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The Plague Lands ((RP Thread))

Papa Bear

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1d7a376f3d924636f450f6f98127f3ee.jpgTroben the Ragler

AC: 21 | Hit Points: 94/105 | Passive Perception: 16 | Init: +4 (adv)

Second Wind: 0/1 | Action Surge: 1/1 | Unleash Incarnation: 3/4 | Heroic Strike: 1/1 | Skills | Saves | Features

Troben grins as he sees the room full of many Mournes and other juicy fiends of destruction. He says, "You know, mom used to say when they make chambers this perfect size, there's only one real answer: fireball! Austin! You are up! Baldric, you take the big Dredge. I got that first Wretch and Remy, you got the other one. Last one to the Mournes is the loser!"

Having adventured with his mother often enough, he knows a well-placed fireball will hit everything in the room. He also knows it's time to spend some of those resources because this will be an ugly battle. It's just a question of what to do first.



Troben will need to start with initiative. Hmm, I guess that's all he can do right now.



Edited by Shadeus (see edit history)
Initiative (advantage)
keep(2d20,highest,1)+4 6,1
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Posted (edited)

Austin grins and steps in front of the group, picks out a point and launches a fireball into the room (I put a red circle for the AoE, but that goes away immediately. Its just there for you guys to see.

Seeing Austin moving forward though his own eyes, Mourne sees where the sorcerer is focusing and suddenly the easternmost 'copy' of Mourne disappears. "Oh this is..." wheeze "...good. You already..." More wheezing "...made me jump." Mourne says, which is barely audible over the sound of Austin's exploding fireball.

The four horrors were not ready for Austin, turning to look as he begins the spell and are enveloped in flame. Chunks of rotting flesh fall from the smallest of the creatures in the room into flaming piles of goo, possibly reducing the damage of the flame.



Terrain: The room is filled with thick viscera, slippery especially considering the softness of the ground. Whenever you move, you must make a DC 10 +1 per five foot space moved DEX Save or slip and fall prone. How much you fail determines in which space you fall.

Sadly, each of your enemies has feet with claws that grip into the terrain, nullifying this effect for them.

Eithne is currently flying and unaffected.



Dex Save: -1, Initiative: +2


Dex Save: +2, Initiative: +3

Plague Fiend

Dex Save: +3, Initiative: +5

Special Abilities

Plague Rot: On any damage taken, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the damage is halved due to chunks of rotten 'meat' falling off of the Plague Fiend where it was hurt.


Dex Save: +0, Initiative: +3

Special Abilities

Allies: Has the ability to make multiple enemies into allies in a 10 foot radius. Enemies get a DC 15 WIS save or believe Mourne to be their Ally, to the point of attacking their own true allies. If Mourne uses this ability on a character a second time, they gain advantage on the save. After that, the ability can no longer affect the target for a week.

Pre-sense: If Mourne makes an Ally of someone, he can sense through their sense while he concentrates on that ally (or former ally if the Allies ability has been broken) for up to 1 hour.

Jump: Mourne has the ability to 'jump' to one of his Mirror Images (if the spell is active), destroying that Image. Mourne can do this as a Reaction.

Multiple Concentration: Mourne has the ability to concentrate on at least 2 (possibly more, we don't know yet) spells/abilities at once.



Edited by Papa Bear (see edit history)
Austin's Fireball
8d6 6,6,3,1,2,5,2,3
Dredge's Save (DC 17)
1d20-1 5
Wretch 1's Save (DC 17)
1d20+2 9
Wretch 2's Save (DC 17)
1d20+2 8
Plague Fiend's Save (DC 17)
1d20+3 7
Plague Fiend Rot
1d6 2
Dredge Initiative
1d20+2 2
Wretch 1 Initiative
1d20+3 1
Wretch 2 Initiative
1d20+3 20
Plague Fiend Initiative
1d20+5 8
Mourn Initiative
1d20+3 10
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Eithne Black Lv. 8 Hexblood Druid (Circle of Stars)EithnenewCopy-Token(1).png.ab887b4976aa471881f09d0b9087f490.png

AC: 21 | HP: 70/91 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 21 | Movement: 30 ft
Stats | Saves | Skills | Spell Slots | Hit Dice: 7/7 | Wild Shape: 1/2
Guiding Bolt: 0/3 | Weal/Woe: 3/3

The plan was sound, based on what she'd reported back. Austin's blast gave them a tremendous lead and Eithne was ready to swoop in to put her gambit into play. But, thanks to the speed her flight gave to her, she never experienced the slipperiness of the floor. Her only clue that it was a problem revealed itself has her companion's charge lost steam and died.


