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Sarah Crow-Feather (Pixie / Dread Necromancer) - OG RFT PORT

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Pixie Oslecamo Class + Pixie Noble


Sarah is soft spoken and quiet. Her voice barely above a whisper and a higher pitch as well, giving her an innocent childlike exterior. However, what her looks don’t betray is a well-developed mind, one who understands that the passing of all things in life into death, that it is a natural order of things. She believes that everything that was brought into this world needs to leave it, that nothing lasts forever, even the greatest of magicians eventually fail the test of time. She does not see her actions as good or evil, but a necessity that nothing is permanent, so she goes forward, with mission in hand, to help things pass onto the next journey, often times with a simple touch of her soft delicate hands. She doesn’t have friends, or ones that can be called, most of them fear her and leave after they realize her nature, but she accepts it, for, when their time comes, she too will see them off and on the other side after her time has come to an end.

Hopes and Dreams:
Dreams... how lovely it is to have them. To seek out greatness or overcome some sort of trial or adversity that stands before you. Such things are a foreign concept to Sarah, all she has ever known is that it is part of her duty to usher those before her to the other side where their spirits seek rest. If Sarah were to have a dream, or an ideal, it would be that she could continue her mission, always being around to help guide the restless spirits into the afterlife. However, Sarah does know, that if she were to attain such a position, that she could continue on well past what her body allowed, that eventually, she too would allow herself to finally rest, to journey to the other side to meet once again all those she has helped.

- Quiet, often times confused for timid
- Doesn’t believe her actions are just or evil, but essential
- Carries no apparent weapons (Aside her touch)
- Friendly though distant, never too personal.

Hailing from a community of pixies that lived near a human village, Sarah was always drawn in to the city to visit and see the events that went on. Using her natural magic, she was able to move around undetected by the humans eyes, always giggling with the children when they played their games, shrinking her size so that she could follow them into their houses to see what they did later during the day, those days of adventure and mischief eventually led her to discover her true calling.

On one such sneaking, Sarah came across an old human woman who was lying in bed, their breath was ragged, heavy, their skin pull taunt on their bones, and their chest shallow, they seemed most unlike any other human that she had seen. Curious, she got closer, and reached out a hand to touch her gently on the back of her palm. Startled by the soft cold touch, the woman opened her eyes and whispered, ”Whose... there? Who…W-Who are you?” Confused at her own actions, Sarah wondered what to say... what to do... before she could speak the woman continued, ”Ahh... you must be here to guide me. My time is finally at an end. I understand. Thank-you.” letting out a final sigh, the woman slowly collapsed into her pillow, her spirit leaving her body and carrying on. Startled, scared, frightened by what happened, Sarah went to run, but the family had just returned and blocked her path! As she panicked in what to do, the family walked over and spoke to the woman, not getting a response they nudged her, only to realize what had happened. They were sad, soon crying, but they were also smiling... because she looked so happy in her final moments, they held no grief over losing her.

Sarah spend many days thinking about what had happened, wondering, if her cold hands had someone done something at the end to ease the woman’s pain... it was unlikely, but maybe that’s what she was here for. For many days after, she continued to walk through the village, hidden from the eyes of the humans she sought out those who were near death, always listening to them, and sometimes speaking with them, she helped many pass on into the other side. Eventually, there were fewer and fewer old people, most of them having left and move on, wondering where next to go, she found a strange door one day... a large wooden door that she had never seen. Curious, she reached forward and opened it, stepping into a new land that she had never seen before. Other strange creatures walked about, many of them larger than her and one she had heard of legend but never seen in person. Curious, she walked around, excited to see what she could do for these new people. However... one thing she had heard is that her skills, her powers it seemed, were not tolerated in many lands, the power of the dead as it were, control over life and death. Concerned for this, Sarah set out to learn how it was that she fit into this strange new world.

Placeholder - Not Used



Sarah Glimmerfly

Personality: Soft spoken and shy, Sarah usually takes a little bit to open up to new people. More so those who happen to be larger folk. She is a bit too trusting and friendly with those who offer her food and beverage though. A lot of things confuse Sarah that the larger folk does, so she often misinterprets things and sometimes asks questions which would generally seem harmful or hurtful depending on the situation.

