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Organization Actions

Round Seven


[Logistics] Going forward, when a player posts or edits organization-related actions after the War Deadline in a round, please let the Org GM know, either through a ping here or in the #org-questions channel in the Discord. This is in no way a restriction on when actions can be taken or edited, nor is it a change in deadlines. Organization-related actions will simply be compiled around the War Deadline, and anything that shows up afterwards may get missed. The purpose here is only to help smooth the opener process and limit the number of corrections that need to be made to the opener after the fact.


[Openness] Secret Titles, and specifically their bespoke mechanics, are no longer present. Those who were already on the path toward Secret Titles will have the opportunity to claim a benefit relevant to their quest. Elect that reach the extremes of reputation with an organization in the future will continue to have the opportunity to learn more about the organization in question over time. This will not require further mechanical input or yield additional mechanical benefit.

The Imperial Court


The Imperial Court consists of those attendants, retainers, and noble courtiers surrounding the Emperor. In addition to their responsibilities in the Imperial Crown, the courtiers act as the Emperor’s representatives in planetary affairs. The Imperial Court consists exclusively of humans, a state of affairs which likely reflects the population of the Imperial Crown itself. From the Imperial Embassies on each planet they enforce the Emperor’s decrees, ensure the loyalty of Imperial states, and tend to the dream that is Empire. Prestigious and powerful rulers will find that the Imperial Court takes a greater interest in them, and those who gain their respect may even find themselves promoted to a seat on the Imperial Senate - a position which grants them both a voice in Imperial policy and the chance to secure the Emperor’s personal attention.


[Diplomacy] Outreach and Fundraising - Representatives of the Court and the College make their way into social, political, and competitive gatherings across Tekhum. The Elect must be given attention, lest their loyalties wander.

[EMP attends all Events and accepts all gifts as a subaction]


[Favor] Imperial Mandate - The Empire is more than willing to support its loyal vassals by wielding its weight and influence on their behalf.

[EMP attempts to Impress the Government of Ouvriead (111) on behalf of CUS.]


[Decree] Perks of Status - While seats in the Imperial Senate exist so that all voices can be heard and all peoples given guidance toward a better future, it would be foolish to act as if the Senators are not working harder than anyone at their thankless toil. When the Empire is healthy, though, there are certain perquisites afforded these selfless public servants.

[Senators will gain +1 Passive Treasure income at the beginning of rounds 8-12]



[Reminder] This is the last round to engage with Tenfold in Blood and Fivefold in Silver.

[Senate] Invite His Excellency Elia Eramo to join the Senate - An invitation, not just to be a member, but to be present in the halls of power.




Ongoing Decrees

Extraordinary Research Grants Approval - Until the end of round 8, any Elect with EMP Rep -1 or higher may spend an Economy action to donate any amount of Treasure to the college. For every 10 Treasure received, the College will attempt to create one new Technology. Some avenues may turn out to be dead ends in research terms, and some (like starting technologies) may have no appreciable mechanical effect. All donors will receive all technologies successfully created. [Treasure Donated: 6/10]



Requests and Opportunities

[Opportunity] Tenfold In Blood - It has come to the attention of the Court that there are those who feel themselves above the laws and taxes of their Emperor. It is not the lack of lucre, but rather the sheer effrontery that has so offended the Court. But it would not do for the Armada to be deployed over such a petty thing. So instead, an awareness is circulated through back-channels that it would please the Court if there were... reprisals. And perhaps some of those so dishonored could regain the Court's favor by the same means.

[Until the end of round 7, each country may gain 1 EMP Rep if they perform a public Sack or Theft action targeting a country which failed to pay the Elect Tax, provided they are successful. If non-hostile Sacks or Thefts are contrived, Rep will not be awarded. Each country can gain this bonus a maximum of two times, and a maximum of once per round. A list of those countries follows.


Countries on this list may, as a Diplomacy action, pay 1 Treasure and 1 EMP favor to be removed from it, provided they are at EMP Rep 0 or higher. They may not go into favor debt for this.]


[Opportunity] Fivefold in Silver - The Imperial Court believes it has made its point: defiance of the Emperor’s Will and ingratitude for his Generosity are utterly unacceptable, either by the Court or by the other Elect. The punishments will of course continue until their stated end - the Empire is not a soft liege - but should certain wayward subjects recognize the error of their ways and clearly demonstrate as much, perhaps there is a clearer path back to favor.

[Until the end of Round 7, any country which may be targeted for Tenfold in Blood may, as a non-action, pay 5 Treasure to the Empire to gain a favor. Alternatively, any such country with Renown 2 or higher may, as a non-action, broadcast a humiliating apology to the Emperor across Tekhum, reducing their Renown to 0 but gaining a favor. As usual, this favor will automatically be consumed to raise reputation if their reputation is negative; otherwise, this favor can only be used to remove the country from the targets of Tenfold in Blood (though it can be used in the same round it is gained) and will expire at the end of Round 7.]


[Request] Coronal Catalogue of Duelists [1/5] - The trend toward competitive single combat across Tekhum is, if nothing else, intriguing. The Armada has never before needed to prepare its members for this kind of flashy, deadly sport. Now, though, it seems well-rounded soldiers must learn to duel as well as fight as a unit. Experts from across Tekhum are summoned to their local Imperial Embassies for demonstrations and lectures.

[Elect may contribute to this request either as a non-action with a fluff submission describing their most capable duelist's methods, famous bouts, or personal martial art; or as a Military action towards the project. Elect may contribute writing to the project once and actions to the project twice. Elect that contribute once gain one treasure at the completion of the project. Elect that contribute twice gain three treasure instead. Elect that contribute the full three times gain three treasure and an EMP favor. The project will remain open and incomplete until at least the end of round 8, even if enough actions are contributed to complete it before then.

To be certain your contributions are tracked, please use the phrase "Coronal Catalogue of Duelists" when noting your contribution. If you fail to do so, your contribution may not be counted.]

Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union


The Pan-Tekhum Worker's and Trader's Union - usually called the Pan-Tekhum Union or simply the Union - found its start as a loose interplanetary coalition of smaller collectives, guilds, and worker's interest groups who found it expedient to work together to protect their interests. The re-introduction of the Elect catapulted them into prominence, as leadership rapidly centralized to ensure the continued protection of interests for workers and small businesses everywhere. They are now a major player in finance and business throughout the system. Despite their name, the Union actually has more in common with the structure of a medieval guild than the definition of a union proposed by more revolutionary groups in Tekhum, though their ownership structure is more horizontal and they have little interest in maintaining monopolies.

[Diplomacy] Canvas and Fundraising - Union representatives are sent to local gatherings to press the flesh (or similar innards-coverings) and accept gifts. New relationships must be forged and old friendships need to be nurtured, especially in light of the concerning developments back home.
[WTU attends The Meligogue Conclave and The First Pan-Tekhum Mageball Competition]


[Demand] Supply and Demand - While the guildmasters and other experts prepare presentations to pitch the proposals for the reform of a corvee labor economy, the Union works to provide for its people as appropriate for an oversight committee. Debts are called in, and dues are expected.

[By the end of Round 8, WTU must be given two Trade Posts of Ores and Alloys. These two TPs must be on different Orbits. If this demand is not met, all Elect that owe at least one Favor to WTU will lose one WTU rep and have one Favor repaid. TPs given to WTU to meet this demand do count for a Favor repayment as per It Must Flow.]

[Favor] And The Work Is Never Done - The Union is happy to supply well-paid, well-equipped, and well-adjusted labor to work on projects for its allies. The Castaways are the latest to benefit from their generosity.
[WTU constructs an Arcology in (region 63) on behalf of SEV, granting a bonus to Encourage Settlement.]



Resist all unauthorized buyouts



[Reform] Organize! - The Union keeps a close eye on the developing conflicts in Mraza - should the violence cool and conditions improve, they will be happy to assist the organizing efforts of the locals. In the meantime, the Peludian Rail has generated a fair bit of buzz in the Union headquarters. A flashy project with a world-spanning scope is the perfect headline project for the united workers. An offer is extended: the Union will supply laborers, funds, and experts to the individual segments of the Rail if local managers will agree to permit the workforce of the project to unionize.

[Any Elect that owns a Trade Post or Mercantile Support along the path of the Peludian Rail may choose to support the union's efforts. As an Economy action, they may grant the Union control of either the Mercantile Support of the region or one Trade Post in the region. Each Trade Post or Mercantile support granted this way earns one Treasure and one WTU Favor. If at least five Trade Posts and Supports are given to the Union by the time the project is completed, each Elect that gifted either will also earn one WTU rep.]


Basu-Rahman Group


The Basu-Rahman Group is a Tekhum-wide megacorporation centered on news and entertainment media. Headquartered on their massive city-ship The Maharaj's Dream, their journalism and investigation is renowned across the whole system. Their ruthlessness and cutthroat business practices are also widely known in certain circles, and many a competitor has met a sorry end at the end of a vibroblade paid for by the Basu-Rahman. At least, allegedly; despite numerous lawsuits and criminal charges, crack lawyers ensure that legally, Basu-Rahman is spotless, despite their deep connections to the seedy underbelly of the system.

[Offer] Thanks to Viewers Like You - The Basu-Rahman Group appreciates the support of their friends and allies during the tragedies of the preceding decade. In order to set down roots in their new homes and repay some of what they owe in thanks, messages are poured into the ears of the populace encouraging mass engagement in important projects.

[Until the end of Round 8, and no more than once per round, Elect with at least BRG rep 1 may benefit from a Seek Aid attempt made by BRG on behalf of one of their actions. Actions benefiting from this Offer cannot involve opposed rolls against other Elect unless the opposed Elect is at BRG rep -1 or lower.]


[Reconciliation] Keep Your Enemies Close - The Board much prefers engaging positively with its audience, and places far more value on strong friends than weakened enemies. Those that sought war can enjoy peace, especially with sponsorship.

[Until the end of Round 8, any Elect at BRG -2 or lower is welcome to gain one BRG rep total by engaging in one of the standard Favor Repayment options. Elect at BRG rep 2 or above can, so long as the beneficiary consents, choose to take a listed Favor repayment action on behalf of an Elect at -2 or lower to grant them 1 BRG rep. Elect that remain at -2 BRG rep or lower at the conclusion of this action will find themselves the target of [Retribution].

Taking advantage of Keep Your Enemies Close replaces the normal Favor gain with Rep gain.]


[Intrigue] Secret -

Lights! Camera! Stasis.


[Reminder] This is the last round to engage with Guiding Lights and Dirty Secrets

[Flavor] Your Regularly Scheduled Programming - Think of Them

The shot rises over a landscape suited to the orbit in which the ad is shown - a grassy hill on Sansar; a perfect sky under striking red cliffs on Veehra; a wondrous starscape for Mekhala; and a clean, practical park for Badal. Over this plays Starrah McGrianlan's most somber track.

As the view pans down, an office comes into view, full of bustling people of dozens of species. They are clean, happy, and focused. They are editing video footage of reporters, writing articles, and interviewing citizens of the Empire. They love their jobs.

The scene cuts, and these same people are now at home, surrounded by partners, friends, children. They love their families.

A final cut, showing those same children hugging adults and crying, the journalists notably absent. The children look up from the caskets in front of them, directly at the camera. They seem to ask why someone would hurt them like this.

Text scrolls across the screen. Think of Them.

[Flavor] Brought to You By You! - Taking a Stand

A new power rises in Tekhum, one that cannot and will not abide threats to its sovereignty. Bravery, prestige, and strength have become synonymous with this power. When fire and blood rained upon the free people of Tekhum from a retributive sun and its lackeys, only one power gave even the mightiest pause.

Eilif Dhaoine.

Now Clagath of Deargabh, master of the Dhaoine, offers succor to those who likewise would refuse to bend in the face of violence from above. He asks not meek tithes like a distant emperor. He extends not his hand in anger to his own people. No, Clagath offers instead protection and demands only allegiance.

The time for kneeling is long past. Stand for yourself. Stand with Clagath.


[Offer] Brought To You By: You! - Do you have a service or product that you're sure will sell, but it's just not reaching its target market? Get in touch with the Basu-Rahman subsidiary Comet Consulting to see if we can help you to share your gifts with Tekhum. Comet Consulting: For A Truly Meteoric Launch.

[Any country with at least BRG Rep 0 may pay 1 BRG favor as a non-action to insert an advertisement of your choice into the Brought To You By segment of the Basu-Rahman actions in the following round. This can either be a text submission, ideally no longer than a few hundred words, or a prompt submitted to the org GM to be written up as marketing copy. Either way, this has no mechanical effect. All submissions are subject to approval, and BRG may refuse to run advertising that contradicts its interests.]

[Offer] Guiding Lights - Sometimes, authors with truly great material can struggle to get published. At Guiding Lights, we seek to help those authors to get the recognition they deserve. In consultation with our editors, we can help you to get the status appropriate to your work. Guiding Lights Publishing: Editors To The Stars.

[Until the end of round 7, any country with at least BRG Rep 0 may spend 2 BRG favors and a Diplomacy action to gain the benefits of an Exhibit Great Work action. The nature of the Great Work must be in the form of a manuscript or similar literary item. This does not count as taking an Exhibit Great Work action for the purposes of the Rising Stars opportunity under Renown.]


[Request] Dirty Secrets - Nothing sells like scandal. Everyone has dirty little secrets, but the biggest ones are hidden away where even the most intrepid reporters can't get at them. But the wonderful thing about a patron is that sometimes, they can open doors for you.

[Until the end of round 7, any country with at least Renown -1 may open up their secrets as an Intrigue action, trading 1 Renown for 1 BRG Favor. Each country may do this a maximum of two times.]


[Request] Reactive Relocation - Sudden catastrophe sees the media conglomerate in need of a new workspace.

[The first Elect that builds a BRG base in each orbit, requiring three Economy or Intrigue action in any combination, will receive 2 BRG rep and 1 BRG favor (or 2 favors if 2 rep would put them above 4 BRG rep)

BRG will accept further Bases on: Veehra]


International Renown


International Renown is an entity which acts in many respects like a fourth Organization, but it is distinct in a number of key areas. Renown represents the respect, appreciation, envy, and awe a country commands on the world stage, not just from the ruling governments of the country’s peers, but in the broader perception of the influential elite. The only actions International Renown can take are to create tasks, requests, host events, or otherwise create opportunities for countries to demonstrate their wealth, power, and grandeur, and it cannot owe or be owed favors or have its reputation affected by Raise Reputation or Slander actions. A player’s Reputation with International Renown will usually be abbreviated to “Renown”.

