding food in the wild. Hunters rely on Survival and Knowledge (nature).: Nhezi
  • Look-outIn charge of keeping watch. Look-outs rely on Spot and Listen.: Daryl 

Party Conditions


Roll20 Map

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant


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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant

Concentration: n/a

Noran hops from his bed with intense energy and purpose. He quickly performs his morning hygiene and grooming rituals, he stares into the mirror as he ensures each strand of hair is properly placed, and each pleat of his robes is sharply creased. Finally satisfied that every facet of his appearance is perfect, he smiles at himself and nods, turning slowly in place so as admire the totality of his handiwork.


Then he sighs heavily, as he watches a handful of minor wrinkles creep out from the corners of his eyes, his aging continues as the lower lids puff and sag while a few tiny blemishes emerge on his cheeks and forehead. His clothes become muted, still of quality make, but far less opulent, resembling those of the many merchants he interacted with yesterday.


Transformation complete, he gathers his belongings and slides quietly out into the hall to rejoin the others. "So. What's the plan then? It appears our destiny lies moreso in Zana's host. But, the question becomes, are we to ingratiate ourselves first with the venerable Madame Djergurn herself, or probe about amongst the masses."


Asssume new disguise


d20 Rerolls (1)

Edited by HydroGuy (see edit history)
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Mini StatblockSheet https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=853532
Stone Glimpse 


Nhezi El-Rhaki
Female N Medusa Gestalt, Level 8, Init 4, HP 88/88, Speed 20
AC 28, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, Fort 11, Ref 10, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Large Silver Large Morningstar +8/+3 (2d6, x2)
+1 Magical +1 Darkwood Greatclub +9/+4 (1d10+2, x2)
+2 Mithril Fullplate of Acid Resistance, Heavy Wooden (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Condition None

Nhez rises and immediately preys to Obad-Hai for her daily blessings, once done she takes care to wash and dress. Getting to the breakfast table she eats in moderation and then replies to Noran's question "my choice would be to deal with Madame Djergurn first" she says.

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Daryl prepares for the adventure ahead - ensuring his blade is sharpened, his armor oiled, his words honeyed. He joins the others for breakfast.

"Do we expect that this ingratiation will go smoother as guests sent from Zana's host, or would dirt on her clan help us further?", he inquires, considering the ways this could go.

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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant

Concentration: n/a

"One must remember! There is to be no connection, real or perceived, between ourselves, our actions, and our most gracious host. So... If we intend to go straight to Madame Djergurn herself, we will need a plausible cover story for why we are there."




d20 Rerolls (1)

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Music: Bannerlord - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

East Farlsmark


It seems that the party intends to keep to high society with their investigation. There is still the matter of a cover story to be considered, however. Still, there is plenty of time to work something out. They have 100 miles to cross, meaning on foot it will take them approximately three days to reach their destination if they travel by road. If they instead wish to go cross-country, it will take five days. If they instead wish to go on horseback on the road, the can get to Zana's Host in just about a day and a half.

Of course, this is a large city with no small amount of magic present. Perhaps they can find someone who can transport them faster?

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • GuideIn charge of all decisions concerning route, rest, and supplies. Guides rely on Survival and Knowledge (geography).: Cyris
  • ScoutIn charge of setting up camp, opening new trails. Scouts rely on Hide, Move Silently, and Search.: Lilith & Noran
  • HunterIn charge of finding food in the wild. Hunters rely on Survival and Knowledge (nature).: Nhezi
  • Look-outIn charge of keeping watch. Look-outs rely on Spot and Listen.: Daryl

Party Conditions: None

Roll20 Map

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

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  • 2 weeks later...

Music: Quest For A Cure - Baldur's Gate 3

East Farlsmark


Supplied with horses and provisions for the road, the party made their way back through Farlstead, their choice of clothing now blending in much better with the locals. Cyrus was given another one-use only portal to the outskirts of the city, if he did not want to try disguising himself under a very large cloak. While the party did feel eyes on them as they passed along the cobble streets, they didn't sense it was any more or less than what all the half-elf natives experienced. The guards were on high alert in preparation for the arrival of the Gavstorian emissary, along with the other duchesses. Whatever happens now, the city will not sleep peacefully for many days to come.

This dreadful sense of fate, however, does not deter our band of heroes. Rather, as they ride through the gates of the city on horseback, they do so with light hearts and a sense of hope. A sense of determination radiates from them like sunlight, such that no matter what challenges they face, they believe with all their hearts can overcome them together. Perhaps this was due to sleeping in a comfortable bed last night, or eating a full, warm, freshly cooked meal as opposed to trail rations. Or, perhaps it is support from their patron, Prince Belregar, being felt in unseen ways from afar. The answer to many prayers now relies on the deeds of this band of adventurers.


Keeping to the road, the party estimates that they will arrive at Zana's Host in around two and a half days, assuming no delays. Having dressed themselves to appear like the Farlings, there is a chance they will slip right under Gavstor's nose. Being this close to the border of conquered Amostiv, they will almost certainly have eyes on the road between Farlstead and Zana's Host for anything suspicious. Whether or not the party can avoid them remains to be seen.

The first day of travel passes without much issue. Unlike the eastern road, which occasionally revealed clumps of ancient stone bricks and has likely existed since long before anyone in the party was born, the north road appears much more recent. It is a dirt path, but well-trodden. Wagons, horses, and other overland methods of transportation are easily able to follow it, though every now and then, it is interrupted by a number of tributary streams that feed into the larger river that marks the border between Farlsmark and Amostiv. While most of these are shallow enough to cross on foot, several require major stone bridges to overcome.

On the second day of travel, however, they encounter one such tributary that is not so generous. Likely as a result of the torrential downpour that harried the party's previous journey, one of the shallow crossings has grown into a fast-flowing stream. Raised to almost waist-high for the average human, it will take some effort to ford the crossing while keeping their horses in good condition, if not losing them entirely.

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl

Party Conditions: Hopeful Hearts and Clear PurposeEach PC in the party gains a +4 bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks made during the Journey. If a PC fails a skill check during the Journey, this bonus is lost.

Roll20 Map

OOC: For such a high result on the party's Embarkation roll, everyone gains a +4 bonus to all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks made during the Journey. This bonus can be lost by each person individually if they fail a skill check before the Journey's completion.

You have encountered a dangerous crossing! There are several ways you can attempt to get your horses from this side to the other:

  1. Each hero must roll either Handle Animal or Swim checks to effectively guide their horses through the steam.
  2. The Guide (Cyrus) can roll a Knowledge (geography) check to determine a safer place to cross.
  3. If the party wishes to use spells to aid them, describe how you do so. Just remember you won't be able to recover your spells until you take a long rest in a safe place, such as an inn located at your destination.

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
Embarkation Roll
1d12+2-1 10
Number of Journey Events (1d2)
1d4/2 3
Journey Event #1
1d12 3
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Mini StatblockSheet https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=853532
Stone Glimpse 


Nhezi El-Rhaki
Female N Medusa Gestalt, Level 8, Init 4, HP 88/88, Speed 20
AC 28, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, Fort 11, Ref 10, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Large Silver Large Morningstar +8/+3 (2d6, x2)
+1 Magical +1 Darkwood Greatclub +9/+4 (1d10+2, x2)
+2 Mithril Fullplate of Acid Resistance, Heavy Wooden (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Condition None

Nhez looks at the river and then says "I can cast a spell that will allow us to walk on the water as though it is a solid surface, we may need to relax the animals though as it might spook them a little. It is either that or I can cast Air Walk which will do the same to the air, again they might need some coaxing" she says now looking at the others.

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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant

Concentration: n/a

Noran nods in agreement at Nhezis suggestion. "Yes. Well, if you can facilitate the physical nature of the crossing. I can ease the beasts' minds." He gestures toward the torrent, building a sturdy bridge, complete with high walls, just inches above the ripples.


He grunts and gives a sly smirk. "It's not real... Obviously... But I doubt they will be able to tell the difference. Nevertheless, do try to keep them centered, no need to give them additional reasons for disbelief."


Standard: Cast Silent Image (Will DC17) to create a fake bridge that looks similar to ones we've already crossed.

