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Season 3, Episode 5 - The Sinkhole


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image.png.c43cb4aa63005617044070dee34a7056.pngDrezghl Half-Orc Mercenary

HP: 17/17|| FP: 16/16|| Conditions/Effects:

Drezghl moved up and down the line of party members as they made their way towards the sink hole. He made a point to hike alongside of Maria as she rode. He talked with her for a while, sharing stories of his travels but keeping things light. She seemed nicer than most people he had met. All the while, he wondered is getting his own horse was worth the trouble. Probably not, he decided.

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Hinami Human Swordsmanimage.png.38b568c3535aa38c3f9cdc19bafeef34.png

HP: 12/12|| FP: 11/12|| Conditions/Effects: Will -1 (Basic Speed, 7)


Hinami has been walking along, just keeping up with the group. He is clearly watching around carefully, but glancing back up at the group.


When he notices Drezghl talking with Sister Maria, a small smile crosses his face, and he moves himself onto the other side of Maria... and tries to insert himself in the conversation. Same as Drezghl, he keeps things light, but is also trading stories...





He's young, he's impulsive, he's overconfident, and he has NO game. He is trying, very hard, NOT to be offensive to Drezghl, but he is also trying very hard to be at least somewhat 'impressive'...


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Location: The Broken Oak Inn, Burle, Viscounty of Salinmoor, Keolandimage.png.720f261c69279178cf5c0cca4fd66a44.png
Date: Moonday, Third of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 3:00pm
Weather: Warming 79° and getting a bit stuffy
Sunrise/set: just before 5am/ just after 6pm
Characters Present: everyone

lake_nestled_between_wooded_hills_landscape_realis_00f80e73-3ad1-4ff7-a039-e318e326f8d6.png.e68ecb458956798741799a5d507ab8ea.pngAfter another hour of walking, the group crests a small hill and see what must be the Ranel farm ahead. The place looks abandoned from a distance, though thin wisps of smoke can be seen exiting the chimney. The fences are in poor condition, they look as if they could not hold if faces with something stronger than a mild breeze. The fields are overgrown with grass and weeds, obviously untended for some time.

tips-for-buying-an-old-farmhouse.jpgGetting a bit closer, the farmhouse itself, the barn, and the immediate premises around them all appear in good order. On the far side of the house, the garden looks newly planted. A few cows, some chickens, and a few goats wander about the barnyard. The sound of horses can be heard from the stables. Carrot snorts and the couple of horses with the group neigh and whinny in response.

It seems the Ranels have just given up farming most of the land and instead farm for personal use only. Whatever the case, an afternoon breeze brings just a hint of an evening chill followed by the more welcome smells of fresh bread and tasty dinner being prepared in the farmhouse.




Character Status

Drezghl HP 17/17|| FP 16/16|| Combat Move/Dodge 7/10 ||

Hinami HP 11/11 || FP 13/13 || Combat Move/Dodge 7/12 ||

Kelvan HP 9/9|| FP 12/12|| Combat Move/Dodge 6/10 ||

Maria HP 10/10|| FP 13/13 || PI 5/5 || Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 ||

Quill HP -/-|| FP -/-|| Combat Move/Dodge -/- ||

Zurana HP 20/20 || FP 15/15 || Combat Move/Dodge 8/12 ||



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Drezghl Half-Orc Mercenary

HP: 17/17|| FP: 16/16|| Conditions/Effects:


"Well, there's the farm that the bartender told us about. The sinkhole must be close. I wonder if the owner will mind if we camp out on his land?" , Drez wondered aloud to nobody in particular.

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ST 17 | DX 13 (15) | IQ 10 | HT 15 | Will 11 | Per 14 | Speed 7 | Move 7 | Reaction: +4/+2
HP 20/20 | FP 8/15 |  DR by Location | Defenses | Encum: Light | Languages:

Zurana looked over the farmstead. She was no worker of the land, but she did notice the apparent lack of care for parts of the greater territory. She was curious about that, but it didn't concern her particularly.