Renown opportunities that specify a country "may" gain Renown for an action will only grant Renown if it is explicitly noted in their action post that they wish to do so. This applies to previously offered opportunities.


[Prioritization] Terror in the Shadows - The Elect are concerned with the highest of peaks, and have less time than ever for the small and weak.
[Any Elect that has a mechanical character that is the target of a successful Assassination/Kidnapping or Incite Betrayal action will lose 1 Renown, to a minimum of -1. This replaces the previous text of Terror in the Shadows.] 

[Disaster] Attacked - The best ability, as they say, is availability. Until proven otherwise, the assumption among the elite is that an Elect capable of fielding an impressive military should do so at every opportunity.
[The first Elect to lose a battle against another Elect(s) whose unit cap is half the size (or smaller) of their own will lose one Renown.]

[Reminder] This is the last round to engage with A Grand Army




[Failure] Divided - As parts of Tekhum see increased overt violence, military might becomes both proof of superiority and a tool to attain it. Elect that cannot lead even larger armies to victory have their credentials called into question

[Until the end of Round 8, any Elect that loses a battle despite deploying at least twice as many units as their opponent(s) loses one Renown.]

[Control] Gather the Elites - The nobles, wealthy, and successful of Tekhum function in strange, recursive patterns. Those that impress a wide swath of elites will earn the respect of others in the upper echelons of society, and so on ad infinitum.

[At the end of Round 9, the Elect that controls the most Government Supports will gain one Renown. In the case of a tie, the Elect that controls the most Government Supports in orbits that don't contain their capital will win. In the case of another tie, the relevant Elect will compete in a Diplomacy roll-off. Any Elect with zero Government Supports at this time will lose one Renown.]

[Opportunity] Status and Extravagance - As the resurgence of the Elect makes Tekhum an interplanetary melting pot once more, status symbols are becoming more important than ever. Those cultures whose unique signs of a person’s importance, power, wisdom, and wealth are easily recognizable are certainly the most renowned.

[Until the end of Round 8, any country may submit a fluff writeup describing local status symbols, sumptuary laws, or other cultural traditions relating to personal prestige and cultural expectations surrounding powerful figures. A sufficiently detailed writeup (at the judgment of the Org GM) will grant that country 1 REN. This Renown can only be gained once.]

[Showcase] Flaunting Stolen Wares - Sometimes the secure and secret ownership of a fine work or magical relic is less important than the message sent by its sudden absence.

[Any nation may take a Diplomacy action or Host an Event the round immediately following their successful secret theft of an Artifact or Great Work to publicly flaunt their stolen item. If they do, they gain 1 REN, and impose -1 REN upon the target of the theft, to a minimum of -2.]

[Excellency] A Grand Army - Philosophers reserve violence as the exclusive right of the state, and it is those states who are most prepared to do violence who gain respect on the world stage.

[At the end of Round 7, the country with the most powerful army and the country with the most powerful navy will gain 1 REN. How powerful an army/navy is will be calculated as the following sum: number of ground/space units + highest score of General/Admiral - 6.]

[Culture] Rising Stars - The face of Tekhum is changing, and so are the hearts and minds behind it. As ideologies spread and take root, as new titans of the age begin to stand astride the worlds and declaim their truths, as priceless cultural artifacts are unearthed or created, the whole system takes notice.
[Each country may gain one Renown the first time they take one of the Create Cultural Identity, Exhibit Great Work, or Organize Faith actions. The first country in each orbit to take each of these actions may gain one additional Renown. Simultaneous actions will result in both countries gaining the Renown.]

Bonus Still Available

Badal - Exhibit Great Work
Sansar - Exhibit Great Work
Veehra - None
Mekhala - Exhibit Great Work

[Might] Blood, Ash, and Plasma Residue - Some say war never changes. Some say war is change. Either way, war is coming to Tekhum. Walls rise, bodies fall, and nothing will ever be the same again.
[Each country may gain one Renown the first time they win a battle.]
[Industry] Built to Last - Not every act of glory is something bright and shining and brief. Sometimes, glory is found in something that will outlast the builder.
[Each country may gain one Renown the first time they take one of the Construct Arcology, Found Holy Order, or Raise Fortress actions. The first country in each orbit to take each of these actions may gain one additional Renown. Simultaneous actions will result in both countries gaining the Renown.]

Still Available

Badal: None

Sansar: Found Holy Order, Raise Fortress

Veehra: None

Mekhala: Found Holy Order

[Connection] Ties That Bind - It's not just what you know, it's who you know. Fame brings new opportunities for connection and trade, and then it circulates back to those who have connections and the social capital to exploit them.

[The first five countries to reach each threshold of holding 3 Embassies, 6 Embassies, and 9 Embassies may gain 1 Renown.]

Still Available

All thresholds

[Envy] Tough At The Top - For every set of eyes looking to the great with wonder, another looks with jealousy and greed. And of those, many look with cunning calculation- what can be more impressive than tussling with one of the greats and winning?

[Any country with at least Renown 0 may, as a sub-action of any non-secret action they take contested by a country with higher Renown, attempt to steal Renown from them. If they are successful, the target loses 1 Renown and the country taking the sub-action gains 1 Renown. No country can lose or gain more than one Renown in this way per round, but multiple countries can steal Renown from a country with higher Renown.]

[Science] Wonders of the 99,803rd Era - The future of Tekhum and the future of technology are deeply intertwined, and the work of luminaries in engineering and science will have a powerful effect on the shape of politics going forward.

[The first time each country takes the Invent Technology or Research Military Technology action may gain 1 Renown. The first five countries to take each of these actions may gain 1 bonus Renown.]

[Ascension] Higher Powers - Some people hold that all are created equal, but on the stage of grandeur, certainly not all remain so. The most powerful will always draw eyes towards themselves.

[Any country that takes the Elevate Status, Consolidate Holdings, or Exalt Domain actions may gain 1 Renown. The first country to take each of these actions may gain 1 bonus Renown.]

[Victimization] Terror in the Shadows - There are terrible things, out in the dark of the void. But there are terrible things closer to the light, too. It is difficult to maintain grandeur when gripped by fear, death, disappearance and betrayal.

[Any Elect that has a mechanical character that is the target of a successful Assassination/Kidnapping or Incite Betrayal action will lose 1 Renown, to a minimum of -1.]

[Illumination] In (Or Out) Of The Spotlight - Great deeds continue to resound across Tekhum, and fame circulates rapidly. As fame becomes more common, it becomes easier for notable occurrences to slip through the cracks- by choice, or by accident.

[From now on, Renown opportunities that specify a country "may" gain Renown for an action will only grant Renown if it is explicitly noted in their action post that they wish to do so. This applies to previously offered opportunities.]

[Calumny] Everything Not Nailed Down - In the game of nations, there is little that is taboo. If you cannot keep something, ownership is often nothing but an idea enforced only by norms. Even so, there are damages that can be inflicted that may mar opinions.

[Any country taking a Sack or public Theft action may lose 1 Renown as a sub-action. This must be declared before rolling. In the case of a Sack, if successful, this will cause the target to lose 1 Treasure and the sacker to gain one additional Treasure. In the case of a successful Theft, this will cause 1 additional Treasure to be stolen, up to the usual maximum if the action was already stealing Treasure. This may not be done while at Renown -3.]

[Vision] Eyes in the Skies - From great heights come great views. Whether that is literal or merely metaphorical, those who see the furthest will often see their own fame among the vistas they view.

[The first time each country takes the Create Space Habitat or Establish Espionage Agency action, they may gain 1 Renown. The first five countries to take each of these actions may gain 1 bonus Renown.]


Rulings and Answers

Is there a color worn by Imperial Embassy support staff? You know, janitors, gardeners, tea ladies, cooks, typists and so forth? And do the Embassies hire local people to fill those roles?

Officially, the support staff are to wear the attire appropriate for a government position in their home region, along with a black sun brooch. Unofficially, everyone tends to adopt the simple, dark robes of Imperial support staff. There's no particular color, though, no. A dark blue or black would be most common generally, or a very dark version of whatever color the local government might lean into. The embassies absolutely bring on locals for that type of role, yes


Does favor repayment through The Enemy of my Enemy need to be with a public action, or can you do a secret action against a min-rep country but let the org know on the down-low what you're up to?

Secret Actions are fine if the Org is looped in, sure. But much like other table-changing Secret Actions, the fact that a Favor is gained will be made public in the following opener so the secret may end up being a temporary one.


Extraordinary Research Grants Approval - Can this be given as part of a Diplomacy Event action, or only as an Economy action?

EMP is not attending events this round. Should they do so while ERGA is active, though, you can donate via Event sub-actions


BRG will do conversions of whatever faith I request as their 2 rep favor, yeah?



Are Space and Ground Units counted separately or together for REN's Divided?

The total unit counts are compared, regardless of distribution over fronts.


Orgs can fulfil their Favor Repayments as Subactions of a single [Favor] Action. They may take one such subaction per orbit per round, and no more than two per round total. If more Favor Repayments are requested than can be fulfilled this way, priority will be given to Elect with higher Rep.


For the BRG base building, even if the reward can't be split up, can the work be split up?

Yes, other Elect can assist in base construction with permission from the region-owner.


Does favor repayment through Enemy of my Enemy require that the action succeeds, or just that it is attempted?

For the sake of consistency with Tenfold in Blood (and to avoid some potential sneakiness intended to dodge consequences), let's say it must be successful.


Does EMP count as having "Rep 3 or 4 with EMP"? Specifically for the purposes of their -1



When can Organize! donations be made for WTU?

Before or during the round in which that section of the Rail is complete, currently.


Can you "cancel out" +rep and -rep effects while at +4 or -3 rep?

At Rank 4, you cannot gain Reputation. So if you take a +rep and a -rep action in the round while you're at 4, you'd drop to 3.


Can you benefit from Built to Last (and similar) if you gain a Holy Order (or similar) for free?

No. The action specified in the "org" actions must be taken to benefit.


If I go into favor debt with an org by requesting a favor on Round X, can I take an action to repay the favor on the same round? Or would I have to wait until Round X+1?

You can certainly do something to gain a Favor while requesting one at the same time, but repayment needs to be the next round. You aren't actually in Favor Debt until the round Opener makes it official.


Does this ([Failure] Divided) mean that in the case of multiple players together attacking a region, they would all lose 1 Renown if all their units combined are at least twice as much as all their opponents in that region combined? Does this stack if an Elect is present for multiple battles where they outnumber their opponent(s) like that?

Yes. If you are part of a coalition that has double the units of your foe(s) and you lose, you suffer the REN loss. As it stands, there is no limit to the number of times this can trigger for a given Elect.


Edited by JBarca (see edit history)
EMP Impress 111
2d6+9 4,5
2d6+9 4,6
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Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim (ALF), Round Seven
Chancellor Eydis dei Fiori
Dip: 7 | Mil: 9 | Eco: 7 | Fai: 2 | Int: 2

Stat Gains: +1 Dip, +1 Mil


  1. [Military] Invade Region 38 with 4 Ground Units under Arni dei Fiori (mil9) utilizing Relentless Butchery (+20% enemy casualties). Space front consists of 3 Space Units under Hinrik dei Fiori (mil7) who doesn't care much for tacdocs and is really just along for the ride.
    There is no logic or coherence to this action. No regroup or delay following the abomination in the north. Arni takes the troops under his command last round and invades region 38 from the north, while reinforcements from Verdalfheim move in from the east. Beldhan's head will serve as sufficient compensation in the short term.
  2. [Military] Raise a Ground Unit
  3. [Diplomacy] Sway Media in R35 (TN 12 (currently open); Roll: 19; SUCCESS)
  4. [Diplomacy] Sway Media in R51(TN 12 (currently open); Roll: 17; SUCCESS)
  5. [Diplomacy] Attend ARK Event
    -Accept Region 100, Vacuum Adaptation, and Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores from ARK

    Though a bit camera-shy, Lilja shows up to the Arkhive to manage things. Part of her agenda is to coordinate efforts with the low-population Arkhive and its Glix diaspora to supplement their settlement of Region 100 with spare elves from the three -heims under Fiorid control.


  • Trade Route with RAT:
    -Last round RAT sent me Shrewd Business and I didn't notice; it's in the round opener so I assume it's valid
  • Grant support to Conclave contestants in accordance with their verdicts:
    -Support one conversion each from BAF, CUS, and UHS
    -Support attempts to introduce minorities in all owned regions from COE and ARK

    -Support all conversions from HOB and LSP

News & Rumors

  • Pursuant to the backroom deal that bought the House of Fire's naval support, Hekla dei Fiori ships out to Mekhala to serve as a diplomatic/cultural ambassador.
  • An admiral got frustrated by the mess last round and spent the spare time afforded by the constant allocation and reallocation of troops keeping track of and compiling a narrative of this embarrassment. Admiral Lord Godtfred della Rocca concluded this work before the outcomes of the battles were determined, but the transcript sat on his desk for a while before receiving a final editing pass and release during this round (i.e. I finally got bored enough to finish it)

    IC Text: The War that Never Was: The Abandonment of Basu-Rahman and the Stillbirth of the Coalition, by Admiral Lord Godtfred della Rocca

    At the time of writing, it is 2051 and the winds of autumn have scarcely begun, yet already the turbulent powers of Tekhum have begun to wipe away the records of their pigheadedness. When they claim to hold wills of iron, when they claim to stand by their words and principles, let this testimony haunt them to the bitter end and ensure that the follies of the years 2049-2051 are not lost to the sands of time.

    There are two precursors to this conflict:
    -The all-out assault on the Basu-Rahman Group’s broadcasting centers in the years prior, carried out by the Soom Clan, Khylokian Reign of Blood, and, most relevantly to this text, the Illumined Utopian and Eucrus Alliance. Despite the bleakness of the situation, Basu-Rahman was seemingly not without friends, or at least enough clout to motivate a halfhearted muster.
    -The interviews within the Fiorid Principality conducted by Prime Marcus, spiritual head of the Illumined Utopian, though unread by many, outraged certain ideological puritans, bringing the Coalition into the orbit of the ongoing Fiorid lunar conflicts.

    With this in mind, a plot was hatched between several of the Elect to orchestrate coordinated reprisals against the three offending powers. In no particular order of relevance, the association consisted of Eilif Dhaoine, The Glorious Purifiers, The Black Cloud Coalition, The Bironian Bulwark, and The Twilight League, while The Radiant Republic of Esridor and The White Pawns operated in parallel to counter the Fiorids on Aridyin, Sansar’s moon.

