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Chapter 5: The townmaster's plight


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image.png.e1b12aee1d32f3d97feb25c4d4ca86cb.pngBrühl Tordönson
Character Sheet | Adventure Log

CG Illuskan Human "Sailor" Fighter 6 "Battle-Master" / Wizard 1 [7]
HP 72 | AC 20 | Init +2 | Perception 18 | Investigation 20

Brühl calls Mimir back to them and relays to his companions what he learned from his familiar's scouting mission. He assumes this teammates all have rope and so he starts pulling out his rope and looking to tie it to a secure location so they can climb down.



OoC: Securing a rope to climb down.

Game Notes

The adventuring party is looking for an old duergar mining outpost; history books mention a powerful duergar leader named Zorzula commanded mining operations throughout the Sword Mountains.; a pair of forbidding obsidian doors is the entrance to Zorzula's Rest (mining outpost).


6e3642009bcf02204bcd7124ea7fb2d6.jpgOwl "Mimir"

AC 11 | HP 1 (1d4-1) | Speed 60' | Darkvision 12' | Passive Perception 13
Perception +3, Stealth +3

Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks
Flyby: doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving enemy's reach

Familiar Abilities
Telepathy 100'
See and Hear through familiar's senses
Deliver touch spells




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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katrina.png.883a05a31c5c448f61c3bcc8e66f3a36.pngKatrina Fairlight
LN, Female Human| AC:20* | HP:65/65| Speed:30ft | Perception:14 | Insight:10
* Reaction: shield +5 ac | Favored by the Gods: 1 | Speaking thinking
Profile | Character Sheet (DDB)

Kat uncurls her rope and hands it to Brühl thanking him and Mimir for his insight and scouting, as they descend she uses her magic to alter the flow of the water and make the vent, less slippy, it might add a little more time to the descent, but it would be safer, even with the rope.


OOC, Mechanics

Use shape water cantrip to alter the flow of the water so as to be less slippy, I'll repeatedly cast it for the areas we're traversing if it would help.


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Posted (edited)

Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains

image.jpeg.2be7e458fa9adadc9ecb46e7afda37c7.jpeg Kat's spell makes traversing the vent an easier exercise. After descending 50-feet, you exit the vent and see the chamber below. The remainder of rope reaches down into the bubbling water, but you are able to climb down safely. Brühl follows next and then the others.



I only added Kat's and Bruhl's icons for now, otherwise it'll get pretty crowded.

Please let me know what you want to do next.


Edited by TricksterArcane (see edit history)
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Felvora Haspirex Sheet | Log
Drow Druid 5
HP: 38/38 | HD: 5/5 (d8) | AC: 15/18 | Init: +2 | PP: 17 (12 for vision in bright light) | Speed: 30 ft | PB: +3 Natural Recovery: 1/1 Wild Shape: 2/2
Conditions: None | Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 2/2 |

Ability Scores, Skills and Saves

Ability Scores:
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 12 (+1)

Skills: Animal Handling +7 Insight +7 Nature +4 Perception* +7 Survival +7
* disadvantage to vision-based Perception checks when in bright light

Saves*: Str 0 Dex +3 Con +3 Int +5 Wis +8 Cha +2
* all include bonus from Ring of Protection
Advantage on saves against Charm (Fey Ancestry)

Attacks and Spells

Frostbite - range 60', Con Save vs DC 15 or 2d6 cold and Disadvantage on next weapon attack
Thorn Whip 30' reach melee spell attack, +7 to hit, 2d6 piercing on hit and target may be pulled 10' toward caster if size L or smaller

Spells Prepared (Druid spells are +7/DC 15):
Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Frostbite, Guidance, Thorn Whip
Level 1: Absorb Elements, Faerie Fire^, Goodberry, Healing Word, Speak With Animals, Thunderwave
Level 2: Darkness^, Flaming Sphere, Pass Without Trace, Spider Climb*, Web*
Level 3: Gaseous Form*, Plant Growth, Revivify, Stinking Cloud*, Summon Fey

^ from Drow ancestry - if cast using ancestry slot, casting stat is Cha and save DC is 12
* Land Circle spells



Felvora is fit but slight and climbing in elf form is not something she enjoys. She thanks Katrina when she reaches the bottom of the rope.

Thank you, Katrina. I appreciate you taking the time to ease the way. I could have changed form, but I'd rather save the energy in case we need it later.

Hopefully the trip was worth the trouble. Let's see if there's a way out of here.

She begins scanning the walls, looking for any way out that doesn't involve a dip in a boiling spring.