"I won't make it in time, we're going to get bottlenecked Troben. We can't let Mourne work unimpeded back there. I still think I can keep him occupied without getting enthralled, but I need a path cut for me to get there."



Starry Form: 2.5 minutes remaining

Owl Cloak Wings: 5 rounds

Protection from Evil and Good on Vrod: 4.6 minutes


Didn't beat their initiative.

Edited by herastor (see edit history)
1d20+3 8
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Posted (edited)

Reacting quickly after Austin's Fireball, one of the Wretches leaps toward the group and with its very elongated, massive, leathery arms with natural spikes, it slams Baldric once, but the paladin blocks the second strike with his large sword. The paladin moves forward and maneuvers around the wretch and charges after the massive Dredge in the corner. But the wretch lands another strike on the heavily armored paladin. Baldric drives his blade into the beast's belly twice, but doesn't seem to have the damaging effect that was hoped.

As Remy moves delicately forward toward the back side of the wretch then stabs it twice with the Dragonlance. Vrod roars in rage and charges at the wretch, chopping into it with only one of his swings.

Tiberion steps forward, "Lets see how et goes afore I use me more drainin' spells." and casts Sacred Flame on Mourne who yelps as holy fire engulfs him. Mourne seems shaken by the attack and casts Sanctuary on himself. The plague fiend steps forward and with its long clawed hands, it viciously slashes into Remy Lars. She screams as the horrible slashes open up wounds across her body.

"Remy!" Austin shouts at her cry and launches a barrage of magic missiles at it. "That thing's a glass cannon. We need to take it out fast."



Terrain: The room is filled with thick viscera, slippery especially considering the softness of the ground. Whenever you move, you must make a DC 10 +1 per five foot space moved DEX Save or slip and fall prone. How much you fail determines in which space you fall.

Sadly, each of your enemies has feet with claws that grip into the terrain, nullifying this effect for them.

Eithne is currently flying and unaffected.



AC: 15

Dex Save: -1, Initiative: +2

Special Abilities

A Stone Skin-like effect (resistance vs. all physical damage)


Claw/Slam: 2x attacks, +9, 1d6 +5 Slashing + STR Save against Knockback  DC: 13.  On fail by 1-3, KB 1 space +1d4 damage.  FB 4-7 KB 2 spaces, 2d4 damage, and FB 8+ KB 3 spaces, 3d4 damage.


AC: 16

Dex Save: +2, Initiative: +3

Slam Attack x2: +8, 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage, Reach 10 feet and has essentially the Polearm Master feat

Plague Fiend

Dex Save: +3, Initiative: +5

Special Abilities

Plague Rot: On any damage taken, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the damage is halved due to chunks of rotten 'meat' falling off of the Plague Fiend where it was hurt.


Attack: 2x claws; +13, 4d6+2 slashing damage


Dex Save: +0, Initiative: +3

Special Abilities

Allies: Has the ability to make multiple enemies into allies in a 10 foot radius. Enemies get a DC 15 WIS save or believe Mourne to be their Ally, to the point of attacking their own true allies. If Mourne uses this ability on a character a second time, they gain advantage on the save. After that, the ability can no longer affect the target for a week.

Pre-sense: If Mourne makes an Ally of someone, he can sense through their sense while he concentrates on that ally (or former ally if the Allies ability has been broken) for up to 1 hour.

Jump: Mourne has the ability to 'jump' to one of his Mirror Images (if the spell is active), destroying that Image. Mourne can do this as a Reaction.

Multiple Concentration: Mourne has the ability to concentrate on at least 2 (possibly more, we don't know yet) spells/abilities at once.


Spell Casting (spells so far; Sanctuary, Mirror Image)


You guys are up, with the Wretch 1 and Dredge ending the round, then the rest of them go followed by you guys again. Then its just back and forth from there.