    The escalation towards the latter conflict was telegraphed from the prior years, with all sides expecting a Fiorid invasion of Esridor’s sector of Aridyin. At the start of 2049 this seemed to be one of the few certainties, though the radical shifts in the subsequent period are due in totality to the evolution of the Basu-Rahman reprisal league.

    The primary target of this operation was originally to be the Illumined Utopian, targeted on two fronts: The Black Cloud Coalition and its proxies in The Bironian Bulwark were to assault their capital on Badal, while The Glorious Purifiers (motivated by revanchism for their once-claimed region and abiding by the terms of a prior agreement with the B.C.C.) and Eilif Dhaoine (bound by obligation to reprimand the Utopian for overstepping the bounds of its sponsorship) prepared to invade the Wyrmlands.

    Amidst this cacophony, Veehra’s Twilight League was originally meant to join the conflict but found itself besieged at home by the Sorcerers of New Kildora and The Arvaxine Populate, both seemingly foes of the Basu-Rahman Group. This immediately prevented the Coalition from achieving its full potential, likely influencing the subsequent series of diplomatic settlements.

    In a surprise reconciliation, the Illumined Utopian and Glorious Purifiers were able to reach an accord by which the former would retain the Wyrmlands (thereby ending the involvement of Eilif Dhoine) in exchange for withdrawing from the Central Chonkian desert (occupied in the course of its quest to strike against Basu-Rahman), a region which the latter would be permitted to invade instead. Seeing a power ostensibly subservient to the loathed Black Cloud Coalition attempting to sweep their northern flank without obstruction, the Fiorids immediately pivoted away from the lunar conflict before the initiation of hostilities in order to launch a northwards invasion of their own. Seizing the opportunity, the White Pawns immediately broke their battle lines to seize Aridyin’s northern hemisphere, a setback viewed as momentarily acceptable by the Fiorid government.

    The next major shift came in the form of The Twilight League’s capitulation, which convinced the Kildorans and Arvaxine to abort their potentially-existentially-ruinous incursion in exchange for a litany of stipulations, the most relevant of which was that they would contribute to quelling a rebellion in the lands of the Soom Clan (largely inspired by the destruction of the Veehran Basu-Rahman base, allegedly bolstered by prior agitation from operators of the Glorious Purifiers). This left the other half of their forces free to, at Esridor’s behest, launch an invasion of Aridyin’s western hemisphere, the second core lunar holding of the Fiorids.

    This, in turn, compelled yet another revision of Fiorid strategy, which saw all available troops returned to the lunar surface to perform a defensive operation, now with the aid of newfound allies from the Mekhalan House of Fire. Before the involved factions could even settle their objectives, a third settlement occurred which made a mockery of the entire ordeal.

    The Eucrus Alliance’s conspicuous absence from the list of operation targets left them free to perform operations of their own, and their move of choice was to threaten to invade The Bironian Bulwark and depose its B.C.C. loyalists. Left with no way to defend its proxy while prosecuting the war against the Illumined Utopian, the Black Cloud Coalition conceded to the implementation of an armistice with uncertain terms. As guided by their decades-old prejudices and lust for blood, the B.C.C. immediately set its sights on the rapidly regenerating Aridyin conflict.

    Beset by an insurmountable quartet of military powers, of which only two had been planned for due to intelligence regarding the parallel war against the Illumined Utopian, the Fiorid command structure has been forced to revert to its prior reversion and fight against the Purifiers in the north, moving through ‘neutral’ territory held by the enigmatic Colonel Beldhan to make up for lost time. As per the general spirit of the conflict, the Radiant Republic also revised their orders and split off a portion of its forces and its best commander to support the Purifiers’ incursion. Laughably, from its dramatic beginnings as a system-wide conflict, the only contested battle transpired upon the Jy’mar-owned sands north of Verdalfheim, with the Glorious Purifiers and Radiant Republic of Esridor on one side and the Fiorid Principality and the House of Fire on the other.

    Ultimately, Basu-Rahman went unavenged by all hands except the Veehran base revolt. All that was accomplished by this confused marching of troops was an inversion of the dynamic on Aridyin and a series of treaties which should reasonably have been concluded years prior by more level heads. Basu-Rahman is right to not give this disaster any substantial coverage, for it has its own priorities to consider; though it was not loved by my people, its current plight is pitiable in the extreme. Despite this, it is a political cautionary tale which bears remembrance: as time passes and all that remains are the actions taken, let none forget the impact of the many actions untaken.

  • Oskar is probably up to some wacky hijinks, mainly scribbling notes on Kildoran ritual magic.


Government & Military

Eydis' base ruler rolls located here

Heir: Hinrik dei Fiori (Base Rolls: 2/3/4/1/1, +1mil/+1eco from Round2 actions = new core statline of 2/4/5/1/1)

Expended Specials:
Eydis: M5, D5
Hinrik: E5

CI: Absolutist Integration, 2d8 to Sway actions

Mechanical International Ties:

  • Trade Route with RAT


  • General-Royal Arni dei Fiori (Mil 9 Commander); +20% to enemy unit losses
  • Hinrik dei Fiori (Heir), average between heir and ruler mil = 7

Ground Unit Count: 4

Space Unit Count: 3

Unit cap: 7/10

Treasure Count: 1 (+1 passive)
TP count for passive generation: 7 (+0)

Controlled Regions

Link to Lands Thread

Region Name Region # Resource Prime Religion Minorities Desired Import Status Gov Med Merc
Lillalfheim 35 Dejan Mustard (2) Thunderbolt Ascension (Plur) - Industrial Machinery Province ALF - -
Verdalfheim 36 Oil (3) Imperial Cult (Plur) - Ores & Alloys Capital ALF ALF ALF
Grigialfheim 51 Ryban Fish (3) Kinites (Maj) - Medicines & Drugs Province ALF - -

Owned Techs & TP Tracking

Type Name Requirement(s) Effect(s) From When?
Starter Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry - - R4, ARK
Starter Algorithmic Imagination - - R4, ARK
Starter Arcane Amplification - - R4, ARK
Starter In-Vivo Modification - - R4, ARK
Starter Nuclear Fusion - - R4, ARK
Starter Xenolinguistic Cataloguing - - R4, ARK
Starter Pseudogravity Engineering - - Start
Starter Badalian Megadirgibles - Permits ground unit transport across the Cloud Sea of Badal. R4, ARK
Starter Wet Navy Ships - Permits ground unit transport across oceans. Start
Eco T1 Shrewd Business -Honeyed Words
-Fabric & Textiles
+1 to Buyouts you Assist and +1 to Impress Merchants R6, RAT
  • R34 TP1: Curative Enzymes (Medicines and Drugs)
  • R36 TP1&2: Oil (Fuel and Power)
  • R37 TP1: Assembly Line Robots (Industrial Machinery)
  • R69 TP2: Hematite (Ores and Alloys + Conductors and Circuitry)
Edited by moossabi (see edit history)
Sway Media R35
2d8+7 4,8
Sway Media R51
2d8+7 5,5
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🐝The Arkhive Æternal (ARK)🐝
Region 46 (Sansar)






List of Members

ALF (Local)
CUS (Local)
ELD (Local)
GCC (Local)
GLO (Local)
HOF (Local)
ILU (Local)
LSP (Local)
RAT (Local)
RRE (Local)
TEA (Local)
WTP (Local)
BAF (Visiting)
DIC (Visiting)
HOB (Visiting)
ISH (Visiting)
MSQ (Visiting)
SEV (Visiting)
UNC (Visiting)
UHS (Visiting)

Charter of the Arkhive Æternal

-Every odd round, the Arkhive will hold a Hexenniel Conference to select a Patron, determined by the Points System (see below).
-There are two tiers of Membership: Local Members (for residents of Sansar) and Visiting Members (for everyone else).
-Should a Visiting Member be awarded Patronage OR complete and maintain a Hive (5-action GP), they will permanently be considered Local, so long as they retain Membership.
-Members' holdings shall be held as inviolable to the Library, subject to no interference.
-The Arkhive's holdings shall be held as inviolable to Members, subject to no interference.
-The Arkhive shall devote half of its capacity in service of its Patron (2 actions on odd round, 3 on evens).
-The Arkhive cannot use Military actions nor maintain a standing army (but we're ignoring the unit we start with because it'd be a hassle to deal with--we rebuke the fiction and substitute our own!).
-The Arkhive is a place of refuge; anyone swearing themselves to scholarship is welcome in its walls, regardless of their past.
-The Arkhive is subject always to public oversight; it will never take a secret action
-The Arkhive reserves all E5s and D5s that it may better distribute Trade Routes and Embassies, as well as its first F5 and F10. Additionally, should the Arkhive ever do that thing to get a new civ type and another action what's that called again I forgot, it reserves that one action as well--feel free to ask in advance about it if worried.

-Research produced or acquired by the Arkhive (including techs) is to be freely disseminated to all Members without discrimination.
-Physical holdings (including artifacts) are to be loaned out for three years at a time to Local Members.
-Members of the Arkhive hold joint responsibility for recovering overdue and stolen items and holdings (including TPs and Supports*)
-Failure to return a borrowed item by its due date incurs a fine of two (2) Treasure. A further borrowing period overdue will result in revocation of Membership and extraction of reparations as determined appropriate by all remaining Members and the Librarians.
-At their sole discretion, the Queen can forgive fines and pardon misstep.
-The Arkhive accepts all donations.
-Trade Routes will be distributed freely among Members, preferencing Local Members and those offering more generous donations (points system).
-Cultural Exchanges will be distributed freely among Members, preferencing Local Members and those offering more generous donations (points system).
-At each Hexenniel Conference, the current Patron and the Queen may each submit a proposal to add, remove, or alter a single mutable point of this charter.
-Proposals to change the Charter are only confirmed by a 2/3rds majority of voting Local Members.-No Patron may require the Arkhive to Adopt Faith.

*I don't expect to have any interest in supports unless a [i]hostile[/i] power takes the Arkhive's capital supports

Points System: (Note, this is crunch, but IC it's just the Will of the Bees. Not mutable or immutable, just an enumeration of how the Hive chooses to crown you.)
Provide our Desired Import: 2pts/round (available to every civ that does it, even if the need is already met)
Submit a piece of your culture's literature for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Submit a history for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Submit a theo/mythological or philosophical work for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Recover a lost item from the Arkhive's holdings (returning late items absolutely doesn't count, loophole nerdz): 10pts
Submit the results of an Investigation for Arkhival: 2pts
Submit a technology not yet held by the Arkhive: 2pts for starting tech, 5pts for all others (simultaneous submissions are both rewarded)
Donate an Artifact to the Arkhive: 10pts
Donate Treasure to the Arkhive: 1pt/ea
Build a Hive (5-action GP, you may use the Arkhive's actions for this as Patron): 2pts/turn ongoing, Donor Status
Mechanical figure (or retired Ruler) joins the Arkhive: 3pts
Fluff piece describing influx of your people joining the Arkhive OR an individual described to be noteworthy (such as a great scholar) joining the Arkhive OR a scholar of the Arkhive joining your people: 1 pt (max 1/rd)

Points accrue until the end of a Conference. At the end of the round, the civ with the highest total is awarded the status of Patron. They return to 0 points. Second place is awarded five points to start the next round. Third receives four, fourth receives three, and so on. Ties for Patron are decided between the tied parties, and if they fail to come to an agreement, they roll off. All other ties will both receive the higher point total.

-Every odd round, the Arkhive will hold a Hexenniel Conference to select a Patron, determined by the Points System (see below).
-There are two tiers of Membership: Local Members (for residents of Sansar) and Visiting Members (for everyone else).
-Should a Visiting Member be awarded Patronage OR complete and maintain a Hive (5-action GP), they will permanently be considered Local, so long as they retain Membership.
-Members' holdings shall be held as inviolable to the Library, subject to no interference.
-The Arkhive's holdings shall be held as inviolable to Members, subject to no interference.
-The Arkhive shall devote half of its capacity in service of its Patron (2 actions on odd round, 3 on evens).
-The Arkhive cannot use Military actions nor maintain a standing army (but we're ignoring the unit we start with because it'd be a hassle to deal with--we rebuke the fiction and substitute our own!).
-The Arkhive is a place of refuge; anyone swearing themselves to scholarship is welcome in its walls, regardless of their past.
-The Arkhive is subject always to public oversight; it will never take a secret action
-The Arkhive reserves all E5s and D5s that it may better distribute Trade Routes and Embassies, as well as its first F5 and F10. Additionally, should the Arkhive ever do that thing to get a new civ type and another action what's that called again I forgot, it reserves that one action as well--feel free to ask in advance about it if worried.

-Research produced or acquired by the Arkhive (including techs) is to be freely disseminated to all Members without discrimination.
-Physical holdings (including artifacts) are to be loaned out for three years at a time to Local Members.
-Members of the Arkhive hold joint responsibility for recovering overdue and stolen items and holdings (including TPs and Supports*)
-Failure to return a borrowed item by its due date incurs a fine of two (2) Treasure. A further borrowing period overdue will result in revocation of Membership and extraction of reparations as determined appropriate by all remaining Members and the Librarians.
-At their sole discretion, the Queen can forgive fines and pardon misstep.
-The Arkhive accepts all donations.
-Trade Routes will be distributed freely among Members, preferencing Local Members and those offering more generous donations (points system).
-Cultural Exchanges will be distributed freely among Members, preferencing Local Members and those offering more generous donations (points system).
-At each Hexenniel Conference, the current Patron and the Queen may each submit a proposal to add, remove, or alter a single mutable point of this charter.
-Proposals to change the Charter are only confirmed by a 2/3rds majority of voting Local Members.
-No Patron may require the Arkhive to Adopt Faith.

*I don't expect to have any interest in supports unless a [i]hostile[/i] power takes the Arkhive's capital supports

Points System: (Note, this is crunch, but IC it's just the Will of the Bees. Not mutable or immutable, just an enumeration of how the Hive chooses to crown you.)
Provide our Desired Import: 2pts/round (available to every civ that does it, even if the need is already met)
Submit a piece of your culture's literature for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Submit a history for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Submit a theo/mythological or philosophical work for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Recover a lost item from the Arkhive's holdings (returning late items absolutely doesn't count, loophole nerdz): 10pts
Submit the results of an Investigation for Arkhival: 2pts
Submit a technology not yet held by the Arkhive: 2pts for starting tech, 5pts for all others (simultaneous submissions are both rewarded)
Donate an Artifact to the Arkhive: 10pts
Donate Treasure to the Arkhive: 1pt/ea
Build a Hive (5-action GP, you may use the Arkhive's actions for this as Patron): 2pts/turn ongoing, Donor Status
Mechanical figure (or retired Ruler) joins the Arkhive: 3pts
Fluff piece describing influx of your people joining the Arkhive OR an individual described to be noteworthy (such as a great scholar) joining the Arkhive OR a scholar of the Arkhive joining your people: 1 pt (max 1/rd)

Points accrue until the end of a Conference. At the end of the round, the civ with the highest total is awarded the status of Patron. They return to 0 points. Second place is awarded five points to start the next round. Third receives four, fourth receives three, and so on. Ties for Patron are decided between the tied parties, and if they fail to come to an agreement, they roll off. All other ties will both receive the higher point total.

