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Return of the Dragons, Part 1: Mothers in Arms - IC

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Music: Last Light - Baldur's Gate 3

East Farlsmark

image.jpeg.d8b4f28e4c23ffd9d64f675b3c5efa34.jpeg OldOwlWell.webp.64ad78837c5e37a3d58283bf0660046c.webp

The Camp









Rachel smirked as Lilith introduced herself. "Whatever you say, 'Red'," the bard replied teasingly. Making her way over to the elf, she gestured for them to sit together while she absentmindedly struck a few mellow chords on her lute. "How goes things in the wide world, friend? I imagine you must have been as busy as me, if not more!"

Syric shook Nhezi's hand firmly. While he was clearly an older gentleman, there was a strange haleness to his person, as if he was, for lack of a better term, well-preserved. "That so?" he responded, taking in Nhezi's explanation. His aging eyes watched her carefully, as if he could see into her very soul. "Well, Obad-hai's no god that I've ever heard of, and I know nearly every pantheon of the world! But ye seem a kind soul, as does yer god. And that's what really matters, eh? Ye must truly be foreign folk, then, if Obad-hai has the power to empower clerics. Come, tell me of your homeland."

Velgrynd and Finn listened intently as Noran laid out his cards on the table, both of them also partaking in the stew. When Noran referred to Velgrynd as a dragon-slayer, a thin smile crossed her elegant face. "The bards exaggerate, if you refer to the slaying of the villain Mendax. I was merely a companion to the true heroes of that saga. It was an honor to fight alongside them in overthrowing the tyrant."

"Velgrynd, please, you're too humble," the halfling quipped.

An eyebrow was raised at Noran's allusion to their party's purpose. "I see," she quietly remarked. "Yours is a noble cause. Were my party and I not already occupied throwing down a greater evil, we may have done more. Though my heart yearns to do battle with these devil-worshippers, foes gather across the Dead Strait that would turn the plight of Amostiv into but a minor footnote in the history of our days. There I am needed, and with haste. You have my sincerest apologies. Perhaps my other companions may be of more assistance to you?"

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl (?)

Party Conditions: Hopeful Hearts and Clear Purpose

Roll20 Map

OOC: At this point, Noran is fairly confident he can get help from some of these adventurers in his endeavors. However, winning even half a day of Velgrynd's time would almost certainly grant an audience with Duchess Djurgurn, without getting stuck in the bureaucracy of advisors and councilors. A hero of her renown would also add much more weight to their words, depending on how the party planned to win her over to Duchess Wolfine's side.

But, given the urgency of the task she speaks of, it will be hard to persuade her. Noran, or anyone, can attempt a DC 25 Diplomacy check to convince her to help them for a time.

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant

Concentration: Silent Image (Will DC17) to hide then entrance

"Oh yes... Noble indeed... that is certainly an apt description..." Noran quips.


"Whilst additional hands often make for lighter work... too many will often only muddle matters." He finally raises the bowl to his lips and takes a tiny sip of the chunky liquid within, deciding that some nutrition is required... and the trail rations in his pack are undoubtedly far less luxurious than even this.


"However... A rapid introduction to the power players in this region could expedite our work. Granted, I have the utmost confidence in the abilities of myself and my companions, but I doubt even we could secure an audience with someone like the local Duchess without some manner of extraneous effort." He delicately dips his spoon into his bowl for another small bite. "But, someone of renown... a known hero of the realm... as it were... could surely secure such a meeting with little more than a few words. If only their own designs could suffer a minor delay...?"


Let's see if we can catch the shortcut straight to the top! My ability to Take-10 won't be good enough so cowabunga it is.


d20 Rerolls (1)

+4 Atk, Save, Skill until failed skill check

Diplomacy (DC 25)
1d20+16 15
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Mini StatblockSheet https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=853532
Stone Glimpse 


Nhezi El-Rhaki
Female N Medusa Gestalt, Level 8, Init 4, HP 88/88, Speed 20
AC 28, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, Fort 11, Ref 10, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Large Silver Large Morningstar +8/+3 (2d6, x2)
+1 Magical +1 Darkwood Greatclub +9/+4 (1d10+2, x2)
+2 Mithril Fullplate of Acid Resistance, Heavy Wooden (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Condition None

Nhezi smiles at the older man and says "Obad-Hai is a really old god, he looks after nature and helps maintain the balance, I think that is a true wonder. Seeing everything as nature intended, so what you guys up to"?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lilith is pleased that Noran is proving so glib in his persuasive approach to recruiting help. She could not have done much better herself.

