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SIDE: Bowing to a Lich's Whims


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Kaelan had allowed Prax a moment to suit before signaling her impatient. With the troll leading, they hurried back to the scene of the intrusion. They were an interesting pair as they moved, Kaelan with her awkward strides and Prax with her overpronounced ones; the suit did nearly even the heights out though. Their time was spent in an awkward silence...


Edited by Sohala (see edit history)
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Well, you dont know which breach they came in so what did you want do try to fix them? The power station is a hole in the ground so unless your going to fix that or put defenses there hard to fix that. The other one you may be able to reseal the gate which would stop them from just walking in. But to get to the gate is hours through the wilds of the vaults uncontrolled already where all many of things live and hunted

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The armored visage of Prax's suit turned downward, fixating on Samuel's direction, as their forward movement halted. Her left hand instinctively hovered near her hip, nearly reaching for her sidearm at the abrupt disruption. Realizing the identity of the interloper, she hesitated, refraining from releasing the compartment. Positioning herself partly between Kaelan and Samuel, she mused wryly at his last assurance, 'The verdict is still out on that...'

Her voice emanated from both the suit's systems and its unsealed sections, creating a pseudo-echo. Impatience laced her words as she replied, "And what brings you here in such a not-so-coincidental manner...?" Her raised hand signaled for him to pause a moment longer, even as her exhale was captured by the microphone, "If you're able to walk and talk, I won't hinder your presence. Everyone's entitled to their own path within these walls."


Not certain private is strictly required, as the events can be reported back. I will accept either way you prefer.

Under the assumption they get to the scene, she will start with the largest pieces, working her way down, and see if they retain or will take a charge. It will be crude, but if a charge can be maintained, recovery might be possible. At the same time, she will scan for digital signatures. Failing to stabilize the hardware, perhaps the 'software' can be saved. She is aware of the time delay, it is worth trying regardless though.



Edited by Sohala (see edit history)
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"Well, not you that's for sure. Let's say our trust levels toward each other are quite equal. You are most certainly not who you say you are, but seeing that neither am I, I don't really care about that. And you are walking into a multitude of death machines, and while they can't harm me, they can inconvenience me greatly. So I'll keep this short and sweet. Something bad is happening here, and even slightly worse than your friend told you. I propose a simple exchange of information."

Samuel looks down trying to gauge how many eyes mechanical or otherwise are watching them and waiting for them to cross.

"I'd prefer to keep it simple and clean we talk, we part our ways and you more than likely get killed. But maybe, just maybe do what you planned to. You refuse and I am forced to remind you that you are working against the "laying low" directive that we agreed upon and, if I gave a crap, my priority would be to think about the whole crew instead of just one. Samuel actually smiles as he isn't both outgunned and outmanned at the moment. Fortunately, I might give a crap about what they are doing to Metas, for my own reasons, but our interests align at the moment. I'd urge you to wait until the exchange of information is done before you run into a death trap. It will be short."



Perception (Looking for Danger, oddly behaving AI)
1d20+23 8
Diplomacy (For Rina and her Friend)
1d20+13 6
Sense Motive (looking is the answer trutfull)
1d20+23 9
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Playful thoughts danced with concerns within Prax's head as they walked and Samuel talked. An exchange of information was rarely, if ever, equal in outcome. The simplest phrase could mean the world to one party, while at the same time, an archive of technical documents would be next to useless for a highly advanced trader. Which would she be in this?

If Samuel could have seen her expression inside the helmet, he would have encountered a display of evident confusion. Had he mistaken her for someone else? Was this a result of some improper retention during their time in the SIM? Whatever the reason, it didn't inspire confidence in the proposed exchange. And the timing couldn't have been worse. Each moment they spent deliberating likely meant fewer available opportunities.

Impatience had morphed into annoyance as Prax abruptly turned to face the man once more. "Unless you possess information that aids in our efforts to save someone, even if our attempts come too late, you may need to wait your turn." His furtive glances around gave her the impression of underlying insecurities. "Or perhaps a later time is already arranged?"


She is receptive to talking, but she feels rushed, with other pressing concerns at the moment.



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https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/b6/67/bcb667b1ff558edf52eb17bc78419f97.jpg Samuel sighs and stops "See I'd love to because that would mean I could grab my armor and my big shoota' hence evening the field. But for you two will not be later. You will die inside if anything else I'm sure you are well-versed in risk assessment, you do not have enough manpower or firepower against what is inside. That is a fact. As you know detestable "grunt" high General I know few things about securing sensitive sites."

He leans at a nearby wall and stops, sniffing the air "Won't be long now before the start, if you refuse to listen and continue time to get the weapon ready."



