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Scene 1: The Meeting


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16 hours ago, Bobcloclimar said:

"But ya know, sometimes askin' real polite-like can help a man 'member what he's seen."

Corvath Edmuns

"Politeness costs money. More'n i have at present. Unless you're lookin for somethin in trade? How many exits this place have? Clients have access to them?"

Edited by cybersavant (see edit history)
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Character Sheet

S14 D14 C13 I14 W10 CH10
HP: 6/6
System Strain: 13/13
Armor: Ranged-16 Melee-14
Saves: P-14+, E-14+, M-15+, L-15+
Exert 0, Lead 0, Notice 1, Shoot 1, Stab 0


Heavy Pistol - Attack Bonus +3, 1d8+1 dmg, Trauma 1d6/x3

Knife - Attack Bonus +2, 1d4+1 dmg, Shock 2/AC15, Trauma 1d6/x3

  • On Target - Gain a Combat Skill as a Bonus Skill. Your basic attack bonus is equal to your character level, instead of the usual half level, rounded down.
  • Veteran's Luck - Once per scene, as an Instant action, trigger this ability to gain one of two effects: an attack roll that just hit you is instead treated as a miss, or an attack roll that you just made that missed is instead treated as a hit. This ability can be applied to vehicle weapons used by the operator, but it cannot protect against environmental damage, vehicle crashes, falls, or other harm that doesn't involve attack rolls.


  • Alert - You are keenly aware of your surroundings and virtually impossible to take unaware. You have an instinctive alacrity of response that helps you act before less wary persons can think to move. Gain Notice as a bonus skill. You cannot be surprised, nor can others use the Execution Attack action on you. When your group rolls initiative, your vigilance allows them to roll twice and take the higher roll.

Gear & Equipment:

  • Heavy Pistol
  • 3 Magazines and 24 Cartridges
  • Armored Clothing (AC 16/14, Damage Soak 5, +1 Trauma Target)
  • Knife
  • Smartphone, Basic
  • Trauma Patch
  • Middle Class Lifestyle, 1 month


  Friend- Tung '2 Train' Tran

  • Known them for several jobs
  • Street People, Gangs and Ciminal Types
  • I got a problem person off their back
  • They trust me to a rare degree
  • We were hired on a job together
  • They can help me find profitable operator jobs


Badge backs off from 'Ed'. Doesn't want to spook the guy. He leans against a structural pillar, keeping his eye on the man.

He tries to catch the eyes of Arm or Wolf so that he can subtly nod towards Ed to indicate 'That's our guy'.



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spacer.pngARMAND "Arm"

Having also spotted the same guy, Arm looked at his current teammates. Yeah, he'd not been the only one. He was taking two steps toward the man when he remembered what he was doing here now. He was no longer a Razor here to demand answers or else... that time was over. Now he was just a chum trying to survive, and a chum like that should not be trying to stand out. So he slowed down, walked to the bar and ordered the cheapest beer, then waited until his quarry was about to leave to do likewise.



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Logan Malone

Logan loiters around his car for a while, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. After awhile, he gets bored hanging around on his own and approaches the bouncer, slapping the him tenner he wants into his hand with a handshake.

"Hey, big man, you see an outlander come by here? Uh, other than me of course. Trucker cap with the mesh back? Kinda skinny? Oh, and do you guys got a cigarette machine in there?"

Inventory update: -$10

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Badge and Arm settle in to wait for Ed to make another move; the man continues drinking and gesticulating animatedly, seemingly without a care. Now that they can get a better look at him, they can see the grease-stained jacket on the back of his stool with a "Shadi" nametag above the breast pocket, and a telltale bulge in its pocket betraying the presence of a datapad.

Duncan gives Wolf a friendly smile, saying "I might know a couple. You buying, selling, or repossessing?"





16 hours ago, cybersavant said:

Corvath Edmuns

"Politeness costs money. More'n i have at present. Unless you're lookin for somethin in trade? How many exits this place have? Clients have access to them?"

The tough re-evaluates Corvath with a more critical eye. "You look like y'grew up on the streets. Tell ya what, you do me a quick favor and I'll let you in with yer friends. I been takin' care of a little mutt back there," he hikes a thumb towards the rear of the building, "ya know, feedin' him scraps 'n' such during my breaks. Boss ain't too happy 'bout it, wants the little feller gone. Went lookin' to pick him up just before my shift, an' couldn't find the poor boy. You poke around back there, find where he's hidin' and bring him back here, and yer fee is covered."


Mechanical note

If you want to pursue this, it'll be a Notice/WIS or Survive/WIS check (DC 7) to find the objective, and a Convince/CHA or Sneak/DEX check (DC 8) to obtain it; I'll allow other skills/attributes/bonuses with good justification.


Logan's abrupt entrance throws the bouncer off just a bit, and he looks confused for a moment before answering, "'Course we got smokes inside. Can't say I seen, uh, whoever yer lookin' for."


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"Let's go with...repossession."

She smiles at Duncan as she takes a sip from her drink.

"And only a couple? I figured you would know about all the shops around here by now, it's been what, three years?"

Wolf looks up to see Badge motioning toward the guy that Duncan had mentioned. She thinks for a moment to decide how she'll respond.

"Hold that thought, I need to go talk to somebody."

She stands up and walks over to Badge while typing on her phone. When she gets close enough, she discretely holds the phone such that he can see the screen.