She watches and listens to the other bits of conversation, but remains silent herself for the moment. Better not to stand out too much at the moment.


"Stat Block"

Female CG Star Elf / Half Vampire Marshal 1 Bard 7 LA+2 // Rogue 4 Swashbuckler 6, Level 10, Init 9, HP 96/96, DR 5/ silver or magic, Speed 40
AC 26, Touch 18, Flat-footed 21, Fort 9, Ref 14, Will 16, Base Attack Bonus 9/4
Flaming, Keen Rapier +1 +15 or +13 / +10 or +8 (1d6+5, 15-20 x 2)
Slam +9 (1d6+2, x 2)
Keen Kukri +1 +13 (1d4+5, 15-20 x 2)
Mithril Shirt +2 (+6 Armor, +5 Dex, +2 Deflect, +2 Natural, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 20, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 26
Condition Cat's Grace

"I've not been as busy as you might think, at least not recently. Have you ever run into a creative dry spell, where nothing seems quite right? I'm in those sort of doldrums at the moment. What do you look to for inspiration?" Lilith asks Rachel.

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Music: Last Light - Baldur's Gate 3

East Farlsmark

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The Camp









As Lilith lamented about running into creative roadblock, the bard nodded sagely. When asked for a remedy, she gestured broadly around them. "My inspiration is all around me, Red," Rachel answered. "I'm notorious for never planting my roots too deeply in any one place, but I have a reason. My song and stories can only come from my experiences. If I stifle myself to one place, one life, and all the miserable repetition that brings, I lose my drive to sing. For what good are new songs when there is nothing left to sing about? Perhaps you need a change of pace, my friend, something new."

"Ah, a nature god," Syric said, scratching his gray beard. "Druids are rather insular about such things, aren't they? Though you are a priestess, so evangelizing is more to your taste, I suppose. As for what we're doing? Why, celebrating a successful adventure, that's what! An upstart demigoddess from another plane grew to power, and sought to warp this land for her own purposes. We discovered her plan, uprooted her scheme, and banished her into the depths of the void. Of course, Velgrynd here led the party in this endeavor, but I was all too happy to aid her. After all, my master did much the same for hers, many years ago.

"But such is a very long and old tale. All that matters is that this great evil was vanquished forever, thanks to the true hearts you see before you tonight."

Velgrynd gave Noran a curious smile. "My my, what an eloquent and sly tongue. You remind me an old acquaintance." A searching look crossed the sea elf's face, contemplative yet surprisingly keen. It felt as if Noran's every secret would become known to her, if she but wished to pry just a little further. Then, she relented. "Very well. A half-day would not be too costly. I shall see to it you get through the door, and that your cause has my endorsement. I can promise no more."

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl (?)

Party Conditions: Hopeful Hearts and Clear Purpose

Roll20 Map

OOC: Thank you all for your patience! I'm not sure if there's much else you all wish to do in the camp tonight, so if you all are ready, we can move forward.

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant

Concentration: Silent Image (Will DC17) to hide then entrance

Noran acts almost shocked at the elf's offer, clasping his hands daintily over his heart. "It would seem, Madame, that your valor and glory is rivaled only by your charity. You do me... and my companions, further honor still."


He sets his mostly uneaten bowl aside, stands, and gives the woman a deep curtsy. "I fear I can offer little in return, save to take the burden of the watch, that you may relax and rest more thoroughly."


He abruptly spins on the balls of his feet, his robes billowing with the motion, and strolls towards the door... a sly grin slowly stretching across his face.


I'll take the first watch and delay my own rest as long as possible to maintain concentration on my spell.


d20 Rerolls (1)

+4 Atk, Save, Skill until failed skill check

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Mini StatblockSheet https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=853532
Stone Glimpse 


Nhezi El-Rhaki
Female N Medusa Gestalt, Level 8, Init 4, HP 88/88, Speed 20
AC 28, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, Fort 11, Ref 10, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Large Silver Large Morningstar +8/+3 (2d6, x2)
+1 Magical +1 Darkwood Greatclub +9/+4 (1d10+2, x2)
+2 Mithril Fullplate of Acid Resistance, Heavy Wooden (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Condition None

Nhezi replies to Syric "well done you, not an easy achievement. The defeat of such an evil foe is worthy of a ballad, or two. You must have a capable party, beating a demi-god is no small task".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Music: Thousand Grains - Pathfinder: Kingmaker

East Farlsmark

image.jpeg.d8b4f28e4c23ffd9d64f675b3c5efa34.jpeg image.jpeg.e657e7a6fb2d0300830cf7bd5b39b96c.jpeg

The rest of the evening past swiftly. Stories were shared, words of wisdom were spoken, and plenty of tasty hobbit-cooked food was served. Likewise, the night was somewhat restful, yet anxieties about the days to come lingered in the party's mind. Would they be able to root out the slave trade? Would they be able to win over the Duchess? Would they be able to foil Gavstor's plan to keep Farlsmark divided, and open the way for Belregar's army? This all remained to be seen.