Max size is eleven 10' cubes, positioned as close to the surface of the water as possible to minimize "stepping through it" while we walk on the water.


d20 Rerolls (1)

+4 Atk, Save, Skill until failed skill check

Yeah... Even with the boost, I don't like my odds on any of those particular skill checks. 😅 I'm down with magic-ing our way across.

Edited by HydroGuy (see edit history)
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[floatright][img]https://www.myth-weavers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=104820[/img][/floatright] Cyrus had been glad he didn't need to wear a cloak over his wings in the morning, thanking the half-elves once again for their generosity. On the road he kept pace with his companion's horses, pointing out the occasional obstacle to avoid on horseback. At the river he resists the urge to just fly over, and tries to help the others in their endeavor. [spoiler=Crunch]So at a +2 I don't think it's worth burning that check bonus. Instead he'll be reqdy to cast Calm Animals in case it looks like any are going to/are panicking. Don't think it'll help pre-panic, but if it will, he'll cast it now.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Current Statblock][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=803094][color=forestgreen][b][size=+1]Cyrus[/size][/b][/color][/url] [b]Medium Fey[/b] [b]Hit Points/Dice:[/b] 86 / 2d8 + 7d10 [b]Initiative:[/b] [ooc=+6]+5 Dex, +1 Battle Fortitude[/ooc] [b]Speed:[/b] [ooc=60]30 ft. Base, +10 ft. Quick, +10 ft. Enhancement (Fast Movement), +10 ft. Dark Template[/ooc] ft. (12 squares), Fly [ooc=130]120 ft. Double Base, +10 ft. Dark Template[/ooc] ft. (26 squares) [b]Armor Class:[/b] [ooc=19]+5 Dex, +4 armor[/ooc], touch [ooc=15]+5 Dex[/ooc], flat-footed [ooc=14]+4 armor[/ooc] [b]Base Attack/Grapple:[/b] +9/[ooc=+9]+9 BAB, +0 Str[/ooc] [b]Attack:[/b]+2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+15]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+11/+11]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -4 Manyshot[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+9/+9/+9]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -6 Manyshot[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Blade [ooc=+11]+9 BAB, +2 Enhancement[/ooc] melee (1d8+2) [b]Full Attack:[/b] +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+15/+10]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+13/+13/+8]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+11/+11/+11/+6]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot, -2 Two-Weapon Fighting[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+8/+8/+8/+8/+3]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot, -5 Arrow Swarm[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow [ooc=+6/+6/+6/+6/+6/+1]+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot, -2 Two-Weapon Fighting, -5 Arrow Swarm[/ooc] ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Blade [ooc=+11/+6]+9 BAB, +2 Enhancement[/ooc] melee (1d8+2) [b]Space/Reach:[/b] 5 ft./5 ft. [b]Special Attacks:[/b] [ooc=Spell-Like Abilities]A half-fey with Wisdom or Charisma of 8 or higher (after the ability score adjustments noted below) gains spell-like abilities, using its Hit Dice as its caster level. The table below lists the abilities available. These abilities are cumulative; a half-fey with 3 HD can use the abilities on the 1–2 HD row on the table as well as those on the 3–4 HD row. When a half-fey gets a choice between two abilities (such as faerie fire or glitterdust at 1–2 HD), it can choose anew between these abilities each day.[table=2,11][r=1,1][b]HD[/b][r=2,1][b]Abilities[/b][r=1,2]1--2[r=2,2]Charm person at will, hypnotism 1/day, faerie fire or glitterdust 1/day[r=1,3]3--4[r=2,3]Detect law 3/day, sleep or enthrall 1/day[r=1,4]5--6[r=2,4]Protection from law 3/day, Tasha'a hideous laughter or suggestion 1/day[r=1,5]7--8[r=2,5]Confusion or emotion 1/day[r=1,6]9--10[r=2,6]Eyebite or lesser geas 1/day[r=1,7]11--12[r=2,7]Dominate person or hold monster 1/day[r=1,8]13--14[r=2,8]Mass invisibility 1/day[r=1,9]15--16[r=2,9]Geas/quest or mass suggestion 1/day[r=1,10]17--18[r=2,10]Insanity or mass charm 1/day[r=1,11]19+[r=2,11]Otto's irresistible dance 1/day[/table][/ooc] [b]Special Qualities:[/b] [ooc=Half-Fey Traits]“Half-fey” is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The creature’s type changes to fey. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Hit Dice: Change to d6. Speed: All half-fey have butterflylike wings unless the base creature has wings already. A half-fey that did not already have wings gains a fly speed equal to twice the base creature’s fastest mode of movement, with good maneuverability. Special Qualities: Half-fey have low-light vision and are immune to enchantment spells and effects. Abilities: Adjust from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Con –2, Wis +2, Cha +4. Skills: A half-fey has skill points equal to (6 + its Int modifier) × (its Hit Dice + 3). Treat skills possessed by the base creature as class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1. Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2. Alignment: Usually chaotic (any).[/ooc], [ooc=Arrow Swarm]Arrow Swarm By taking a -5 penalty to all attack rolls for a round, the targetteer may make two additional ranged attacks at his highest attack bonus. The targetteer must have the Rapid Shot feat to take this ability and must be making a full attack to make use of Arrow Swarm.[/ooc], [ooc=+2 Mind Blade]Mind Blade (Su) As a move action, a soulknife can create a semisolid blade composed of psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The blade is identical in all ways (except visually) to a short sword of a size appropriate for its wielder. For instance, a Medium soulknife materializes a Medium mind blade that he can wield as a light weapon, and the blade deals 1d6 points of damage (crit 19-20/x2). Soulknives who are smaller or larger than Medium create mind blades identical to short swords appropriate for their size, with a corresponding change to the blade’s damage. The wielder of a mind blade gains the usual benefits to his attack roll and damage roll from a high Strength bonus. The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a soulknife can simply create another on his next move action. The moment he relinquishes his grip on his blade, it dissipates (unless he intends to throw it; see below). A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A soulknife can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat Expertise in conjunction with the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon. He can also choose mind blade for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade. A soulknife’s mind blade improves as the character gains higher levels. At 2nd level and every even levels thereafter, the mind blade gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 6th level, +4 at 8th level, and +5 at 10th level). Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain his mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the soulknife maintains his mind blade for a number of rounds equal to his class level before he needs to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes. As a move action on his turn, the soulknife can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize his mind blade while he remains within the psionics negating effect.[/ooc], [ooc=Throw Mind Blade]Throw Mind Blade (Ex) A soul knife of 1st level or higher can throw his mind blade as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 30 feet. Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates. A soulknife of 3rd level or higher can make a psychic strike (see below) with a thrown mind blade and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities (such as Knife to the Soul; see below).[/ooc], [ooc=Shape Mind Blade]Shape Mind Blade (Su) At 2nd level, a soulknife gains the ability to change the form of his mind blade. As a full round action, he can change his mind blade to replicate a longsword (damage 1d8 for a Medium weapon wielded as a one-handed weapon) or a bastard sword (damage 1d10 for a Medium weapon, but he must wield it as a two-handed weapon unless he knows the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat). If a soulknife shapes his mind blade into the form of a bastard sword and wields it two-handed, he adds 1-1/2 times his Strength bonus to his damage rolls, just like when using any other two-handed weapon. Alternatively, a soulknife can split his mind blade into two identical short swords, suitable for fighting with a weapon in each hand. (The normal penalties for fighting with two weapons apply.) However, both mind blades have an enhancement bonus 1 lower than the soulknife would otherwise create with a single mind blade.[/ooc], [ooc=+2 Mind Arrow]Mind Arrow (Su) As a free action, you can create a semisolid arrow composed of psychic energy distilled from your mind. If your base attack bonus is high enough to grant you multiple attacks, you can create multiple mind arrows as part of an attack. You must have one hand free to create and project a mind arrow. The bolt is identical in all ways (except visually) to an arrow shot from a composite longbow. For instance, a Medium soulbow materializes an arrow that speeds toward the specified target, and if it hits, deals 1d8 points of damage (crit ×3) plus extra damage equal to the soulbow's Wisdom modifer. Soulbows who are smaller or larger than Medium create mind arrows identical to arrows shot from composite longbows appropriate for their size, with a corresponding change to the arrow's damage (see Table 7–4 and Table 7–5 in the Player's Handbook). You gain the usual benefit to your attack roll from a high Dexterity bonus. Whether a mind arrow hits or misses, it dissipates 1 round after being shot. A mind arrow is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A mind arrow can be charged with a psychic strike as if it were a mind blade. If a soulbow has enough soulknife levels to have the knife to the soul ability, that ability also applies to her mind arrows. You can use feats such as Point Blank Shot or Precise Shot in conjunction with a mind arrow (see bonus feats provided by the class for further guidance). You can also choose mind arrow for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade. Any feats previously requiring specific weapon choice (such as Weapon Specialization) for your mind blade also apply to your mind arrow, if applicable. Your mind arrows improve as you gain higher levels. At 3rd level, a mind arrow gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, and at 7th level the bonus improves to +2. These enhancement bonuses stack with previous enhancement bonuses gained earlier for your soulknife class levels. Likewise, these enhancement bonuses also improve your soulknife base attack bonus. If your return to your soulknife class progression, these mind arrow enhancement bonuses on attack and damage are cumulative bonuses on top of any new enhancement bonuses gained, and they benefit both your mind blade and mind arrows. Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), you can attempt to attack foes with mind arrows by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, you can freely produce mind arrows for a number of rounds equal to your class level before you need to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, you must wait 1 round before trying again while you remain within the psionics-negating effect.[/ooc], [ooc=Mind Arrow Enhancement (+1)]Mind Arrow Enhancement (Su) At 2nd level, you can enhance your mind arrows with ranged special abilities. Choose any one of the weapon special abilities on the table below that has an enhancement bonus value of +1. From now on, mind arrows you produce as part of an attack possess that special ability. At every four levels beyond 2nd (6th and 10th), the value of the enhancement you can add to your mind arrow improves to +2 and +3, respectively. You can choose any combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the total allowed by your soulbow level. The special ability provided by this class feature does not stack with the soulknife’s mind blade enhancement ability.[table=4,12][r=1,1][b]Ranged Weapon Special Ability[/b][r=2,1][b]Bonus Value[/b][r=3,1][b]Ranged Weapon Special Ability[/b][r=4,1][b]Bonus Value[/b][r=1,2]Bane[r=2,2]+1[r=3,2]Axiomatic[r=4,2]+2[r=1,3]Distance[r=2,3]+1[r=3,3]Collision[r=4,3]+2[r=1,4]Flaming[r=2,4]+1[r=3,4]Flaming Burst[r=4,4]+2[r=1,5]Frost[r=2,5]+1[r=3,5]Psychokinetic Burst[r=4,5]+2[r=1,6]Lucky[r=2,6]+1[r=3,6]Psibane[r=4,6]+2[r=1,7]Merciful[r=2,7]+1[r=3,7]Shocking Burst[r=4,7]+2[r=1,8]Psychokinetic[r=2,8]+1[r=3,8]Suppression[r=4,8]+2[r=1,9]Returning[r=2,9]+1[r=3,9]Wounding[r=4,9]+2[r=1,10]Seeking[r=2,10]+1[r=3,10]Dislocator[r=4,10]+3[r=1,11]Shock[r=2,11]+1[r=3,11]Speed[r=4,11]+3[r=1,12]Anarchic[r=2,12]+2[/table]You can reassign the ability or abilities you have chosen for your mind arrows. To do so, you must spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, all subsequent mind arrows you produce as part of an attack action possess the new ability or abilities selected by you.[/ooc], [ooc=Track]Track: A ranger gains Track (see page 101) as a bonus feat. TRACK [GENERAL] You can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain. Benefit: To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile requires a successful Survival check. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow, such as when other tracks cross them or when the tracks backtrack and diverge. You move at half your normal speed (or at your normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice your normal speed with a –20 penalty on the check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing conditions, as given on the table below:[table=4,3][r=1,1][b]Surface[/b][r=2,1][b]Survival DC[/b][r=3,1][b]Surface Survival[/b][r=4,1][b]DC[/b][r=1,2]Very Soft Ground[r=2,2]5[r=3,2]Firm Ground[r=4,2]15[r=1,3]Soft Ground[r=2,3]10[r=3,3]Hard Ground[r=4,3]20[/table] Very Soft Ground: Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet mud) that holds deep, clear impressions of footprints. Soft Ground: Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow, in which a creature leaves frequent but shallow footprints. Firm Ground: Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces (thick rugs and very dirty or dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces (broken branches or tufts of hair), but it leaves only occasional or partial footprints. Hard Ground: Any surface that doesn’t hold footprints at all, such as bare rock or an indoor floor. Most streambeds fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces (scuff marks or displaced pebbles). Several modifiers may apply to the Survival check, as given on the table below.[table=2,20][r=1,1][b]Condition[/b][r=2,1][b]Survival DC Modifier[/b][r=1,2]Every three creatures in the group being tracked[r=2,2]-1[r=1,3]Size of creature or creatures or creatures:[r=1,4]Fine[r=2,4]+8[r=1,5]Diminutive[r=2,5]+4[r=1,6]Tiny[r=2,6]+2[r=1,7]Small[r=2,7]+1[r=1,8]Medium[r=2,8]+0[r=1,9]Large[r=2,9]-1[r=1,10]Huge[r=2,10]-2[r=1,11]Gargantuan[r=2,11]-4[r=1,12]Colossal[r=2,12]-8[r=1,13]Every 24 hours since the trail was made[r=2,13]+1[r=1,14]Every hour of rain since the trail was made[r=2,14]+1[r=1,15]Fresh snow cover since the trail was made[r=2,15]+10[r=1,16]Poor Visibility:[r=1,17]Overcast or moonless night[r=2,17]+6[r=1,18]Moonlight[r=2,18]+3[r=1,19]Fog or precipitation[r=2,19]+3[r=1,20]Tracked party hides trail (and moves at half speed)[r=1,20]+5[/table]If you fail a Survival check, you can retry after 1 hour (outdoors) or 10 minutes (indoors) of searching. Normal: Without this feat, you can use the Survival skill to find tracks, but you can follow them only if the DC for the task is 10 or lower. Alternatively, you can use the Search skill to find a footprint or similar sign of a creature’s passage using the DCs given above, but you can’t use Search to follow tracks, even if someone else has already found them. Special: A ranger automatically has Track as a bonus feat. He need not select it. This feat does not allow you to find or follow the tracks made by a subject of a pass without trace spell.[/ooc], [ooc=Wild Empathy]Wild Empathy (Ex) A ranger can use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal (such as a bear or a monitor lizard). This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see page 72). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (such as a basilisk or a girallon), but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.[/ooc], [ooc=Arcane Attunement]Arcane Attunement (Sp) You can use the spell-like powers dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, and read magic a combined total of times per day equal to 3 + your Int modifier. These spell-like powers do not count against your total of spells known or spells per day.[/ooc], [ooc=Armored Mage (Light)]Armored Mage (Ex) Normally, armor of any type interferes with an arcane spellcaster’s gestures, which can cause spells to fail if those spells have a somatic component. A duskblade’s limited focus and specialized training, however, allows you to avoid arcane spell failure so long as you stick to light armor and light shields. This training does not extend to medium or heavy armors, nor to heavy shields. This ability does not apply to spells gained from a different spellcasting class. At 4th level, you learn to use medium armor with no chance of arcane spell failure. At 7th level, you learn to use a heavy shield with no chance of arcane spell failure.[/ooc], [ooc=Skirmish (+2d6, +2 AC)]Skirmish (Ex) A scout relies on mobility to deal extra damage and improve her defense. She deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during the scout’s turn. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every four levels gained above 1st (2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 9th, 4d6 at 13th, and 5d6 at 17th level). The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The scout must be able to see the target well eough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Scouts can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet. At 3rd level, a scout gains a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The bonus applies as soon as the scout has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of her next turn. This bonus improves by 1 for every four levels gained above 3rd (+2 at 7th, +3 at 11th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 19th level). A scout loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.[/ooc], [ooc=Trapfinding]Trapfinding (Ex) A scout can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and she can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Player’s Handbook. Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.[/ooc], [ooc=Battle Fortitude]Battle Fortitude (Ex) At 2nd level, a scout gains a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves and initiative checks. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 20th level. A scout loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.[/ooc], [ooc=Uncanny Dodge]Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Starting at 2nd level, a scout cannot be caught flat-footed and reacts to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. See the barbarian class feature, page 26 of the Player’s Handbook. Uncanny Dodge (Ex) At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class (a barbarian with at least four levels of rogue, for example), he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.[/ooc], [ooc=Fast Movement (+10')]Fast Movement (Ex) Starting at 3rd level, a scout’s gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to her base land speed. At 11th level, this bonus increases to +20 feet. See the monk class feature, page 41 of the Player’s Handbook. A scout loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. Fast Movement (Ex) At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to her speed, as shown on Table 3–10. A monk in armor (even light armor) or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.[/ooc], [ooc=Arcane Hunter]ARCANE HUNTER Rangers learn to track and hunt creatures of a certain type when choosing a favored enemy. Some rangers concern themselves less with what a creature is, and more with what it does. These rangers learn to identify signs of the arcane and make it their business to combat those who use arcane magic in opposition to their goals. Class: Ranger. Level: 1st. Special Requirement: Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank. Replaces: At 1st level, you do not select a favored enemy from Table 3-14 in the Flayer's Handbook. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, you can choose favored enemies as normal. Benefit: At 1st level, you gain favored enemy (arcanists). This feature works just like the favored enemy ability (PH 47). The bonuses granted apply to any character capable of casting arcane spells or using invocations (but not other spell-like abilities). Favored Enemy (Ex) At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table 3–14: Ranger Favored Enemies. Due to his extensive study on his chosen type of foe and training in the proper techniques for combating such creatures, the ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2. For example, a 5th-level ranger has two favored enemies; against one he gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and weapon damage rolls, and against the other he has a +2 bonus. At 10th level, he has three favored enemies, and he gains an additional +2 bonus, which he can allocate to the bonus against any one of his three favored enemies. Thus, his bonuses could be either +4, +4, +2 or +6, +2, +2. If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy (for instance, devils are both evil outsiders and lawful outsiders), the ranger’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher. See the Monster Manual for more information on types of creatures.