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OOC: Lets just do one roll per post out of combat. I'll take the highest.

Atma, your research into real demons allows you to move past your immediate assumptions to identify this as a nuglub as easily as Mandy. You do recollect some different info though. Based one what you know, nuglubs enjoy killing and causing injury more than making traps. They will set up ambushes, attack and then hide in the shadows, hoping someone else will take the blame for the acts they have commited. They take great joy in this and usually do it alone.


The boy looks at Mihaly when he asks him to stop. Responding that this hurt his family's cat, Mănuși(Mittens) and deserved it.

To the second phrase in Romanian, he holds his still sleeping cat close to his chest. He looks around with wide eyes asking if there were more of those things in the woods. He just went after the cat when he left the door open and it got out.

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Mihaly responds that whatever the nuglub might have done, it's too late to punish it; it's not going to feel a kick at this point.

When the boy asks if there are more fae in the woods, Mihaly responds that he'd hoped to ask the boy that... and finally realizes it hasn't occurred to him to ask the boy's name or give his own. He does the latter, then the former.

Edited by wwaugh (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)

The boy says his name is Bogdan and that he doesn't know if there are any more. He hasn't seen before now. His family lives in a cottage in the woods. His father told him to be careful after the people from the Church came to the house. He didn't say why though.

When Mandy speaks to Bogdan, he just stares at with a perplexed look before turning to Mihaly asking what she said.

OOC: Atma did you tell the group what to remembered about the monster?

Edited by ice9004 (see edit history)
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Mihaly explains that Mandy introduced herself as Mandy, and quickly gives everyone else's names as well. He explains that they're working with the Church, and that there's someone doing bad things in the woods. Mihaly notes that the monster might have been doing bad things with the person they're looking for, but also admits it might have been totally unrelated.

Mihaly says that the Church is trying to find the man who does bad things, and intends to explain to him that if he stops doing bad things, God will let him into Heaven one day. Mihaly warns Bogdan that until the Church is finished talking the person down from doing bad things, Bogdan should probably stay inside as much as possible; this monster might not have been working for the man they're hoping to talk to, but they know he has monsters working for him.

Mihaly asks Bogdan how far he got from his house, while looking around in the hope that he might see the answer.

OOC: Do I have to roll to lie to a child, or can I just do it?

Edited by wwaugh (see edit history)
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Priela cleans the blood off of her blade with a cloth. The daemon ichor disgusts her, but simultaneously, something invites her to... try it. In the presence of her allies, she throws the cloth down sharply, and begins pacing while Mihaly lectures Bogdan.

"This feels like the setup for a new joke: how many gypsies does it take to send a child back to bed?"


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Lastolva is a little loss at at how to deal with a child this young. He hadn't had a lot of contact with children in his period between Awakening and essentially being co-opted by the Church.

With a scratch at the base of his horn, Lastolva lets his Metal Carapace lapse, causing his armor and shield to collapse into rust dust. After the armor finishes collapsing, Lastolva switches back into his goat form, though once again, no one would be mistake Lastolva for anything but a goat statue.

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OOC: Yes, We need to now if he believes you or what his dad told him.


You are looking at the ground watching for tracks and you manage to find some. You follow them for a bit when you hear a noise in the trees. You look up swiftly only to be poked in the eye by a low hanging branch and let out a loud yelp.

OOC: No damage but humiliation, City Girl

Lastolva & Priela

You hear a yelp from Mandy coming from where she found the boy and cat.

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Priela brushes her forehead, and then pulls out her rosary, silently praying, then crosses herself at the end. She collects her bearings, reminding herself why she is here and who is counting on her.

OOC: General recollection of who we're working for, who is at the allied "encampment" I mentioned earlier (the armies etc). Then, Society and Heraldry for the following: Priela's knowledge of 'who's who' presently taking part in the war. VIPs, and forces.

Obviously, the Templars and the church have sent priests and warriors, so Priela would have some automatic general knowledge of what forces the Catholic church(es) have dedicated to the war - I hope.

Society for VIPS

Heraldry for forces

Society for VIPS
1d20+5 10
Heraldry for forces
1d20+5 12
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Upon the revelation that the creature was a nuglub demon, Atma stood back up and gave a disappointed sigh. So Nuglubs take pleasure in setting up little attacks like these. Waiting in the shadows was typical Nuglub behavior they usually do this...alone? Atma realized he had got lost in thoughts, whilst his comrades were interrogating the child. Realizing Mandy had gone to scout and Lastolva following afterward, he stepped towards Bogdan, picking up on the need to console the child. He slung Morningstar across his back, letting the gun rest on his traps. He then kneeled to be eye level with him, placing a hand on the boy's head, and rubbing his head affectionately. Don't worry, Mihaly knows all there is to know. You can trust him! Atma then gave him a reassuring smile.

OOC: Apologies for disappearing, I'm titrating new ADHD meds. Rolling deception to try and reassure the kid he can trust Mihaly?


Edited by Ultima (see edit history)
1d20+6 8
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You would know that only a small portion of the Church's forces were sent but they were hand selected as some of the best. While the Demon Castle is an issue that must be resolved, monster attacks the world over have spiked since it's arrival so they need bodies to protect the people.

As for the logistics, there is a lot of infantry and a small amount of vehicle support almost exclusively for transport. You have about a 8,000 people at camp with more coming as time goes on but much more slowly compared to the beginning. Many of the people coming are not used to working in large groups as monster hunters tend to be isolated. Also these people come from the world over so communication is somewhat difficult but most know at least some English.

Priela might not like it, but there is also a portion of monsters working with the camp, including undead and a few stranger beasts. They are not liked but make up about 5% of the forces.

For VIPs, there are 5 people who act as a sort of leading counsel, so all major parties have a say. They are Salvatore De Giorgi, archbishop of Palermo, Italy, Ruth Derby, Mexican American UN occult expert, Akshat Banerjee, Indian legendary retired hunter, Chioma Abubakar, Arcane researcher from Nigeria, and a Native American mummy, called Agilisi(grandmother). Together they vote on any major decision that goes about in camp.


You see Mandy rubbing her eye and she tells you she found tracks of something heading to the forest, but on closer inspection they are simple deer tracks

Mihaly and Atma

Bogdan takes in what your saying. He says he hopes the man stops soon his mom has been acting scared of something and whenever there is a sound outside he has to go to the basement. He also says he's not sure how far he ran while looking for Mănuși he only found him when he was crying in pain, he says with a very upset tone that he thinks he is lost.


Shortly after you finish praying. Your radio goes of and a voice with a thick Scottish accent says "Priela, You there or what? We've been waiting for 5 minute for your sorry ass to get back here. What the hell you doing over there?"

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Mihaly hesitates for almost a whole second, torn between wanting to shield Bogdan from the worst of it and wanting to make sure he stays careful. He admits that yes, Bogdan's parents are scared of the man for a reason, and that Bogdan going into the basement every time there's a sound outside is probably a good idea. But he also does his best to assure Bogdan that the Church will find the man and persuade him to repent soon.

When Bogdan admits that he's lost, Mihaly sighs and admits that okay, that's bad news. But they have radios that they can call the Church with for help, and he's sure they'll help get Bogdan back home.

When Priela's radio goes off, Mihaly calls over in English: "Yeah, we're going to have to call this in. Bogdan here says he's lost. That's not a good situation even under ideal circumstances."

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