-Every odd round, the Arkhive will hold a Hexenniel Conference to select a Patron, determined by the Points System (see below).
-There are two tiers of Membership: Local Members (for residents of Sansar) and Visiting Members (for everyone else).
-Should a Visiting Member be awarded Patronage OR complete and maintain a Hive (5-action GP), they will permanently be considered Local, so long as they retain Membership.
-Members' holdings shall be held as inviolable to the Library, subject to no interference.
-The Arkhive's holdings shall be held as inviolable to Members, subject to no interference.
-The Arkhive shall devote half of its capacity in service of its Patron (2 actions on odd round, 3 on evens).
-The Arkhive cannot use Military actions nor maintain a standing army (but we're ignoring the unit we start with because it'd be a hassle to deal with--we rebuke the fiction and substitute our own!).
-The Arkhive is a place of refuge; anyone swearing themselves to scholarship is welcome in its walls, regardless of their past.
-The Arkhive is subject always to public oversight; it will never take a secret action
-The Arkhive reserves all E5s and D5s that it may better distribute Trade Routes and Embassies, as well as its first F5 and F10. Additionally, should the Arkhive ever do that thing to get a new civ type and another action what's that called again I forgot, it reserves that one action as well--feel free to ask in advance about it if worried.

-Research produced or acquired by the Arkhive (including techs) is to be freely disseminated to all Members without discrimination.
-Physical holdings (including artifacts) are to be loaned out for three years at a time to Local Members.
-Members of the Arkhive hold joint responsibility for recovering overdue and stolen items and holdings (including TPs and Supports*)
-Failure to return a borrowed item by its due date incurs a fine of two (2) Treasure. A further borrowing period overdue will result in revocation of Membership and extraction of reparations as determined appropriate by all remaining Members and the Librarians.
-At their sole discretion, the Queen can forgive fines and pardon misstep.
-The Arkhive accepts all donations.
-Trade Routes will be distributed freely among Members, preferencing Local Members and those offering more generous donations (points system).
-Cultural Exchanges will be distributed freely among Members, preferencing Local Members and those offering more generous donations (points system).
-At each Hexenniel Conference, the current Patron and the Queen may each submit a proposal to add, remove, or alter a single mutable point of this charter.
-Proposals to change the Charter are only confirmed by a 2/3rds majority of voting Local Members.
-No Patron may require the Arkhive to Adopt Faith.
-The Arkhive cannot hold, make use of, or act in any way to support the acquisition or use of involuntary (slave) labor.

The Arkhive cannot hold, make use of, or act in any way to support the acquisition or use of involuntary (slave) labor.

*I don't expect to have any interest in supports unless a [i]hostile[/i] power takes the Arkhive's capital supports

Points System: (Note, this is crunch, but IC it's just the Will of the Bees. Not mutable or immutable, just an enumeration of how the Hive chooses to crown you.)
Provide our Desired Import: 2pts/round (available to every civ that does it, even if the need is already met)
Submit a piece of your culture's literature for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Submit a history for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Submit a theo/mythological or philosophical work for Arkhival: 1pt (max 1/rd)
Recover a lost item from the Arkhive's holdings (returning late items absolutely doesn't count, loophole nerdz): 10pts
Submit the results of an Investigation for Arkhival: 2pts
Submit a technology not yet held by the Arkhive: 2pts for starting tech, 5pts for all others (simultaneous submissions are both rewarded)
Donate an Artifact to the Arkhive: 10pts
Donate Treasure to the Arkhive: 1pt/ea
Build a Hive (5-action GP, you may use the Arkhive's actions for this as Patron): 2pts/turn ongoing, Donor Status
Mechanical figure (or retired Ruler) joins the Arkhive: 3pts
Fluff piece describing influx of your people joining the Arkhive OR an individual described to be noteworthy (such as a great scholar) joining the Arkhive OR a scholar of the Arkhive joining your people: 1 pt (max 1/rd)

Points accrue until the end of a Conference. At the end of the round, the civ with the highest total is awarded the status of Patron. They return to 0 points. Second place is awarded five points to start the next round. Third receives four, fourth receives three, and so on. Ties for Patron are decided between the tied parties, and if they fail to come to an agreement, they roll off. All other ties will both receive the higher point total.


News and Rumors


Patron Actions
  1. Eco (Prospect Colony): 100: We looking for fuel
  2. Dip (Encourage Settlement): 100: Glix expats make up a great bulk of the efforts here. This is the near-Sansar home of many.
Arkhive Actions
  1. Dip (Host Event): The Meligogue Conclave
    1. 3 Treasure to EMP for tech research. What'sit called? Extraordinary Research Grants Approval (ERGA).
    2. Gift Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry, Algorithmic Imagination, Arcane Amplification, Badalian Megadirigibles, Nuclear Fusion, Pseudogravity Engineering, Shrewd Business, Vacuum Adaptation, and Xenolinguistic Cataloguing to Coedd
    3. Region 100, Vacuum Adaptation, and Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores to ALF
    4. Shrewd Business and Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores to GCC
    5. Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores, Shrewd Business, Vacuum Adaptation, Wet Navy Ships, Badalian Megadirigibles, Pseudogravity Engineering to ISH
  2. Dip (Raise Rep (EMP): Constance promises to donate any Senatorial salary to charitable causes. Government is a service, not a business.
  3. Dip5 (Establish Embassy): With GCC
  • Accept all goods, treasure, donations (unless specified).
  • Accept (and compost [DI]) Stage Trees from RATbois
  • Trade any techs people want where possible as a nonaction. EXCEPT: Trade Thaumonuclear Engines only to official members (listed at top of post)
    • Vacuum Adaptation and Thaumonuclear Engineering to RAT
  • Support all conversions which add a minority without removing any.
  • Hinder all conversions which threaten a faith's current rank, excepting the Soul's Fascination miracle, which is permitted to join the minorities of Soul's Expression and Fascination into a single new minority.
  • Support GLO buyout of Union Crews.


"Buzz buzz, fam"

Her Arkhival Majesty Queen Constance of Comment the First

Diplomacy: 6

Military: 1
Economy: 10
Faith: 9
Intrigue: 3

Ground units: 1
Space units: 0
Treasure: 2

EMP: 2 rep / 0 favors
WTU: 1 rep / 0 favors
BRG: 0 rep / 0 favors
REN: rank 0


Realm Tracking


Trades Route:

  • RAT

Income: +0

Trade Posts: 

  • 30.1 (Eskorian Orchards)
  • 46.1 (Honeyed Words)
  • 59.3 (Union Crews)



  • LSP
  • GCC (upcoming)


  • Capital: 46: The Arkhive Æternal
  • Exclave: 8: Ophion?
  • Colony: 100: [Name?]

Faction Supports:

  • Region 46 - Government, Merchant, Media


Official: Coedd

  • Size 5: +1 to Investigations on Coedd
  • Size 10: +1 to Offensive Battles on Coedd


  • The Library Card: +1 to Investigations


  • 8 (ILU): The Cata-Honeycombs
  • 88 (LSP): Spiegel, the Second Hive
  • 2 (BCC): 1/5

We also have the Hammer, a general 7.






Edited by Lumaeus (see edit history)
Emp rep
2d6+6 1,5
2d6+6 1,6
2d6+10 3,5
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Combined Commonwealth of Glix (GCC)


Prime Minister Chif'Blak, The Parrot's Voice, Head of the Outer Duma

Region 84, Parrot's Perch

Game years 19-21

11 years since the year of Jubilee



Embassies= White Pawns

Trade Routes= Glorious Purifiers

Wealth: 4->(4 spent) 0

Income= 1/round


cultural specialization: buyouts


Space Units: 2

Mega-Dreadnought 7 Macaw

Basillica of War: The Anvil


Ground Units: 3

Carrier Groups: Wrath, Exoddus, Soulstorm












Diplomacy 6
Mil 5
Eco 10
Faith 2
Int 2 

1. Diplomacy- Attend Mage Ball!

Sub action- donate 4 Treasure to the Imperial Extraordinary Research project.

Sub-action- Give Tesseractic Storage and psuedogravity engineering to MSQ in exchange for their donations to the Empire

Sub action- trade Tesseractic Storage to SEV for Translight receivers

Sub-action- trade Tesseractic Storage to HOB for Thaumonuclear Cores

Sub-action- Trade Tesseractic Storage to CAS for Android industrialization

Sub-action- trade Tesseractic Storage to BCC for Hacking fields

Sub-action Trade Tesseractic Storage to TEA for Shrewd Business

Sub-action- Trade Tesseractic Storage to SCM for Lazer rifles

Sub-action- Give Tesseractic Storage to TWI for the expectation of future payment.

Sub-action- trade Tesseractic Storage to LSP for Space Suits

Sub-action- Accept Shrewd Business and Thaumonuclear Cores from ARK

Trade Tesseractic Storage to anyone else who gives me a tech and/or donates to the Empire's Extraordinary Research

2. Diplomacy- Attend the Hexenniel

Trade Tesseractic Storage to ISH for Shield Generators(?)


3. Diplomacy- Raise WTU rep success!?

4. Economy 10- Invent Tech:

Tesseractic Storage

requires: magical material, psuedogravity engineering.

effect: -1 to distance penalties for economy actions.

Inspired by Queen Constance's purple beehive dress, Glim'Bosk figured out how to bend objects into 4D superstructures with Lepkashramov. This technique causes the mass and carrying capacity of an object to scale to a higher exponential degree than implied by volume

5.Economy buyout Lawyers 81.1

Sources of Circuits are scarce on the ground, but Chif'Blak has an in with some lawyers...



Ask the BRG to convert the Coeddite minority in Parrot's Perch to the Imperial Cult

Give WTP Tesseractic Storage via our Embassy.

Accept Arkhive embassy

Arkhive submissions:


ARKHIVE: History: 

Fumomamcy, the lost art

It is said, in the time before the Exoddus to Mekhala, the Glix had a second magical form, the use of smoke to foretell future events and send messages.   Truly great fumomancers might have found other uses for the art.   But it was abandoned because it was dangerous and impractical in microgravity. 
Now, on Aridyin and in the Arkhive, the art is being reinvented.  
The Bees... have mixed feelings. 

ARKHIVE: Philosophy: 

Intent versus results

The Glix, as have been mentioned, lack a formal school of analytic philosophy. However, they do have certain threads in common in their beliefs. Chief among them is a disregard for intentions and thought-process in judging actions.   This leads to many confusions with outsiders, such as the recent shock at the attack on the Basu-Ramen Group for "promotion of slavery" when analyzing the incident made it quickly apparent they did not, technically, succeed in trafficking Slaves, despite their apparent willingness to abett such a crime.  This, to be clear, was not out of a disregard for the immoral nature of slaving, but a mental block regarding how actions are to be adjudicated. 

ARKHIVE: Culture: 

Glazz, the new synthesis

Over a decade after the breakthrough in Glic Music following the exposition at Badal, a new genre of music is swamping the airwaves in The Glic. Glaze! This form combines traditional Glic Ballads with polyphonic and polyrhythmic common to the Coalition, creating long, extremely elaborate forms. Indeed, this rejection of sonic minimalism common to traditional Glic Forms has been likened to the Baroque schools of other Mekhalan polities, such as the Dwarves and Exiles.

ARKHIVE Notes: The Coeddite Glix continue to return to Sansar, attempting to settle the Arkhive colony on Aridyin.



Expected growth: +1 Economy, +1 Diplomacy

New Leader: election bonus: +1 Econ, +1 Faith


Heir Stats: Shadow Prime Minister Dmitr'Hesk

Diplomacy 4

Economy 5

Military 2

Faith 5

Intrigue 2

Edited by Featherscale (see edit history)
Raise WTU Rep
2d6+6 2,4
Buyout 81.1
2d8+10 4,6
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The Kingdom of High Ishtahnos
By the Light of the Sun, His Royal Highness, John IV, High King of Ishtahnos
First Minister Johnathon Royston Rageclaw
2019-2021 IR, 2052-2054 IC



1: [Diplomacy] Press Claim on Region 68, Nadiratna. Success!
Negotiations with Nadiratna are, surprisingly, very quick and only take a couple of years. Whether this is the will of the Syyvine Hydra or a shrewd response to align themselves with a strong military power on the part of the High Siifoh is impossible to tell. Once again a grand ceremony is held to mark the signing of the treaty of accession and festivities are held across the growing confederation on Northern Veehra. Swift integration is not considered likely however and the status quo of Nadiratna is maintained as the Charter Committee does its work. Nadiratnan advisors join the Chorbist ones in Harazan to ensure that the Ishtahn take their voices into consideration until full and proper integration can take place.
2: [Diplomacy] Attend the Fourth Hexenniel Conference.
An Ishtahn delegate, Sarah Huddleston Shadowclaw, Minister of Agriculture, attends the Fourth Hexenniel, the Meligogue Conclave and while there she signs the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos onto the Charter of the Arkhive Aeternal, swearing to hold their territories are inviolable.
-Receive as gifts as per the terms of the Charter: Thaumonuclear Reactor Cores, Shrewd Business, Vacuum Adaptation, Wet Navy Ships, Badalian Megadirigibles, Pseudogravity Engineering
-Trade Shield Generators to the Glix in exchange for Tesseractic Storage while also asking the Glix to not distribute the technology to slaveholding states.
3: [Military 10] Research Military Technology: Shield Generators.
Wonders of the 99,803rd Era +2 due to being the first Ishtahn military technology and one of the first five military technologies created.
While working to improve containment field efficiency for fusion reactors in the hopes of developing even more miniaturised versions, researchers at the university of Corvopolitanus stumble upon something very unexpected. The team, lead by Sir Professor Todd Stevens Jun. M. Tech, finds that they can't touch their latest prototype without getting zapped. Initially they assume it's due to accidentally connecting a wire to the casing, but a thorough check reveals nothing of the sort. Closer examination, including high speed photography, reveals that the electrifying force exists a full two millimetres above the surface of the casing. It takes months to get to the bottom of the issue, and the Ishtahn military even gets involved due to their keen interest in the applications of an electrifying field in battle, and after many sleepless nights, a young engineer named Clarice Hills Dreadfang announces she's worked it out.
It's not an electrifying force, it's a physical barrier! An energy shield! The zapping was just because of the still air in the lab allowing a layer of electrifying ions to build up. Out in the field that'd be blown off by the wind.
Shield Generators

Effect: +1 to battles
Slot: Armour and Shields
Requirements: Nuclear Fusion, Conductors and Circuitry.