"It never hurts to ask," Zurana replied to Drezghl. With a brief glance toward Kelvan, she strode toward the front door to the house. Glancing about for a moment, she gave the door and firm but polite knock.

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Posted (edited)

Location: The Broken Oak Inn, Burle, Viscounty of Salinmoor, Keolandimage.png.720f261c69279178cf5c0cca4fd66a44.png
Date: Moonday, Third of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 3:00pm
Weather: Warming 79° and getting a bit stuffy
Sunrise/set: just before 5am/ just after 6pm
Characters Present: everyone

lake_nestled_between_wooded_hills_landscape_realis_00f80e73-3ad1-4ff7-a039-e318e326f8d6.png.e68ecb458956798741799a5d507ab8ea.pngimage.png.cccc9fb19732ef3a34eb7bfd97e106fb.pngThe front door opens and a good-sized young man stands in the doorway. He is probably near his twentieth year. Though tall, he has to look up to Zurana a bit. This seems to catch him off guard and the easy smile that had been upon his face changes to something else. He stammers, "Um, uh, um, good day, strangers. I'm Milat Ranel," he says, making a slight bow. "What can I do for you?"




Character Status

Drezghl HP 17/17|| FP 16/16|| Combat Move/Dodge 7/10 ||

Hinami HP 11/11 || FP 13/13 || Combat Move/Dodge 7/12 ||

Kelvan HP 9/9|| FP 12/12|| Combat Move/Dodge 6/10 ||

Maria HP 10/10|| FP 13/13 || PI 5/5 || Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 ||

Quill HP -/-|| FP -/-|| Combat Move/Dodge -/- ||

Zurana HP 20/20 || FP 15/15 || Combat Move/Dodge 8/12 ||



Edited by prophane (see edit history)
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image.png.6c172d6dec6988834f8ea75327b3d193.pngQuill Dawnriser

HP: 13/13 || FP: 14/14 || Move/Dodge: 11/11 || Conditions/Effects:


Quill watched and watched. She watched the road, she watched the surroundings, and she watched the group.


She made small talk when engaged; not being rude. But mostly, she took in everything trying to determine what sort of group she was with. What sort of people had Kelvan gathered, and what was she in store for.


Her biggest concern, which she kept to herself, was about Sister Maria. Was she tough enough to be out here? Quill made a mental note to keep near her during fights. She didn’t want the Sister getting gutted before she found her “Forest Legs.”





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ST 17 | DX 13 (15) | IQ 10 | HT 15 | Will 11 | Per 14 | Speed 7 | Move 7 | Reaction: +4/+2
HP 20/20 | FP 8/15 |  DR by Location | Defenses | Encum: Light | Languages:

"I am Zurana of the Longwalker Tribe." Zurana jerked a thumb over her shoulder at the rest of her companions. "My friends and I are on our way to try our luck seeking some measure of fortune from a sinkhole nearby. At the moment though, we seem to be running into the late afternoon and would like to stop for the evening. We seek permission to make camp on the edge of your territory. I can promise that we will make no trouble, but it is your land - and if you are uncomfortable with strangers here, we will move on. But if you agree, we would be most grateful."

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"Kelvan" spacer.png

HP: 9/9 || FP: 12/12 || Conditions/Effects: Bless +1, Sense Observation (0), Create Servant (1)

Kelvan keeps his counsel as they approach the farm. Some folk can be quite put off by the presence of a Shadow Elf.

At least there are no lookouts I can detect. These folk might just be the simple farmers they appear.

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Hinami Human Swordsmanimage.png.38b568c3535aa38c3f9cdc19bafeef34.png

HP: 12/12|| FP: 11/12|| Conditions/Effects: Will -1 (Basic Speed, 7)


Hinami will let the others do the negotiating. He stands near the rest of the group and the supplies, carefully keeping watch (he does have his bow out and strung, but no arrows on it).