Background: A small pixie that had gotten swept up in the Tavern and had lost her place in her grove. Unsure even if she could return, Sarah wonders if that's even best considering she's mostly forgotten anything to do with them. Sarah now seeks to make new memories and find a new grove to live in... Or perhaps find a place among the large folk.

Goals: Achieve higher level of magic while learning to make random devices. Having seen some tinkering done by the large folk Sarah decided to venture out herself into the field. With only small things to her name thus far, Sarah hopes to eventually create something that brings sparkle to other's lives.

Level HP BAB Fort Reflex Will Features Class
1     +0.33 +2.5 +2.5   Pixie 1
  D6 +0.75       Rogue Feat: Iron Will Rogue 1 (Combat)
X X X X X X Bonus Feat: Combat Casting X
X X X X X X Flaw 1: Heighten Spell +X X
X X X X X X Flaw 2: Entangling Spell +2 X
2     +0.33 +0.5 +0.5   Pixie 2
  D6 +0.75       Artificer Knowledge, Artisan Bonus, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Scribe Scroll Artificer 1
3     +0.33 +0.5 +0.5   Pixie 3
  D6 +0.75       Brew Potion Artificer 2
X X X X X X Bonus Feat: Invisible Spell X
4     +0.33 +0.5 +0.5   Pixie 4
  D6 +0.75       Craft Wondrous Item Artificer 3
5     +0.33 +0.5 +0.5   Pixie 5
  D6 +0.75       Craft Homunculus, Bonus Feat: Empower Spell Artificer 4
6     +0.33 +0.5 +0.5   P. Noble 1
  D6 +0.5       Bonus Missile, Still Missile For.Mis. Mag 1
X X X X X X Bonus Feat: Arcane Thesis - Magic Missile X
7     +0.33 +0.5 +0.5   P. Noble 2
  D6 +0.5       Energy Missile, Swift Shield For.Mis Mag 2


Level: HP: BAB: Fort: Reflex: Will: Side A: Side B:
7 7d6 + CON(7) +4.75 +2.33 +5.5 +5.5 Rogue 1 | Artificer 4 | For. Mis. Mage 2 Pixie 5 | P.Noble 2


Level HP BAB Fort Reflex Will Features Class
1 D12 +0.75 +2.5 +0.33 +2.5 Pixie Body, Pixie Initiate, Fen Senses, Cha+2, Dex+2, Str-2 Pixie 1
            Turn Undead, Planning/Magic Domains Cleric 1
2 D12 +0.5 +2.5 +0.33 +2.5 Sprite Skin, Fey Blood, Int+1 Pixie 2
            Dark Knowledge (Tactics) 3/day, Scribe Scroll Archivist 1
3 D12 +0.5 +0.5 +0.33 +0.5 Pixie Adept, Cha+1, Dex+1 Pixie 3
            Lore Mastery Archivist 2
4 D12 +0.5 +0.5 +0.33 +0.5 Pixie Finesse, Memory Loss, Int+1 Pixie 4
            Dark Knowledge 4/day Archivist 3
5 D12 +0.5 +0.5 +0.33 +0.5 Irresistible Dance, Pixie Mage, Cha+1, Dex+1 Pixie 5
  Still Mind
Archivist 4
6 D12 +0.5 +0.5 +0.33 +0.5 LA+1 Savage Vamp
            Dark knowledge (puissance) Archivist 5
7 D12 +0.5 +0.5 +0.33 +0.5 LA+2 Savage Vamp
  Dark knowledge 5/day
Archivist 6



Archivist 7 / Paladin (Avenger) 1

Archivist 8 / Paladin (Avenger) 2

Dweomerkeeper 1 / Paladin (Avenger) 3

Dweomerkeeper 2 / Paladin (Avenger) 4

Dweomerkeeper 3 / Paladin (Avenger) 5

Dweomerkeeper 4 / Paladin (Avenger) 6

Dweomerkeeper 5 / Paladin (Avenger) 7

Dweomerkeeper 6 / Paladin (Avenger) 8

Dweomerkeeper 7 / Paladin (Avenger) 9

Dweomerkeeper 8 / Paladin (Avenger) 10

Dweomerkeeper 9 / Paladin (Avenger) 11

Dweomerkeeper 10 / Paladin (Avenger) 12

XXXXXXXXX / Paladin (Avenger) 13





Level 1: Academic Priest (INT for bonus spells instead of wis)
Flaw 1: Persist Spell
Flaw 2: Water Heritage
Level 3: Divine Metamagic: Persist Spell
Level 6: Endure Sunlight
Level 9: XXX
Level 12: XXX
Level 15: XXX
Level 18: XXX

