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As for the investigation check - Naylah isn't necessarily looking for anything in particular, but generally any clues as to why this room looks so different than anything before, why it is in such a good state and yet abandoned like anything else..

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Quick question. If the snake was trying to sneak up on me, wouldn't its stealth check be versus my Passive Perception or vice versa?


If so then my passive perception of 15 would spot his stealth attempt of 15, right?

I can roll if you prefer, but I think passive works better in this instance as he was not actively searching for sneaky Petes.

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I'm actually not a huge fan of Passive Perception for the most part. If there's something actively sneaking up on you, then I think an active Perception check is called for. I'd probably only use Perception if you walked into a room where there was something lurking somewhere (with no intention or means to attack right away) so I didn't give away a surprise. In this case, the snake was close by, heard the door open, and went to investigate all sneaky-like, attacking as soon as it saw it's meal walking in. Since the surprise is up right away, I figured an active Perception roll on your part was called for.

Let's go back to when I'd use Passive Perception. Let's say you walk up to a castle, with all sorts of creepy statues decorating the battlements. Among the statues are two gargoyles, but they aren't going to attack until you get close enough for them to fly down and rip you to ribbons. I'd give them their hidden stealth check (rolling my own dice) to see if they pass the highest Passive Perception. If they beat it, nobody notices anything 'wrong' with them. But once you get close enough to attack, I'd allow an active Perception check from everyone to see the head turn slightly a moment before it launches itself to attack. Those that beat the original Stealth check can act in the 1st round. Those that didn't, won't get into the initiative count until Round 2.

I'm still feeling my way around the whole Passive Perception thing, including finding secret doors and traps. Generally speaking, if a player says "I'm looking around the room for secret doors" or "I'm keeping an eye out for traps as we move through the hallways of this dungeon", I'll use Passive Perception - which may or may not be enough as they're only keeping a general eye out for something like that. But if they specify they are going to "actively search the north wall where the corridor dead-ends" I'll give them that active Perception check as a second bite at the apple.

Either way though, you saw the snake in time to act in Round 1!

Edited by Stiehle (see edit history)
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Just checking. Will try to remember that for future checks.

@Magiker First off, what did Rodnel do? You state he reaches out and touches Garrick, and says something, but there is not OOC note stating what he did. Also, please don't use white lettering, it does not show well against the standard background color for these boards.

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