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Dragons of Light


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spacer.pngGareth uth Fearfold, Knight of the Sword, Clerist of Habakkuk

AC 21 | HP 101/101 | HD 10/10d8 | Channel Divinity 3/2+1
Str 18 | Dex 11 | Con 14 | Int 10 | Wis 20 | Cha 12
Precise Strike 4/4 | Commanding Rally 4/4 | Demoralizing Strike 4/4
Spells +10 DC 18 | Cantrips | 1st 4/4 | 2nd 2/3 | 3rd 3/3 | 4th 3/3 | 5th 2/2

Gareth smiles at the half ogre and replies holding two fingers up, "It's a pleasure to meet you Kyra. Actually, we killed two white dragons. Their wingspans were from that tree to that one. The second one that broke our ship was probably the mate and out for revenge."

To the kender, he replies nodding, "Ah, Mishakal. She has returned, too. We've met a cleric Goldmoon who carries Her blue crystal staff." Unknown to everyone, Kitiara uth Matar, general of the blue dragonarmy, would also become known as the Blue Lady.


Edited by JubalBreakbottle (see edit history)
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[fieldset=Kyra of the Spirit Elk][table=2,1] [r=1,1][img2=150]https://i.imgur.com/kt3X1iD.jpeg[/img2] [r=2,1][center][b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2895703][font=palatino linotype][size=4][color=DarkRed]Kyra of the Spirit Elk[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b] [I]Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10[/I] [b]HP:[/b] 143/143 [b]HD:[/b] 10/10d12 [b]AC:[/b] 18 [b]Rages:[/b] 4/4 LR [b]Relentless Endurance:[/b] 1/1 LR [b]Status:[/b] Normal and Healthy [/center][/table][/fieldset]
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10
HP: 143/143
HD: 10/10d12
AC: 18
Rages: 4/4 LR
Relentless Endurance: 1/1 LR
Status: Normal and Healthy

"Now that is news... Killing one dragon is a heroic feat, but killing two shows more strength than luck was involved in it. Very impressive... uh, Sir Gareth" says Kyra, hoping she remembered correctly. The man gave a lot of names and titles and while it is only fitting, she gave a lot of her own, it is a bit harder for her to remember a lot of information, specially at once. She takes a deep breath and a few moments to try to commit to memory the names she's listening... at least one to each person. That should not be too hard. After tapping her head a few times, trying to make sure she got it all.


However, all this talk of the Good Gods returning was certainly concerning to the wild woman. As a follower of the ways of balance and nature... the Good Gods do represent concepts she and her people find laudable, but them acting up usually is a direct answer to the forces of Evil rising up as well "Hmmm... that's not good... if the Patron of Hunters and the Healing Mother are back that must mean the other side is gaining a lot of strength as we feared... Things are dire all around the world... I don't know how to stop the Dark Lady's plots, just that killing her strongest followers ought to make things hard for her. That's why I'm looking to slay dragons"

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Araxis Malthen-Galad

spacer.pngPassive Insight: 13 || Passive Investigation: 17 || Passive Perception: 13

AC: 13
HP: 78/78
Hit Dice Used (d6): 0
Speed: 30
Spell Slots: 1st - 4  2nd - 3 3rd - 3 4th - 3 5th - 2



Araxis did not feel like conversing at the moment. He wanted to make sure that he was mentally ready for the next problem that came their way. At the rate they were going it would be a day, maybe two. It was getting bothersome but that was the way it seemed to be going. He looked over towards the half ogre. "We have slain more than just the two. The two just happened to be in quick succession. There was a red in there, an undead, and some others. While it may seem that we have made a dent I assure you we have not. Each one has been that much more a challenge and I fear that there may be more on the way much stronger than what we have faced. If you think yourself ready, but in reality none of us are."





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Posted (edited)
Wednesday, 25th of Winter Night, Evening

Moon Magic

Lunitari and Nuitari are in conjunction and at Low Sanction. The bonus for being in conjunction cancels out the penalty for being at Low Sanction. All Wizards of High Sorcery cast spells as normal.

Solinari (19+1)--Waning, 2 days to Low Sanction
Lunitari (16+1)--Low Sanction, 6 days to Waxing
Nuitari (4)--Low Sanction, 1 day to Waxing

image.png.9821441703a94ed03333ee60c9ae16a4.pngSilvara laughs as you engage in conversation. "It is good you are getting to know one another. I have a feeling you were all brought to this land at this time for a reason," she says.

