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Eye Candy (OOC Thread)


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Spent about 3 hours last night trying to figure out how to properly do a floatleft/floatright for my image. Kept getting the font awkwardly typing in the center and then jumping to below the image after one sentence. Finally managed to get the text to appear to the immediate right of the image; however, I could not for the life of me figure out how to add a tiny margin space between the image and the text. Currently my post text hugs my image and as someone who likes nice clean formatting it drives me nuts.

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4 hours ago, dalamb said:

How do you do those with html?

YZx2TQ6.pngThey are style tags, so they can be added to another element.  Make sure the style string is in quotes, and that there's a closing semi-colon at the end before the unquote.  In this case, I added the float property, with the value of right, AND added a left margin to it of 20px to keep the text from bumping right up to the edge of the picture.


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/YZx2TQ6.png" style="float:right;margin-left:20px;"> 


If you go back into source after it's been submitted, myth-weavers does tweak the img tag a bit, adding in a blank image to speed up formatting until the image is loaded, as well as letting you click on the image to see a full version of it - just so it doesn't throw you off if you go back in and look at it again. 

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I took a break from the html toying today and decided i needed to start finalizing the character... and I came to the realization of just how insane Brute:Titan can be on an already large and strong guy.

First draft numbers put Thrack's light load carrying capacity at a little over 24 tons.

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3 hours ago, CraziFuzzy said:

They are style tags, so they can be added to another element.  Make sure the style string is in quotes, and that there's a closing semi-colon at the end before the unquote.  In this case, I added the float property, with the value of right, AND added a left margin to it of 20px to keep the text from bumping right up to the edge of the picture.


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/YZx2TQ6.png" style="float:right;margin-left:20px;"> 

Thank you! Had to delete the original source and re-paste your command with my own image URL but managed to get my image floating with the correct margin.

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7 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

This is what the Arklyte was referring to that he can't read the black text on a dark background. Make sure to ctrl+A and then click the A on the bar and select automatic.



I do not understand, I did write the post directly here, no copy paste, how did it happen? 

Edit. Found it, I did copy 3 words from other threads(the character names!) and looks like the text kept the strange color. 

Edit. Should be fixed now

Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
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No worries @Rudra...the editor here is...well...it's awful, and it just does random weird crap all the time. I'm really not fond of it, but, trying to be fair, it is getting better (VERY SLOOOOOOOOWLY).  Either way, I appreciate your diligence.  🙂

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What is especially frustrating is that apparently they want us to use the editor to make things look nicer on phones. Trouble is, whatever I do to try to make it look good on a desktop screen makes it look terrible on a phone. Tables seem to be one of the biggest problems. On the phone I have never seen a table look any good except somewhat in landscape mode.

I guess we will have to learn to live with it.

I imagine there may be other colors besides black that look bad on your theme, @Arklytte. Orange looks bad on the default screen.

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Just a heads up to all and sundry...I'll be working my way through individual threads today and answering character specific questions as I go.  If you're still waiting for answers, again, I appreciate your patience.  If I can get through all those today, I'll move on to the Q&A thread and get caught up there as well.


A friendly reminder, the last day of the application process is this coming Saturday.  THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOUR APP IS YOUR CHARACTER'S FLUFF.  That is 90%+ of what I base my decisions on when it comes to choosing characters for my games.  If you haven't finished (or even started) your character's fluff, but have been working on their mechanics, consider switching priorities.  Once the final team is chosen, those that still need to finish their mechanics will have plenty of time to do so.


The main crunchy stuff I'm looking for is classes (and archetypes), what your focus spheres will be, and a general overview of what you see as your main/secondary roles, both in and out of combat.  Anything else you put together is gravy.  🙂

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@dalamb Yeppers. This seeming push for Mobile Uber Alles is just straight up stupid IMO.  I dont know where this HORDE of mobile users is supposedly at/coming from, but in my experience, the majority of users use their PC's when doing any sort of serious posting.  Sure, most of us will jump on our phones to check messages, read threads, maybe even make a quick OOC post, but who in their right mind is going to sit around formatting/typing/posting a huge IC post on a phone?