An Ishtahn Shield Generator is a surprisingly simple device, once you look past the complicated electronics required and the seemingly counterintuitive modifications to a standard fusion reactor needed to power it.

In essence, the modified fusion reactor produces infinitesimally small quantities of exotic particles that then self annihilate in the high temperature environment of the fusion plasma. Through as yet poorly understand physical processes this causes the creation of an unusual energy field of limited range that at its outer edge creates a shield interface that blocks the movement of physical matter above a certain mass or energy level. This effect, however, has a vanishingly small range and even if the reactor is overclocked to dangerous levels the barrier only extends a few metres beyond the plasma.

Fortunately, a workaround was uncovered. Using special Energised Chrysoberyl matrices a resonant field can be produced that, although is in opposition to the initial field, has the same effect and can be projected over a greater distance. This does draw a significant amount of power and requires at least an entire additional fusion reactor, optimised for power rather than particle creation, keeping the matrices charged. Through a series of conduits this resonant field can be directed from around the reactor far away to a series of directional emitters at the periphery of whatever was desired to be shielded. Experimental designs using Haematite, Crystal Weave and even standard high grade electronics were proven to also be viable with only some redesign needed.

In short, generator makes a shield, resonating electronics copy the shield and send it via conduits to emitters. The emitters project a shield outward around the thing you want protected.

This technology is not without limits however. The energy of whatever strikes the shield has to go somewhere and it is born directly by the emitters and conduits causing them to overheat when put under sufficient strain. Failure to de-energise their circuitry will result in it melting and potentially damaging adjacent systems. It is also incapable of being effectively used in a planetary atmosphere as the shield causes air molecules to become highly charged and generate a strong electrical current which disrupts the shield and renders it permeable, an effect made even worse whenever there is even a little weather. The exhaust from thrusters and engines has a similar effect, but this is not considered too much of an issue as a ship's primary engines are already a weak point in armour.

But otherwise, in the near vacuum of space, the shield is the ideal defensive system. Lightweight, impervious to anything more hazardous than a laser pointer. Finally those large windows aren't a complete drawback.

4: [Economy] Extend the Peludian rail network in Ishtahnos, Region 65.
After many years of planning, surveying and logistical analyses, the Ishtahn at last lay ground for extending the Peludian network to join with their own. A line is laid from the northern ferry terminal on the Crescent Sea of Nadiratna up into Ishtahnos. It enters the kingdom near Ak'Harrek and cuts across the countryside alongside existing Ishtahn rail lines towards the capital of Harazan by way of Dantenon. Additional lines are built from Harazan, one extending west to Ketravan and another east towards Anso-Chor. The existing rail networks are unfortunately entirely incompatible and so travellers will be expected to disembark and change trains to use them.

5: [Economy] Attempt to buyout TP1 in Region 78 for Void Spice. Failure.
The spice rationing in Ishtahnos is becoming increasingly unsustainable and so the Ministry of Trade gets desperate. They outright try to bribe Union officials into handing over shipments of Voice Spice. This does not go down well and the awkward attempts are merely laughed at. Once again the Ishtahn are sent packing back to Veehra with only free samples.

Nonactions: Resist all unauthorised conversions, buyouts, sways, etc. etc.

News and Rumours

The Ishtahn government issues the following declaration. While mostly intended for fellow Veehran Elect it is broadcast to the other orbits so they may be aware if they try anything untoward on Veehra:

The Kingdom of High Ishtahnos does hereby declare themselves the Defender of the Small across All Veehra. As the power of the Elect grows they have noticed a disturbing trend wherein the rich tapestry of cultures and traditions that has long been part of Veehra's strength has come under threat by expansionist forces. Though the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos trusts that their fellow Elect would not do such a thing solely out of malice, they nevertheless fell it essential to make it known that from hereon the following traditions native to Veehra are viewed as being under threat and thus under their military protection:
Dustbound Chivalry, Precomputed Traditions, Anticlericalism, Spiritual Communalism, Radiant Dreams, Eternal Recurrence, the Cycle Breakers, Felinism, the Wolf Heart, the Divine Right of Wizards, Chorbism, the Soulbound Neo Modern Break Dance, the Demigod-Kings, the Deathspeakers, Quantum Predestination, Nominative Determinism, The Long Dark, The Following Dark, The Waiting Dark, the Requiem for the Loop.

In addition, the following traditions that as of now have Elect backing may lose it at some point and are thus considered as potentially being in need of protection in the future:
The Cult of Avva, the Way of Returning, Death's Wheel, the Cult of the Mother Serpent, Saviour's Promise, the Cult of the Mind, the Church of the Benevolent Sun.

This protection shall be considered invoked should the listed traditions be at risk of dying out due to the actions of an Elect, whether of Veehra or elsewhere. In addition any purges, pogroms, inquisitions, forced detainments on the basis of culture, religion or ethnicity, unwarranted destruction or looting of cultural sites, gravesites and temples belonging to minority groups, forced expulsions or the like shall be considered sufficient cause to invoke this protection.

As the Irisite Archipelago is a holy land gifted from the divine to the Avvan faith it is considered an exemption to the clause regarding inquisitions as the Cult of Avva may be considered as having first and sole rights to the land and may keep it pure and non-violently expel those who do not share their reverence.

In an additional capacity of their role as Defender of the Small across All Veehra, the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos does hereby demand the cession of slavery on Holy Veehra, its moons and its satellites. Subjecting sapient beings to the practices of serfdom, chattel slavery, corvee labour, thralldom, military conscription during times of de facto peace, penal labour, statute labour or the like shall invite military retribution from the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos. Our fellow Elect are given no more than ten years to begin dismantling any such institutions or face said retribution.

The Pan-Tekhum Workers' and Traders' Union shall likewise be considered under the protection of the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos and any who attempt to attack their headquarters and union halls shall meet with military retribution.

Though it is expected that this declaration will be viewed as an overreach, it is thought that a threat of force will curb the baser tendencies of their fellow Elect. No specific polity is named, but it is not hard to determine which parts of Veehra are watched most closed by the Ishtahn.


With the Helios Hospice refusing to fully stand down and continuing their illegal activities the government of Ishtahnos has no choice but to protest this outrage and the following open letter is sent to the Titania of the Glorious Purifiers by courier even as it is simultaneously broadcast across Tekhum:

To Talandaresque Titania of the Glorious Purifiers,
As the Helios Hospice has violated the laws of the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos and violated a military cordon of the Royal Navy of Ishtahnos, we demand that all those responsible for these actions be extradited to Ishtahnos within six months. We further demand all Veehran born peoples taken away by the Helios Hospice be returned and that all remains be repatriated immediately. Any delay will be viewed very unfavourably and as complicity by your government in these actions. Failure to comply will result in swift retribution from the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos until these demands are met.
Johnathon Royston Rageclaw, First Minister of Ishtahnos.

Upon receiving a conciliatory reply, the First Minister quickly drafts a response and dispatches officials to the Moonsoul Mountains to oversee full compliance. In addition requests are made of the Llort Society Protectorate and the Castaways of the Loop to serve as impartial observers to provide unbiased oversight of the process. A separate request is made of the Bafatis Dynasty and the Cloudburst Confederacy to take in those refugees unwilling to be settled in the Kingdom of High Ishtahnos.

To Talandaresque Titania of the Glorious Purifiers,
Your swift compliance with our request has not gone unnoticed and in the spirit of cooperation we are sending our own officials to help oversee the repatriation of the Veehrans who wish to return and the remains of those who died under the care of Helios Hospice. Please forgive our unwillingness to take the information provided thus far as the truth given Helios Hospice is a known criminal organisation. We wish to ensure that every refugee has been granted the opportunity to make an informed decision. To assuage your concerns about our lack of impartiality we have requested that the Group of Seventeen and the Llort Society Protectorate also provide oversight of this operation as they are neutral in this matter and their reputation is beyond reproach.
In addition we are attempting to make preparations for those refugees unwilling to be settled in the Highlands of Ishtahnos. It is our hope that the Bafatis Dynasty or the God King of Agbada will be willing to open their lands and their hearts in this time of need.
Finally we must insist on the extradition of those in charge at Helios Hospice who ordered the military cordon violated. Failure to comply with this simple request will result in trial in absentia. If it is your concern that those involved will be sentenced to death then I assure that practice has been forbidden within Ishtahnos for many generations. We will also ensure them full access to legal counsel of their choosing. Our recommendation for independent counsel is to consult the Litigator Clans of Zimbir. Several of their more adventurous scions have become versed in Ishtahn law and can fulfil this role admirably.
Johnathon Royston Rageclaw, First Minister of Ishtahnos.

The Ishtahn, with the help of the Llort and the Castaways, oversee the entire process of returning Veehrans, both living and dead, to Veehra from the Purifiers' custody. Not a single individual goes unseen by an Ishtahn official. Some are settled in Ishtahnos and Anso-chor, some in Voletha, but most are taken to Themis Station, encouraged by the economic benefits kindly offered by the Bafatis Dynasty. The refusal of the Agbadans to take in refugees without concessions from Ishtahnos is not looked kindly upon, but is otherwise left unspoken of. Only a relatively small amount of the refugees choose to remain on Sansar due to how wet and far from home it is and a thorough accounting is done to make sure no remains 'go missing'.

Meanwhile, in Ishtahnos, the High Arbiter of Helios is kept under armed house arrest at all times, their trial being delayed until the return can be completed for fear she causes trouble by objecting to the proceedings. The trial itself is held before a seven member panel of Ishtahn High Court Judges with the Lord Advocate of Ishtahnos acting as prosecutor and a Litigator Clerk of Zimbir acting as defence. It's not a long trial, the evidence is pretty clear. The cordon was violated as shown by the refugees on Sansar, but before the court finds her guilty she is made to take an oath to speak only the truth and asked two questions:
"Do you accept the authority of this court?"
"Will you abide by its rulings?"
Upon receiving the High Arbiter's answer that amounts to an "only if I feel like it" the High Court has no choice but to find her in contempt and at the news that she may decide to try and leave at any time they enact the extraordinary measure of bringing armed soldiers into the courtroom as they begin to hand down their verdict and sentence. The High Arbiter of Helios is found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for no less than twenty years for ordering a violation a cordon of the Royal Navy of Ishtahnos with the intention of deploying agents of a partisan illegal organisation into an area of military operations. In addition she receives a further twenty years for contempt. She may appeal, but that would put her in a Catch-22 situation of acknowledging the appellate court but not the trial court despite them both receiving their authority from the same source.

To say she takes it well is a blatant falsehood. As the bailiffs approach to place her in chains she twists and turns, dissolving into a cloud of feathery strands that then shoots towards the doors. A hail of bullets comes from the soldiers stationed throughout the room, the judges, court scribe and the High Arbiter's own lawyer diving for cover as the wooden dock where she'd been standing was reduced to splinters. Several Ishtahn soldiers lunge for her as she passes by, but she slips their grasp with ease. The door itself proves a greater obstacle and she is forced once more to change shape, leaving herself vulnerable to the slash of a sword. Had she resumed her normal shape she'd likely be in quite a bad position, but a pool of liquid had little to be concerned with from a blade and she slips under the door.

What follows is a drawn out firefight as Ishtahn soldiers work to bar her escape, showering her liquid form with bullets that did little more than chip the tiles even as they force her to seek alternate routes. Eventually she's backed into a hall on an upper floor with a large stained glass window depicting an obsidian eagle. She feigns surrender, holding her hands up as the Ishtahn soldiers approach, guns at the ready for the second she tries anything funny. They're right to be suspicious as a black shape appears in the glass and starts getting bigger. Before they can do anything the High Arbiter produces a brilliant flash of light that temporarily blinds the soldiers and with a loud shattering of glass she alights onto the window ledge for her escape.

But in her moment of victory success is snatched away as a barrage of missiles from the distant Fortress Khassia fills the air with flak. With a squadron of fighters on the horizon the creature needs to withdraw now lest it be laid low by heavy firepower. Defeated the High Arbiter watches as her ticket out is chased away and she surrenders for real. She allows herself to be shackled and chained and taken away to a special high security underground facility for rogue sorcerers. Once she's secured in her cell she likely finds the accommodations surprisingly comfortable, if confining with a number of the usual small comforts missing. The food is filling, but especially bland as things like herbs and salt aren't allowed anywhere near rogue sorcerers, and she has to do her letter writing with a wax crayon on recycled newsprint, but the bed is soft and she has full access to the recreational facilities. Her first visitors are a judge, the Lord Advocate and her own lawyer informing her they've added ten years to her sentence for vandalism and assault.


The prolonged lack of spices while the Kingdom prospers and extends its reach across Veehra and even into the heavens above has finally reached a breaking point with the latest spice rationing announcements. There is a march on Parliament by concerned citizens and affected merchants and restauranteurs and the First Minister's response is frankly an insult. Telling a mob of angry people to essentially grow up and go home is a clear misstep and Johnathon Royston Rageclaw's political rivals begin to whisper that he's starting to suffer under the strain of office or has at the very least begun to lose touch after so long in the First Minster's office.

The media picks up on this as they would any other political scandal and local BRG offices take particular pleasure in questioning his soundness.


When the Eucrus Alliance sends out feelers inquiring about a conference on matters of war and its crimes the Ishtahn respond positively and indicate their interest in such a gathering.


The responses from various branches of the Cult of Coedd in response to the by now years old declaration denying Coedd's divinity are mostly ignored given the Cult doesn't seem to really care. Only Siobhan of Clagarth receives an official answer, a single sentence: "Get your house in order and we'll think about it."


A few dozen nightmares are gifted by King John to the House of Fire to keep on their palatial estate in Bīt Ereshkigal so that Duke Esarhaddon III and his family can properly enjoy the countryside. Riding instructors, strappers and a vet are sent to ensure that everything goes smoothly. It wouldn't do well to saddle Esarhaddon with animals he can't handle or care for after all.

This is viewed as somewhat controversial given the House of Fire's recent unveiling of a new weapon of mass destruction, but it's hardly the first such device to plague Tekhum and it seems odd to complain a new type of nuke just because it's magical. Especially given the Ishtahn's own nuclear arsenal...


