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If you're reaching for and need more skills, I also use these for npcs -- https://gurps.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Skills

E for Easy = 50% + 5%/level
A for Average = 40% + 5%/level
H for Hard = 30% + 5%/level
VH for Very Hard = 20% + 5% level

If it confuses you, ignore this. I use much more complicated rules with multiple derived stats and additional hit locations for sdc for npcs.

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So I was doing random rolls for my character and ended up with the powers Swing Line, Techno-Form and Alter Physical Structure: Vines. One of the powers of Techno-Form is the ability to transform into various vehicles, which doesn't feel very thematic for the setting, so I had three questions:

- Could I sacrifice the Vehicle Transformation aspect of Techno-Form in order to be able to combine it with APS: Vines (normally the two wouldn't be compatible)?
- Failing that, could I reroll the APS: Vines into something that can be used alongside my other powers? (I did the rolls for this already and got Force Aura, after a few rerolls of other things that weren't compatible).
- And also, if the first option isn't allowed, could I sacrifice the Vehicle Transformation in exchange for an extra Minor Super Ability?

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The vehicles can be steampunk alchemical stuff or you can do one of those others if you'd prefer. There are things like steampunk/ether tanks and flying vehicles about up to WWI tech, but powered by ghostly electrotech. The Jules Verne 20,0000 leagues under the sea retro/victorian steampunk futurism of Oceanland, or whatever it's called, in Japan Disney is sort of what I'm imagining.

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Silly me, but does anybody have an editable Palladium compatible sheet?


and what languages are important in the setting? English of course, my next guesses are French Latin (maybe Greek), German and possibly Spanish. Is that right?

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5 hours ago, Svartalf said:

Silly me, but does anybody have an editable Palladium compatible sheet?


and what languages are important in the setting? English of course, my next guesses are French Latin (maybe Greek), German and possibly Spanish. Is that right?

It's going to be a 'near Earth' setting so we don't have to look stuff up to be historically accurate -- there's a Germany, but you can make up a new princely state or a ruler that didn't exist so we don't have to look up who was in charge when etc. -- all those languages exist, but I'm also going to make up a few like 'Adamic' 'Enochic' and 'Atlantian' for magic. The Dominions of New England are going to be a bunch of made up states from the mid Atlantic to New England that have all the characteristics of Colonial America without the necessity to look up if stuff existed at the same time or where things are -- so I can insert new cities or geographical features as needed. There's an eastern coast with a 'York'/'Gotham' 'Boston' 'Liberty/Philadelphia' etc. but a lot of additional stuff too. It's going to have a lot of local detail like the rulers of the town and it's political situation, but the wider setting is going to be very 'Here be Dragons' and broad strokes -- there's a 'Cathay' and 'Siam' somewhere that certain characters can come from, but I'm not going to worry about the details. There's a 'Nippon' that Kitsune can come from -- again, the details are going to be handwaved. Everything will be like that.

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I was thinking of making an aberrant shifter mouse / shifter (he's very shifty) with a link to She Who Walks The Circle (from Spirit West) as a gift of magic and drawing on Skinwalker mythology. A mercenary bounty hunter who hunts the supernatural for profit and vengeance.

Would this be an acceptable character type?

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1 hour ago, Pandaemonic said:


I was thinking of making an aberrant shifter mouse / shifter (he's very shifty) with a link to She Who Walks The Circle (from Spirit West) as a gift of magic and drawing on Skinwalker mythology. A mercenary bounty hunter who hunts the supernatural for profit and vengeance.

Would this be an acceptable character type?

sounds good -- looking forward to seeing what you come up with

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13 hours ago, violentprincess said:

This seems extremely cool. Not sure what I might want to make yet, but definitely gonna try to figure something out...

Always happy to see palladium stuff show up :)

Happy to see some more interest -- now we should have 4 which makes me happier in terms of player number

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OK, Here's a short list of my favorite projects... if I'm courageous, I'll make them all and choose later.


a) A rogue scientist/medic mutant wolverine, and yes, he has the claws of his name sake

b) an oversized housecat walking on all4 and without hands... who happens to be very psionically gifted (mind melter)

c) a boar who'll be some kind of nasty fighter... merc or special forces

d) a mutated horse who'll be a warrior monk or other martial artist (and yeah, he might be a steppe pony from Cathay who crossed America from West to East)

e) a mutant bear from who'll be an explorer or trapper as per Rifts Russia

f) a wizard kind of guy who's likely going to be a bird, most likely a parrot

g) I was also thinking of a psi tech kind of guy, but am close to forgetting it because I'm not at all easy on converting from rifts future tech to old time weird tech


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