Edited by Dnd4life (see edit history)
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[URL=/sheets/?id=886081][B][SIZE=+1]Sarah Glimmerfly[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Female Chaotic Neutral Pixie Rg1/Art 4/FMM 2 || Pix 5 / P.Noble 2, [B]Level[/B] 7, [B]Init[/B] -2, [B]HP[/B] 49/49, [B]DR[/B] Cold Iron 5 | Spell Resistance: 18, [B]Speed[/B] 20, Fly 60 (Perfect) [B]AC[/B] 25, [B]Touch[/B] 20, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 21, [B]Fort[/B] 0, [B]Ref[/B] 9, [B]Will[/B] 9, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 3.5 [B]Of Twilight, Mithral Chain Armor[/B] (+5 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +5 Misc) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20 [B]Condition[/B] Low-Light Vision, Speak With Animals (Constant) [Spoiler=Spell / Ability Tracking] [center]Sorcerer Spells[/center] [table=2,4] [r=1,1]Level [r=2,1] Uses [r=1,2] 0 [r=2,2] 0/6 [r=1,3] 1 [r=2,3] 0/8 [r=1,4] 2 [r=2,4] 0/4 [/table] [center]Artificer Infusions[/center] [table=2,4] [r=1,1]Level [r=2,1] Uses [r=1,2] 1 [r=2,2] 0/4 [r=1,3] 3 [r=2,3] 0/3 [/table] [center]Pixie Spell-Like Abilities [/center] [table=2,14] [r=1,1]Spell / Ability [r=2,1] Uses [r=1,2] Charm Monster [r=2,2] 0/7 [r=1,3]Entangle [r=2,3] 0/7 [r=1,4] Sleep [r=2,4]0/7 [r=1,5] Reduce / Enlarge Person (Self) [r=2,5] 0/7 [r=1,6] Confusion [r=2,6]0/7 [r=1,7] Detect Good / Evil / Law / Chaos / Thoughts [r=2,7] 0/3 [r=1,8] Invisibility, Greater (Two Use on Self - 24 Hours) [r=2,8] 0/7 [r=1,9] Irresistible Dance [r=2,9] 0/1 [r=1,10] Dispel Magic [r=2,10] 0/3 [r=1,11] Suggestion [r=2,11] 0/7 [r=1,12] Hold Person [r=2,12] 0/7 [r=1,13] Crushing Despair [r=2,13] 0/7 [r=1,14] Charm Person, Mass [r=2,14] 0/3 [/table] [/spoiler]
Sarah Glimmerfly
Female Chaotic Neutral Pixie Rg1/Art 4/FMM 2 || Pix 5 / P.Noble 2, Level 7, Init -2, HP 49/49, DR Cold Iron 5 | Spell Resistance: 18, Speed 20, Fly 60 (Perfect)
AC 25, Touch 20, Flat-footed 21, Fort 0, Ref 9, Will 9, Base Attack Bonus 3.5
Of Twilight, Mithral Chain Armor (+5 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +5 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 20
Condition Low-Light Vision, Speak With Animals (Constant)

Spell / Ability Tracking


Sorcerer Spells
Level Uses
0 0/6
1 0/8
2 0/4
Artificer Infusions
Level Uses
1 0/4
3 0/3
Pixie Spell-Like Abilities
Spell / Ability Uses
Charm Monster 0/7
Entangle 0/7
Sleep 0/7
Reduce / Enlarge Person (Self) 0/7
Confusion 0/7
Detect Good / Evil / Law / Chaos / Thoughts 0/3
Invisibility, Greater (Two Use on Self - 24 Hours) 0/7
Irresistible Dance 0/1
Dispel Magic 0/3
Suggestion 0/7
Hold Person 0/7
Crushing Despair 0/7
Charm Person, Mass 0/3



Edited by Dnd4life (see edit history)
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Just porting over everything as is. I don't think I'll do any reworking to her at this time? Would be a little odd to do that I think.. Mind you this character is nearly 8 years old and back when I was still very new to D&D. Either way, first one done and onto the next.