The two most recent big ad campaigns on BRG networks are met with disinterest by the Ishtahn and their government. The former ad is clearly an attempt at self-serving Basu-Rahman propaganda to try and shift the blame for their own disastrous decisions onto others when its clear their management is full of incompetent out-of-touch trust fund idiots. This view is confirmed by the second campaign, literal treason against the Empire aired on prime time television. Clagarth of Deargabh's choice to set himself as a rival and alternative to His Grace the Emperor is a bold one that will likely bring much misery upon himself and the rest of Sansar, but the Ishtahn did kind of expect Basu-Rahman to have learned their lesson about ad content by now. However it's a Sansarite matter. They are simply told not to broadcast it on locally produced channels.


Though their now legendary duel had been some years ago, Sir Pace Carroll Darksand of Ishtahnos and Duellist Black of Vesper establish a duelling school in the Planum Khassia among the footfills of the Serpent's Spine, not far from the arena where they'd fought. The buildings are simple in construction and the accommodations rather sparse but comfortable. Students, who must have combat or duelling experience, from across all of Tekhum are welcome and instruction is free for most save the rich who are charged accordingly.

Pace handles most of the instruction and he is an unyielding instructor who expects discipline and rigorous adherence to training schedules and physical health and only those he deems ready are permitted to train under Duellist Black who is relentless and makes Pace look like a kindly old grandma. Her duties elsewhere keep her busy and there are rumours that Duellist Black is actually a group of people as her height never seems to be the same and sometimes she even goes a tiny bit easy on people.

In addition to combat, Pace insists that his students also explore the arts on the side as he believes creative expression is essential for mental health and thus in turn physical health. This is despite some people assuming he teaches calligraphy and painting because they're somehow related to swinging a sword.


After somehow getting a hold of an old geological survey of Vesper, one of Ishtahnos's premiere manufacturers of fine porcelain makes a surprising discovery. Rich deposits of high quality kaolinite ignored due to its lack of immediate use among the Vesperites. A series of negotiations with Violetta later and the payment of all required fees and the Twilight Porcelain Works gets off the ground. It's a risky venture, Vesper isn't known for its artists after all, but with the help of a cadre of Ishtahn teachers the kinks get ironed out and the Vesperite workers take over. Most of what they produce is for local use, even Vesperites like tea and coffee from time to time, but it's not long before the first cases of distinctive black and white raven pattern porcelain are being exported across Veehra by rail.


Note: Do the Status and Extravagance and Coronal Catalogues either this round (7) or next (8).

Ruler Information

First Minister Johnathon Royston Rageclaw

Diplomacy: 9
Military: 10
Economy: 4
Faith: 3
Intrigue: 2

Age: 72
Expected stat increases: +1 Diplomacy, +1 Economy

Trade Details and Technologies

The Highlands of Ishtahnos, Region 65, TP1: Veehran Aurochs
The Planum Khassia, Region 74, TP3: Energised Chrysoberyl

Treasure: 1

Dust Hardening
Nuclear Fusion
Xenolinguistic Cataloguing
Arcane Amplification
Algorithmic Imagination
In Vivo Modification
Aclaustrophobic Psychology

Other Bookkeeping

Grounds units: 5
Space units: 3
Max units: 9

On hold projects: Military Shipyards [2/5]

Edited by Elemental
News and Rumours (see edit history)
Making official friends, no takesies-backies, with Nadiratna
2d6+9+1 3,6
I NEED SPICE. Please Mekhala... This food is so bland, it's like England in here...
2d6+4-1 4,4
The High Arbiter of Helios attempts to escape being taken to prison
1d20 5
The Ishtahn police apprehend her
1d20 6
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The Most Sacred House of Brimstone

Capital: Kish (79)

Zabir, the Archmage of Kish

Diplomacy 2 | Military 2 | Economy 10 | Faith 7 | Intrigue 2



  • [Faith] Convert Dur-Shalkhir with support. Create a plurality of Imperial Cult in Region 76.
  • [Faith] Convert Mek-01 with support. Create a minority of Imperial Cult in Region 77.

  • [Faith] Convert The Parrot's Perch. Create a plurality of Imperial Cult in Region 84.

  • [Faith] Convert Caipe Ushere with support. Create a minority of Imperial Cult in Region 29.

  • [Diplomacy] Attend the Mageball Tournament.

    • Donate 5 Treasure and Thaumonuclear Reactor Core technology to the EMP as part of Extraordinary Research Grant Approvals

    • Accept Hyperlight Tranciever technology from Castaways of the Loop [SEV]. The deal is complete.

    • Trade Thaumonuclear Reactor Core technology to the Illumined Utopian [ILU] for Minor Precognition technology.

    • Trade Thaumonuclear Reactor Core technology to the Combined Commonwealth of Glix [GCC] for Tesseractic Storage technology.

    • Gift Thaumonuclear Reactor Core technology to the Iron Masquerade [MSQ]

    • Core Seer Usun is kidnapped!

  • Support conversions to the Imperial Cult, resist all others.
  • Support MSQ buy out of TP 79.2


Edited by zabbarot (see edit history)
Convert plurality of Imperial Cult in Region 76 (supported)
2d6+9 4,1
Convert Minority of Imperial Cult in Region 77 (supported)
2d6+9 6,6
Convert Plurality of Imperial Cult in Region 84
2d6+7 6,2
Convert Minority of Imperial Cult in Region 29
2d6+7 4,5
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Soom-Clan Marauders
Chieftess Varsa Soom
D7 | M10 | E5 | F4 | I2

News and Rumors
- None yet


[Diplomacy] Sway Government Support in Region 106 - ?.

[Diplomacy] Sway Government Support in Region 55 - ?.

[Diplomacy] Raise Organization Reputation with EMP 0->1 - Apparent revolutionary sentiment on Sansar prompts Varsa Soom, who had not previously considered the possibility that any of her actions might be seen as against Ophon somehow, to affirm that the Soom do not in fact desire to usurp the Emperor.

[Diplomacy] Attend Mageball Event - ?.

- Sub-Action: Donate 1 Treasure to EMP's Extraordinary Research Grants
- Sub-Action: Trade Rayguns to The Iron Masquerade for 1 Treasure
- Sub-Action: Trade Rayguns to the Castaways of the Loop for Hyperlight Transcievers
- Sub-Action: Trade Rayguns to the Eucrus Alliance for Badalian Megadirigibles, Pseudogravity Engineering, Wet Navy Ships, Shrewd Business
- Sub-Action: Trade Rayguns to Cassiope for Android Industrialization
- Sub-Action: Trade Rayguns to the Black Cloud Coalition for E.O.N.S. Projectors. There were some doubts about this one, but Vee Soom insists they're on good terms with the Union and it's probably fine.

[Military 10] Research Military Technology: Soom-Pattern Rayguns - Representing years of research and development and the steady integration of outside technology, some of the Soom-Clan's brightest are finally ready to unveil a clear advance in laser technology - the Soom-Pattern balances a tunable solidstate laser emitter with a high energy yield with a low-energy rangefinding laser in a beamsplitter connected to a complex optical matrix. The rangefinder is calculating optimal range bands at any time the safety is disabled, and when fired the high-yield emitter is tuned automatically to the best frequency determined by the rangefinder. Generally, the tuning is set to a frequency that allows the laser to oscillate "through" atmospheric obstructions such as dust, smoke, or even some types of light armor, dramatically reducing undesirable bloom and beam ablation and rendering this type of weaponry far more effective in-atmosphere than previous models.

Soom-Pattern Rayguns

Prerequisites: Conductors and Circuitry OR Laser Rifles

Effect: +1 to Ground Battles

Slot: Man-Portable Weapons

- Sub-Action: Claim +2 REN from Wonders of the 99,803rd Era



Embassy Actions

Ruler Info

Chieftess Varsa Soom
Diplomacy: 7
Military: 10
Economy: 5
Faith: 4
Intrigue: 2

Expected Stat Gains: +2 Diplomacy

Heir Yaki Soom
Diplomacy: 2
Military: 4
Economy: 2
Faith: 2
Intrigue: 2

Additional Notes

New Ruler Next Round?

Military Units 6/10
- Warlord Pandar
- Warlord Hur
- Warlord Mun
- Warlord Kral
- Warlord Sigrid

- Carrier "No Truce with the Furies"

Treasure: 3/5
(+1 passive treasure/round)

- No

- Warlord Sigrid (General 10; Rust, Dust, and Guts)

Embassies and Trade Routes:
- Embassy with New Kildora

Organizational Overview:
Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 favors
Pan-Tekhum Workers and Traders Union: Rep 2, 0 favors
Basu-Rahman Group: Rep -3, 0 favors

Renown 2

[U]Temporary Cultural Identity - EMPTY[/U]
[U]Permanent Cultural Identities - EMPTY [/U]

[U]Tactical Doctrines[/U]
- Measured Advance (-10% casualties for both sides)
- Aggressive Assault (+10% casualties for both sides)
- Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to own battle roll, +10% own casualties, and -10% enemy casualties)
- Indecisive Engagements (-2 to own battle roll, -10% own casualties, and +10% enemy casualties)
- Rust, Dust, and Guts (Warlord Sigrid, +3 to own battle roll, +10% own casualties)

econ - Dust Hardening, Vacuum Adaptation, Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry, Algorithmic Imagination, Arcane Amplification, In-Vivo Modification, Nuclear Fusion, and Xenolingustic Cataloguing
mil - None

[U]Ground Front technologies:[/U]
[B]- Man-Portable Weapons:[/B]
[B]- Infantry Equipment:[/B]
[B]- Combat Drugs and Medicine:[/B]
[B]- Armored Vehicles:[/B]
[B]- Field Fortifications:[/B]
[B]- Engineered Combat Organisms:[/B]
Space Front technologies:[/U]
[B]- Detection and Rangefinding:[/B]
[B]- Ship to Ship Weapons:[/B]
[B]- Orbit to Ground Weapons:[/B]
[B]- Crew and Maintenance:[/B]
[B]- Armor and Shields:[/B]
[B]- Spacecraft Propulsion:[/B]

Either front:
[B]- Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures:[/B]
[B]- Special Forces:[/B]
[B]- Logistics and Morale:[/B]

[B]Trading posts (3 [6], 1 treasure/round)[/B] (mercantile supports: 73, 74)
- 74 (Energized Chrysoberyl) TP1, TP2
- 73 (Silver Serpents) TP2

[B]Official Faith (Mother Serpent)[/B]
5 HS: +1 Battles in Dust Regions
10 HS: +1 Sways

[B]Controlled Regions, Supports, Holy Sites:[/B]
- 74: Government/Mercantile/Media, Mother Serpent (Majority)
- 55: No Supports, Anticlericalism (Plurality)
- 75: Government/Media, Deathspeakers (Plurality)
- 106: No Supports, Quantum Predestination (Majority), Nominative Determinism (Minority)


Edited by BladeofOblivion (see edit history)
Sway Region 106 Gov Support
2d6+7 5,3
Sway Region 55 Gov Support
2d6+7 2,5
Raise EMP Reputation
2d6+7 6,5
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The Wicklund Salvagers
Dip 10 | Mil 1 | Eco 7 | Fai 2 | Int 2
Round 7

1: [Eco] Buyout Trading Post 2 in region 5, using 1 treasure and the WTU arcology (Charnan Cherries, 2d6 + 8 [7 (stat) - 1 (distance) + 1 (treasure) + 1 (arcology)] vs TN 12): Success (15)
2: [Eco] Buyout Trading Post 1 in region 48, using 1 treasure (Polymetallic Nodules, 2d6 + 8 [7 (stat) + 1 (treasure)] vs TN 12): Success (12)
3: [Eco] Buyout Trading Post 2 in region 38 (Joint Stock Companies, 2d6 + 7 (stat) vs TN 12): Success (16)
4: [Eco] Buyout Trading Post 2 in region 27 (Tiny Turtles, 2d6 + 7 (stat) vs TN 12): Success (13)
Wallace's trade focus turns to the few places not claimed by one of the Elect, looking for resources that the other economic powers on Sansar may have overlooked. The search is highly successful, yielding several new resources. Combined with this push, the search for crops to supplement the Veehran Sun-Kissed Maize results in a deal with a Badalian aerostat for cherries.
5: [Eco] Repair Space Elevator in region 39, using Thanks to Viewers Like You (2d6 + 7-8 [7 (stat) + possibly 1 (BRG Seek Aid)] vs TN 12): Success (12 or 13 if Seek Aid is successful)
Continuing on after the failed attempt three years ago, the Aba Space Elevator has now been fully reconstructed following a widespread media push for the effort. This ancient marvel promises to assist in transportation between Firmament and Sansar. The Junk King, who controls the region of Firmament the elevator connects to, has not yet responded.
1: Support RAT's buyout of trading post 2 in region 39.
News and Rumors:
The last few years have been quiet in Davis Port. Locally, the salvage business has held steady, and the region has not made any major advancements. Some blame the Wicklunds' trade policies diverting attention from the capital, while others like the current stability. In other news, an excess of bamboo has led to residents crafting with it as a pastime and decorating their homes.