Edited by Papa Bear (see edit history)
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1d7a376f3d924636f450f6f98127f3ee.jpgTroben the Ragler

AC: 21 | Hit Points: 94/105 | Passive Perception: 16 | Init: +4 (adv)

Second Wind: 0/1 | Action Surge: 1/1 | Unleash Incarnation: 3/4 | Heroic Strike: 1/1 | Skills | Saves | Features

Troben scowls as the disease-ridden filthy demons lash out quickly at the group. Hearing Austin's analysis, Troben sends his echo across the slippery floor to flank the Plague Fiend, and suddenly, Troben switches places, looking to take advantage...you know...advantage. With a defiant grunt, he focuses on the demon, looking to put it down quickly. His flaming sword dances into the flank of the creature, spilling its black blood all over the oozing chamber floor. He hopes to make sure he kills it or Remy can finish it. With a firm not to the woman warrior, he prepares for the worst from Mourne.



He will move his echo as a free action, switch places as a bonus action, and then look to attack the Plague Fiend.

  • Attack #1 - Hit AC 25 for 18 slashing and 3 fire damage. The damage is not halved.
  • Attack #2 - Hits AC 19 for 13 slashing and 3 fire damage. The damage is halved.
  • Attack #3 - Hits AC 27, which I will guess is a soft critical, for 36 slashing, 6 fire damage (if just a regular hit, that's 22 slashing, 1 fire); damage is not halved.

That's a total of: 71 damage



Edited by Shadeus (see edit history)
Flaming greatsword attack #1 vs. Plague Fiend
keep(2d20,highest,1)+11 14,1
Slashing / fire damage
reroll(3d6,2,below,1)+8 6,4,3
Halved damage?
1d6 5
Flaming greatsword attack #2 vs. Plague Fiend
keep(2d20,highest,1)+11 1,8
Slashing / fire damage
reroll(3d6,2,below,1)+8 3,2,3,2
Halved damage?
1d6 1
Flaming greatsword attack #3 vs. Plague Fiend
keep(2d20,highest,1)+11 16,8
Soft critical slashing / fire damage
31; 4
reroll(6d6,2,below,1)+8;reroll(1d8,2,below,1) [4,6,1,3,1,5,4,1]; [4,6,1,3,1,5,4,1,4]
Missing an extra die
reroll(1d8,2,below,1) 6
Halved damage?
1d6 6
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Eithne Black Lv. 8 Hexblood Druid (Circle of Stars)EithnenewCopy-Token(1).png.ab887b4976aa471881f09d0b9087f490.png

AC: 21 | HP: 70/91 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 21 | Movement: 30 ft
Stats | Saves | Skills | Spell Slots | Hit Dice: 7/7 | Wild Shape: 1/2
Guiding Bolt: 0/3 | Weal/Woe: 3/3

Being too late to sweep in like she wanted, Eithne still proceeded with her plan. He ice staff lit as she tried to weave past Mourne's vanguard. As she spiraled upward and lit the spongy ceiling like a sun. That radiance crashed against Mourne's ward and...



Starry Form: 2.4 minutes remaining

Owl Cloak Wings: 4 rounds

Protection from Evil and Good on Vrod: 4.5 minutes


Moving nine spaces south. If her 15 ft. of remaining movement can help her avoid attacks from the wretches, she'll use them. If not, she'll use her woe ability on one of their reactions as she passes, whichever would have the chance to hit her. Once she's in position, she'll use her arrow attack and a 2nd lv guiding bolt on Mourne.

Edit: Missed with the arrow attack, so I won't roll for the WIS save on that one. If she failed the first attack, she'll hit wretch 1.

Edited by herastor (see edit history)
Woe (if needed)
1d6 6
WIS Save
1d20+10 7
2nd LV Guiding Bolt
1d20+9 20
Radiant Damage (Full Crit!)
5d6+30 5,5,5,1,6
Arrow Attack
1d20+9 1
1d20+9 2
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Posted (edited)

Eithne moves into position, able to 'hug' the ceiling to avoid the very long arms of the Wretches... but as she works her magic, she can't bring herself to use them on Mourne, the power of his Sanctuary is simply overpowering. She turns and unloads a fury filled holy blast at one of the Wretches, severely wounding it.

Having seen the devilish slashes the Plague Fiend unleashed on Remy and hearing Austin's warning, Troben reacts. His flashing blade strikes mercilessly, cutting the fiend down.

With Troben's physical form suddenly gone from view, the Wretch (1) steps forward and attacks the 'Troben' left behind, causing it to disappear under its painful assault. The second Wretch batters the raging Vrod with thundering strikes but the big orc practically ignores them.

