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I'm currently mid-way through Isaac Asimov's Robots series, specifically on The Robots of Dawn. It's interesting to see how the lens of science fiction has shifted from the early 1900's to the near-21st century.

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Reading through Mediations by Marcus Aurelius for the second time, good stoicism how to. A philosophy I find useful.


Also reading Occultex book Two: Necromancers on Drugs by Jason Murphy of modern rogue (youtube) fame. Basically urban fantasy popcorn, it lighthearted and occasionally horrifying, I recommend. 



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Presently I'm on Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett. It's great so far. It's a cyberpunk story set in a fantasy world.


Next on the list is Jade War by Fonda Lee, which I have high hopes for. From what I've heard, it's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon meets the Godfather.

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35 minutes ago, LucianV said:

Red Seas Under Red Skies. Book II of the Gentleman Bastards series. A fantastic series about some fantasy con artists. 

Love the Gentlemen Bastards series. I was listening to Red Seas on audio book when I was driving frequently.


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Another big thumbs up to the Gentlemen Bastards series from me.

Just finished reading the third installment of Joe Abercromie's newest trilogy, Age of Madness. Straight up gritty low magic fantasy, this one moving his world into an industrialization time period. Very much enjoy his writing. 


No about to start The Fires of Vengeance by Evan Winter

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On 5/10/2022 at 2:20 PM, lemonstyx said:

I'm reading the Three-Body Problem trilogy by Cixin Liu. Currently on the second book, The Dark Forest.

Excellent series. The first half of The Dark Forest was a drag, but, after the half-way point, things really pick up until the end of the series.

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10 hours ago, Catacombs said:

Excellent series. The first half of The Dark Forest was a drag, but, after the half-way point, things really pick up until the end of the series.

I definitely found the first half a drag, as you say. I actually ended up putting it down for a few months. But I did make it back, and have noticed it's picking up. I'm glad to hear that should continue through to the end!


And hey @Shambala!

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8 hours ago, Shambala said:

I have started reading (and in some cases re-reading) the Star Wars Legends books. I’m also reading 2 books on developmental psychopathology for a class, and listening to mystery/thriller novels while I knit or play video games. 

Which Legends books in particular?

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