General data:
Ruler (Wallace Wicklund) stats: Dip 10, Mil 1, Eco 7 (+2), Fai 2, Int 2
Heir (Nemo Wicklund) stats: Dip 1, Mil 2, Eco 3, Fai 2, Int 2
Specials available: Dip 5, Dip 10, Eco 5
Regions owned: 2 [39, 40]
Government Supports: 2 [39, 40]
Mercantile Supports: 3 [39, 40, 109]
Media Supports: 3 [39, 40, 109]
Claims: Integration on 40, strong Marriage and Integration on 39
Cultural Identity: Sway Faction
Diplomacy data:
EMP reputation: 1
EMP favors: 1
WTU reputation: 3
BRG reputation: 1
Renown: 1
Economic data:
Trading Posts owned: 9 (+4) [21 TP2, 25 TP3, 28 TP2, 28 TP3, 31 TP2, 39 TP1, 40 TP1, 40 TP2, 52 TP3 (+5 TP2, 27 TP2, 38 TP2, 48 TP1)]
Arcologies owned: 1 [40, Investigation]
Treasure income: 3 [2 from TPs + 1 from WTU 3]
Treasures owned: 4 (-2, +3)
Technologies: all nonregional starter techs (Aclaustrophopic Psychiatry, Algorithmic Imagination, Arcane Amplification, In Vivo Modification, Nuclear Fusion, Pseudogravity Engineering, Xenolinguistic Cataloguing), Badalian Megadirigibles, Wet Navy Ships
Military data:
Ground units: 2
Space units: 1
Edited by Syntax Error
Action fluff (see edit history)
Buyout TP2 in region 5 (with 1 treasure and arcology bonus)
2d6+8 3,4
Buyout TP1 in region 48 (with 1 treasure)
2d6+8 2,2
Buyout TP2 in region 38
2d6+7 4,5
Buyout TP2 in region 27
2d6+7 4,2
Repair Space Elevator in region 39 (Seek Aid not included in roll)
2d6+7 2,3
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The Federation of Badalian Chaebols(FBC)

Dr. Song Freidman

Diplomacy 2
Military 2
Economy 10
Faith 3
Intrigue 10



Economy: Buyout R44 Tp3
Intrigue: SECRET

Economy: buyout R31 Tp1


Support Radiant Republic of Erisdor (RRE) buyouts


News And Rumors



Trading Posts: 9(+0)

Ground Units: 2
Space Units: 1
Treasure: 5 ()

Artifacts: (1 Gear Dragon wings)

Edited by Lleban (see edit history)
Buyout R44 Tp3 (use Artifact)
2d6+11 6,2
Secret (use treasure)
2d6+12 3,6
 Impress Merchants R19
2d6+10 1,1
 buyout R31 Tp1
2d6+9 2,3
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The Merely Players
Capital: The Globe (region 98)
Round 7

News and Rumors


  • [Diplomacy] Attend the Mageball event
    • accept all gifts
    • give Pseudogravity Engineering to CAS
  • [Faith] Convert 83 to plurality
  • [Faith] Seek Aid on investigation
  • [Intrigue] Investigate the Madness Plague
    • seek aid already factored in since it's an auto success
  • [Intrigue] Secret
  • Resist and/or hinder all conversions and buyouts unless otherwise specified


"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women Merely Players."

King Claudius III

Diplomacy: 4
Military: 2
Economy: 3
Faith: 8 +1
Intrigue: 6 +1

Ground units: 1
Space units: 0
Treasure: 1 + 0 per round

EMP: 1 rep / 0 favors
WTU: 0 rep / 0 favors
BRG: 0 rep / 0 favors
REN: rank 0

Edited by Gaius Hermicus (see edit history)
Seek Aid
2d6+8 1,5
2d6+7 6,5
Convert 83
2d6+8 1,5
2d6+6 5,4
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Faction Tracking

Round 7

Region writeups


“Once you have taken over a region, you will need to write it up in the same manner as you did your first region. If you do not do so within 2 rounds of acquiring the region, barring extenuating out-of-game circumstances, the region's factions will progressively become rebellious due to your neglect, and Sway or Impress actions to bring them back to loyalty will suffer a -4 penalty until the writeup is complete.”

The following regions have unruly factions that will return to open at the end of round 7 if a writeup is submitted:

  • Region 61 (TWI)
  • Region 106 (SCM)

The following regions will begin to become rebellious at the end of round 7 if not written up:

  • Region 13 (UHS)
  • Region 26 (RRE)
  • Region 43 (ELD)
  • Region 64 (SNK)
  • Region 67 (ISH)
  • Region 70 (SNK)
  • Region 75 (SCM)
  • Region 99 (RAT)
  • Region 104 (BCC)
  • Region 105 (TEA)
  • Region 108 (ELD)

The following regions will begin to become rebellious at the end of round 8 if not written up:

  • Region 14 (BIR, writeup not approved - needs edits/additions)
  • Region 22 (HOF, writeup not approved - needs edits/additions)
  • Region 59 (AVP)
  • Region 81 (HOF, writeup not approved - needs edits/additions)
Region posts in the Planets of Tekhum forum

The following approved writeups need to be posted in the Planets of Tekhum forum, or else begin to suffer unrest at the end of round 8:

  • Region 15 (Suaka Beruntung, BCC)
  • Region 39 (Wikus Plains, WIC)
  • Region 55 (Mraza, SCM)
  • Region 110 (Craobhan Mòra, RAT)
Media faction unrest


“If you do not have the support of another faction in the region, own a trading post in the region, or share the region's Majority or Sole faith, you will lose the media's support in the region after one round.”

There are currently no Media factions in danger of unrest.

Mercantile faction unrest

Rules and explanation

If you possess the support of a region’s mercantile faction, “lacking the local Desired Import will cause you to lose the mercantile support after three rounds.”

“If the Mercantile support in an owned region is Open and the region owner does not own a Trade Post that fulfills the local Desired Import, the Mercantile faction will become Unruly after a period of four rounds without their needs being met. These four rounds include any time during which the Mercantile faction’s support is given to another country, but that country cannot fulfill the region’s Desired Import.”

Player nations are given two extra rounds of leniency upon starting play to acquire their capital region’s Desired Import.

Being passed a resource through a Trade Route will fulfill a region’s Desired Import for a single round, but will not reset the timer to unrest. If you wish to avoid unrest, either be traded the necessary resource every round continuously or acquire a Trading Post of it yourself. 

The following mercantile supports will become open at the end of the listed round if the desired import is not supplied.

Round 8: 

  • Region 18 (WTU, Ores and Alloys)
  • Region 23 (WTP, Robots - if no longer supplied via TR)
  • Region 46 (ARK, Compostables - if no longer supplied via TR) My mistake! This DI is fulfilled.

The following open supports will become unruly at the end of the listed round if the desired import is not supplied.

Round 7:

  • Region 19 (TEA, Chemical Reagents)
  • Region 41 (ELD, Medicines and Drugs)
  • Region 95 (DIC, Computers)

Round 8:

  • Region 13 (UHS, Precious Minerals)
  • Region 22 (TEA, Planetary Vehicles)
  • Region 33 (COE, Industrial Machinery)
  • Region 61 (TWI, Fuel and Power)
  • Region 81 (HOF, Art and Cultural Products)

Round 9:

  • Region 14 (BIR, Meats and Animal Products)
  • Region 43 (ELD, Fruits and Vegetables)
  • Region 64 (SNK, Construction Materials)
  • Region 70 (SNK, Industrial Machinery)
  • Region 75 (SCM, Medicines and Drugs)
  • Region 99 (RAT, Soldiers)
  • Region 105 (TEA, Fuel and Power)
  • Region 108 (ELD, Laborers)

Round 10:

  • Region 53 (CBC, Soldiers)

The Faction Tracker GM is human (for now) and makes mistakes sometimes. Please ping or DM Aerin if you think your region should not be in danger of unrest.

Edited by aerin13 (see edit history)
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The Black Cloud Coalition
North Way Cluster (Běizhōu Qún | 北週群 | Region 2)
Suaka Beruntung (Region 15)
(Region 103)

(Region 104)

暗雲 聯盟
{"Ànyún Liánméng"}
Round 7

[EE18, EE19, EE20]

Coalition Captain Jié Měifēng & Helms-Moderator Guiding_Stars4 a.k.a. 'ZhǐZhī'
Diplomacy 8 | Military 10 | Economy 2 | Faith 2 | Intrigue 7



  1. [Military 10] - Invent Military Technology: Electronic Override Networking Sphere Projector (aka E.O.N.S. Projector), gaining +1 Renown from Wonders of the 99,803rd Era

    E.O.N.S. Projector

    Effect: +1 to Tactical Maneuvering Rolls

    Requirements: Arcane Amplification, Algorithmic Imagination, Computers resource

    Slot: Electronic Warfare & Countermeasures

    The Electronic Override Networking Sphere Projector system (or EONS Projector) is the result of an initial collaboration between hundreds of Coalition tinkerers, designers, engineers and runesmiths. Thousands more were required to finalize the design, but at last, the veil of secrecy can be lifted, ready to display to the whole system as the pride of the Coalition's military research & development syndicates. Making use of an admixture of technomancy and electrokinesis, the EONS Projector, true to its name, uses an electromagnetic runic amplifier system to project a networking field over a massive area, up to and including orbital battlefields with large enough deployment systems. This field forcibly networks together local computer systems, advanced electronics, and even certain arcane interfaces, creating a medium through which to conduct otherwise impossible assaults on otherwise inaccessible systems, engage in unorthodox methods of reconnaissance, and intercept enemy communications. Maintenance and exploitation of such a network during battle conditions, however, requires the sort of rapid and intuitive response capabilities only possible for true artificial intelligences.
  2. [Diplomacy] - Encourage Settlement in Region 103
    Send forth your tired, your poor;
    Your frustrated masses yearning to live free;

    Every exile from your teeming shore.
    Send these, the tempest-tost and homeless to me,

    And they will carry a torch to a new golden door.
  3. [Diplomacy] - Attend Event - Pan-Tekhum Mageball
    An opportunity knocks...


    Offer E.O.N.S. Projector to SCM in exchange for Soom-Pattern Rayguns
    Offer E.O.N.S. Projector to GCC in exchange for Tesseractic Storage
    Offer E.O.N.S. Projector to SEV in exchange for Hyperlight Transceiver
    Offer E.O.N.S. Projector to CAS in exchange for Android Industrialization
    Offer E.O.N.S. Projector to XXX in exchange for ...

  4. [Intrigue] - Prospect Region 103 looking for Exotic Matter, with Thanks To Viewers Like You bonus
    These craters and dusty plains could hide eons of experiments, anomalies, and history. In the vacuum stillness of Aridyin, anything might have been preserved.
  5. [Intrigue] - Secret Action
    Even the most flagrant of criminals know it is sometimes better to act with discretion. In the dark, in the lightless pitch beneath the clouds of Badal's night side, unseen airships glide silently away from their berths, payloads unknown, destinations concealed, and crews well-trained...




  • Resist & Hinder any Conversions that would reduce Clouder Codes to Minority in the North Way Cluster (Region 2); otherwise, neither assist, hinder, nor resist conversions introducing additional minorities. Use BRG Reputation 2 to act as though in control of the media support in the region.

    • The Coalition is tolerant of many things - but non-members are still viewed with suspicion if they proselytize too strongly.

  • Do NOT allow the conversion of Soul's Expression to Soul's Fascination

    • Local Coalition members remain deeply suspicious of this odd spiritual fusion...

  • ArkHive submissions?
    • Hai Ping & Dao Mao strategy guides for SpaceWar! - now adapted to serve as basic military primers for Voider officers and personnel.

      SpaceWar! Fleet Paradigms Overview

      Each faction in Nom Champsi's SpaceWar! is characterized by a unique paradigm of warfare - these paradigms are distinguished by the prevalent technology and stratagems that shape a force's methods and means of diminishing their enemies while maintaining their own fighting efficacy.

      One of the three primary factions, The Syndicates are known for their Missile Doctrine, relying on a number of medium ships using guided weaponry en masse, in conjunction with a prodigious EWar capacity, or both to attain first strike superiority and overwhelm point defense before an enemy can strike back. This makes Syndicate forces well suited to hit-and-run skirmishing around an orbital body, but often lackluster in sustained engagements; battles including Syndicate vessels are often highly dependent on the opening stages of the conflict, even more than most.

      The Legions, true to their name, make use of what we will call Carrier Doctrine. This paradigm uses short endurance remote (crewed or uncrewed) specialized fighting platforms in large numbers, themselves tended to or carried by dedicated support craft, allowing for true specialization in the tactical and operational levels respectively. Each carrier group will often possess a wide variety of strike craft variants intended to handle distinct situations, and are often reliant on intersupportive capabilities, feints and deception, and overwhelming enemy fire control capabilities to keep losses affordable and limited to their relatively expendable strike-craft during engagements while maintaining operational flexibility and battlefield control. Though this specialization comes at a cost and create serious vulnerabilities for incautious commanders, time is often on the Legion's side, and anyone expecting to win will need to either settle in for a long haul of attrition to carve away their strike forces, or find a way to punch through to their support vessels in order to secure a decisive victory.

      Despite the diversity of ship variants available to them, The Orders are still recognizable as using a Battleship Doctrine carried over from previous relies on direct fire capabilities meant to break through more sophisticated defenses by straightforward concentration of fire. Simple to supply, low on logistical requirements, and more than capable of continuous pressure during sustained engagements, the Orders' ships are usually heavy on defenses to survive until within effective range, where they can peel apart their opponents layer by layer.

    • The history of The Wise Woman's Rapier on Badal, more detailed?
    • Scorbic The Hound...
  • The Black Cloud Bounty Board (BCBB) is open for business!
    • Do you have someone you'd like dead, maimed, or merely irrevocably ruined? An Elect destabilized, or a trade network threatened? Do you want your involvement to be as indirect as possible? Do you want someone more competent than a petty crook to do your dirty work for you? Well don't you worry, your search is over!
    • Bounty Board Mechanics

      Elect Polities may place Bounties on their fellow Elect by sending Treasure to the Black Cloud Coalition or a suitably licensed Black Cloud Bounty Distributor. These Bounties are cleared (and paid out to the Coalition, if placed with a Bounty Distributor) by the Black Cloud Coalition taking hostile actions against a Bounty Target. The base standard rate of Bounty clearing is 1 Treasure per successful Sack or two (2) failed Sacks, but exceptionally high standing Bounties or Bounties on exceptionally hard targets may pay out more per hostile action. Currently, Bounties may not be placed on Bounty Distributors or Organizations, and will not be pursued against Elect Polities the Black Cloud Coalition has a standing Non-Aggression/Bounty Free Pact with, so long as that pact persists. All such Pacts made with the Coalition will have end conditions placed on them. Bounties can not be paid off by their targets, but the Black Cloud Coalition will always prioritize the highest pursuable Bounty target first whenever feasible - this allows for placing a Bounty on a rival to delay being targeted oneself.

      Bounties may be placed secretly by hiding the desired target in one's post when sending the Treasure from all Elect Polities except the Black Cloud Coalition and Black Cloud Bounty Distributors. The Black Cloud Coalition will, at their own discretion, periodically publish a public list of standing Bounties, to enable some degree of transparency without excessively compromising the anonymity of Bounty placers. Bounties will otherwise be hidden/tracked secretly in a format visible only to the Black Cloud Coalition and Black Cloud Bounty Distributors.

      Applying to be a Black Cloud Bounty Distributor: To be handled on a case-by-case basis.

      Current Black Cloud Bounty Distributors: None (yet).

News and Rumors

  • Chatter in the forums...
  • Rumors abound...
  • The Coalition's liaison with the Eucrus Alliance doesn't take long to report approval by the relevant councils on the subject of a proposed cohabitation and cooperation agreement regarding Badal's orbital ring structure. An exchange program will take significantly longer to approve, though there are already a number of volunteers interested in studying the orbital shipyards...
  • Violence...