With blood running down her side and a trickle on her lip, Remy nods to Troben then spins around to face the second Wretch directly and drives the Dragon Lance deep into it. A couple more quick strikes from Vrod, grinning happily as he retaliates, nearly kills the terrible creature.

Baldric drives his blade into the big beast before him, causing it to growl in pain as it returns the favor to the paladin.

Tiberion steps forward and lays his hand upon Baldric, and with a quick prayer to his god, closes some of his wounds. "Not me, you idiot! Save my niece!"  Baldric shouts.

"NO!" Austin shouts as he sees Eithne turn away from Mourn. He realizes what has happened and, growling, launches another fireball into the mouth of the open passage in the south east, the flame licking at Troben, but so well placed that it engulfs the vile creature, Mourne. Mourne cries out, and the 'barrier' that had protected him fails him. The vile thing quickly cast Mirror Image again.



Austin casts fire ball just out of range of Troben but still getting Mourne who both fails his dex save and his concentration save.

Terrain: The room is filled with thick viscera, slippery especially considering the softness of the ground. Whenever you move, you must make a DC 10 +1 per five foot space moved DEX Save or slip and fall prone. How much you fail determines in which space you fall.

Sadly, each of your enemies has feet with claws that grip into the terrain, nullifying this effect for them.

Eithne is currently flying and unaffected.



AC: 15

Dex Save: -1, Initiative: +2

Special Abilities

A Stone Skin-like effect (resistance vs. all physical damage)


Claw/Slam: 2x attacks, +9, 1d6 +5 Slashing + STR Save against Knockback  DC: 13.  On fail by 1-3, KB 1 space +1d4 damage.  FB 4-7 KB 2 spaces, 2d4 damage, and FB 8+ KB 3 spaces, 3d4 damage.


AC: 16

Dex Save: +2, Initiative: +3

Slam Attack x2: +8, 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage, Reach 10 feet and has essentially the Polearm Master feat

Plague Fiend

Dex Save: +3, Initiative: +5

Special Abilities

Plague Rot: On any damage taken, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the damage is halved due to chunks of rotten 'meat' falling off of the Plague Fiend where it was hurt.


Attack: 2x claws; +13, 4d6+2 slashing damage


Dex Save: +0, Initiative: +3

Special Abilities

Allies: Has the ability to make multiple enemies into allies in a 10 foot radius. Enemies get a DC 15 WIS save or believe Mourne to be their Ally, to the point of attacking their own true allies. If Mourne uses this ability on a character a second time, they gain advantage on the save. After that, the ability can no longer affect the target for a week.

Pre-sense: If Mourne makes an Ally of someone, he can sense through their sense while he concentrates on that ally (or former ally if the Allies ability has been broken) for up to 1 hour.

Jump: Mourne has the ability to 'jump' to one of his Mirror Images (if the spell is active), destroying that Image. Mourne can do this as a Reaction.

Multiple Concentration: Mourne has the ability to concentrate on at least 2 (possibly more, we don't know yet) spells/abilities at once.


Spell Casting (spells so far; Sanctuary, Mirror Image) Save DC: 18


You guys are up.

Edited by Papa Bear (see edit history)
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OOPSIE... sanctuary isn't a concentration spell... OK, Mourn has both Sanctuary and Mirror Image. You'll have to make the WIS save to attack him and if successful, you might only hit one of his dupes.

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Eithne Black Lv. 8 Hexblood Druid (Circle of Stars)EithnenewCopy-Token(1).png.ab887b4976aa471881f09d0b9087f490.png

AC: 21 | HP: 70/91 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 21 | Movement: 30 ft
Stats | Saves | Skills | Spell Slots | Hit Dice: 7/7 | Wild Shape: 1/2
Guiding Bolt: 0/3 | Weal/Woe: 3/3

Eithne's void blazed with light again and she launched another stream of particles at the Mourne furthest from her. The hit felt solid and she powered through the aversion she felt in doing so. Channeling a fraction of a meteor's power, she rocketed towards the "ground" the remaining three stood on. The sticky flesh and fluid was going to soften her blow, she knew this, but even a feather blow seemed like it could snuff out a fake and sniff out the real Mourne.