A grim mood fell over the party as morning came. As they finally arrived in Zana's Host, they found themselves growing increasingly wary of their surroundings. There is an aura of dread hanging over the town, and the locals are not as open and welcoming as those in Farlstead. Upon seeing the party, who they recognize as "kin" but still outsiders, some swiftly retreat into their houses and shut the doors. Others remained on the street or in their balconies, watching them pass with hardened stares. Were any of them in league with Gavstor? How much had this town been corrupted in the years since Amostiv fell? It was difficult to tell, and despite their best efforts to be diplomatic, the party found it more difficult to speak persuasively. Their hands lingered by their weapons subconsciously, though, so any ambush against them may not pan out as well as they hope.

"Come, the Duchess' keep is at the end of the main road. If you have business here first, so be it, but I cannot delay any longer than I am affording you."

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl (?)

Party Conditions: Arrival in Poor SpiritsThe party is beset by foul moods and short tempers that they must work hard to throw off. They suffer a -4 penalty to all social checks until they succeed on one, but gain a +2 bonus to their next Initiative rolls.

Roll20 Map

OOC: The party has arrived in Zana's Host, but it is an Arrival in Poor Spirits (see Party Conditions). It will pose a challenge if you seek the diplomacy, but a boon if you seek to hunt down the slavers.

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
Arrival Roll
1d8+2 1
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Mini StatblockSheet https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=853532
Stone Glimpse 


Nhezi El-Rhaki
Female N Medusa Gestalt, Level 8, Init 4, HP 88/88, Speed 20
AC 28, Touch 13, Flat-footed 25, Fort 11, Ref 10, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus 6/1
Large Silver Large Morningstar +8/+3 (2d6, x2)
+1 Magical +1 Darkwood Greatclub +9/+4 (1d10+2, x2)
+2 Mithril Fullplate of Acid Resistance, Heavy Wooden (+10 Armor, +2 Shield, +3 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 14
Condition None

Nhezi did not expect a warm welcome but the sour reception was a tad rude. The party had not wronged them so why the sour, sullen looks? Nhezi says "I will accompany you as there is nothing I need that cannot wait" she says.

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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant


Noran clutched the collar tightly against his throat in an attempt to ward off some unseen chill, perhaps the metaphysical one oozing from the mildly hostile residents. "Indeed. We should at least make our presence known before we begin to operate in her realm."


"Besides. You never know what minor details one can let slip during even the most brief conversations, which can later prove most useful..."




d20 Rerolls (1)

Edited by HydroGuy (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Music: Thousand Grains - Pathfinder: Kingmaker

East Farlsmark

5p5iwMGUj9gToNtwlV7E--1--ykhz9.webp.1edbfd454deea03a2f3e507d859b5977.webp image.jpeg.e657e7a6fb2d0300830cf7bd5b39b96c.jpeg

"Very good. Keep up, then! We move with haste."

As Velgrynd said that, the party suddenly felt as though a strong wind was hitting their backs at the same time a powerful current under their feet carried them forward. The world around them turned into a blur, and every step was magnitudes greater than what they are normally capable of. Things came to a sudden halt, however, as they found themselves standing in the midst of an elegant yet small throne room. House Djurgen's coat of arms are proudly displayed on the walls: a golden hawk sailing over a sea of blue. Within this room were numerous guards, courtiers, and the Duchess herself, all of which turned in startling surprise towards the newcomers.

Velgrynd, however, paid none of them any heed, save the Duchess. Bowing before her, she said, "Hail, Dulia Djurgren, Duchess of the River! It is very good to stand in your presence again, my old friend. The years have been kind to you."


"Spare me your flattery, Velgrynd," the Duchess replied, easing back into her throne. "While my heart is glad to see you, you come at a most unfortunate time. I've many preparations for a meeting of the council to prepare for, and I cannot be delayed by nostalgia."

