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Character Creation Q&A


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Please direct all mechanical questions regarding character creation here.


Please be sure to read the Character Creation & House Rules thread, in their entirety before posting questions.


The rules for this game will be fairly complicated, and I have done my best to answer as many of them as I could foresee.  A thorough examination of the Rules should answer most questions.


If you need further clarification, or if I missed something, please don't hesitate to ask.  🙂

Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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I'll be your first question of the day. 😇

Extra Origin Talent feat.
What limitation to the type of talent are we allowed to use with it.
It doesn't specify if it is limited to choosing a Phenomenal, Potent or Auxiliary/Utility talents.

Do we assume it's the standard Potent Talent, which can be converted to two Auxiliary talents and 1 Utility talent?


Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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With Veilweaving on the table, I have one very small and specific question.


The City of Seven Seraphs provided two new Incanter Specializations that tie in with the Veilweaving Sphere.  Specifically, I would want to use the Veilweaving Specialization. 


With the understanding that you have stressed VERY FIRMLY that no additional Akashic material will be allowed, how do you feel about this one particular item?

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53 minutes ago, Jubilant Thunder said:

...40? 😵




That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.

Please re-read the character creation. 140 points to spend, the game is limiting characters from having stats under 10, or over 40 in each stat. That's 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24 in each stat for example.

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1 hour ago, Steel Warrior said:

Please re-read the character creation. 140 points to spend, the game is limiting characters from having stats under 10, or over 40 in each stat. That's 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24 in each stat for example.


This was the part I was gaping at, as well as making a very silly obscure reference.

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7 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

I'll be your first question of the day. 😇

Extra Origin Talent feat.
What limitation to the type of talent are we allowed to use with it.
It doesn't specify if it is limited to choosing a Phenomenal, Potent or Auxiliary/Utility talents.

Do we assume it's the standard Potent Talent, which can be converted to two Auxiliary talents and 1 Utility talent?

Expansive training trades a potent talent for a feat, so trading a feat foe a Potent Talent seems reasonable.


6 hours ago, Llyarden said:

Are advanced and legendary talents allowed?

Of course.  I'll make a note of it in the rules.  🙂

6 hours ago, hiace50 said:

During character creation, ability scores can not go below 10 or above 40 from Race and Class modifiers. Does that also apply to the character advancement ability score increase at every 4 levels?

No level advancement.  You get 140 points to spend on stats, that's it.

I'll clarify that in the rules as well.

2 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

Please re-read the character creation. 140 points to spend, the game is limiting characters from having stats under 10, or over 40 in each stat. That's 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24 in each stat for example.

No worries SW, I didn't specify level advancement.  That's on me.


2 hours ago, Niblooey said:

The non-magical character sheet is supposed to be one used in anti-magic fields, right?

Correct.  Since that will likely come up a fair bit, it seemed an easier solution than trying to refigure stuff constantly.   🙂

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