Starry Form: 2.3 minutes remaining

Owl Cloak Wings: 3 rounds

Protection from Evil and Good on Vrod: 4.4 minutes


Eithne uses her arrow attack against the furthest Mourne. Then she moves in close enough to target the three other Mournes with a thunderclap. DC 17 CON save. Not certain how to handle the wisdom save for an area of effect attack that would hit all three at once. I know the spell has trouble against area of effect, but she still have to intend to hit them with it. Dunno. I rolled at least one save just in case for it.

Edited by herastor (see edit history)
WIS Save
1d20+10 13
Arrow Attack (Mourne 4)
1d20+9 16
Radiant Damage
1d8+6 8
WIS Save
1d20+10 3
Thunder Damage
2d6 1,2
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To my understanding, you attack the target and if successful, the target gets to try to use the mirror image as a shield... so with the AoE, you'll destroy the mirrors and the real Mourne will save. Unless you guys know more, then please inform me.


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A couple things. You should just have to save against Sanctuary once. So once you save, you are good for the duration of that spell. Also, area effect spells ignore the save because you aren't attacking Mourne, you are attacking an area is space.

Finally, for mirror image, images only disappear when they are hit with an attack. Area effect spells do not dispel an image. This is based on the spell description, though. We already have a fireball getting rid of his images earlier in the fight.

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Posted (edited)

Well, she did need the wis save for the starry arrow attack and she failed the first time... wouldn't the images take damage from the fire ball? Or am I confusing the effects of the spell with Troben's Echo? Though, I admit my knowledge of the spells isn't as strong as yours :)

Also, I think Troben is up

Double Also, Troben killed the Plague Fiend and I just realized (going back to check for Troben's actions) that I didn't put Troben's Mystic Energy roll for the kill. It is normally a 4d6, +2 roll but its now a 6d10 roll because of the Arcane Sponge.

Edited by Papa Bear (see edit history)
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1d7a376f3d924636f450f6f98127f3ee.jpgTroben the Ragler

AC: 21 | Hit Points: 94/105 | Passive Perception: 16 | Init: +4 (adv)

Second Wind: 0/1 | Action Surge: 1/1 | Unleash Incarnation: 3/4 | Heroic Strike: 1/1 | Skills | Saves | Features

Troben nods happily as the Plague Fiend dies and now turns his attention to Mourne. The echo knight grins as the demon's protections shatter against his will. He laughs and says, "You don't understand. I have been trained by my mother from birth to withstand magic. And really...you are pretty good, wheezy. But you are nothing compared to her. I think it's time for the game to end...what do you think?"

Summoning another echo, this time a strapping man with hope in his eyes not much younger than he is today and it appears next to Mourne. With a quick slash of his blade, the echo knight looks to cut down the mini-boss. He hopes to at least have killed at least one image (if there are any left) and maybe wounded him a bit.



Ack! I'm so sorry! I thought I posted already. The images only disappear on a direct attack, according to the mirror image2nd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
Three illusory duplicates of yourself appear in your space. Until the spell ends, the duplicates move with you and mimic your actions, shifting position so it's impossible to track which image is real. You can use your action to dismiss the illusory duplicates.

Each time a creature targets you with an attack during the spell's duration, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead targets one of your duplicates.

If you have three duplicates, you must roll a 6 or higher to change the attack's target to a duplicate. With two duplicates, you must roll an 8 or higher. With one duplicate, you must roll an 11 or higher.

A duplicate's AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier. If an attack hits a duplicate, the duplicate is destroyed. A duplicate can be destroyed only by an attack that hits it. It ignores all other damage and effects. The spell ends when all three duplicates are destroyed.

A creature is unaffected by this spell if it can't see, if it relies on senses other than sight, such as blindsight, or if it can perceive illusions as false, as with truesight.
 spell. It's very annoying really because of Mourne's ability to "leap" into another image. The line that matters is, "It ignores all other damage and effects. " Of course, normally, mirror image doesn't take up any extra squares, so it's a bit of an unusual version.

The fireball would damage Mourne; mirror image doesn't protect him, but neither do you look images because it's immune to other damage effects.

Okay, on to Troben's turn! He will try to attack Mourne, but must make the Wisdom saving throw first (DC 18): Saved!!

Troben uses a bonus action to summon an echo next to the Mourne's and attacks him! He's got plenty of "movement" to go between images. Or if you rule that Eithne's blast destroyed them, well...then it's easy to pick!