Special Actions Available: Intrigue 5
Special Actions Used: Military 5

Heir None


Reputation & Favors
Imperial Court: Friendly [2], 1 Favors (Expected Change: +0 Favors)
Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Friendly [2], -1 Favors (Expected Change: +0 Favors)
Basu-Rahman Group: Friendly [2], 0 Favors (Expected Change: +0 Favors)
International Renown: Jewel of Tekhum [4] (Expected Change: +0 Renown)

Organization Bases
Union Hall (2)

The Illumined Utopian

Cultural Identities
Property Wrongs (Increased die size for Thefts)

Great Works


Ground Units: 5 (Expected Change: +?)

  • The Black Fleet of the North (北方黑色艦隊 | Běifāng Hēisè Jiànduì)
  • The Green Fleet of the East (東方綠色艦隊 | Dōngfāng Lǜsè Jiànduì)
  • The Scarlet Fleet of the South (南方猩紅艦隊 | Nánfāng Xīnghóng Jiànduì)
  • The White Fleet of the West ( )
  • The Gold Fleet of the Stars ( )

Space Units: 2 (Expected Change: +0)

  • Strike Group Burning Horizon (打擊群 燃燒地平 | Dǎjí Qún Ránshāo Dìpíng)
  • Devil Dragon's Demesne ( )

Unit Cap: 8 (Base 4 + 3 Regions + 1 Support)

Government Support

Hǎi Píng & Dǎo-Māo [M10] - Electronic Bombardment: On Tactical Maneuvering victory, total Orbital Superiority bonus for Ground Front applies to Ground Front Tactical Maneuvering rolls as well.


Perfected Tactical Doctrines

Military Technologies


Active Ground Front Technologies:

  • Man-Portable Weapons: N/A
  • Infantry Equipment: N/A
  • Combat Drugs and Medicine: N/A
  • Armored Vehicles: N/A
  • Field Fortifications: N/A
  • Engineered Combat Organisms: N/A

Active Space Front Technologies:

  • Detection and Rangefinding: N/A
  • Ship to Ship Weapons: N/A
  • Orbit to Ground Weapons: N/A
  • Crew and Maintenance: N/A
  • Armor and Shields: N/A
  • Spacecraft Propulsion: N/A

Active Multi-Front Technologies:

  • Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures: N/A
  • Special Forces: N/A
  • Logistics and Morale: N/A



Treasure: 2 (Expected Change: -1)
Treasure Cap: 5

Trade Posts
Effective Total TPs 1
Treasure Rate 0

Trade Post Resource Use Support Rate
2.1 Cybernetics & Prosthetics None Open 2

Mercantile Support


Trade Routes

Civilian Technologies  

Technology Type Effect Requirements Met?
Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry Starter None None Yes
Algorithmic Imagination Starter None None Yes
Arcane Amplification Starter None None Yes
In Vivo Modification Starter None None Yes
Nuclear Fusion Starter None None Yes
Xenolinguistic Cataloguing Starter None None Yes
Badalian Megadirigibles Traversal Ground units can cross the Cloud Sea None Yes
Wet Navy Ships Traversal Ground units can cross oceans None Yes


Media Support

Faith Size: N/A
Organized Faith Bonuses


Holy Orders



Espionage Agency: None


2 - Integration

Total Passive Effects

Badalian Megadirigibles: Ground units can cross the Cloud Sea of Badal
Wet Navy Ships: Ground Units can cross water.
Dust Hardening





Edited by Rolepgeek (see edit history)
Encourage Settlement in Region 103
2d6+8 5,2
Prospect 103 for Exotic Matter
2d6+7+1 1,6
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The Counts of Mirage

 57 in Veehra
Mirage Septimius Varoo
Diplomacy: 2
Military: 6
Economy: 7
Faith: 1
Intrigue: 2


1:[Military ] Recruit 1 space unit


2: [Diplomacy] Sway 56 merchants spending 1 treasure 10


3: [Economy ] Lay tracks 62


4: [Economy] Impress merchants 75 spending 1 treasure 14


5: [Diplomacy] Attend Mageball

Gift Anti-Gravitational-Rail to MSQ for help with laying network

trade Anti-gravitational Rail to SEV for Hyperlight transceivers

Trade Anti-Gravitational Rail to CAS for Android Industrialisation



Resist all Buyouts








Train Lines in:

53 (built by MSQ)








69 (Built by MSQ)


Units (cap 6): 4 Land, 1 Space

Gralvin Station: Fortress in 57


General: Knight Pembroke 9


Treasure: 4/5

Trade Posts Owned:


34 TP2: Curative Enzymes

57 TP1: Tungeston

57 TP2: Tungeston

55 TP1: Mzarite Crystals

68 TP2 Polymorphite

70 TP1 Corvee labour

53 TP1 Sorcerous Swords

61 TP2 Tripedal Mecha

64 TP1 Davisonian Paints


Merchants owned:

57, 59




Xenolinguistic catalogue
Dust hardening

Wet Navy Ships

Nuclear Fusion

Arcane Amplification

Algorithmic Imagination

In Vivo Modification

Aclaustrophobic Psychiatry


Anti-Gravitational Rail


Edited by Tentreto (see edit history)
Impressing Merchants 75 with treasure
2d6+8 4,2
Sway 56 merchants spending 1 treasure
2d6+3 5,2
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The Twilight League
Round 6

Violetta, Herald of the Second Dawn
Vesper (Limbo, The Wheel, Purgatory) (Region 58)
Diplomacy: 1
Military: 10
Economy: 5
Faith: 5
Intrigue: 2
Heir: Lilium
D: 2 M: 1 E: 2 F: 3 I: 2



  • [Diplomacy] Attend Mageball!
    • Accept Tesseratic Storage from in exchange for an IOU.
    • Accept Hyperlight Transceivers from the Castaways of the Loop in exchange for an IOU.
    • Donate 1 Treasure to EMP for Extraordinary Research Grants Approval.
  • [Economy] Buyout TP 2 of Gold in Et Cetera HQ (TP 91.2), spending 1 Treasure and gaining the benefit of Union HQ.
  • [Economy] Buyout TP 1 of Tripedal Mecha in the Steel Baronies (TP 61.1).
  • [Faith] Convert the Orochon Shieldplains (Region 63) to Death's Wheel.
  • [Faith] Convert the Steel Baronies (Region 61) to Death's Wheel.


News and Rumours

Unit Count: 4 Ground, 2 Space
Treasure: 2 (Spending 2 this round)

Country Information

Special Actions Available:

Special Actions Used: Military 5, Faith 5, Economy 5

Heir: Lilium (Dynastic; they/them with specific exceptions)


Imperial Court: Rep 0, 0 Favours (Expected Change: None)
Pan-Tekhum Worker's & Trader's Union: Rep 1, -1 Favours (Expected Change: +1 Rep, +1 Favor)
Basu-Rahman Group: Rep 0, -1 Favours (Expected Change: None)
International Renown: Renown 0

Organisation Bases
Guildhall in Vesper.


Cultural Identities


Great Works



Unit Cap: 7 (4 + 2 regions + 1 support)
Ground Units: 3
Space Units: 1

Government Support: 58




Void-leader Seraphine (Mil 9): Master of Arms (+1 to battle roll for every two Artifacts attached to Seraphine; minimum +1 for one Artifact, maximum +4 for eight Artifacts.)

Perfected Tactical Doctrines


Military Technologies

Active Military Techs


Man-Portable Weapons
Infantry Equipment
Combat Drugs and Medicine
Armored Vehicles
Field Fortifications
Engineered Combat Organisms


Detection and Rangefinding
Ship to Ship Weapons
Orbit to Ground Weapons
Crew and Maintenance
Armor and Shields
Spacecraft Propulsion


Electronic Warfare and Countermeasures
Special Forces
Logistics and Morale



Treasure: 1 (Expected Change: +4)
Treasure Cap: 5

Trade Posts
Effective Total TPs: 4
Treasure Rate: 0

Mercantile Support


Trade Routes



Media Support: 58

Faith Size: 3
Organised Faith Bonuses


Holy Orders




Espionage Agency: No



58 - Integration


Total Passive Effects

Wet Navy Ships: Ground units can cross bodies of water


Edited by Lady Serpentine (see edit history)
Buyout TP 91.2, spending 1 Treasure with an Arcology bonus (-1 distance penalty).
2d6+6 3,4
Convert Region 63 to Death's Wheel (adding a minority).
2d6+5 4,3
Convert Region 61 to Death's Wheel (adding a minority).
2d6+5 5,4
Buyout TP 61.1.
2d6+5 3,5
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Posted (edited)

End of Round Seven.

No further mechanical edits to action posts may be made!



The Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim invades Region 38


Space Front:

Hinrik dei Fiori [ALF] attempting Measured Advance (-10% casualties for both sides); AUTOMATIC SUCCESS


Ground Front:

Colonel Beldhan [NPC] (Mil 10) attempting Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to own battle roll, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties)


Arni dei Fiori [ALF] (Mil 9) attempting Relentless Butchery (+20% enemy casualties)


Tactical Maneuvering:

Colonel Beldhan: 2d6+10 = 20

Arni dei Fiori: 2d6+9 = 14



Indigenous Defenders: 2d10+13 (+10 Mil, +3 Units) [+2 if TacMan] = 30

Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim: 2d10+16 (+9 Mil, +4 Units, +3 Orbital Superiority) = 24



Indigenous Defenders: 1d3+1 = 40% of 3 units = 1 lost

Fiorid Principality of Verdalfheim: 1d3+1d4-1-1 = 30% of 4 units = 1 lost


The Eucrus Alliance invades Region 83


Combined Front:

Maestro Extraordinati [NPC] (Mil 1) attempting Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to own battle roll, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties)


Archon Tangata Roa [TEA] (Mil 8) attempting Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to own battle roll, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties)


Tactical Maneuvering:

Maestro Extraordinati: 2d6+Score 1 = 9

Archon Tangata Roa: 2d6+8 = 19



Indigenous Defenders: 2d10+3+Score 1 (+3 Units) = 17

Eucrus Alliance: 2d10+10 (+8 Mil, +3 Ground Units +2 Space Units, -3 Distance) [+2 if TacMan] = 24



Indigenous Defenders: 1d3+1d4-1-1 = 30% of 3 units = 1 lost

Eucrus Alliance: 1d3+1 =20% of 3 ground units = 1 lost and 20% of 2 space units = 0 lost


Additional Effects: Taio Wakari will accompany this battle as a minor character/observer. I would like to roll a separate leader loss to see if he survives, with a self-imposed -3 (plus any normal penalties from the battle) on this check due to frailty. Should he perish, his preserved body will be sent to the ArkHive to finish the process of mellification undertaken prior to the journey.



The Dwarven Industrial Coalition invades Region 96


Combined Front:

Aetherian Xollum [NPC] mil 4 attempting Overwhelming Tempo (+2 to own battle roll, +10% own casualties, -10% enemy casualties)


Dr. Horace Thorne [DIC] (Mil 10) attempting Engineered Onslaught (+1 to battle, +10% enemy casualties)


Tactical Maneuvering:

Aetherian Xollum: 2d6+Score 4 = 9

Dr. Horace Thorne: 2d6+10 = 17



Indigenous Defenders: 2d10+2+Score 4 (+2 Units) = 18

Dwarven Industrial Coalition: 2d10+15 (+10 Mil, +2 Ground Units, +3 Space Units) [+1 if TacMan] = 24



Indigenous Defenders: 1d3+1d4 = 40% of 2 units = 1 lost

Dwarven Industrial Coalition: 1d3 = 20% of 2 ground units = 0 lost and 20% of 3 space units = 1 lost


Edited by Minescratcher452 (see edit history)
83 commander
1d10 1
96 commander
1d10 4
38 TM
2d6+10 4,6
2d6+9 3,2
83 TM
2d6+1 2,6
2d6+8 5,6
96 TM
2d6+4 3,2
2d6+10 5,2
38 ground battle
2d10+13+2 9,6
ALF ground battle
2d10+16 7,1
83 combined battle
2d10+4 10,3
TEA combined battle
2d10+10+2 6,6
96 combined battle
2d10+6 7,5
DIC combined battle
2d10+15+1 6,2
38 cas
1d3+1 3
ALF cas
1d3+1d4-2 2,3
83 cas
1d3+1d4-2 2,3
TEA cas
1d3+1 1
96 cas
1d3+1d4 2,2
DIC cas
1d3 2
LL Colonel Beldhan
1d20-1 12
LL Arni dei Fiori
1d20-1 15
LL Maestro Extraordinati
1d20-1 13
LL Archon Tangata Roa
1d20-1 3
LL Taio Wakari
1d20-3-1 16
LL Aetherian Xollum
1d20-1 6
LL Dr. Horace Thorne
1d20-1 15
BAF 113 prospect
1d3 2
CBC 112 prospect
1d3 2
HOF 80 prospect
1d3 2
ARK 100 prospect
1d3 2
WTP 102 prospect
1d3 1
BCC 103 prospect
1d3 1
UNC resist UHS treasure theft (TN 13)
2d6+2 5,2
WTU resists CUS's Sway in Region 28:
2d6+9 3,2
BRG Seeks Aid (Thanks to Viewers Like You: BCC)
2d6+4 4,4
BRG Seeks Aid (Thanks to Viewers Like You: ELD)
2d6+4 2,6
BRG Seeks Aid (Thanks to Viewers Like You: MSQ)
2d6+4 1,3
BRG Seeks Aid (Thanks to Viewers Like You: WIC)
2d6+4 5,5
2d6+7 3,6
2d6+3 4,6
2d8+6 2,3
2d6+9 2,2
2d6+5 4,3
2d6+7 4,3
2d6+7 4,4
2d6+10 2,4
2d6+4 1,2
2d6+6 1,6
2d6+2 2,1
ARK resists ELD theft of Reactors (TN 14)
2d6+3 5,4
Secret Action
2d6+9 6,4
2d6+7 3,5
2d6+9 3,1
2d6+8 6,5
2d6+10 1,5
2d6+8 5,5
2d6+10 4,3
2d6+10 5,1
2d6+10 3,1
2d6+4 6,3
2d6+5 5,1
2d6+10 3,3
2d6+2 3,6
2d6+6 1,3
2d6+9 2,6
2d6+8 6,2
75 writeup unrest
1d3 1
Rebellion Unruly Merchants 15 (1 or less)
2d3 3,1
Rebellion Unruly Media 61 (1 or less)
2d3 2,1
Rebellion Unruly Merchants 65 (1 or less)
2d3 2,3
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