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  • 3 months later...

Ready for review. Notes:

1) Updated picture / name. Skill sheet is updated. No additional money has been spent.

2) I took Artificer for some crafting fun later. I just assumed that the EXP reserve would have been USED already throughout her adventure to this point thus I am sticking to 0 exp. (She's also 500 exp from a level up so I figure not using any until next level.. Err level 9? Won't really matter).

3) Arcane Thesis (Says -1 to any metamagic but cannot make a spell lower.. So does a +0 metamagic with a +2 metamagic = +0? (Invisible -1 + Empower +1) I assume no and work under the assumption that a metamagic cost cannot be negative but the wording of the feet implies you could somehow lower it?

4) Blue Jay mentioned possibly having the Pixie go full caster progression to keep it simpler instead of the 3/5 progression for 5 levels scaling into the 1:1 for the Pixie Noble. I made the character on the 3/5 but I can adjust if needed. Gives me 3rd level spells and I think a few extra ones to pick.

5) I have listed the Easy Metamagic for the -1 to a specific spell listed as a possible request.. Unsure if I can gain Dragon Subtype to get the one in Dragon magic but.. That's not for at least a few levels so... Not really a requirement / request atm.

I believe that's it.. Any comments, concerns, questions, or such feel free to let me know. I do greatly appreciate allowing the rebuild. I took her more focused into one area (Magic Missile Mage) so going to see how it goes from there. Cheers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, now I'm looking at Pixie Noble a bit more, and I'm not sure I want to approve it. It's kind of a lot. Would you be okay rebuilding with something else, or are you really married to Pixie Noble at this point?

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Posted (edited)

Hmm.. I guess I wouldn't say married to it. I understand that it is a lot of stuff going on there. Mainly so the number of daily uses of various excellent magic. I was mostly using it since it had been previously accepted and was still on the list of approved races.

I suppose I should also ask... Is it Pixie + Pixie Noble (When you refer to Noble) or just the Noble portion of the class?

As for other ideas, I mean since she's not approved I can just rework for whatever would be easiest for you. I was thinking of a Petal Samurai type of character.. I think I was to mix Warblade/Swordsage with Iaijutsu Master and maybe using Abjurant Champion, but then I found there aren't a lot of decent full BAB / Arcane classes. Was thinking using the RFT rules and taking away the Maneuver progression of Jade Phoenix Mage... Or maybe swapping to divine caster instead. Ideally the character would have a base damage of 1 (Due to the negative strength) and make damage come from Quick Draw / Iaijutsu focus.

Granted though, 99% of that is for question thread since technically petal is listed as a cohort but either way.


EDIT: I suppose with a lot of rambling there.. I'm OKAY to scrap either just Pixie Noble (And leave the regular) OR scrap both and then rebuild her as something else with the free re-work. The petal was just another idea I had that would require approval. Or any other small + flying race that likely would have low STR as a kind of comical character.

Edited by Dnd4life (see edit history)
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On 5/13/2024 at 9:37 PM, Dnd4life said:

Hmm.. I guess I wouldn't say married to it. I understand that it is a lot of stuff going on there. Mainly so the number of daily uses of various excellent magic. I was mostly using it since it had been previously accepted and was still on the list of approved races.

I suppose I should also ask... Is it Pixie + Pixie Noble (When you refer to Noble) or just the Noble portion of the class?

As for other ideas, I mean since she's not approved I can just rework for whatever would be easiest for you. I was thinking of a Petal Samurai type of character.. I think I was to mix Warblade/Swordsage with Iaijutsu Master and maybe using Abjurant Champion, but then I found there aren't a lot of decent full BAB / Arcane classes. Was thinking using the RFT rules and taking away the Maneuver progression of Jade Phoenix Mage... Or maybe swapping to divine caster instead. Ideally the character would have a base damage of 1 (Due to the negative strength) and make damage come from Quick Draw / Iaijutsu focus.