You pass a pleasant afternoon and evening among the Stagherd Clan of the Kagonesti. The wild elves are gracious hosts, making you to feel welcome and at ease. You feast on venison, wild fruits, flatbreads and a mead the elves brew. For those of you who survived the ship-wreck, you feel as if you can finally let your guard down after a long time of vigilance. That evening, your hosts lead you to a longhouse, where you sleep on comfortable pallets.

In the morning, Silvara leads you into the woods once more. The Kagonesti fill your packs with supplies for the journey, mostly dried venison and flatbread, but you each find a wineskin filled with mead in your packs as well. Even Derek is pleasant for once, although his heavy armor is ill-suited for your journey.

As night begins to fall, you come to the banks of a broad river. The water has a sharp, metallic appearance, and it reflects the setting sun and rising moons. Silvara bids you to halt. "This is the Thon-Sorpon, the Silverroad," she says. As she speaks, you see a single, unattended canoe float down the river. As it draws near, you can peer inside, seeing a young Kagonesti warrior stretched out on the bottom of the canoe. His body bears grievous wounds, and broken weapons are piled at his feat. Several of them are clearly of draconian make, speaking to the presence of Takhisis' armies, even here. "This is the road of the dead," Silvara tells you, her voice soft and reverent. "We send our dead down it, and there they join the River of Souls to be judged. I would not have brought you here, but our need is great. The Thon-Sorpon is also the straightest road to our destination. It may be that the gods will let us take it."

She falls silent, waiting for something. After a long pause, three more canoes float down the river. These come to rest at the bank. Each is empty, save for a set of oars. "The gods will permit this road for you," Silvara says. The rising moon and stars give you enough light to attempt the journey by night. "We can either camp here, or we can press onward. Each hour we tarry may mean the Silvanesti and Qualinesti are closer to finding you again."


Each canoe can hold three people. Let me know who is in which canoe.

Edited by codexgigas (see edit history)
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Kelasheway of Whiteriver Clan

Fighter 6 Barbarian 4token_1.png.3b71d071f92759f2de36fa16fd017ba6.png

AC: 17 | HP: 125/125 | Maneuver DC: 16 | Passive Perception/Insight: 16/16
Superiority Dice: 4/4 | Rage 3/3

The Kagonesti who had been talking with Kyra and Tel when the party arrived remained stand-offish throughout the introductions, barely speaking at all beyond tersely introducing himself as "Kelasheway of Whiteriver Clan, sworn warrior to The Pathfinder of the Free Kagonesti."

He seemed to relax a little during the Stagherd Clan's show of hospitality, slipping the greatsword off his shoulder to lay on the ground alongside him as he ate with a young elf whose tattoos also seemed different from the other Kagonesti in the village. Talking and smiling, making a couple of wry jokes with the other wild elves. He even made polite small talk with the party, although he did steer conversation with Derek and Gareth towards the topic of their mission, beyond slaying dragons. The tattooed elf seemed particularly interested in if the stories of Solmanic Knights' honour and loyalty towards their allies were true - sharing a Kagonesti story about a clan who worked with the order around the time of the Third Dragon War.
But the whole time he kept glancing at the recently freed elves who came to the village with the party. Finally, with a last swig of mead, Kelasheway approaches a small knot of the former slaves. Anyone close enough, who can understand elven catches enough of the conversation to learn he is seeking news of a young Kagonsesti woman taken by the Qualinesti about a month after the House Elves arrived. Whatever answer he got, he was clearly unhappy with it as the stoic expression slipped back over his features like a mask - his mood betrayed by the twitching muscles of a tightly clenched jaw. The elven warrior collects his greatsword and stalked off beyond the fire light, and that was the last you saw of him that night.

In the morning, as the Kagonestic provide supplies, Kelasheway emerged from a nearby tent. He was still dressed much the same as the day before, in a patterened green and sleeveless vest, but now the greatsword has been joined by a quiver of arrows at his hip and a bag, with a longbow hooked on it,slung diagonally across his back in the opposite direction to the sword. Strangely, he wears a pair of steel gauntlets, but no other armour. "I have sent word to the Pathfinder about you, outlanders - and will be joining you on your journey. At least until you leave our lands."

Later at the Thon-Sorpan river, Kelashway says a quiet prayer for the fallen warrior as the body floats pass. "May the spirits judge you fairly and with understanding, brother."
When the other canoes come floating down the river, the wild elf waded into the water to intercept the first of them. Gripping the prow, he turns to everyone else. "I wouldn't mind sending some House Elves down The Road if they catch up, but the spirits did send us some nice canoes..."