Text me what you find out. 555-9653

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Character Sheet

S14 D14 C13 I14 W10 CH10
HP: 6/6
System Strain: 13/13
Armor: Ranged-16 Melee-14
Saves: P-14+, E-14+, M-15+, L-15+
Exert 0, Lead 0, Notice 1, Shoot 1, Stab 0


Heavy Pistol - Attack Bonus +3, 1d8+1 dmg, Trauma 1d6/x3

Knife - Attack Bonus +2, 1d4+1 dmg, Shock 2/AC15, Trauma 1d6/x3

  • On Target - Gain a Combat Skill as a Bonus Skill. Your basic attack bonus is equal to your character level, instead of the usual half level, rounded down.
  • Veteran's Luck - Once per scene, as an Instant action, trigger this ability to gain one of two effects: an attack roll that just hit you is instead treated as a miss, or an attack roll that you just made that missed is instead treated as a hit. This ability can be applied to vehicle weapons used by the operator, but it cannot protect against environmental damage, vehicle crashes, falls, or other harm that doesn't involve attack rolls.


  • Alert - You are keenly aware of your surroundings and virtually impossible to take unaware. You have an instinctive alacrity of response that helps you act before less wary persons can think to move. Gain Notice as a bonus skill. You cannot be surprised, nor can others use the Execution Attack action on you. When your group rolls initiative, your vigilance allows them to roll twice and take the higher roll.

Gear & Equipment:

  • Heavy Pistol
  • 3 Magazines and 24 Cartridges
  • Armored Clothing (AC 16/14, Damage Soak 5, +1 Trauma Target)
  • Knife
  • Smartphone, Basic
  • Trauma Patch
  • Middle Class Lifestyle, 1 month


  Friend- Tung '2 Train' Tran

  • Known them for several jobs
  • Street People, Gangs and Ciminal Types
  • I got a problem person off their back
  • They trust me to a rare degree
  • We were hired on a job together
  • They can help me find profitable operator jobs


Badge nods and pulls his phone out. After clicking for a minute, Wolf receives the following text from an unknown number

Guy at the bar is our man. Chopping same make/model van filled with high end gear. Working for 'Sun Boys'. Red Suns? Sun-Leung?

Say we snatch him when he steps out.



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Text to Badge

Sounds good, but see what you can find out before he leaves. I am talking with someone who may know where he works.

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Duncan's eyes track Wolf as she wanders away from the table, and he gives her a once-over as she returns from her circuit. "Smooth. I gotta say, that was a lot more subtle than last time you tried that. I couldn't even tell who you were syncing with. But if I had to guess... I'd say that rent-a-cop you walked in with, the one trying to blend into that support over there. He really needs to get something buzzy in his hands to mesh with the rest of the gonks in this shithole. "

He takes a long pull from his drink and continues, "So, repo. You need to be careful about those, some of these girls are just the rope in a tug-of-war between powers you really don't want to get stuck between. Not saying that's the case here, but... just watch out. You said you had a name for me?"

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Logan Malone

"Should'a guessed, jus' that if the guy I was lookin' for were in town, he would'a ended up 'round here. Ah well, thanks anyway." He pats the bouncer on the shoulder as he heads in.

He goes in and heads for the cigarette machine, paying however much a pack costs. He'll take one out of the pack, realize he doesn't have a lighter, and go up to the bartender.

"Can ya spare a light?" He holds the cigarette forward for a light in one hand, and starts making a phone call with the other.

C'mon, Clay, answer.

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spacer.pngARMAND "Arm"

That Shadi man had a datapad that was begging for some a-lookin' into, and Arm could feel rising again the urge to just go to his face and demand what he wanted. He squeezed the handle of his beer, and crushed that thought into oblivion. That was exactly what had had the Razors exterminated...

So instead he kept his quiet, and his eyes on the prize, waiting until the proper moment to act.

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Clay picks up on the second ring, just as Frankie lights up the paper-wrapped who-knows-what. "Logan! Wasn't expecting you to call this time of night. What trouble are you getting me into now?"

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Boss ain't too happy 'bout it, wants the little feller gone. Went lookin' to pick him up just before my shift, an' couldn't find the poor boy. You poke around back there, find where he's hidin' and bring him back here, and yer fee is covered."

If you want to pursue this, it'll be a Survive/WIS check (DC 7) to find the objective, and a Sneak/DEX check (DC 8) to obtain it; I'll allow other skills/attributes/bonuses with good justification.

Corvath Edmuns tilts his head to look down the alley. He gives a quick smirk and saunters over. He glances around and behind the objects strewn about.


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3d6 2,2,5
2d6 6,1
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Corvath knows his way around the back alleys of the city and all the best places for a mangy mutt to hide, and soon discovers a scruffy corgi sniffling inside a stack of pallets near the rear exitThe only other door besides the front entrance to the bar, which shrinks away from his approach. He skirts around the tower, studiously pretending not to notice it, then tosses a small chunk of concrete to distract the dog before slamming a nearby crate over it, effectively trapping it in place against a pallet.

A wide smile breaks across the bouncer's face as he sees Corvath dragging the whole ensemble back out of the alleyway, and he kneels down to rub the pup's fur. "Who's a good boy? Don't worry, I'm not gonna let that ol' glitbiter run you off." He offers a hand to Corvath and adds, "I owe you one. Name's Orcas."



I decided that asking for two rolls might be a bit much (~25% chance of success for an average operator with no bonuses), so I'm letting the results of the first roll stand.

Orcas will count as a weak contact (not capital-C Contact) for Corvath, who could be used to call in a favor later.


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