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Character Creation Q&A


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2 hours ago, Lex Samreeth said:

I can't quote the character template in the character creation rules thread. I think it has to be in an unlocked thread.

Whoops!  I'll create a separate template thread later today.

1 hour ago, Steel Warrior said:

You can quote mine, then select all, copy/paste what's in the quote.

Thanks SW

1 hour ago, Jubilant Thunder said:



It's from an old kids book teaching you how to count using superheroes. It's absurd and memetastic.


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Other than Boons that are considered SU and are affected by the Beholders' Eye.
Does this apply to other SU abilities provided by classes/feats? Since SU are normally supposed to work in Anti-magic zones.

Second, there was the houserule on Multitalented which was very generous.

If you have the Multitalented Auxiliary Origin Talent, you may apply your FCB to ALL classes, on both sides of the Gestalt.


How would the Potent Aptitude talent Quick On The Pickup work.

Quick On The Pickup [potent]

When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit. You can choose other favored class bonuses in place of either of these bonuses (but not both). Associated Feat: Fast Learner.

Would that mean we can get 1 hit point + fcb || 1 skill point + fcb?

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, relekorlagunis said:

With Veilweaving on the table, I have one very small and specific question.


The City of Seven Seraphs provided two new Incanter Specializations that tie in with the Veilweaving Sphere.  Specifically, I would want to use the Veilweaving Specialization. 


With the understanding that you have stressed VERY FIRMLY that no additional Akashic material will be allowed, how do you feel about this one particular item?

Bumping this one up since @Arklytte doesn't seem to have answered it.

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29 minutes ago, Steel Warrior said:

Other than Boons that are considered SU and are affected by the Beholders' Eye.
Does this apply to other SU abilities provided by classes/feats? Since SU are normally supposed to work in Anti-magic zones.

Second, there was the houserule on Multitalented which was very generous.

If you have the Multitalented Auxiliary Origin Talent, you may apply your FCB to ALL classes, on both sides of the Gestalt.


How would the Potent Aptitude talent Quick On The Pickup work.

Quick On The Pickup [potent]

When you gain a level in a favored class, you gain both +1 hit point and +1 skill rank instead of choosing either one or the other benefit. You can choose other favored class bonuses in place of either of these bonuses (but not both). Associated Feat: Fast Learner.

Would that mean we can get 1 hit point + fcb || 1 skill point + fcb?

SU abilities are suppressed in an antimagic field, just like spells.


And yes, quick on the pickup would give you +1 HP|+1 Skill point in addition to FCB on both sides

25 minutes ago, relekorlagunis said:

Bumping this one up since @Arklytte doesn't seem to have answered it.

Whoops, sorry Relek. I did, indeed, miss that.


I'm going to have to look into that one a bit more. I didn't actually know it existed, so didn't take it into consideration.  🙂


That said, on first blush, it seems a bit strong compared to other Specializations (its CoSS, which runs at an inherently greater power level than base spheres, so that makes sense).  I'm not going to say no outright...I'll do a bit more comparison/research and get back to you.



Edited by Arklytte (see edit history)
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I was looking at taking the Sorcerer VMC
I gain bloodline powers, but not the bloodline arcana apparently. So I was starting to build the Kaiju Bloodline for my Ettin Character

If I chose to pick up the Beastmaster Talent Animal Companion at 1st level, would it still be fine to use the bloodline powers on my companion.
I am thinking a proper animal companion for an Ettin might be a Huge Griffon or Hippogriff

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So I'm planning on going one side OozeMorph Shifter. The Archetype is terribly writen, so there are a few thing that are ambiguous.

I'd like to have clarification on how "Morphic Weaponry" interacts with things like "Weapon focus".

The ability states that it gives the Oozemorph: "a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body"

These Natural Weapons can be B,P, or S, and can be swapped as a swift action. It never states that these need to fall into any spesific type of pre-established natural attack. I would take this to mean that "Morphic Weaponry" is a unique type of natural attack (like a bite or a slam would be).

Would that mean I am able to take "Weapon focus: Morphic Weapon"?

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1 hour ago, hiace50 said:

So I'm planning on going one side OozeMorph Shifter. The Archetype is terribly writen, so there are a few thing that are ambiguous.

I'd like to have clarification on how "Morphic Weaponry" interacts with things like "Weapon focus".

The ability states that it gives the Oozemorph: "a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body"

These Natural Weapons can be B,P, or S, and can be swapped as a swift action. It never states that these need to fall into any spesific type of pre-established natural attack. I would take this to mean that "Morphic Weaponry" is a unique type of natural attack (like a bite or a slam would be).

Would that mean I am able to take "Weapon focus: Morphic Weapon"?

