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Waiting Room (Character Introductions)

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After the initial introduction by Gen. Hawk, the group was issued into a waiting room that felt akin to someone copy/pasting the design of a lounge area one might find at an airport USO. There was a television in the back that had the 24-hour news station on, but the volume was down all the way and the closed caption danced across the bottom of the screen. Pastries and fruit were on a back kitchenet counter along with a coffee pod machine and full spindle of various flavor options. A few magazines sat in a back rack. The titles ranged from Outdoorsman, Time, People Magazine, and Sports Illustrated. They were all several months old. A number of clocks were on the back wall showing current local US times from Washington D.C to San Diego and across the globe including London, Tokyo, Seoul, and Munich.

There had been about twenty people in the introduction spiel so it was odd as they found themselves with only a few of you currently in the room. The most likely scenario suggested that they were already separating them into smaller groups for running the obstacle course. For the time being, it seemed that taking a moment to know who they were working with could prove helpful.

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Billy bob Jackson, enters the waiting room. He made sure he got a spice spot to park his hog. He grabs a donut and a cup of coffee and has a seat. He looks around waiting to see who else made the cut

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Emma walk through the room, making a bee line toward the kitchenette counter, once there she study the available fruits, after a bit of indecision she pick an apple , a knife and a three sheets of paper towel.

With these items she move to the table, lay down two sheets of paper towel, then the apple, then begin working on it with the knife.

There is no haste, she peel that apple with extreme calm as if it was more to keep herself busy and relax than desire to eat it

She's a little nervous, jumpy, reactive to sudden movements.

Maybe this is part of the test and a ninja will appear from behind the potted plant, or a swat team will use a breaching charge to blow an hole into the wall and take them by surprise.

Well, a thrown apple can hurt more than one can think.

She doesnt speak to Billy bob, somewhat intimidated by his thuggish look

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Billy bob sees the girl walk in a does check her out. He then she has a seat and seems to be on guard. He says, " hello nice place here. Hey even though maam I look like a biker, a thug and not the soldier boy look, I did go through the training and I am here to kick some Cobra but.. name is Billy Bob Jackson or you can call me Big hog. "

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The woman, she's in the mid-30s, she stop peeling the apple while looking at him, sizing the, rater large, man.

Billy doesnt make a great first impression, his words and the way he speak make him sound a thug pretending, badly, to not be a thug.I'm playing with Billy's hangup: Sometimes your simple experiences show that you lack eloquence or understanding of the greater world around you. When you meet someone new who you don’t share an Influence with, you suffer a Snag on your first Social Skill Test with them.

Emma is someone new who doesnt share an influence with Billy, perfect opportunity to play it out!

"they call you...big pig? and i thought they were mean with me" faking ignorance.

But she is not here to provoke, especially this wall of muscles, a thrown apple wouldnt stop him, probably not even a thrown fridge, not that she can lift that.

" Emma, Emma West, Air Force, PJs, now reservist, frankly i find this obsession with codenames a bit childish but when in Rome, do as the romans do, no? i've got Angel. Maybe because when someones is about to die, i'm there" playing on the interpretation, she's both a life saver and a death dealer but let Billy read it as he wish.

She resume peeling the apple , her eyes on the fruit as she speak "the General said everyone's here earned their spot" the statement hide a question that she doesnt ask openly


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Billy Bob, late twenties, brown hair, blue eyes, short spike hair, gets up and goes to a counter and gets an orange. " Yes maam earned my spot. Personally Billy Bob or Bill is fine. if I can call you Emma great. The whole code name thing sounds dumb to me anyway. I am a civilian, earned my way by helping out some cops in a drug bust that the owner was cobra agents. One of the cops was an undercover Joe or fed and recommended me. Believe me having an army group show up at my RV asking for me without drawing weapons or making a fuss was a surprise to me. I can handle myself in a fight, great at driving and at good at kicking in doors when need be. "

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She note how billy no-sold her provocation, he's not an hothead, or at least he has enough self control to not make a scene while at Joe's HQ.

His story is curious, the part that seem to impress her most is that he helped out some cops, who would expect someone with this face to team up with a law enforcer?

Emma conclude that she doesnt know enough to judge him, the duck test isnt 100% reliable after all, maybe he is not a thug.

"Emma is fine, i can do...many things, have you read Time Enough for Love? "

" A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."

she chuckle "i cant say i can do all of these, but i find it... inspiring "


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Bill Bob thinks and comments, " well Emma, I have not read that book. I am a fan of mysteries and suspense stories. However as far as your list some of these can be accomplished by following directions of course. But I have butchered a hog, balance my bank account, comfort the dying, take orders, cooperate, act alone, analyze a new problem, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. "

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HUNTSMAN | Intelligence Rangerspacer.png

The door to the briefing room swung open with a subtle creak. Tap Henry stepped in with an air of authority and assessed the room. With a nod, he acknowledged Big Hog's prescence then turned to Emma, inclined his head and said, "Ma'am."