[table=2,33][r=1,1][b]Type (Subtype)[/b][r=2,1][b]Examples[/b][r=1,2]Aberration[r=2,2]beholder[r=1,3]Animal[r=2,3]bear[r=1,4]Construct[r=2,4]golem[r=1,5]Dragon[r=2,5]black dragon[r=1,6]Elemental[r=2,6]invisible stalker[r=1,7]Fey[r=2,7]dryad[r=1,8]Giant[r=2,8]ogre[r=1,9]Humanoid (aquatic)[r=2,9]merfolk[r=1,10]Humanoid (dwarf)[r=2,10]dwarf[r=1,11]Humanoid (elf)[r=2,11]elf[r=1,12]goblinoid[r=2,12]hobgoblin[r=1,13]Humanoid (gnoll)[r=2,13]gnoll[r=1,14]Humanoid (gnome)[r=2,14]gnome[r=1,15]Humanoid (halfling[r=2,15]halfling[r=1,16]Humanoid (human)[r=2,16][r=1,17]Humanoid (orc)[r=2,17]orc[r=1,18]Humanoid (reptilian)[r=2,18]kobold[r=1,19]Magical Beast[r=2,19]displacer beast[r=1,20]Monsterous humanoid[r=2,20]minotaur[r=1,21]Ooze[r=2,21]gelatinous cube[r=1,22]Outsider (air)[r=2,22]arrowhawk[r=1,23]Outsider (chaotic)[r=2,23]demon[r=1,24]Outsider (earth)[r=2,24]xorn[r=1,25]Outsider (evil)[r=2,25]devil[r=1,26]Outsider (fire)[r=2,26]salamander[r=1,27]Outsider (good)[r=2,27]angel[r=1,28]Outsider (lawful)[r=2,28]formian[r=1,29]Outsider (native)[r=2,29]tiefling[r=1,30]Outsider (water)[r=2,30]toianida[r=1,31]Plant[r=2,31]shambling mound[r=1,32]Undead[r=2,32]zombie[r=1,33]Vermin[r=2,33]monstrous spider[/table][/ooc], [ooc=Combat Style (Two-Weapon Fighting)][b]Combat Style (Ex):[/b] At 2nd level, a ranger must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If the ranger selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. If the ranger selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat. The benefits of the ranger’s chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.[/ooc], [ooc=Dark Creature Traits]“Dark” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). Dark creatures tend to be much duller in color, with more gray and black skin tones and hair highlights, than their Material Plane versions. In general, they also weigh less, as if part of their very substance was mere shadow stuff. A dark creature has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Size and Type: Type and size are unchanged. Dark creatures encountered away from the Plane of Shadow have the extraplanar subtype. Speed: As base creature, +10 feet to all modes of movement. Special Qualities: A dark creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following. — Darkvision 60 ft. — Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Use the Hide skill even while being observed (except in natural daylight, the area of a daylight spell, or a similar ettect). — Resistance to cold 10. — Superior low-light vision. Skills: Same as the base creature, plus Hide +8 and Move Silently +6. Environment: Changes to Plane of Shadow. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature or same as the base creature +1; see sidebar. Alignment: Usually one step different from the base creature, rarely good. Level Adjustment: +1.[/ooc] [b]Saves:[/b] Fort [ooc=+13]+10.17 Base, +1 Con, +1 Battle Fortitude, +1 Resistance[/ooc], Ref [ooc=+17]+12.33 Base, +4 Dex, +1 Resistance[/ooc], Will [ooc=+18]+10.17 Base, +7 Wis, +1 Resistance[/ooc] [b]Abilities:[/b] Str [ooc=10]10 Base[/ooc], Dex [ooc=18]18 Base[/ooc], Con [ooc=12]12 Base[/ooc], Int [ooc=12]12 Base[/ooc], Wis [ooc=22]18 Base, +2 Level, +2 Enhancement[/ooc], Cha [ooc=14]14 Base[/ooc] Skills: Autohypnosis [ooc=+20]+6 Wis, +12 Ranks, +2 Synergy[/ooc], Concentration [ooc=+6]+1 Con, +5 Ranks[/ooc], Decipher Script [ooc=+2]+1 Int, +1 Ranks[/ooc], Disable Device [ooc=+13]+1 Int, +12 Ranks[/ooc], Heal [ooc=+7]+6 Wis, +1 Ranks[/ooc], Hide [ooc=+27]+4 Dex, +12 Ranks, +2 Circumstance (Masterwork Tool), +1 Competence, +8 Dark Template[/ooc], Knowledge (Arcana) [ooc=+2]+1 Int, +1 Ranks[/ooc], Knowledge (Geography) [ooc=+2]+1 Int, +1 Ranks[/ooc], Knowledge (Nature) [ooc=+2]+1 Int, +1 Ranks[/ooc], Knowledge (Psionics) [ooc=+7]+1 Int, +4 Ranks, +2 Synergy[/ooc], Listen [ooc=+18]+6 Wis, +12 Ranks[/ooc], Move Silently [ooc=+22]+4 Dex, +12 Ranks, +6 Dark Template[/ooc], Search [ooc=+6]+1 Int, +5 Ranks[/ooc], Spot [ooc=+25]+6 Wis, +12 Ranks, +2 Circumstance (Masterwork Tool), +5 Competence[/ooc], Survival [ooc=+11]+6 Wis, +5 Ranks[/ooc] [b]Feats:[/b] [ooc=Point Blank Shot]POINT BLANK SHOT [GENERAL] You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at close range. Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet. Special: A fighter may select Point Blank Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38).[/ooc], [ooc=Rapid Shot][b]RAPID SHOT [GENERAL][/b] You can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed. Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot. Benefit: You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a –2 penalty. You must use the full attack action (see page 143) to use this feat. Special: A fighter may select Rapid Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38). A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Rapid Shot, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor (see page 48).[/ooc], [ooc="Woodland Archer [Tactical]"]You have honed your archery ability in the wilds of the forest. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6. [b]Benefit:[/b] The Woodland Archer feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. [i]Adjust for Range:[/i] To use this maneuver, you must shoot a projectile weapon against a foe and miss. Subsequent shots you take against that foe this round gain a +4 bonus, because you're able to quickly adjust your aim to compensate. [i]Pierce the Foliage:[/i] To use this maneuver, you must hit a foe with a ranged attack despite the miss chance caused by concealment. Shots you take against that foe in the next round don't incur the miss chance because you're able to exactly duplicate your draw and aim. [i]Moving Sniper:[/i] To use this maneuver, you must succeed on a sniping attack (see the Hide skill description, page 76 of the [i]Player's Handbook[/i]), both hitting your intended target and successfully hiding thereafter. If no one sees you, you can make a sniping attack again in the following round, taking a single move after your attack and before you hide (characters without this feat can only shoot and hide, not move as well). As long as you continue to hit the target and avoid detection from an enemy, you can make a sniping attack on the move each round. [b]Special:[/b] A fighter may select Woodland Archer as one of his fighter bonus feats[/ooc], [ooc=Manyshot][b]MANYSHOT [GENERAL][/b] You can fire multiple arrows simultaneously against a nearby target. [b]Prerequisites:[/b] Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6 [b]Benefit:[/b] As a standard action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30 feet. Both arrows use the same attack roll (with a –4 penalty) to determine success and deal damage normally (but see Special). For every five points of base attack bonus you have above +6, you may add one additional arrow to this attack, to a maximum of four arrows at a base attack bonus of +16. However, each arrow after the second adds a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll (for a total penalty of –6 for three arrows and –8 for four). Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each arrow fired. [b]Special:[/b] Regardless of the number of arrows you fire, you apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage) only once. If you score a critical hit, only the first arrow fired deals critical damage; all others deal regular damage. A fighter may select Manyshot as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38). A 6th-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Manyshot even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor (see page 48).[/ooc], [ooc=Greater Manyshot][b]GREATER MANYSHOT [GENERAL][/b] You are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents. Prerequisites: Dex 17, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6. [b]Benefit:[/b] When you use the Manyshot feat, you can fire each arrow at a different target instead of firing all of them at the same target. You make a separate attack roll for each arrow, regardless of whether you fire them at separate targets or the same target. Your precision-based damage applies to each arrow fired, and, if you score a critical hit with more than one of the arrows, each critical hit deals critical damage. [b]Special:[/b] A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.[/ooc], [ooc=Two-Weapon Fighting]TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING [GENERAL] You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon. Prerequisite: Dex 15. Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. Normal: See Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160, and Table 8–10: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties, page 160. Special: A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor (see page 48). A fighter may select Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38).[/ooc], [ooc=Endurance][b]ENDURANCE [GENERAL][/b] You are capable of amazing feats of stamina. [b]Benefit:[/b] You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage (see page 84), Constitution checks made to continue running (see page 144), Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march (see page 164), Constitution checks made to hold your breath (see page 84), Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst (see page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments (see pages 302 and 303 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation (see page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued. [b]Normal:[/b] A character without this feat who sleeps in medium or heavier armor is automatically fatigued the next day. [b]Special:[/b] A ranger automatically gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level (see page 48). He need not select it.[/ooc], [ooc=Swift Hunter]You have applied the hit-and-run tactics learned from scouting to your strong hunting abilities. [b]Prerequisite:[/b] Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Favored Enemy, [b]Benefit:[/b]Your ranger and scout levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class granted when skirmishing. For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would deal an extra 2d6 points of damage and gain a +1 competence bonus to AC when skirmishing, as if she were a 5th-level scout. Your ranger and scout levels also stack for the purpose of determining when you select additional favored enemies, as well as the total bonus granted against your favored enemies. For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies, as if she were a 5th-level ranger. In addition, your skirmish extra damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or skirmish attacks. [b]Special:[/b] A scout can select Swift Hunter as one of her scout bonus feats (Complete Adventurer 13).[/ooc][/spoiler]