Perception Roll


Perception Roll
1d20+7 10
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image.jpegLotham Pendricky Sheet | Log

Neutral Good, Male Human Wizard 7 (Abjuration)

HP: 44/44 | HD: 7/7 (d6) | AC: 13/16 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 11 | Speed: 30 ft | Prof Bonus: +3 | Arcane Recovery: 1/1

Status: Normal | DM Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 3/4 L2 3/3 L3 3/3 L4 1/1 | Defenses | Arcane Ward:  19/19


tat Block

Attributes, Saves and Skills

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14  Int 20 Wis 12 Cha 10

Race Features: Languages, Skill Proficiencies

Background Feature: Field of Study (Grad Student - Wizard's Apprentice), Researcher

Class Features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery, Cantrip Formulas

Subclass Features (Gloomstalker): Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward

Feats: Keen Mind


Dagger +5 attack, 1d4+2 piercing

Languages, Tool Proficiencies

Common, Primordial, Infernal, Celestial


Wizard: +9, DC 17

Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver

Level 1: Absorb Elements*, Alarm (ritual), Comprehend Languages (ritual), Detect Magic (ritual), Find Familiar (ritual), Mage Armor*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (ritual)

Level 2: Arcane Lock, Hold Person*, Invisibility, Misty Step*, Web*

Level 3: Counterspell*, Dispel Magic*, Fireball*, Fly*

Level 4: Arcane Eye*, Banishment*

Magic Items

Consumable Magic Items: Potion of Healing

Permanent Magic Items: Tome of Clear Thought, Ring of Protection (attuned), +1 Arcane Grimoire (attuned), Staff of Defense (from Kat)

Inactive Magic Items: Boots of Springing and Striding, Wand of Magic Missiles, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Spider Staff, Dragonguard (inactive), Lightbringer

Familiar Stat Block



AC: 13 HP: 1 Speed: 30 ft

Str: 3 (-4) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 8 (-1) Int: 2 (-4) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 3 (-4)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +5 
Senses: Passive Perception 13  

Keen Hearing and Smell. The weasel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Lotham is delighted by Felvora's interest in Knowledge and has the weasel scurry back up his sleeve and poke its head out. "Adorable, isn't he?" he says as he gives the little creature some scritches with his other hand.

When it comes time to go down the rope to join the others, Lotham looks a little hesitant. He lets others go before him as he works on getting up the resolve to climb down. Eventually he sighs and awkwardly makes his way down to join the others. He finds the close quarters and steam quite uncomfortable, so he stands off to one side and shifts his weight from one foot to the other, a clear indication of his discomfort.


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Mercedes TokenMercedes Logo

Tiefling Folk Hero Wild Magic Barbarian 5
My words | My thoughts | My Actions

AC 13 HP 50/50 Speed 40 ft., PP 13, darkvision 60 ft.
Resistance fire Rage 3/3 Magic Awareness 3/3
Cantrips hellish rebuke | darkness

Mercedes shimmies down the rope with little trouble, whistling as she does so a little ditty she picked up from the sailors on the way to Neverwinter. Once on the ground, she steps into the steamy water and makes an uncomfortable face. "For a mine, this place is right steamy. Makes you wonder what those mindflayers were up to, but no wonder why no one ever came back. Reckon those dark dwarves liked takin' a dip? Always heard these were nice to swim in." She does not push it further, instead looking around the room. "How do we get out of here?"

Out of Character

Bonus Action: 
Ongoing Effects/Conditions:

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Everan Meliamne - High Elf Bladesinger 9

HP: 56/56 | AC: 16 | Speed: 30ft  | HD: 9d6/9d6 | Spell Slots: Lv 1 4/4 Lv2 3/3 Lv3 4/4 Lv4 3/3 Lv5 1/1

Perception: +6 | Saving Throws: Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2 Int +8 Wis +5 Cha -1 | Spell DC: 16 | Initiative: +4 

Statistics | Magic Items | Skills | Abilities


Cantrips Known Green Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, Lightning Lure, Mage Hand

Lv1 Spells Prepared Shield, Feather Fall

Lv2 Spells Prepared Scorching Ray, Misty Step

Lv3 Spells Prepared Fireball, Haste, Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell

Lv4 Spells Prepared Arcane Eye, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Summon Aberration

Lv5 Spells Prepared Steel Wind Strike


Everan gives his friend a pat on the shoulder.

"Expertly done! Lets get down there and see if we have found a true entrance, or just a bath!"

Everan watched the others descend and the small area quickly fill with bodies. Nobody seemed to have discovered an obvious entrance yet, had he misjudged? It would not be a good first impression if he led them on a wild goose chase! He followed down the rope, eager to find a way forward. Everan peered into the steamy pool, wondering if a swim might be needed to get deeper inside, but as he bent over the water, his eyes filled with tears.