This was brought up again and again AND AGAIN in the 'transitioning to BALDR' post.  Any and all concerns were either completely ignored, or outright shouted down by the admins.  It was...BEYOND frustrating.  We were all told 'wait til you see it before judging'...and yet, every one of the various predictions about the crappiness of the experience...CAME TRUE.


Oh, and if ONE MORE PERSON tries to tell me how f-ing GREAT this idiotic editor is 'bEcAuSe TeH tAbLeS lOoK gReAt'...I am legit going to strangle them.  One feature that is, yes, admittedly better than BBCode tables (which, let's be honest, are crap) does NOT make this stupid WYSIWYG PoS the superior choice.  Especially when you consider just how crappily some things are implemented (OOC's, I'm looking at you!).  And yes, I know that's not entirely the admin's fault, since it's a limitation of the software, and I also acknowledge that they've put in yeoman's work getting something vaguely resembling OOC tags up, the problem is, they're basically just crappier looking spoilers (which are, themselves, crappy looking/crappily implemented).


And that doesn't even get into all the OTHER bugs, the crappy coding of the source editor, and the fact that the nice, simple, easy to use and understand BBCode has been replaced by frikken HTML!




OK, I'm climbing down off my soapbox now.  Because I'm starting to get actually angry again.  Suffice it to say that I am really not happy with BALDR, or the "reasoning" behind it's implementation.  That said, it's the future of MW whether I, personally, like it or not, and, dammit, I love this site/community enough that I'm not willing to leave it, even if every time I try to post anything beyond the simplest post on here I end up taking seven times as long to do it, hate the end result, and literally want to rip my hair out because of all the errors/the generally crap editor.


And on that note, I'm going to go away for awhile.  I need to run anyway, and I need to cool down before I have to head out for the day.  Y'all have a good one.  I'll be back later to answer questions.




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1 hour ago, dalamb said:

Is OGMW open source? Maybe we need a rich patron to create a new site.

I don't believe it is.  It started as an off-the-shelf commercial forum software, that they tweaked to add features over the years.  The base software itself is fine, and continues to get updates, but they can't use them, because the tweaks they've made were done by young kids who didn't really know what they were doing and everytime they've tried to upgrade, they've broken a lot of things.

Moving to a new system that is more tweakable from the start is probably a good idea, but they need to figure out all their tweaks again, from the beginning, and they don't seem to have a full grasp of what their core user base is looking for in regards to those features.  The battle for them to even realize that the OOC tags are a desired feature took far to much work on the users part.

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The fundamental rule I teach my software engineering students is, always ask the end users what their needs are. Don't talk to middle management anymore than you absolutely must. And certainly don't talk to the people who will be developing the software before you've got input from the users. *Then* you talk to the developers, since their expertise is in what is feasible with what level of difficulty, and you need that before getting into discussion of what to do in what order.

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That being said,

  • I have a lot of sympathy for the developers, given the strategic decisions the have to live with and the mismatch between the needs of a beta release with the demands of the users.
  • I'm sticking with M-W anyway, unless all the people I like and respect leave.
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I know nothing about the people who own/operate MW - but in my experience with similar companies in the past, it is often not so much an issue of the developers vs the owners, as in these types of situations, they are usually one in the same.  I think the developers see all this fancy HTML5 stuff that can be done on the newer platforms that couldn't be done as easily on the old one, and felt the need to move to get the new fancy stuff, not because it was actually better for the users.  That, combined with a desire to attract newer users (which probably isn't going to work - newer younger players are just never going to end up here - sticking to discord or other more prevalent platforms).  This is an old school method of play, and is populated by old school players who simply don't need or desire the types of changes they are looking to make.

If they wanted to add a feature that would actually be used, it'd be some form of token based tabletop that could be embedded into the game forum...  But that is a LOT more development than they are likely interested in doing.

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