  • Attack #1 - hits AC 15. That would hit an image though, but probably not Mourne.
  • Attack #2 - hits AC 25 doing 18 slashing and 4 fire damage.

If you could give us Mourne's AC, that would be helpful for future rounds.



Edited by Shadeus (see edit history)
Wisdom saving throw (DC 18) vs. Sanctuary
keep(2d20,highest,1)+6 1,19
Flaming greatsword attack #1 vs. Mourne
1d20+13 2
Flaming greatsword attack #2 vs. Mourne
1d20+13 12
Slashing / fire damage
reroll(3d6,2,below,1)+8 2,6,4,4
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Posted (edited)

Eithne lashes out with a radiant arrow deep from the void that destroys one of Mourne's duplicates as Troben sends an echo of himself to slash and destroy another. There are now "two" Mourne's out on the battlefield instead of four. Then Eithne unleashes thunder that causes the horrible lieutenant of the Plague Lord to shudder before it casts Misty Step and slips northward. "Protect me." it wheezes at the Dredge, which slips down to take up a defensive stance before Mourne. As the thing steps away from Baldric, the Paladin cuts in on the creature as it steps away, then follows with two more cuts.

The dwarf, Tiberion, steps toward Remy, "Me know'd, me know'd." he answers Baldric's admonition, grumbling. "A 'Thank ye, Tibby, now would ye be so kind as ta help me niece, Tibby' wouldn't hurt ye." Tiberion grumbles under his breath. The dwarf reaches out and touches Remy with a prayer and some of her wounds begin to mend.

Vrod swings wildly and misses with his first strike, but brings his ax in an overhead arc and drops it right through the middle of the Wretch before him, killing it. He then steps up to the other Wretch with wild eyes. He's not going to let it escape him without paying a price. As Vrod rushes at the Wretch, it moans hideously and strikes out at the barbarian, smashing him twice.

Feeling a bit better, Remy steps forward and rams the Dragon Lance twice into the gut of the massive Dredge.

"Oh no you don't, creepy." Austin growls as Mourn disappears and reappears near the giant behemoth. He rushes across the room and, overcoming the effect of the Sanctuary spell, launches a fire bolt (not sure which remaining dupe was actually Mourne and not wanting to 'waste resources, so to speak'), destroying the final duplicate.

"I should kill..." wheeze "You!" Mourne growls at Austin, "But you, my phantasm..." wheeze "wielding friend are most..." Yeah, you know it by now, "dangerous to my Lord." And with that, he launches a barrage of inerrant missiles at Troben.



Yeah, upcast of Magic Missiles at Troben... hahaha what a beautiful waste of an upcasted spell by Mourne! He almost couldn't have done less damage.

Looking over the RAW of Mirror Image and an internet search, it does seem that Shadeus' interpretation is correct. The second time Mourne was hit with a fireball, he lost his concentration and lost the spell BUT I'm an idiot and, just like Sanctuary, it is NOT a concentration spell!!! Well, I'm learning... apologies to you lot.

Troben was so close to hitting twice and getting a soft crit! :(

Protect: The Dredge can use its Reaction to protect an adjacent ally by imposing disadvantage on an attack made against that ally as the Protection Fighting Style (its massive chitinous arm is its 'shield'). It may do this twice as if it had two reactions but only once per attacker. So, if Troben attacks Mourne, the first attack is at Disadvantage but the rest are normal. If Baldric then Attacks Mourne, his first attack is also at Disadvantage, but the rest are normal. Any further attacks are 'normal'. This ability may only be used to impose Disadvantage against Melee Attacks. Further, if the attack rolls at disadvantage misses Mourne but would hit the Dredge's AC (even if its only one of the two rolls as if the better roll were not at disadvantage against the dredge), then the Dredge suffers the damage.

Terrain: The room is filled with thick viscera, slippery especially considering the softness of the ground. Whenever you move, you must make a DC 10 +1 per five foot space moved DEX Save or slip and fall prone. How much you fail determines in which space you fall.

Sadly, each of your enemies has feet with claws that grip into the terrain, nullifying this effect for them.

Eithne is currently flying and unaffected.



