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Eye Candy (OOC Thread)


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bIEOcZo.pngYep, I went there.  😄


All the OOC that's fit to OOC.


Feel free to chat about anything and everything here.  Note, however, that if you have mechanics based questions, please direct them to the Character Creation Q&A Thread.  Anything else is fair game though (within MW rules, of course 😉 ).

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Eye've been working on not being easy to die.
I have some crazy bonus to negative hit points required for me to die.
Skirt Death Auxiliary gives me +5 Con bonus to stabilize, and I add my character level to con score when determining negative hit point total.
Then there's Favored Class Bonus: Increase the total number of negative hit points you can reach before dying by 2. for -30
Deathless Berserker Sphere (Associated feat Diehard)
Quick Recovery Boon: You remove nonlethal damage equal to your character level each round.
Rage Abilities: Guarded Life (Ex), Guarded Life, Greater (Ex) If I hit below 0 HP, 30 damage is converted to nonlethal

DR 7/- or 10/- depending on the stack DR 7-  help reduce damage taken
I will remain conscious and be like.. in the maw of some monster chewing on me, "I'm still alive!!!"

With a Con of 30, We are looking at per the rules, twice Con score: -60, -15 (skirt Death), FCB -30
I have to hit -105 to die. As long as the fast healing and Rage is ongoing, I will heal nonlethal damage at 15 hp/round.

Hrm.. I feel like I am missing something I ran across, but I can't put my finger on it. *searches feats and traits*

Picked up the Combat Vigor chain, so I can heal myself and remove ability score damage.

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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I was tempted to focus on the barroom sphere based fighter who never goes anywhere without his mug of booze. You know, a beer-holder. 


I ended up instead going in a different way which sadly loses the punning opportunity, but should be a fun character nonetheless. I did name my backup/ranged weapon "Beauty" and took the talent Thread the Needle which allows a psuedo-called shot to a target's eyes. You know, so I can throw Beauty into the eye of the Beholder.


I'll see myself out now. 

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Yeah..I feel that feel, really hard Relek. 😁


Unless I just get a super solid, unstoppable idea, I always go through a half dozen or more character ideas every time I apply to a game.

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13 minutes ago, Arklytte said:

Yeah..I feel that feel, really hard Relek. 😁


Unless I just get a super solid, unstoppable idea, I always go through a half dozen or more character ideas every time I apply to a game.


Elevator pitch of my new plan:

Blind Lamentation Hedgewitch with Martial Reaper.  Spend most of my time screaming at Beholders with blindsense.

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I'm going with the guy who wants to become a god - but for a surprisingly benevolent reason. Built him with the assumption of a Golarion pantheon, but we can say that the gnolls were created by an equally crazy demonic goddess, right?

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Also, I moved the Character Template to it's own thread. The thread is unlocked, so you should now be able to copy it from the Source if you wish to.  Enjoy!


PS: I'll post the form I use for posting (I'm also in a game on BALDR) if anyone wants one.  I also added some links to the top of the Application and Game sections, including a link to a thread by BWatford with some AWESOME templates for characters/posting.  My personal one is based on one of theirs, which I modified.  So, if that's your bag, go for it!!  Or, of course, make an awesome one of your own and the rest of us can swipe it too.  😄


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Did Baldur do away with BBCode formatting? 

... I've spent the last TWENTY YEARS trying to avoid HTML! 

Old Man Yells At Cloud GIFs | Tenor


(Also I've just learned you can't just copy and paste the Source code, that breaks images somehow! So even learning HTML wouldn't help) 

Edited by Valdimarian (see edit history)
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