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.

Edited by BuyCrom (see edit history)
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[fieldset=Kyra of the Spirit Elk][table=2,1] [r=1,1][img2=150]https://i.imgur.com/kt3X1iD.jpeg[/img2] [r=2,1][center][b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2895703][font=palatino linotype][size=4][color=DarkRed]Kyra of the Spirit Elk[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b] [I]Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10[/I] [b]HP:[/b] 143/143 [b]HD:[/b] 10/10d12 [b]AC:[/b] 18 [b]Rages:[/b] 4/4 LR [b]Relentless Endurance:[/b] 1/1 LR [b]Status:[/b] Normal and Healthy [/center][/table][/fieldset]
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10
HP: 143/143
HD: 10/10d12
AC: 18
Rages: 4/4 LR
Relentless Endurance: 1/1 LR
Status: Normal and Healthy

Kyra enjoys the hospitality of the elves and certainly makes sure to be as well fed as she can before they depart. Hearing that there are yet more dragons the group slew, despite the grave warning of the elven man on the party, only reassures her all the more that the rumors she had been chasing to this distant land were in the right.


She is as respectful as she can be of the elven river... she does understand this type of custom, even if to her battle scarred sensibilities, needing to be set on a canoe down a river to reach the beyond is quite restrictive a way for access.


"I take my share of space. I'll go on the middle barge and someone light should be with me" she says practically.

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spacer.pngGareth uth Fearfold, Knight of the Sword, Clerist of Habakkuk

AC 21 | HP 101/101 | HD 10/10d8 | Channel Divinity 3/2+1
Str 18 | Dex 11 | Con 14 | Int 10 | Wis 20 | Cha 12
Precise Strike 4/4 | Commanding Rally 4/4 | Demoralizing Strike 4/4
Spells +10 DC 18 | Cantrips | 1st 4/4 | 2nd 2/3 | 3rd 3/3 | 4th 3/3 | 5th 2/2

Gareth deliciously appreciates the long and comfortable rest. He had been on the road from Sancrist for many weeks, and their refuge was a godsend.

Then, when they arrive at the river in the morning, the canoes appear to be another godsend. His life has truly been blessed by the gods. After some reflection, the knight offers, "I think Derek and I should travel together. And, our heavy armor would prefer one of you with less armor to join us." He grins and shrugs.


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Telemachus Burrowdown (Tel)

Thief 2 Paladin 8Tel.jpg.a323823d69e568b7f9ec45e3459ffd41.jpg

AC: 18 | HP: 86/86 | Lay on Hands: 40/40 | Passive Perception/Insight: 20/19

Tel hung back from the group, arms folded, waiting. His uncertainty about the Giant was palpable; the thought of sharing a small boat with her was unappealing. The twin knights also did not inspire confidence in him. As he sighed audibly, the others made their selections. "I'll accompany the Kagonesti," Tel declared, reasoning that the Elf posed less risk of falling on or stepping on him.



Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty

Action: Your action goes here.
Bonus Action: Your bonus action goes here.
Move: Your movement goes here.
Manipulate: Your one free object interaction goes here.



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Thorin Firestone





Thorin Firestone


Dwarf Drakewarden Ranger 10

Gender: Male

Alignment: Neutral Good

Background: Outlander

Deity: Reorx

AC: 20

HP: 105

Str: 21 (+8)

Dex: 18 (+4)

Con: 14 (+2)

Int: 13 (+1)

Wis: 18 (+4)

Cha: 10 (0)

Saves:  Strength and Dexterity

Skills: Athletics, Nature, Stealth, Perception, Survival

Feat: Skill Expert

Melee Attack: WyrmSlayer +2 BattleAxe - +13 to hit      Handaxe x3 - +8 to hit

Ranged Attack: Heavy Crossbow - +8 to hit Handaxe x3 - +8 to hit


 I am too enamored of ale, dwarven spirits, and a good pipe at the end of the day. 

Personality Trait

 I once ran twenty-five miles without stopping to warn my clan of an approaching Draconian horde. I'd do it again if I had to. 


It is each person's responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole clan.


My clan is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me. I want to bring honor to their name.