Granted though, 99% of that is for question thread since technically petal is listed as a cohort but either way.


EDIT: I suppose with a lot of rambling there.. I'm OKAY to scrap either just Pixie Noble (And leave the regular) OR scrap both and then rebuild her as something else with the free re-work. The petal was just another idea I had that would require approval. Or any other small + flying race that likely would have low STR as a kind of comical character.

Pixie is okay. It's the noble part that I'm not thrilled about. But I didn't realize you already had it in the old build. It's just a bit out of left field for me. Like, a pixie noble isn't an actual D&D monster, so it's a pure homebrew creation. Plus, it just bolsters a lot of the potent stuff that the pixie already does pretty well without it. But, you already had it in your original build, so I'm not going to take it away from you now.

And I don't really want to authorize a rebuild that completely changes your character's identity: I would like the rebuilt Sarah to still be recognizable as the same character. If you want to drop the goth/necro angle for the magic missiles, that's fine with me, but I kind of feel like rebuilding for melee would be a bit too much of a change. I'm just trying to think ahead: if we're too permissive, we might see players essentially swap out a high-level character for a completely different character.

We're discussing a more comprehensive set of rebuild guidelines in the secret moderator thread right now, and those will probably come out sometime fairly soon. Go ahead and keep doing your thing, though: you can be our test case.

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Not in the same order as presented but..

The melee build character I mentioned was just something else that I had been thinking of trying to make as a though experiment and I couldn't find any other small size characters or smaller that would likely work. I didn't want to use another Pixie since I technically already had one in the process of coming together.

Well, it's not as if you would be taking it away from me. Technically, since OG was completely a different site, run by mostly different people, different rules/power level/expectations/ect it's not like you gave me permission back then for a port. You allowed it because, as history showed, you had allowed some people to bring in old characters in a sort of legacy type setting.

Understandable that you wouldn't want people to scour through the old OGRFT threads to see what other characters they may have had and then bring them over, then to request a full rebuild of a 'new' character as some kind of compensation. It's also my fault for putting an interest expression in for a game before fully being approved (since a lot of other things happened).

Also, thinking back/looking back, since I mentioned it was a port over and linked it, you had auto-approved and we moved on from there. Realistically, I think she would need a normal approval/process like a new character to ensure ported characters still align with the new RFT here.

My character (not counting class spells such as Sorcerer/Artificer) I have around 73 daily uses of spells (Pixie by itself at level 7 has about 45 daily uses of spells). Even without Pixie Noble I think it's still going to be an insane amount. I think it might be better to pull Sarah and not use her in all fairness since she was accepted originally different rules that aren't available to current players. Perhaps mention if you're willing to allowing pixie as a viable selection that the noble class is not available.

So use this is as learning case of the rebuild rules, once you have those, I can look at perhaps doing something with Sarah if not just chalk it up to it not being quite the right fit for the new RFT. (Part of the reason since I had kind of did the silly thing in hindsight, I did the rebuild on the original sheet. Granted money and such didn't change but.. just going to leave it for now.)

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@Dnd4life - thanks for being so understanding; porting from OGRFT is always going to pose some challenges. The early days of OGRFT (probably years 1-3) were like the Wild West, some crazy things got approved (Grugurg, Terry, I'm looking at you - possibly even Cufwell in hindsight although he didn't seem broken at any point until recently).

If we can make this character work without completely nerfing it, or fundamentally changing the concept, it would be okay; but if you don't want to jump through those hoops and just retire her instead that is simpler.


I wouldn't be averse to you having her in the Tavern IC threads as an old hand who doesn't go on missions any more but offers advice to new arrivals etc if you want to RP her without playing her. When Cufwell gets to L20 (if he doesn't die permanently before that) he'll be retiring from active duty to sit with Tanu by the fire and tell tales of his adventures.

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So did a little bit of digging...

I'm considering as per Blue Jay keeping the original idea of the Necromancer and such... I "think" I've found a few different classes that could potentially work..

Cleric -> Evangelist variant or Arcane Disciple (Can they still gain Domains later?) to meet the requirements for Walker of the Waste. Then use Walker of the Waste Progression to apply to Pixie since it doesn't say that it has to be divine so I suppose it'll still advance that at a much slower rate of progression. That'd likely take me all the way to level.. 15? So not like I'd need to be worried about much.