Cyrus had been glad he didn't need to wear a cloak over his wings in the morning, thanking the half-elves once again for their generosity.

On the road he kept pace with his companion's horses, pointing out the occasional obstacle to avoid on horseback.

At the river he resists the urge to just fly over, and tries to help the others in their endeavor.


So at a +2 I don't think it's worth burning that check bonus. Instead he'll be reqdy to cast Calm Animals in case it looks like any are going to/are panicking. Don't think it'll help pre-panic, but if it will, he'll cast it now.


Current Statblock

Medium Fey
Hit Points/Dice: 86 / 2d8 + 7d10
Initiative: +6+5 Dex, +1 Battle Fortitude
Speed: 6030 ft. Base, +10 ft. Quick, +10 ft. Enhancement (Fast Movement), +10 ft. Dark Template ft. (12 squares), Fly 130120 ft. Double Base, +10 ft. Dark Template ft. (26 squares)
Armor Class: 19+5 Dex, +4 armor , touch 15+5 Dex , flat-footed 14+4 armor
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+9+9 BAB, +0 Str
Attack: +2 Mind Arrow +15+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow +11/+11+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -4 Manyshot ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow +9/+9/+9+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -6 Manyshot ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Blade +11+9 BAB, +2 Enhancement melee (1d8+2)
Full Attack: +2 Mind Arrow +15/+10+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow +13/+13/+8+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow +11/+11/+11/+6+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot, -2 Two-Weapon Fighting ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow +8/+8/+8/+8/+3+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot, -5 Arrow Swarm ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Arrow +6/+6/+6/+6/+6/+1+9 BAB, +4 Dex, +2 Enhancement, -2 Rapid Shot, -2 Two-Weapon Fighting, -5 Arrow Swarm ranged (1d8+8) or +2 Mind Blade +11/+6+9 BAB, +2 Enhancement melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like AbilitiesA half-fey with Wisdom or Charisma of 8 or higher (after the ability score adjustments noted below) gains spell-like abilities, using its Hit Dice as its caster level. The table below lists the abilities available. These abilities are cumulative; a half-fey with 3 HD can use the abilities on the 1–2 HD row on the table as well as those on the 3–4 HD row. When a half-fey gets a choice between two abilities (such as faerie fire or glitterdust at 1–2 HD), it can choose anew between these abilities each day.

HD Abilities
1--2 Charm person at will, hypnotism 1/day, faerie fire or glitterdust 1/day
3--4 Detect law 3/day, sleep or enthrall 1/day
5--6 Protection from law 3/day, Tasha'a hideous laughter or suggestion 1/day
7--8 Confusion or emotion 1/day
9--10 Eyebite or lesser geas 1/day
11--12 Dominate person or hold monster 1/day
13--14 Mass invisibility 1/day
15--16 Geas/quest or mass suggestion 1/day
17--18 Insanity or mass charm 1/day
19+ Otto's irresistible dance 1/day