With Feat Tax rules, it's assumed that any time you pick a feat that only works with a single, select weapon (like Weapon Focus or Dazzling Display), it instead applies to a chosen weapon group, with the feat usable with any weapon in the group that'd normally qualify (can't use a light weapon with a feat that only works with a chosen 2-handed weapon, for instance). So you can just go "Weapon focus: Natural attacks" and it'd work with Morphic Weaponry.

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1 minute ago, Niblooey said:

With Feat Tax rules, it's assumed that any time you pick a feat that only works with a single, select weapon (like Weapon Focus or Dazzling Display), it instead applies to a chosen weapon group, with the feat usable with any weapon in the group that'd normally qualify (can't use a light weapon with a feat that only works with a chosen 2-handed weapon, for instance). So you can just go "Weapon focus: Natural attacks" and it'd work with Morphic Weaponry.

Ahh, didn't see the feat tax in the rules. Ty!

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6 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

I was looking at taking the Sorcerer VMC
I gain bloodline powers, but not the bloodline arcana apparently. So I was starting to build the Kaiju Bloodline for my Ettin Character

If I chose to pick up the Beastmaster Talent Animal Companion at 1st level, would it still be fine to use the bloodline powers on my companion.
I am thinking a proper animal companion for an Ettin might be a Huge Griffon or Hippogriff

Sure. You dont get the Arcana with VMC, but if you get an Animal Companion another way, then I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to use the Bloodline Power on it.


Approved.  🙂

5 hours ago, hiace50 said:

So I'm planning on going one side OozeMorph Shifter. The Archetype is terribly writen, so there are a few thing that are ambiguous.

I'd like to have clarification on how "Morphic Weaponry" interacts with things like "Weapon focus".

The ability states that it gives the Oozemorph: "a number of natural weapons to fight with from any portion of her body"

These Natural Weapons can be B,P, or S, and can be swapped as a swift action. It never states that these need to fall into any spesific type of pre-established natural attack. I would take this to mean that "Morphic Weaponry" is a unique type of natural attack (like a bite or a slam would be).

Would that mean I am able to take "Weapon focus: Morphic Weapon"?

What @Niblooey said.  😄


@relekorlagunis As written, that Specialization is definitely OP compared to the other Incanter specializations (but, as I said, it's Co7S...which is all kinds of OP anyway).  However, I'm willing to allow it with the following changes.

  • Veil Mastery: At 3rd level, the incanter’s mastery over the art of veilweaving grows. They gain knowledge of a veil of their choice and gain 1 point of essence. They gain knowledge of an additional veil and gain an additional point of essence at 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter as well.
  • Extra Veil: At 8th level, the incanter gains the ability to shape an additional veil each day using the Veilweaving sphere. If they have given up the ability to shape veils (such as by the Essence Binder drawback), they may instead gain a single Veilweaving talent of their choice.
  • Indestructible Veils: At 20th level, the incanter’s veils can no longer be sundered, suppressed or dispelled by anything less than the single-target option of the Greater Counterspell feat (or ability of similar power, such as the mage’s disjunction spell), an Antimagic Aura, or similar. In addition, they cannot have their chakras or essence disrupted by the abilities of the Veilweaving sphere, and whenever they would suffer essence burn from a harmful effect originating from another creature, they can choose to ignore the essence burn. This does not allow them to ignore essence burn caused by their own abilities, or the abilities of an ally.
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Given that Quick Recovery is basically a specific kind of fast healing, I'm going to say it doesn't.


Since, technically, the way it's written, the Accelerated Healing boon would trigger it as well.


I think I'm going to specify that it does not trigger off Fast Healing, rather than it only triggers it's bonus healing against discrete, specific healing, like the Salve from Alchemy or the Cure aspect of the Life sphere.  Anything that's a continuous/ongoing type of healing wouldn't trigger it.


I'll work on the wording and update the rules, but that's basically how I'll have it work in practice.

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Okay, cool.  Kinda figured that was how it would work but thought I ought to check.


Also, a slightly different question - given that our particular group are well-known for fighting aberrations (and indeed that's why we've been called in) I assume it wouldn't be too unreasonable to be specialised at fighting aberrations?

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Hello, hello, two questions:

1) i'm a bit confused about the add, on one hand this game has one of the most sick powerful character creation rules i've ever seen, with all of this stuff one can build characters who are gods and you know it 😅 but then the game-add discourage game breaking characters, i understand there is a difference between being powerful and game-breaking but it would help to have some kind of benchmarks, i already see that there are no specific limits on skills given the dc 80 on some epic skill checks, but what about the rest? i think having an idea of whats low and whats high for the various key numbers(defenses, saves, attacks, spell dc ecc) would help form a party that is somewhat balanced with each other.


2) the race creation rules play funnily with some standard pathfinder prestige classes that change a character type (a few even add templates, like a werewolf or an undead, possibly others but i dont know) how do they combine with your rules? 

Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
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