Likely this would also work and I just remove the Pixie Noble class which would free up two levels so to speak and go along with Blue Jay's request about the possibility of removing that one since it's a little more homebrew than the base class. Let me try putting something together on a new sheet so I don't mess the sheet up anymore than I have. If allowed, to make things easier for myself as well as personal preference would use spontaneous divine as well. Let me know if this sounds reasonable or is a little more out in the field.

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The way you're responding to us is the reason I've always been inclined to give you plenty of leeway. I trust you to be reasonable and easy to work with, and to see things from multiple different perspectives.

I've always tried to honor grandfather clauses at RFT, because there's nothing worse in a game (any game) than having the rules changed on you midway through. That's why I've never tried to take Terry away from @Sylas. I've complained about Terry a few times (too many times, probably), and Sylas has responded by voluntarily toning down some things in Terry's build. But, Terry has also been with RFT from 1st level, and he's approaching 20th now, so there's something very monumental there (just as monumental as Cufwell approaching 20th).

So, if you want to bring Sarah back and rebuild her, I'm still okay with that. We do have our rebuild rules up now in the "Player Guidelines" thread (they're pretty minimalist, and have a heavy honor system built in), so make sure you know what we're asking for. But, whatever you choose is likely to be fine, so go ahead.

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On 5/16/2024 at 10:52 PM, Delia2531 said:

@Dnd4life - thanks for being so understanding; porting from OGRFT is always going to pose some challenges. The early days of OGRFT (probably years 1-3) were like the Wild West, some crazy things got approved (Grugurg, Terry, I'm looking at you - possibly even Cufwell in hindsight although he didn't seem broken at any point until recently).

If we can make this character work without completely nerfing it, or fundamentally changing the concept, it would be okay; but if you don't want to jump through those hoops and just retire her instead that is simpler.


I wouldn't be averse to you having her in the Tavern IC threads as an old hand who doesn't go on missions any more but offers advice to new arrivals etc if you want to RP her without playing her. When Cufwell gets to L20 (if he doesn't die permanently before that) he'll be retiring from active duty to sit with Tanu by the fire and tell tales of his adventures.

Hey, there was a tarrasque before Terry, named Tarry. A year before, in fact (well, May 8 2015 vs March 1 2016, I'm rounding that to a year). ... Tarry was made the day after the Tavern first advertised... Cufwell was made launch day (we need to throw him a birthday party). Terry was my 3rd character, because I realized I had two glass cannons, finally read some of Oslecamooriginally I was like 'nope, not gonna touch that'... ya that didn't last. and I wanted a tank.


On 5/18/2024 at 2:01 PM, Blue Jay said:

The way you're responding to us is the reason I've always been inclined to give you plenty of leeway. I trust you to be reasonable and easy to work with, and to see things from multiple different perspectives.

I've always tried to honor grandfather clauses at RFT, because there's nothing worse in a game (any game) than having the rules changed on you midway through. That's why I've never tried to take Terry away from @Sylas. I've complained about Terry a few times (too many times, probably), and Sylas has responded by voluntarily toning down some things in Terry's build. But, Terry has also been with RFT from 1st level, and he's approaching 20th now, so there's something very monumental there (just as monumental as Cufwell approaching 20th).

So, if you want to bring Sarah back and rebuild her, I'm still okay with that. We do have our rebuild rules up now in the "Player Guidelines" thread (they're pretty minimalist, and have a heavy honor system built in), so make sure you know what we're asking for. But, whatever you choose is likely to be fine, so go ahead.

'some things' Blue says; all the fun bitsOK fine, more like wtf moments, but those wtf moments served him well.

.... Nah Terry is still great without Titanic Creature. ... Although maybe once he hits epic levels....
says I. ..... Don't follow my example. I went scorched earth. Look for the parts that scream 'too much' to you and tone it down some, axing entire levels (or all) of gestalt occasionally stings a lot more than I thought it would.

Sorry for the thread hijack.