He took a step toward the food, but with a sniff, he scowled and decided to take a seat facing the others. He didn't speak again but watched the conversation between the other two with interest. 


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She tense up when the door open and her head quickly turn toward it, while Billy may own the room as if he was the apex predator, Emma remind a deer or a cat, constantly on alert, expecting a surprise test that probably wont happen. Probably.

She fumble with the apple, which roll and fall from the table, only for her to catch it before it hit the ground. She examine the new arrival who appear to be the silent and stoic type.

Emma respect his desire to be left alone and resume working on the apple while chatting with Billy "you are a tall tales teller" she chuckle, somehow she doubt Billy has fought efficiently or died gallantry


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Billy laughs and says, " fighting effeciency will probably come from the missions here. Dying valiantly will hopefully be the last thing I do. Don't plan on dying anytime soon." Billy looks at the new comer and notices his military style cut, his military bearing and wonders if this is our trainee or officer in charge.


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Health: 2 | Movement: 35 | Toughness: 11 | Evasion: 11 | Cleverness: 16 | Willpower: 18

"Time Enough For Love makes you realize Heinlein could've stood to read some Freud or seen Oedipus Rex at least once in his life. Coming from someone who loved his Scribner stuff as a kid - I put Starship Troopers in that group even if Putnam was the one behind that - the guy obviously doesn't know whether he prefers jackboots or jamrock. Still, Starship Troopers would be a killer flick. Maybe the guy behind Flesh and Blood as director?"

Eiden, who had been silently skimming through one of the old People Magazines in some corner until now, sidles towards the others with the sort of smile that'd be equally at home on a used car dealer as a prospective Joe.

"Eiden Betancourt-Rivera, AKA Fixer, case officer with the CIA's Directorate of Operations. Or at least I was until this offer came around, so we'll see where things stand once we're on the other side of this 'Meatgrinder' everyone's trying to get us quivering in our boots about. With hindsight Fixer's a bit on the nose as codenames go but hey, beggars can't be choosers. Alternative is assassins at your door because these Cobra guys were able to run a background check on your name and get you - or your family's - home address."

He turns his attention towards Hog. "By that drawl Hog, fair to say you're a Lone Star boy? I lived in Houston for a bit when I was a kid myself. Well moreso Galveston than Houston proper but you get the idea." Eiden has effortlessly shifted into a Texan accent while speaking, sounding as though he'd lived there his entire life.

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HUNTSMAN | Intelligence Rangerspacer.png

"S'pose I should introduce myself as well." Tap stood and approached the others. "My name is Tap. Tap Henry. Former US Marshal. Codename's Huntsman."

Tap sat on the arm of one of the chairs. "I had run-ins with Cobra over the years. Many of those I chased down had dealings with them, or started to. Caught the eyes of the organization and found myself at odds. That's when the Joes found me."

He slipped his hand into one of the pockets on his kit and produced some dried meat. He took a bite and sealed the remains back in the pocket. He pegged Fixer as a smooth talker. Someone that liked to be heard; wanted to be heard. That has pros and cons. What is fueling that desire to be seen and heard?

Angel had eager finesse. And definitely on guard. Might be new job jitters. Might be too many Grande Caffé Lattes. What fueled that passion?

Big Hog was as loud as the bike that he parked our front. Not reckless, but ready for a fight. All he needed was a direction and the command to 'smash'. What did he have to prove?

"Well aren't we a bag of nuts," he said with a smirk.


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Billy bob offer his hand to shake Eiden and Tap. He would have done the same for Angel as well. He comments " Eiden yup born in Dallas and been to Houston and Galveston many of times. Did even the Route 66 ride to. California is okay a little high end for me., Tap Nice to to meet you as well. Wonder who else is gonna walk in. Oh and the Hog parked out front is not the only vehicle I have trained to drive. Besides being a guy that can kick in doors. The training sessions taught me some stealth too. "

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Eiden jump scare startle Emma to the point it seem someone electrocuted her"the test!" she inadvertently fling the knife up while turning around on the chair and standing up, the whole maneuver send the chair on the ground

A second or two later the knife fall back on the table but focusing on that would be a mistake since, in the meantime, Emma is launching the apple, like a baseball pitcher, toward fixer, this woman is hella fast, maybe a little too fast and when you call your test -the meatgrinder- you shouldnt be surprised if someone take is seriously.

Especially given that a ninja hidden behind the potted plant was one of the fantasy scenarios that played in Emma's mind.

The thrown apple, luckily, miss Fixer, but end up hitting the back rack, a few magazines fall on the ground.

Angel look at Eiden "how did you...?" with a vaguely angry tone but realizing what she has done, she appear a embarrassed


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