Special Qualities: Half-Fey Traits“Half-fey” is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). The creature’s type changes to fey. It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Hit Dice: Change to d6.
Speed: All half-fey have butterflylike wings unless the base creature has wings already. A half-fey that did not already have wings gains a fly speed equal to twice the base creature’s fastest mode of movement, with good maneuverability.
Special Qualities: Half-fey have low-light vision and are immune to enchantment spells and effects.
Abilities: Adjust from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Con –2, Wis +2, Cha +4.
Skills: A half-fey has skill points equal to (6 + its Int modifier) × (its Hit Dice + 3). Treat skills possessed by the base creature as class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2.
Alignment: Usually chaotic (any).
, Arrow SwarmArrow Swarm
By taking a -5 penalty to all attack rolls for a round, the targetteer may make two additional ranged attacks at his highest attack bonus. The targetteer must have the Rapid Shot feat to take this ability and must be making a full attack to make use of Arrow Swarm.
, +2 Mind BladeMind Blade (Su)
As a move action, a soulknife can create a semisolid blade composed of psychic energy distilled from his own mind. The blade is identical in all ways (except visually) to a short sword of a size appropriate for its wielder. For instance, a Medium soulknife materializes a Medium mind blade that he can wield as a light weapon, and the blade deals 1d6 points of
damage (crit 19-20/x2). Soulknives who are smaller or larger than Medium create mind blades identical to short swords appropriate for their size, with a corresponding change to the blade’s damage. The wielder of a mind blade gains the usual benefits to his attack roll and damage roll from a high Strength bonus.
The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a soulknife can simply create another on his next move action. The moment he relinquishes his grip on his blade, it dissipates (unless he intends to throw it; see below). A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
A soulknife can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat Expertise in conjunction with the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon. He can also choose mind blade for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade.
A soulknife’s mind blade improves as the character gains higher levels. At 2nd level and every even levels thereafter, the mind blade gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 6th level, +4 at 8th level, and +5 at 10th level).
Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain his mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the soulknife maintains his mind blade for a number of rounds equal to his class level before he needs to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes. As a move action on his turn, the soulknife can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize his mind blade while he remains within the psionics negating effect.
, Throw Mind BladeThrow Mind Blade (Ex)
A soul knife of 1st level or higher can throw his mind blade as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 30 feet. Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates. A soulknife of 3rd level or higher can make a psychic strike (see below) with a thrown mind blade and can use the blade in conjunction with other special abilities (such as Knife to the Soul; see below).
, Shape Mind BladeShape Mind Blade (Su)
At 2nd level, a soulknife gains the ability to change the form of his mind blade. As a full round action, he can change his mind blade to replicate a longsword (damage 1d8 for a Medium weapon wielded as a one-handed weapon) or a bastard sword (damage 1d10 for a Medium weapon, but he must wield it as a two-handed weapon unless he knows the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword) feat). If a soulknife shapes his mind blade into the form of a bastard sword and wields it two-handed, he adds 1-1/2 times his Strength bonus to his damage rolls, just like when using any other two-handed weapon.
Alternatively, a soulknife can split his mind blade into two identical short swords, suitable for fighting with a weapon in each hand. (The normal penalties for fighting with two weapons apply.) However, both mind blades have an enhancement bonus 1 lower than the soulknife would otherwise create with a single mind blade.
, +2 Mind ArrowMind Arrow (Su)
As a free action, you can create a semisolid arrow composed of psychic energy distilled from your mind. If your base attack bonus is high enough to grant you multiple attacks, you can create multiple mind arrows as part of an attack. You must have one hand free to create and project a mind arrow.
The bolt is identical in all ways (except visually) to an arrow shot from a composite longbow. For instance, a Medium soulbow materializes an arrow that speeds toward the specified target, and if it hits, deals 1d8 points of damage (crit ×3) plus extra damage equal to the soulbow's Wisdom modifer. Soulbows who are smaller or larger than Medium create mind arrows identical to arrows shot from composite longbows appropriate for their size, with a corresponding change to the arrow's damage (see Table 7–4 and Table 7–5 in the Player's Handbook). You gain the usual benefit to your attack roll from a high Dexterity bonus.
Whether a mind arrow hits or misses, it dissipates 1 round after being shot. A mind arrow is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
A mind arrow can be charged with a psychic strike as if it were a mind blade. If a soulbow has enough soulknife levels to have the knife to the soul ability, that ability also applies to her mind arrows.
You can use feats such as Point Blank Shot or Precise Shot in conjunction with a mind arrow (see bonus feats provided by the class for further guidance). You can also choose mind arrow for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Specialization. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade. Any feats previously requiring specific weapon choice (such as Weapon Specialization) for your mind blade also apply to your mind arrow, if applicable.
Your mind arrows improve as you gain higher levels. At 3rd level, a mind arrow gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, and at 7th level the bonus improves to +2. These enhancement bonuses stack with previous enhancement bonuses gained earlier for your soulknife class levels. Likewise, these enhancement bonuses also improve your soulknife base attack bonus. If your return to your soulknife class progression, these mind arrow enhancement bonuses on attack and damage are cumulative bonuses on top of any new enhancement bonuses gained, and they benefit both your mind blade and mind arrows.
Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), you can attempt to attack foes with mind arrows by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, you can freely produce mind arrows for a number of rounds equal to your class level before you need to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, you must wait 1 round before trying again while you remain within the psionics-negating effect.
, Mind Arrow Enhancement (+1)Mind Arrow Enhancement (Su)
At 2nd level, you can enhance your mind arrows with ranged special abilities. Choose any one of the weapon special abilities on the table below that has an enhancement bonus value of +1. From now on, mind arrows you produce as part of an attack possess that special ability.
At every four levels beyond 2nd (6th and 10th), the value of the enhancement you can add to your mind arrow improves to +2 and +3, respectively. You can choose any combination of weapon special abilities that does not exceed the total allowed by your soulbow level.
The special ability provided by this class feature does not stack with the soulknife’s mind blade enhancement ability.
Ranged Weapon Special Ability Bonus Value Ranged Weapon Special Ability Bonus Value
Bane +1 Axiomatic +2
Distance +1 Collision +2
Flaming +1 Flaming Burst +2
Frost +1 Psychokinetic Burst +2
Lucky +1 Psibane +2
Merciful +1 Shocking Burst +2
Psychokinetic +1 Suppression +2
Returning +1 Wounding +2
Seeking +1 Dislocator +3
Shock +1 Speed +3
Anarchic +2    
You can reassign the ability or abilities you have chosen for your mind arrows. To do so, you must spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, all subsequent mind arrows you produce as part of an attack action possess the new ability or abilities selected by you. , TrackTrack: A ranger gains Track (see page 101) as a bonus feat.

You can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain.
Benefit: To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile requires a successful Survival check. You must make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow, such as when other tracks cross them or when the tracks backtrack and diverge.
You move at half your normal speed (or at your normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice your normal speed with a –20 penalty on the check). The DC depends on the surface and the prevailing conditions, as given on the table below:
Surface Survival DC Surface Survival DC
Very Soft Ground 5 Firm Ground 15
Soft Ground 10 Hard Ground 20