AC: 15

Dex Save: -1, Initiative: +2

Special Abilities

A Stone Skin-like effect (resistance vs. all physical damage)

Protect: The Dredge can use its Reaction to protect an adjacent ally by imposing disadvantage on an attack made against that ally as the Protection Fighting Style (its massive chitinous arm is its 'shield'). It may do this twice as if it had two reactions but only once per attacker. So, if Troben attacks Mourne, the first attack is at Disadvantage but the rest are normal. If Baldric then Attacks Mourne, his first attack is also at Disadvantage, but the rest are normal. Any further attacks are 'normal'. This ability may only be used to impose Disadvantage against Melee Attacks. Further, if the attack rolls at disadvantage misses Mourne but would hit the Dredge's AC (even if its only one of the two rolls as if the better roll were not at disadvantage against the dredge), then the Dredge suffers the damage.


Claw/Slam: 2x attacks, +9, 1d6 +5 Slashing + STR Save against Knockback  DC: 13.  On fail by 1-3, KB 1 space +1d4 damage.  FB 4-7 KB 2 spaces, 2d4 damage, and FB 8+ KB 3 spaces, 3d4 damage.


AC: 16

Dex Save: +2, Initiative: +3

Slam Attack x2: +8, 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage, Reach 10 feet and has essentially the Polearm Master feat

Plague Fiend

Dex Save: +3, Initiative: +5

Special Abilities

Plague Rot: On any damage taken, roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, the damage is halved due to chunks of rotten 'meat' falling off of the Plague Fiend where it was hurt.


Attack: 2x claws; +13, 4d6+2 slashing damage


Dex Save: +0, Initiative: +3

AC: 16

Special Abilities

Allies: Has the ability to make multiple enemies into allies in a 10 foot radius. Enemies get a DC 15 WIS save or believe Mourne to be their Ally, to the point of attacking their own true allies. If Mourne uses this ability on a character a second time, they gain advantage on the save. After that, the ability can no longer affect the target for a week.

Pre-sense: If Mourne makes an Ally of someone, he can sense through their sense while he concentrates on that ally (or former ally if the Allies ability has been broken) for up to 1 hour.

Jump: Mourne has the ability to 'jump' to one of his Mirror Images (if the spell is active), destroying that Image. Mourne can do this as a Reaction.

Multiple Concentration: Mourne has the ability to concentrate on at least 2 (possibly more, we don't know yet) spells/abilities at once.


Spell Casting (spells so far; Sanctuary, Mirror Image) Save DC: 18


Vrod kills the Wretch and rolled two 1s on the ME roll... Eithne, why don't you roll to see what that comes up as? Thank goodness for the change to the house rule to let two 1s equal an ME because it seems like that's the only way we are getting them lately.

You guys are up.


Edited by Papa Bear (see edit history)
Mourne tries to sluff the Eithne's Arrow off to a Dupe (3 dupes, 6+)
1d20 13
Mourne tries to sluff Troben's Attack off to a dupe (2 remaining, 8+)
1d20 14
Upcast Magic Missiles at Troben (5x)
5d4+5 1,2,1,1,3
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Eithne Black Lv. 8 Hexblood Druid (Circle of Stars)EithnenewCopy-Token(1).png.ab887b4976aa471881f09d0b9087f490.png

AC: 21 | HP: 70/91 | Initiative: +3 | Passive Perception: 21 | Movement: 30 ft
Stats | Saves | Skills | Spell Slots | Hit Dice: 7/7 | Wild Shape: 1/2
Guiding Bolt: 0/3 | Weal/Woe: 3/3

"That was a poor choice Mourne..." Eithne's light lashed out at the wretched nearby to no effect. Engaged as it was with Vrod, the was no change she was hitting that thing. She had a bigger target in mind though.


This time she was bolt of lightning, closing distance in an instant. Eithne dug her hand into the putrid flesh of the dredge and released her gathered electricity into the great horror, igniting putrid nerves.


"Your guardian won't be able to help you."



Starry Form: 2.2 minutes remaining

Owl Cloak Wings: 2 rounds

Protection from Evil and Good on Vrod: 4.3 minutes


Eithne will use her arrow attack on wretch 1 (whiff). Then she'll move to melee with the dredge and cast shocking grasp on it. That should take care of it's reactions if the spell lands. 12 lightning on the dredge and it can't take reactions until it's next turn.

Edited by herastor (see edit history)
Arrow Attack
1d20+9 2
Shocking Grasp
1d20+9 10
Lightning Damage
2d8 8,4
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