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Drezghl Half-Orc Mercenary

HP: 17/17|| FP: 16/16|| Conditions/Effects:


Knowing his intimidating nature, Drez stayed back and tended to the horses. They were asking for a favor so it would help to let their more outgoing members do the talking.

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image.png.6c172d6dec6988834f8ea75327b3d193.pngQuill Dawnriser

HP: 13/13 || FP: 14/14 || Move/Dodge: 11/11 || Conditions/Effects:


Seeing the young man, Quill moves up close enough to be seen. She hopes that her lack of big weapons or armor will put the family at ease.

Additionally, she looks around to see if there is anything obvious that the farm needs.





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Sister MariaMaria

HP: 10/10 || FP: 13/13 || PI: 5/5

Conditions/Effects: N/A

Maria approached Milat alongside Zurana and introduced herself as a cleric of Myhriss.

"Also," Maria added to Zurana's request. "If you happened to have any information about the sinkhole or other recent visitors we would certainly appreciate it."

OOC: Maria also rolls Detect Lies vs 16 as necessary.

Edited by cbenny (see edit history)
Diplomacy vs 16
3d6 3,4,2
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Posted (edited)

Location: The Broken Oak Inn, Burle, Viscounty of Salinmoor, Keolandimage.png.720f261c69279178cf5c0cca4fd66a44.png
Date: Moonday, Third of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 3:00pm
Weather: Warming 79° and getting a bit stuffy
Sunrise/set: just before 5am/ just after 6pm
Characters Present: everyone

tips-for-buying-an-old-farmhouse.jpgimage.png.cccc9fb19732ef3a34eb7bfd97e106fb.pngThe young man nods and smiles in a friendly manner "Aye, the sinkhole, that, here, nearby on our land. " he says, nodding, looking the party over. His gaze rests a bit longer on both Kelvan and Drezghl, though his friendly demeanor does not change. "Well, like ya said, it's getting late in the day. Ma's got something cooking, she always makes more'n we need, just in case some friends are passin' through. She'd tan my hide if I wasn't inviting ya'll to supper. She'll be tellin's ya that you can camp out in the barn loft, so if'n ya want to put yer mounts and packs in there, feel welcome, but then, come on in and we'll eat and talk about the sinkhole." He nods in the direction of the barn, then moves to re-enter the house. "I'm jus' gonna let Ma an Toman, that's me brother, know that we got guests for dinner." He smiles and nods again before heading back into the farmhouse.



Character Status

Drezghl HP 17/17|| FP 16/16|| Combat Move/Dodge 7/10 ||

Hinami HP 11/11 || FP 13/13 || Combat Move/Dodge 7/12 ||

Kelvan HP 9/9|| FP 12/12|| Combat Move/Dodge 6/10 ||

Maria HP 10/10|| FP 13/13 || PI 5/5 || Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 ||

Quill HP -/-|| FP -/-|| Combat Move/Dodge -/- ||

Zurana HP 20/20 || FP 15/15 || Combat Move/Dodge 8/12 ||



Edited by prophane (see edit history)
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ST 17 | DX 13 (15) | IQ 10 | HT 15 | Will 11 | Per 14 | Speed 7 | Move 7 | Reaction: +4/+2
HP 20/20 | FP 8/15 |  DR by Location | Defenses | Encum: Light | Languages: Common

Zurana flashed a smile at the offer from Milat. "That is most kind of you and your family. Thank you. We will see to our mounts and be along shortly." 

After the young farmer turned back inside, Zurana returned her attention to the rest of the group. "Better than expected, friends. We have permission to house our beasts in the family's barn, and we are also invited to join them for dinner. We can ask for more information about this jewel-filled hole over a meal. Shall we?"

Gesturing to the outlying building, she led her own horse (who Zurana had mostly walked alongside thus far) over to where it could take some rest.

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