Edited by omegoku (see edit history)
1d20+6 1
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Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains

Felvora is the first to spot a hidden door on the eastern wall of the cavern. As you push the stone door open, your nose is assaulted as the reek of waste and sulfur wafts in from the latrines. The walls here are lined with long wooden benches with equidistant holes, which empty into a large trench. In the center of the room is a long trough filled with murky water. On the southwestern end of the room is another door.





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Everan Meliamne - High Elf Bladesinger 9

HP: 56/56 | AC: 16 | Speed: 30ft  | HD: 9d6/9d6 | Spell Slots: Lv 1 4/4 Lv2 3/3 Lv3 4/4 Lv4 3/3 Lv5 1/1

Perception: +6 | Saving Throws: Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2 Int +8 Wis +5 Cha -1 | Spell DC: 16 | Initiative: +4 

Statistics | Magic Items | Skills | Abilities


Cantrips Known Green Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, Lightning Lure, Mage Hand

Lv1 Spells Prepared Shield, Feather Fall

Lv2 Spells Prepared Scorching Ray, Misty Step

Lv3 Spells Prepared Fireball, Haste, Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell

Lv4 Spells Prepared Arcane Eye, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Summon Aberration

Lv5 Spells Prepared Steel Wind Strike


Everan wrinkles his nose and frowns as the smell hits.

"Well we have our entrance! Lets move on before the smell overcomes us."

Everan moved quickly and quietly to the door within the next room. He took a moment to listen at the door, then tried to open it as quietly as he could and peeked outside.

1d20+6 17
1d20+8 5
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image.png.e1b12aee1d32f3d97feb25c4d4ca86cb.pngBrühl Tordönson
Character Sheet | Adventure Log

CG Illuskan Human "Sailor" Fighter 6 "Battle-Master" / Wizard 1 [7]
HP 72 | AC 20 | Init +2 | Perception 18 | Investigation 20

Brühl attempts to cover the nose of Mimir to protect it from the smell as he holds his breath. He follows quickly behind Everan, scanning the room quickly with his keen senses, and say something silly to him "This is worst than the Shadowfell."



OoC: He has one hand covering Mimir and his weapon hand on his sword.

He will always use his Passive Perception and Investigation entering any new room.

Game Notes

The adventuring party is looking for an old duergar mining outpost; history books mention a powerful duergar leader named Zorzula commanded mining operations throughout the Sword Mountains.; a pair of forbidding obsidian doors is the entrance to Zorzula's Rest (mining outpost).


6e3642009bcf02204bcd7124ea7fb2d6.jpgOwl "Mimir"

AC 11 | HP 1 (1d4-1) | Speed 60' | Darkvision 12' | Passive Perception 13
Perception +3, Stealth +3

Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks
Flyby: doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving enemy's reach

Familiar Abilities
Telepathy 100'
See and Hear through familiar's senses
Deliver touch spells




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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image.jpegLotham Pendricky Sheet | Log

Neutral Good, Male Human Wizard 7 (Abjuration)

HP: 44/44 | HD: 7/7 (d6) | AC: 13/16 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 11 | Speed: 30 ft | Prof Bonus: +3 | Arcane Recovery: 1/1

Status: Normal | DM Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 3/4 L2 3/3 L3 3/3 L4 1/1 | Defenses | Arcane Ward:  19/19


tat Block

Attributes, Saves and Skills

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14  Int 20 Wis 12 Cha 10

Race Features: Languages, Skill Proficiencies

Background Feature: Field of Study (Grad Student - Wizard's Apprentice), Researcher

Class Features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery, Cantrip Formulas

Subclass Features (Gloomstalker): Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward

Feats: Keen Mind


Dagger +5 attack, 1d4+2 piercing

Languages, Tool Proficiencies

Common, Primordial, Infernal, Celestial


Wizard: +9, DC 17

Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver

Level 1: Absorb Elements*, Alarm (ritual), Comprehend Languages (ritual), Detect Magic (ritual), Find Familiar (ritual), Mage Armor*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (ritual)

Level 2: Arcane Lock, Hold Person*, Invisibility, Misty Step*, Web*

Level 3: Counterspell*, Dispel Magic*, Fireball*, Fly*

Level 4: Arcane Eye*, Banishment*

Magic Items

Consumable Magic Items: Potion of Healing

Permanent Magic Items: Tome of Clear Thought, Ring of Protection (attuned), +1 Arcane Grimoire (attuned), Staff of Defense (from Kat)

Inactive Magic Items: Boots of Springing and Striding, Wand of Magic Missiles, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Spider Staff, Dragonguard (inactive), Lightbringer

Familiar Stat Block



AC: 13 HP: 1 Speed: 30 ft

Str: 3 (-4) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 8 (-1) Int: 2 (-4) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 3 (-4)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +5 
Senses: Passive Perception 13  

Keen Hearing and Smell. The weasel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Lotham held his nose and entered the latrine area. When he breathed in the sulphuric air, however, he quickly shut his mouth as well. After a moment, his face started to turn red, then purple. He ran over to the door that Everan was listening at, ready to burst through when he opened it.