Skill Name Modifier
Athletics +8
Acrobatics +4
Stealth +10
Sleight of Hand +4
Arcana +2
History +2
Investigation +2
Nature +5
Religion +2
Animal Handling +4
Insight +7
Medicine +4
Perception +10
Survival +7
Deception +0
Intimidation +0
Performance +0
Persuasion +0

Passive Perception: 18

Feats and Abilities 

Feats: Skill Expert

Race Traits

Class Features


Background Features


  • Armor: None
  • Weapons: None
  • Tools: Mandolin



  • Common
  • Dwarven
  • Draconic
  • Elvish
  • Hand Talk
  • Ogre
  • Plains Nomad



Spells Known: 
Level 1 Spells: 
Detect Magic   
Fog Cloud
Level 2 Spells: 
Locate Object  
Lesser Restoration

Primal Awareness Spells: 

These can be done once a day.

Speak with Animals   
Beast Sense




  • WyrmSlayer +2 Battle Axe
  • Heavy Crossbow
  • Hand Axe x3
  • Mithral Half Plate
  • Belt of Giant Strength
  • Explorer’s Pack
  • Flask of Dwarven Spirits
  • Jug of Ale
  • Pouch of Dwarven Smoking tobacco
  • Dwarven Pipe
  • Deck of Cards
  • Grooming Kit
  • Mirror
  • Assorted herbs and spices for cooking
  • Iron Pot
  • Mandolin
  • Shield

Drake Companion Stats

Name: Silvena
Gender: Female
Size: Small/Medium
HP: 40
Proficiency Bonus:+3
Speed: 40
Saves: Dex +4, Wis +5
Abilities: STR 16(+3), DEX 12(+1), CON 15(+2), INT 8 (-1), WIS 14(+2), CHA 8 (-1)
Damage Immunities:Cold
Senses: Darkvision 60 ft,

Passive Perception: 12
Languages: Draconic
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d6 +3 piercing cold damage.
Reactions: Infused Strikes. When another creature within 30 feet of the drake that it can see hits a target with a weapon attack, the drake infuses the strike with its essence, causing the target to take an extra 1d6 cold damage

Thorin looks at the little boats with some trepidation, they had just been shipwrecked recently and the small vessels did not fill him with much confidence as he was not a small person, regardless of how short he may be. It felt unnatural for a dwarf to not have his feet firmly planted on the earth, with a silent sigh he heads to whichever canoe still had room for him. Silvena just looked at the canoes and growled before launching herself in the air circling around the canoes waiting for them to move before she will follow.

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Araxis Malthen-Galad

spacer.pngPassive Insight: 13 || Passive Investigation: 17 || Passive Perception: 13

AC: 13
HP: 78/78
Hit Dice Used (d6): 0
Speed: 30
Spell Slots: 1st - 4  2nd - 3 3rd - 3 4th - 3 5th - 2



Araxis finds a spot amongst the seats on the boats. His range made him able to hit anywhere and he felt as though it may be one of those trips. He raised an eyebrow at the dwarf and his pet. "You could walk if you prefer but it may take you a while."





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Thursday, 26th of Winter Night, Evening

Moon Magic

Lunitari is at Low Sanction. All Red Robes take a -1 penalty to spell attack rolls and spell DCs.

Solinari (2)--Waning, 1 day to Low Sanction
Lunitari (5)--Low Sanction, 5 days to Waxing
Nuitari (5)--Waxing, 2 days to High Sanction

image.png.62abf26d7a539639240e85a048a6aa9e.pngYou rest through the night. In the distance, you hear sounds of elven hunting horns, but they fade into the distance as the night deepens. You awake in the morning, ready for your journey up the Thon-Sorpon. The canoes are roughly balanced in weight, so you feel secure in the water. It is hard to row against the current, but you do make steady progress upstream through the day.

Eventually, you reach the point where the river becomes shallow enough and the ascent into the mountains steep enough that you can no longer journey by canoe. You disembark on the eastern bank. No sooner do you remove your last belongings than the canoes slide back into the water and disappear downstream.

Silvara leads you into the foothills of the mountains. As the sun sets, you see a single hut on the top of the next foothill. A plume of smoke rises from its chimney. You smell roasting venison on the air.



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[fieldset=Kyra of the Spirit Elk][table=2,1] [r=1,1][img2=150]https://i.imgur.com/kt3X1iD.jpeg[/img2] [r=2,1][center][b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2895703][font=palatino linotype][size=4][color=DarkRed]Kyra of the Spirit Elk[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b] [I]Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10[/I] [b]HP:[/b] 143/143 [b]HD:[/b] 10/10d12 [b]AC:[/b] 18 [b]Rages:[/b] 4/4 LR [b]Relentless Endurance:[/b] 1/1 LR [b]Status:[/b] Normal and Healthy [/center][/table][/fieldset]
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10
HP: 143/143
HD: 10/10d12
AC: 18
Rages: 4/4 LR
Relentless Endurance: 1/1 LR
Status: Normal and Healthy

Whoever had the delight of sharing a canoe with Kyra would have found themselves in the easiest journey of their lives. The giant blooded woman had short legs but long strong arms and she rowed tirelessly, seemingly finding it comforting or entertaining. It was a good thing she took the middle canoe or she may have been tempted if at the front to row all the faster and make the trip just a bit more bumpy.