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Posted (edited)

@Delia2531@Blue Jay@Rudolf - I'm tagging the three of you since you're reviewers, DMs, and have stopped by to take a look at the rebuild and offered input. I have a new rough build in the first post. I plan to update the history, personality, appearance, and flush out some items though mostly leaving them as they are. I will say, this rebuild is... concerning and I fully admit that. I was messing around trying to find a way that I liked and could still emulate the character I wanted Sarah to end up being. So I'm going to address the.. several Beholders in the room.

1) Divine Metamagic Persist spell. Yep. This is mostly for one reason which is the spell, Night's Mantle (Lords of Darkness) which is a Cleric level 4 spell, 10 minutes / level which does the following... "You imbue a creature with an invisible shield which protects it from all effects of sunlight." It is dispelled by a light spell above level 4 and has a cost of 1,000 gold in powered ruby. So it's not a cheap substitute for the time being. Ideally I'd want to make a custom magic item for a continuous effect of this spell, but I think that costs somewhere in the 80,000+ gold. I've also picked up Endure Sunlight (Book of Bad Latin) to survive 1+CHA rounds in direct sunlight should the spell be dispelled or Sarah somehow ends up in the sunlight without being properly prepared. Though I suppose that is the risk you take as an undead anyways.

2) Dweomerkeeper. Another big spell. I haven't though much on which spells I'd add to the mantle for easy access... But I do know the Supernatural Spell would likely be always used on Night's Cloak until I have a way to overcome that. Mostly to save on that 1,000 powered rubies a day. Granted this wouldn't be until level... 13? So it's a fair bit off. It would at least allow me to save some money or show it more as a growth of character that she's able to find other means to cover for her sunlight weakness. I could put a different class here.. I was thinking Fist of Raziel but wasn't sure if Chaotic Neutral would be allowed to take a class from Book of Exalted Deeds (Usually all Lawful Good)

2b) I suppose I could make a wand... But that's still only going to be a caster level of seven (So 70 minute duration) but it still costs 50,000 gold in powder ruby.. at that point isn't really worth it as I'd be close in cost to a continuous magical item I think. My math on these aren't always the greatest.

3) Avenger is Paladin alternate class feature that's more focused on Chaos and a few other type features. I'm aiming to take Holy Warrior along with it to give up spell-casting for a few bonus feats every fourth level or so. Helps add a bit of BAB for her melee attack with her claws or Range Touch spells that may come later down the road.

4) Rough history is going to be.. Picked up at a young age by a vampire one night (Taken more likely as they promised Sarah a chance to play with some other creatures forever, which sounded like a great idea). She had a bit of faith early on in the cycle of the world. Planning for the years and future to come. Undeath for the undying world but fading life to fuel the next generation, and Magic since she is a creature of magic. Not being recused or helped, she turned away from her divine faith (Cleric) and moved onto Archivist to find her own divine power. She no longer took Arcane classes as that was limited by her turning into a vampire, it disconnected her from her fey magic heritage. (Also to stop me from having double 9th spell lists to deal with). PRC is to better understand the world of magic that protected her and further her studies into Divine power. Paladin.. Strength of character / acceptance of her abilities gained from becoming a vampire.

5) I don't plan on taking any other Turn pools not that I'm even sure they'll apply to DMM. I was looking at taking DMM: Persist (which is two more feat slots) to help get some spells out quicker. I'm actually unsure how they interact with Archivist.. Would it be applied at time of preparing for the day or when I wanted to use the spell since it's listed as a 'free action' when using the feat. Granted, I suppose this all hangs on the technical view of if I can DMM the spells at my level since it replaces the cost.

I haven't done spells, I haven't calculated anything else, and I'm not dead set on the build either. From what I know, the majority of the power for Dweomerkeeper is what spells you use as SU. So as stated, I'd only use it for a few costly spells to sustain my character from dying or.. such. I could also ask prior to selecting any or give a list of which ones I'd use them on. Well.. that's a large blerb of text. I appreciate any reading and comments back on it and hope to ensure smooth progress while staying true to the nature of the game. Other feats if Quicken is too much would be Chain spell for some lovely buffs but again, later and down the line. Again, thanks.


Edit: just remembered that Evangelist doesn't get turn undead. I would give up either the planning or undeath domain. Or change the PRC and give up magic. My apologies.

Edited by Dnd4life (see edit history)
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