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katrina.png.883a05a31c5c448f61c3bcc8e66f3a36.pngKatrina Fairlight
LN, Female Human| AC:20* | HP:65/65| Speed:30ft | Perception:14 | Insight:10
* Reaction: shield +5 ac | Favored by the Gods: 1 | Speaking thinking
Profile | Character Sheet (DDB)

Kat pulls up her bandana and doubles it over her mouth and nose, using the residual effects of her water magic she pulls a column of water up and starts swirling it around like a tornado, funnelling the noxious fumes hopefully upwards towards the vent.

"Basheba's breath, this stinks"


OOC, Mechanics

Use shape water cantrip to alter the flow of the water; Shape and Animate aspects of the spell.


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Felvora Haspirex Sheet | Log
Drow Druid 5
HP: 38/38 | HD: 5/5 (d8) | AC: 15/18 | Init: +2 | PP: 17 (12 for vision in bright light) | Speed: 30 ft | PB: +3 Natural Recovery: 1/1 Wild Shape: 2/2
Conditions: None | Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 2/2 |

Ability Scores, Skills and Saves

Ability Scores:
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 12 (+1)

Skills: Animal Handling +7 Insight +7 Nature +4 Perception* +7 Survival +7
* disadvantage to vision-based Perception checks when in bright light

Saves*: Str 0 Dex +3 Con +3 Int +5 Wis +8 Cha +2
* all include bonus from Ring of Protection
Advantage on saves against Charm (Fey Ancestry)

Attacks and Spells

Frostbite - range 60', Con Save vs DC 15 or 2d6 cold and Disadvantage on next weapon attack
Thorn Whip 30' reach melee spell attack, +7 to hit, 2d6 piercing on hit and target may be pulled 10' toward caster if size L or smaller

Spells Prepared (Druid spells are +7/DC 15):
Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Frostbite, Guidance, Thorn Whip
Level 1: Absorb Elements, Faerie Fire^, Goodberry, Healing Word, Speak With Animals, Thunderwave
Level 2: Darkness^, Flaming Sphere, Pass Without Trace, Spider Climb*, Web*
Level 3: Gaseous Form*, Plant Growth, Revivify, Stinking Cloud*, Summon Fey

^ from Drow ancestry - if cast using ancestry slot, casting stat is Cha and save DC is 12
* Land Circle spells



Oh, this is vile. Everan, what do you see?

Felvora reaches in to her herbalism kit for anything with a strong scent that isn't that of urine, wraps it in a scrap of cloth and holds it under her nose while waiting to hear what Everan finds.


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Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains

image.jpeg.cbc49d87a34d2ce6f65a2a45a185700b.jpeg Kat's attempt at removing the toxic fumes with creative water sculptures is not very successful. It's not just the disgusting room that you all find yourselves in, but the entire structure of the outpost is giving off noxious vapors. Geometric grooves carved into various parts of the outpost's ceiling and walls allow lava to flow through and illuminate the outpost's interior. Sulfur colors the lava a blueish purple and casts a dim blue light.

 Everan, stopping to listen before the door, hears the sound of heavy snoring. Risking a peek, he manages to open the door just a crack before it could creak. Inside he sees a room full of bunk beds and small figures, eight, sleeping in them. He also caught a glimpse of some kind of alcove on the west wall, and another door on the eastern wall.



Now that I've gotten you all to step in the chamber :orcevil:, everyone -- including familiars needs to make a DC10 Constitution saving throw or be Poisoned for 1 hour. Creatures with immunity or resistance to poison automatically succeed this check.


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Mercedes TokenMercedes Logo

Tiefling Folk Hero Wild Magic Barbarian 5
My words | My thoughts | My Actions

AC 13 HP 50/50 Speed 40 ft., PP 13, darkvision 60 ft.
Resistance fire Rage 3/3 Magic Awareness 3/3
Cantrips hellish rebuke | darkness

The smell causes her to audibly gag. "Been on ship's bilges more pleasant than this rank mess. What is that?" She attempts to overcome it, and breathes in to try and normalize the smell to her palette. "Gonna need a Hells of a bath after this."

Out of Character

Bonus Action: 
Ongoing Effects/Conditions:

Edited by Gregorotto (see edit history)
Con save
1d20+5 19
Initiative, wowzers
1d20+1 12
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