Then the environment changed to something lightly reminiscent of home as they ascended the foothills of mountains. Truly, her terrain of choice. Between that and the scent of venison, Kyra was truly in a good mood as she marched.

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spacer.pngGareth uth Fearfold, Knight of the Sword, Clerist of Habakkuk

AC 21 | HP 101/101 | HD 10/10d8 | Channel Divinity 3/2+1
Str 18 | Dex 11 | Con 14 | Int 10 | Wis 20 | Cha 12
Precise Strike 4/4 | Commanding Rally 4/4 | Demoralizing Strike 4/4
Spells +10 DC 18 | Cantrips | 1st 4/4 | 2nd 2/3 | 3rd 3/3 | 4th 3/3 | 5th 2/2

Gareth enjoys another restful sleep following her new routine of checking the shape of the dragon orb wrapped in his gear within his pack before sleeping and breakfast. He didn't touch it, but he needed to bear this burden by checking on this burden.

After unpacking his pack from the canoe and easy river ride, he pushes his hand into the leather of his backpack to find the surface of the dragon orb, in his new routine.

"Silvara, who's home are we visiting today? Smells like they're cooking supper." He asks their guide.


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Posted (edited)
Thursday, 26th of Winter Night, Evening

Moon Magic

Lunitari is at Low Sanction. All Red Robes take a -1 penalty to spell attack rolls and spell DCs.

Solinari (2)--Waning, 1 day to Low Sanction
Lunitari (5)--Low Sanction, 5 days to Waxing
Nuitari (5)--Waxing, 2 days to High Sanction

image.png.62abf26d7a539639240e85a048a6aa9e.pngSilvara shrugs in response to Gareth's question. "The last time I travelled this path, there was no hut here," she says. "I cannot say who dwells within. Whether we approach or not, I suspect they have already spotted us. I took care to hide our tracks from pursuers. I did not think to watch for anyone on the path ahead. These hills are usually a forsaken place."

With Silvara's unease ringing in your ears, you are faced with a choice. Do you approach the hut, not knowing who might be within, or do you press to find another place to make camp for the evening?

Derek speaks as the rest of you consider your options. "The venison smells better than dried meat. The Empire of Ergoth may be shattered and a shell of its former glory, but the people who dwell here must remember its civilized ways, even if they are sundered from their kindred on this island. I say we request hospitality."


All of you remember that the Empire of Ergoth once stretched across the plains and forests to the west of Solamnia. The oldest human civilization, Ergoth was once the chief place of human commerce, art, and learning, before Istar's rise. When the gods dropped the fiery mountain on Istar, the Cataclysm caused the seas to rise and most of Ergoth was swallowed beneath the waves. Today all that remains of the once-great empire are the islands of Northern and Southern Ergoth and the small isle of Sancrist.

Edited by codexgigas (see edit history)
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[fieldset=Kyra of the Spirit Elk][table=2,1] [r=1,1][img2=150]https://i.imgur.com/kt3X1iD.jpeg[/img2] [r=2,1][center][b][url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheets/?id=2895703][font=palatino linotype][size=4][color=DarkRed]Kyra of the Spirit Elk[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b] [I]Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10[/I] [b]HP:[/b] 143/143 [b]HD:[/b] 10/10d12 [b]AC:[/b] 18 [b]Rages:[/b] 4/4 LR [b]Relentless Endurance:[/b] 1/1 LR [b]Status:[/b] Normal and Healthy [/center][/table][/fieldset]
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Kyra of the Spirit Elk
Half Ogre Giant Barbarian 10
HP: 143/143
HD: 10/10d12
AC: 18
Rages: 4/4 LR
Relentless Endurance: 1/1 LR
Status: Normal and Healthy

"Better to check them out than to have an unknown at our back. Now, I don't mind doing it but half the time I approach someone new they don't take it well. There's only so much rejection my maidenly heart can take, you know..." says the huge warrior, down casting her eyes and putting a hand over her heart... before she chuckles and grins her amusement, showing her sharp canines as she does.

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