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  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 5 members 聽路聽 Last active

    A Game of Microscope between friends, associates, and respected enemies. Let's see how goes the apocalypse.

  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 9 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Everyone's hobby started somewhere. This is my beginning! Looking for 2-4 additional players to round out the group.

  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 3 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Cool orginal fantasy thing

  • Open Game 聽路聽 17 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Sunrise glitters upon the surface of the river, dazzling gold upon white-flecked waves. Bird cries fill the morning breeze. The nearby forest comes alive with a cacophony of chirps and hoots, grunts and growls, cracking tree branches, rustling leaves. Grass rolls in emerald waves in the fields across the river. A sleepy town wakes up and sets about the morning fishing on the river, harvesting in the woods, and crafting a new day's fortune. They work blissfully unaware of destiny lying buried amid the green-stained ruins, sunken in the lakes, hidden in the potential of its people. Greet the sunrise. Breathe in the breath of the wild. Adventure awaits.

  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 6 members 聽路聽 Last active

    In the great War of Mortality, only Time remains undefeated. Patience and Indifference are no longer tactics that Man can rely upon. A Day of Reckoning is coming. ~*~*~*~ The story is one of a kind. We're using Memory Tokens to help our amnesiac PCs figure out what in their past is important and what will help survive.

  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

    The Milky Way after SECCOM is a dangerous place, as ThirdCom tries to reestablish ties to lost colonies. Out on the frontiers, rebels, pirates, and corporations constantly battle it out while the Union tries to bring peace and prosperity back to their far-flung descendants. To accomplish this several Union organizations banded together to create a special paramilitary Lancer unit: The Peregrine Syndicate. Operating completely autonomously to give them the tactical flexibility of a pirate squad, but dedicated to bringing peace and safety back to the frontier states, the Peregrine Syndicate (or PERSYN) sends its Syndis out on dangerous missions to combat pirates, fight back corporate control, and bring colonies back into the fold. You are the first PERSYN unit ever created. With narrow access to resources your job is to prove that PERSYN will work and can bring peace back to the Frontier. It's a daunting task but you were picked because you seemed to have the grit, the courage, and the dedication to do it. Can you prove the Union right?

  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 17 members 聽路聽 Last active

    This is an Empire! game using the MW Empire! Alpha Ruleset set on the Ringworld of Ayr, a setting developed by SerakHawk, Chimi, Basil_Bottletop and Colin. This game is intended as a showcase of the Empire! game running on Mythweavers.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 3 members 聽路聽 Last active

    A lowkey, laid back Dresden Files Accelerated game. Low to mid power level. Nothing too fancy, just some good ole fashion who'dun'it mysteries and monster battles.

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