"I assure you, Duchess Dulia, I understand the urgency in which you find yourself. Yet my presence here is no less urgent, and I ask you to spare my companions and I just a few minutes of your time, in privacy."

A tense silence filled the room as all eyes fell upon Dulia. Her steely gaze held the sea elf for a time, a single nail subtly scratching the wooden groove in the armrest of her throne. Then, with an unsure yet relenting sigh, she slowly nodded.

"Fine. Ten minutes is all I can afford you. It is the least you are owed, I suppose. All of you, out."

After a few hesitant moments, the guards followed the Duchess' command, urging the other courtiers out of the throne room, leaving only the party and Velgrynd present.

"I thank you, my old friend. But I shall not be the spokesperson of the affairs to which I seek your audience. That honor, I leave for my companions," replied the sea elf, signaling to the others to begin. Time is of the essence.

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl (?)

Party Conditions: Arrival in Poor Spirits

Roll20 Map

OOC: The party has arrived in Zana's Host, but it is an Arrival in Poor Spirits (see Party Conditions). It will pose a challenge if you seek the diplomacy, but a boon if you seek to hunt down the slavers.

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

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  • 2 weeks later...

Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant


"Your Grace." Noran announces as he steps forward with a deep, elaborate curtsy. "Please excuse any crudeness of my tongue. As your time is precious, I shall have to embrace brevity... and my manners no longer receive the regular exercise they need."


He returns upright, folding his hands neatly in the small of his back. "Madame, rumors stir in your fair land... of conspiracies most foul! Deeds which could prove an indelible stain upon your good name, should they prove true!" He pauses and begins to pace, ever so slowly, allowing his words time to elicit the start of an emotional response before continuing. "Even if such happenings are works of pure fabrication... perhaps by those who consider themselves your enemies... their widespread belief would surely besmirch your rule." He takes another calculated pause, just long enough to invite the notion that he is done, perhaps even awaiting her response, and then proceeds again. "The most unfortunate detail, ma'am, is that the culprits in this supposed scheme... are those that you likely consider your friends and allies!"


He whirls to face her squarely, allowing his vestments to billow slightly with the effort, and shimmies himself backwards into the group. "But, worry not my dear Duchess! I, Noran Bursk, and my associates have come to personally verify the veracity of such stories... and end any potential association they may have with your Duchy, if need be, before any such tragedy befalls your reputation."


He bows again, slightly less elaborately. "With your leave of course."




d20 Rerolls (1)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Music: Thousand Grains - Pathfinder: Kingmaker

East Farlsmark

5p5iwMGUj9gToNtwlV7E--1--ykhz9.webp.1edbfd454deea03a2f3e507d859b5977.webp image.jpeg.e657e7a6fb2d0300830cf7bd5b39b96c.jpeg fbd5d562af7eaf6ed3b438c5a773b6ab-2382962716.jpg.52b725c8538d8435d5f3ddfa12311dae.jpg

"You are bold to imply such things in my court, courtier. One might say you seek to blackmail me. But given your present company-" nodding to Velgrynd, "-I shall not cast you out straight away. Speak plainly. What is it that you truly want?" Duchess Djurgen replied, her eyes narrowing at Noran and her tone underlined with suspicion. "Whose pockets are you looking to line with the gold from my coffers? Which politician's favor are you hoping to win? Strangers do not come to one's house, so knowledgeable about one's affairs, if they did not seek something in return."

Mechanics & OOC

Roles for the Journey

  • Guide: Cyrus
  • Scout: Lilith & Noran
  • Hunter: Nhezi
  • Look-out: Daryl (?)

Party Conditions: Arrival in Poor Spirits

Roll20 Map

OOC: -

To Do: Roleplay at will!

@JCBarnes @paladinred @HydroGuy @Sylas @Xhosant

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  • 2 weeks later...

Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space), Charisma Aura (+8)

Disguise: Middle-class, Middle-age, Half-elf, Farlsteadian merchant


Noran gasps as he clutches at the collar of his shirt. "You wound me, Your Grace!"


He drops to one knee and stares at the floor. "My companions and I come solely in the service of the realm... In the hope that should our assumptions prove true, you may reevaluate your agreements with your diminutive neighbors... Perhaps, find a renewed strength in those you call your own... And, perhaps in allies of old... For the benefit of all Farlsmark."


"There certainly are those among us who would not refuse a token of thanks... afterwords... were any parties grateful enough to offer... but we make no such requests."


Diplomacy (Social Intuition, Take 10) = 26


d20 Rerolls (1)

Edited by HydroGuy (see edit history)
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