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Story Rolls


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In an attempt to keep chapter threads a bit tidier, let's put rolls for non-combat situations here.

To start with, can you please state your default exploration activity for the 8th of Renewal, year 20, as in Chapter 2 - Traveling Book Shop, and roll any applicable rolls.

Add survival to the standard list to find your way better (no roads here yet) and to spot a good camping spot

Edited by Blaeringr (see edit history)
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Chalia as well. She has a higher perception bonus, and the scout archetype.

Bonus-wise I'd assume Flick would be doing your main survival checks.

As far as using craft alchemy to find useful plants, I don't think there's enough overlap between crafting skills and skills for finding things for it to be just a straight crafting roll.

I remember we allowed Kek to find useful plants on the road before, but I don't think that was the result of just a straight crafting roll. I think the survival skll is better suited to that purpose since it specifically mentions foraging.

We can keep the roll if you want and I'll just add his survival bonus (+5) instead

Edited by Blaeringr (see edit history)
Tsimrin forage for food
1d20+5 11
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I'll try Nature. I'll also try Occultism. Like maybe there's an obscure ritual that could make her tree invisible, or something like that?

1d20+4 12
1d20+5 10
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not sure if my suggestion works. Dryads are nature oriented and might be able to use those giant spiders as guardians (I'm sure we haven't killed all of them).


I'll do my society roll here.

1d20+6 10
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