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Kaelan, bereft of any facial concealments or possible contexts for the conversation, wrong or otherwise, stood there with clear confusion at the man's dialog. She would cast the occasional glance Prax's way, trying to read unmoving metal. Getting nothing from there she turned back to the newcomer, "I don't know you well enough sir and I suspect you don't know us well enough either, for you seem to have the wrong impression of us." There was a catch in the way she said us, as her eyes drifted toward Prax and then abruptly shifted back. "Outsiders have seen fit to penetrate and attempt an assassination on one of our mechanized residents. Their existence is beyond my specialty, but Rina here has always had a special way with machines that I have never seen before..." Recently exchanged words caused the spoken thoughts to drag in a pause before the troll continued, "It is my hope that she can help."

Prax put her metal hand on the troll's shoulder, attempting to reassure her as she added, "Who exactly did you think we were and what did you think we were up to?"


So, unless someone has been reading her mind, I think you may have taken some of the unspoken context writing and incorporated it as IC knowledge.



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https://i.pinimg.com/564x/bc/b6/67/bcb667b1ff558edf52eb17bc78419f97.jpg Samuel gives a short bow to Kaelan "My apologies Madam. I certainly did not want to meet like this, but I worked int the Ambulance today where I found something and I'm waiting for the Lab results to confirm to deny my suspicion. While I was doing that I was, I must admit slightly prowling when I noticed...Rina...who is certainly good with machines. I was actually very close when you bumped into each other and made myself very, very stealthy. Since when Troll starts yelling and I quote: "Those bastards started to purge our AIs off the system, bloody racist scum, if you have not voted yet I hope you don't to vote join these BARBARIANS!" Conected with something I noticed it piqued my naturally curious nature. See this is the problem I face, a lot of I don't know how you would call people who live here "citizens" suffer from slight white blood cell deficiency, which by itself is nothing to worry about and that's why I did not press any of big red buttons in the office. But the amount of people with deficiency is too large to be coincidental, so I need to wait and see if it is normal for people who have been in SiM for a long time, that is completely possible and their system might bounce back in a week, but now in roughly 59 hours lab work will be done and I will know for sure is it that, or was it induced by someone else. That is one part of my problem.

The second part is that the whole day not one Meta Human didn't enter my office and that also piqued my interest. Do you have ambulances, especially for you? The second difficulty of is that I don't have any Meta blood to run through the test, so I would be very grateful if you would allow me to take a vial with my gun. As to where you are going, that is simple to highly secure part of the infrastructure where you shouldn't be. Why I don't know, I am not THAT good as your friend. But I would repeat the warning that you are undermanned and under-armed for this attempt. I could likely sneak in but I'm not as good with Computes as Rina is. If you want me out of your hair. One vial of your blood and I'm off to the lab, naturally, I'll deny I knew anything about this if instead of killing you get captured. Now Madam Kaelan before you start to deny that you are about to do stupid and illegal I'd advise you to look to your side and see how your friend is kitted out, that is "I'm going to war" look, 7th on Looks to Kill For Weekly, if I ever saw one. We can't even see her face for Blood's sake. And god knows what kind of interface she has going inside. So yeah you are going to do something against the law, and I don't care, what I do care about is my patients, including Meta Humans whatever is reason I saw none today, and ALL of them might die. So how about I take a vial of your blood and vanish and you go your way or reconsider this completely, or at least call a dozen more people."



Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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On 11/21/2023 at 8:34 PM, Sohala said:

The armored visage of Prax's suit turned downward, fixating on Samuel's direction, as their forward movement halted. Her left hand instinctively hovered near her hip, nearly reaching for her sidearm at the abrupt disruption. Realizing the identity of the interloper, she hesitated, refraining from releasing the compartment. Positioning herself partly between Kaelan and Samuel, she mused wryly at his last assurance, 'The verdict is still out on that...'

Her voice emanated from both the suit's systems and its unsealed sections, creating a pseudo-echo. Impatience laced her words as she replied, "And what brings you here in such a not-so-coincidental manner...?" Her raised hand signaled for him to pause a moment longer, even as her exhale was captured by the microphone, "If you're able to walk and talk, I won't hinder your presence. Everyone's entitled to their own path within these walls."


Not certain private is strictly required, as the events can be reported back. I will accept either way you prefer.

Under the assumption they get to the scene, she will start with the largest pieces, working her way down, and see if they retain or will take a charge. It will be crude, but if a charge can be maintained, recovery might be possible. At the same time, she will scan for digital signatures. Failing to stabilize the hardware, perhaps the 'software' can be saved. She is aware of the time delay, it is worth trying regardless though.



nothing in the matrix and when you see that its core unit has been removed and smashed that would be why.

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The troll laughs at Samuel " Came on this freak has no clue about anything, if he was a real vaulter he know exactly what was going on, guess those rumors of spies being planted are true, whatever this crew is lets leave them to their own misguided musing." When she finished speaking to Prax, she turned to you. "That's a piss off and drop dead you're not getting any of my blood for you wank tank." and starts to walk towards the building where the doorman was nearby. She gets to a terminal before any real action can be taken from Samuel.

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