Very Soft Ground: Any surface (fresh snow, thick dust, wet mud) that holds deep, clear impressions of footprints.
Soft Ground: Any surface soft enough to yield to pressure, but firmer than wet mud or fresh snow, in which a creature leaves frequent but shallow footprints.
Firm Ground: Most normal outdoor surfaces (such as lawns, fields, woods, and the like) or exceptionally soft or dirty indoor surfaces (thick rugs and very dirty or dusty floors). The creature might leave some traces (broken branches or tufts of hair), but it leaves only occasional or partial footprints.
Hard Ground: Any surface that doesn’t hold footprints at all, such as bare rock or an indoor floor. Most streambeds fall into this category, since any footprints left behind are obscured or washed away. The creature leaves only traces (scuff marks or displaced pebbles).
Several modifiers may apply to the Survival check, as given on the table below.
Condition Survival DC Modifier
Every three creatures in the group being tracked -1
Size of creature or creatures or creatures:  
Fine +8
Diminutive +4
Tiny +2
Small +1
Medium +0
Large -1
Huge -2
Gargantuan -4
Colossal -8
Every 24 hours since the trail was made +1
Every hour of rain since the trail was made +1
Fresh snow cover since the trail was made +10
Poor Visibility:  
Overcast or moonless night +6
Moonlight +3
Fog or precipitation +3
Tracked party hides trail (and moves at half speed)+5  
If you fail a Survival check, you can retry after 1 hour (outdoors) or 10 minutes (indoors) of searching.
Normal: Without this feat, you can use the Survival skill to find tracks, but you can follow them only if the DC for the task is 10 or lower. Alternatively, you can use the Search skill to find a footprint or similar sign of a creature’s passage using the DCs given above, but you can’t use Search to follow tracks, even if someone else has already found them.
Special: A ranger automatically has Track as a bonus feat. He need not select it.
This feat does not allow you to find or follow the tracks made by a subject of a pass without trace spell.
, Wild EmpathyWild Empathy (Ex)
A ranger can use body language, vocalizations, and demeanor to improve the attitude of an animal (such as a bear or a monitor lizard). This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see page 72). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (such as a basilisk or a girallon), but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
, Arcane AttunementArcane Attunement (Sp)
You can use the spell-like powers dancing lights, detect magic, flare, ghost sound, and read magic a combined total of times per day equal to 3 + your Int modifier. These spell-like powers do not count against your total of spells known or spells per day.
, Armored Mage (Light)Armored Mage (Ex)
Normally, armor of any type interferes with an arcane spellcaster’s gestures, which can cause spells to fail if those spells have a somatic component. A duskblade’s limited focus and specialized training, however, allows you to avoid arcane spell failure so long as you stick to light armor and light shields. This training does not extend to medium or heavy armors, nor to heavy shields. This ability does not apply to spells gained from a different spellcasting class.
At 4th level, you learn to use medium armor with no chance of arcane spell failure.
At 7th level, you learn to use a heavy shield with no chance of arcane spell failure.
, Skirmish (+2d6, +2 AC)Skirmish (Ex)
A scout relies on mobility to deal extra damage and improve her defense. She deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on all attacks she makes during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The extra damage applies only to attacks taken during the scout’s turn. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every four levels gained above 1st (2d6 at 5th, 3d6 at 9th, 4d6 at 13th, and 5d6 at 17th level).
The extra damage only applies against living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. Undead, constructs, oozes, plants, incorporeal creatures, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are not vulnerable to this additional damage. The scout must be able to see the target well eough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Scouts can apply this extra damage to ranged attacks made while skirmishing, but only if the target is within 30 feet.
At 3rd level, a scout gains a +1 competence bonus to Armor Class during any round in which she moves at least 10 feet. The bonus applies as soon as the scout has moved 10 feet, and lasts until the start of her next turn. This bonus improves by 1 for every four levels gained above 3rd (+2 at 7th, +3 at 11th, +4 at 15th, and +5 at 19th level).
A scout loses this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load. If she gains the skirmish ability from another class, the bonuses stack.
, TrapfindingTrapfinding (Ex)
A scout can use the Search skill to locate traps with a DC higher than 20, and she can use Disable Device to bypass a trap or disarm magic traps. See the rogue class feature, page 50 of the Player’s Handbook.

Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.
, Battle FortitudeBattle Fortitude (Ex)
At 2nd level, a scout gains a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves and initiative checks. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 20th level. A scout loses this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.
, Uncanny DodgeUncanny Dodge (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a scout cannot be caught flat-footed and reacts to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. See the barbarian class feature, page 26 of the Player’s Handbook.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class (a barbarian with at least four levels of rogue, for example), he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
, Fast Movement (+10')Fast Movement (Ex)
Starting at 3rd level, a scout’s gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to her base land speed. At 11th level, this bonus increases to +20 feet. See the monk class feature, page 41 of the Player’s Handbook.
A scout loses this benefit when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Fast Movement (Ex)
At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to her speed, as shown on Table 3–10.
A monk in armor (even light armor) or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
, Arcane HunterARCANE HUNTER
Rangers learn to track and hunt creatures of a certain type when choosing a favored enemy. Some rangers concern themselves less with what a creature is, and more with what it does. These rangers learn to identify signs of the arcane and make it their business to combat those who use arcane magic in opposition to their goals.
Class: Ranger.
Level: 1st.
Special Requirement: Knowledge (arcana) 1 rank.
Replaces: At 1st level, you do not select a favored enemy from Table 3-14 in the Flayer's Handbook. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, you can choose favored enemies as normal.
Benefit: At 1st level, you gain favored enemy (arcanists). This feature works just like the favored enemy ability (PH 47). The bonuses granted apply to any character capable of casting arcane spells or using invocations (but not other spell-like abilities).

Favored Enemy (Ex)
At 1st level, a ranger may select a type of creature from among those given on Table 3–14: Ranger Favored Enemies. Due to his extensive study on his chosen type of foe and training in the proper techniques for combating such creatures, the ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy from those given on the table. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2. For example, a 5th-level ranger has two favored enemies; against one he gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks and weapon damage rolls, and against the other he has a +2 bonus. At 10th level, he has three favored enemies, and he gains an additional +2 bonus, which he can allocate to the bonus against any one of his three favored enemies. Thus, his bonuses could be either +4, +4, +2 or +6, +2, +2.
If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table. If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy (for instance, devils are both evil outsiders and lawful outsiders), the ranger’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher. See the Monster Manual for more information on types of creatures.
Type (Subtype) Examples
Aberration beholder
Animal bear
Construct golem
Dragon black dragon
Elemental invisible stalker
Fey dryad
Giant ogre
Humanoid (aquatic) merfolk
Humanoid (dwarf) dwarf
Humanoid (elf) elf
goblinoid hobgoblin
Humanoid (gnoll) gnoll
Humanoid (gnome) gnome
Humanoid (halfling halfling
Humanoid (human)  
Humanoid (orc) orc
Humanoid (reptilian) kobold
Magical Beast displacer beast
Monsterous humanoid minotaur
Ooze gelatinous cube
Outsider (air) arrowhawk
Outsider (chaotic) demon
Outsider (earth) xorn
Outsider (evil) devil
Outsider (fire) salamander
Outsider (good) angel
Outsider (lawful) formian
Outsider (native) tiefling
Outsider (water) toianida
Plant shambling mound
Undead zombie
Vermin monstrous spider
, Combat Style (Two-Weapon Fighting) Combat Style (Ex): At 2nd level, a ranger must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. This choice affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way.
If the ranger selects archery, he is treated as having the Rapid Shot feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.
If the ranger selects two-weapon combat, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites for that feat.
The benefits of the ranger’s chosen style apply only when he wears light or no armor. He loses all benefits of his combat style when wearing medium or heavy armor.
, Dark Creature Traits“Dark” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
Dark creatures tend to be much duller in color, with more gray and black skin tones and hair highlights, than their Material Plane versions. In general, they also weigh less, as if part of their very substance was mere shadow stuff.
A dark creature has all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type: Type and size are unchanged. Dark creatures encountered away from the Plane of Shadow have the extraplanar subtype.
Speed: As base creature, +10 feet to all modes of movement.
Special Qualities: A dark creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.
— Darkvision 60 ft.
— Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): Use the Hide skill even while being observed (except in natural daylight, the area of a daylight spell, or a similar ettect).
— Resistance to cold 10.
— Superior low-light vision.
Skills: Same as the base creature, plus Hide +8 and Move Silently +6.
Environment: Changes to Plane of Shadow.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature or same as the base creature +1; see sidebar.
Alignment: Usually one step different from the base
creature, rarely good.
Level Adjustment: +1.

Saves: Fort +13+10.17 Base, +1 Con, +1 Battle Fortitude, +1 Resistance , Ref +17+12.33 Base, +4 Dex, +1 Resistance , Will +18+10.17 Base, +7 Wis, +1 Resistance
Abilities: Str 1010 Base , Dex 1818 Base , Con 1212 Base , Int 1212 Base , Wis 2218 Base, +2 Level, +2 Enhancement , Cha 1414 Base
Skills: Autohypnosis +20+6 Wis, +12 Ranks, +2 Synergy , Concentration +6+1 Con, +5 Ranks , Decipher Script +2+1 Int, +1 Ranks , Disable Device +13+1 Int, +12 Ranks , Heal +7+6 Wis, +1 Ranks , Hide +27+4 Dex, +12 Ranks, +2 Circumstance (Masterwork Tool), +1 Competence, +8 Dark Template , Knowledge (Arcana) +2+1 Int, +1 Ranks , Knowledge (Geography) +2+1 Int, +1 Ranks , Knowledge (Nature) +2+1 Int, +1 Ranks , Knowledge (Psionics) +7+1 Int, +4 Ranks, +2 Synergy , Listen +18+6 Wis, +12 Ranks , Move Silently +22+4 Dex, +12 Ranks, +6 Dark Template , Search +6+1 Int, +5 Ranks , Spot +25+6 Wis, +12 Ranks, +2 Circumstance (Masterwork Tool), +5 Competence , Survival +11+6 Wis, +5 Ranks
You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at close range.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.
Special: A fighter may select Point Blank Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38).
You can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed.
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a –2 penalty. You must use the full attack action (see page 143) to use this feat.
Special: A fighter may select Rapid Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38).
A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Rapid Shot, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor (see page 48).
, Woodland Archer [Tactical]You have honed your archery ability in the wilds of the forest.
Prerequisites: Point Blank Shot, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: The Woodland Archer feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers.
Adjust for Range: To use this maneuver, you must shoot a projectile weapon against a foe and miss. Subsequent shots you take against that foe this round gain a +4 bonus, because you're able to quickly adjust your aim to compensate.
Pierce the Foliage: To use this maneuver, you must hit a foe with a ranged attack despite the miss chance caused by concealment. Shots you take against that foe in the next round don't incur the miss chance because you're able to exactly duplicate your draw and aim.
Moving Sniper: To use this maneuver, you must succeed on a sniping attack (see the Hide skill description, page 76 of the Player's Handbook ), both hitting your intended target and successfully hiding thereafter. If no one sees you, you can make a sniping attack again in the following round, taking a single move after your attack and before you hide (characters without this feat can only shoot and hide, not move as well). As long as you continue to hit the target and avoid detection from an enemy, you can make a sniping attack on the move each round.
Special: A fighter may select Woodland Archer as one of his fighter bonus feats
You can fire multiple arrows simultaneously against a nearby target.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: As a standard action, you may fire two arrows at a single opponent within 30 feet. Both arrows use the same attack roll (with a –4 penalty) to determine success and deal damage normally (but see Special).
For every five points of base attack bonus you have above +6, you may add one additional arrow to this attack, to a maximum of four arrows at a base attack bonus of +16. However, each arrow after the second adds a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll (for a total penalty of –6 for three arrows and –8 for four).
Damage reduction and other resistances apply separately against each arrow fired.
Special: Regardless of the number of arrows you fire, you apply precision-based damage (such as sneak attack damage) only once. If you score a critical hit, only the first arrow fired deals critical damage; all others deal regular damage. A fighter may select Manyshot as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38).
A 6th-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Manyshot even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor (see page 48).
You are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents.
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: When you use the Manyshot feat, you can fire each arrow at a different target instead of firing all of them at the same target. You make a separate attack roll for each arrow, regardless of whether you fire them at separate targets or the same target. Your precision-based damage applies to each arrow fired, and, if you score a critical hit with more than one of the arrows, each critical hit deals critical damage.
Special: A fighter may select this feat as one of his fighter bonus feats.
You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.
Prerequisite: Dex 15.
Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6.
Normal: See Two-Weapon Fighting, page 160, and Table 8–10: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties, page 160.
Special: A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor (see page 48).
A fighter may select Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats (see page 38).
You are capable of amazing feats of stamina.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage (see page 84),
Constitution checks made to continue running (see page 144), Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march (see page 164), Constitution checks made to hold your breath (see page 84), Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst (see page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments (see pages 302 and 303 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide), and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation (see page 304 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). Also, you may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.
Normal: A character without this feat who sleeps in medium or heavier armor is automatically fatigued the next day.
Special: A ranger automatically gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level (see page 48). He need not select it.
, Swift HunterYou have applied the hit-and-run tactics learned from scouting to your strong hunting abilities.
Prerequisite: Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC, Favored Enemy,
Benefit: Your ranger and scout levels stack for the purpose of determining the extra damage and bonus to Armor Class granted when skirmishing. For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would deal an extra 2d6 points of damage and gain a +1 competence bonus to AC when skirmishing, as if she were a 5th-level scout. Your ranger and scout levels also stack for the purpose of determining when you select additional favored enemies, as well as the total bonus granted against your favored enemies. For example, a 4th-level scout/1st-level ranger would have two favored enemies and could allocate an extra +2 bonus against one of those favored enemies, as if she were a 5th-level ranger. In addition, your skirmish extra damage applies against any creature you have selected as a favored enemy, even if it is normally immune to extra damage from critical hits or skirmish attacks.
Special: A scout can select Swift Hunter as one of her scout bonus feats (Complete Adventurer 13).



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Music: Quest For A Cure - Baldur's Gate 3

East Farlsmark


Through a clever combination of magics, Nhezi and Noran party created a convincing "bridge" to lead the horses across the rushing waters without a problem. One horse, however, was a little older and wiser than the others, and saw through the ruse. The mare refused to cross, causing the others to begin second-guessing themselves. A timely intervention from the fey magics of Cyrus eased the steed's mind, and subsequently removed the distraction from the others long enough to finish crossing. Once each of the horses had arrived, the party was readily able to mount up once more and continue with the second day of their journey.

As they searched for a place to camp later that day, they found an ancient watch tower from an era long before the Farlings. It was defensible, had no visitors but the wildlife, and it provided a good view of Zana's Host. Come the morning, the party would be entering the town, disguised as foreign merchants seeking trade with the powers that be. While not as large or prosperous as Farlstead, it was the seat of power in the region, and served as the gate-warden for any ships sailing down the western border of their people's land.

image.jpeg.d8b4f28e4c23ffd9d64f675b3c5efa34.jpeg OldOwlWell.webp.64ad78837c5e37a3d58283bf0660046c.webp

So far, the party was fortunate (or concerned) to have not encountered any Gavstorian patrols. Surely being but one river away, they might have expected something. This leg of the adventure is going very well... perhaps too well. Being so close to the town, it may be worthwhile to keep a closer guard tonight.

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl

Party Conditions: Hopeful Hearts and Clear Purpose

Roll20 Map

OOC: Go ahead and describe how you all settle in to your camp for the evening. If you do not wish to stay the night in the watch tower, I would like the Scout(s) to roll a Search check to find a different one.

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant

Concentration: n/a

Noran scowls slightly as he examines the tower from it's base. "Yet another ramshackle ruin... I suppose it will suit..."


He spurs his horse to continue moving again. "But there can't be any harm in having a peek about the area. After all, what use is a guard tower, without something nicer to guard, yes?"


Have a little look-see around, just in case.


d20 Rerolls (1)

+4 Atk, Save, Skill until failed skill check

1d20+20 14
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Music: Quest For A Cure - Baldur's Gate 3

East Farlsmark

image.jpeg.d8b4f28e4c23ffd9d64f675b3c5efa34.jpeg OldOwlWell.webp.64ad78837c5e37a3d58283bf0660046c.webp

Noran's scouting pays off, though not in a way he had hoped. After roaming the area near the watch tower, he discovered an ancient road that led to an equally ancient inn along the river. Unfortunately, it was half-sunk into the mud and flooded with water. However, he did manage to find a small dinghy pulled up onto shore near the inn, as well as a set of tracks, four humanoids, all leading back towards the watch tower. From the look things, they couldn't be over half a day old. Returning to the tower, Noran found no immediate sign of anyone else being present, until the faintest waft of a scent caught his attention. It wasn't a foul scent; far from it, he smelled the scent of a freshly cooked meal. After investigating ever so carefully, he picked up on what looked to be an unusually precise crack in one of the stone walls, leading underground. It was a hidden door, activated by placing one's forehead against a concealed magic rune. Someone was making camp here!

For the moment, whoever was on the other side of the hidden door did not react to the party's presence. As far as Noran knew, they had the drop on them.

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl

Party Conditions: Hopeful Hearts and Clear Purpose

Roll20 Map

OOC: -

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

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Mini StatblockSheet https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=853532
Stone Glimpse 


Nhezi El-Rhaki
Female N Medusa Gestalt, Level 8, Init 4, HP 88/88, Speed 20
AC 28, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, Fort 11, Ref 10, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Large Silver Large Morningstar +8/+3 (2d6, x2)
+1 Magical +1 Darkwood Greatclub +9/+4 (1d10+2, x2)
+2 Mithril Fullplate of Acid Resistance, Heavy Wooden (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Condition None

Nhez looks over the tower and searches it for anything that might be either valuable or of use to the party, then Noran found the concealed door and the people that were inside it. Getting ready for combat, the cleric prepared for a fight.

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