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Durlag’s Tower - OOC


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Since we will not be moving character threads around, please be sure to create a post for your character. Not sure how they link to the game or where to find them.

If you use a DDB sheet, at least create a post with the link to it. But it might be helpful to do that for a MW sheet too. I will miss being able to look at the "post" sheets.

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Well this is going to take some getting used to. It took me so long to get the hang of the original MW, I can curse Colin for getting me into this mess (kidding), and now I get to learn it all over again. Though it's a lot like Word, so that's nice.

Anyways. I'm here. I need to get Duncan transferred/linked over once I figure out how.

To the group as a whole. I apologize for being a poor member of the group. I am not on a computer most days and posting by phone, while possible is not always easy. I will make a concerted effort to be more attentive to thing going forward, and be more than just a bag of HP that gets downed by monsters from time to time.

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New stuff always takes a bit of getting used to.

Better to do it as part of a good group!

Duncan is my favourite bag of HP, long may he Bash and Smash!

1d20+5 10
Damage and Sneak damage
10; 22
1d8+5;6d6 [5]; [5,4,5,5,2,5,1]
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Still feels slow and cludgy, but I suppose I'll have to get used to it...

I actually dislike how word-like it is >.<

Anyhow, same, still need to figure out how this works with sheets.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just insert an iframe to our character sheet, thereby removing the need to constantly update the inline sheet, if we can even do that anymore? (Only downside is the fact that it would no longer be a snapshot-in-time)

Although I am now tempted to try it.....

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Upon reading the new forum new user guide (or at least some of it...), i've found you can add sheets to a game via tabs.

.... And in the process of deleting some of the mis-copy-pasted text somehow it managed to delete forward while holding the backspace key (on mobile). That's a new one. Hopefully I can attribute that to a fluke.

Details here

 Once in the game forum, you can add tabs to your game:  1. Your newly created game will have two items on the navigation bar: Overview and Members. But it will not have anywhere to actually play-by-post. You have to create that item/tab (a "game forum" called "topics" by our current software). 2. To create a forum for topics/threads, find "Manage Game" on the navigation bar. Click down to "Topics" under "Add Game Feature." 3. You can then name your forum (required), give it a description, and set your privacy preferences (These allow the GM/players to create their own private threads). Click "Save" when you are done. You now have a game forum to create threads/topics in to play your game. 4. To create individual topics within the forum to play your game (a topic for in-game posts, a topic for out-of-character discussion, etc.), find the "Start new topic" button near the top of the game page. Each topic will need a title. Options for the Topic are on the menu next to the post (Lock, Pin, Hide, etc.). The Submit Topic button is at the bottom of the post.     Other tabs available in games: - Calendar - This tab allows you to set dates for certain things.  For example, perhaps there are post reminders you want to set, or perhaps there are live Discord sessions that you run parallel once a month. - Blogs - This is just like creating a blog.  You can make posts in it, and people can comment on them.  You can enable RSS feeds for your blog as well. - Files - You can create a section for the uploading and downloading of files for your game—PDFs for setting information, photos, music, etc. - Sheets - This creates a tab to hold Myth-Weaver sheets for your game. Currently, they are added by numeric value.     Notes: 1. Overview and Members cannot be edited or deleted, but they can be moved around on the navigation bar. 2. Whichever item is first on the navigation bar is the default item that opens when you click on your game. So, if you want to go straight to your game forum when you view your game, move your newly created topics tab to the front of the list. (Find "Manage Game" on the navigation bar. Click down to "Reorder Menu," and then drag and drop the items into your desired order). 3. You can have multiple tabs of the same type in a game, allowing you to organize your game into many different sections.

It doesn't mention how to actually implement them though. At least not yet.

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43 minutes ago, Sylas said:

Upon reading the new forum new user guide (or at least some of it...), i've found you can add sheets to a game via tabs.

I added the feature (see tab/game navigation). You can try and add your MW sheet if you like.

Testing dice
1d20+5 3
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It quite literally is using my idea. It's using an iframe.

Unfortunately, it's so much more clunky. And I can't deck it out in ooc tags to give descriptions/breakdowns of things.

.... Maybe I'll iframe to the fancy breakdown version...

Edit: wow. Ok then. They're striping the content out of the iframe. .... Well there goes that idea. ..... And it was really to their benefit to not need hundreds of copies of the same data....

Edited by Sylas (see edit history)
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OK, looks like we got everyone in the game now. I see three sheets linked, and four character posts.


Has everyone had a chance to play with the dice roller? If not give it a whirl to figure out how to roll dice.

Is everyone's characters all up to date, leveled to at least 11 but not higher than 16 (for tier three)?


And at least I can use shortcuts for bold and italics now 🙂 
I don't like how images are added though. I liked adding images into the post. There is not a WYSIWYG button for it so I have to directly add to source with HTML/CSS 😞

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I created a new topic for Character Posts and moved the Character Posts to it.

Ability Scores
repeat(drop(4d6,lowest),6) 3,5,1,5,2,2,4,2,5,6,4,1,3,6,2,6,6,4,6,2,1,4,4,3
Attack and Damage
13; 3
1d20+1;1d6+1 [12]; [12,2]
Attack with Disadvantage
keep(2d20,lowest)+3 17,17
Attack with Advantage
keep(2d20,highest)+3 19,12
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Does it not page 10 posts at a time anymore?

Also, apparently you can hide a post's dicerolls by clicking on the green-circled dice in the upper right part of a post with rolls, next to the options-ellipsis. Not entirely sure why, tbh. Or if it's possible to set them to do that by default.

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remember how they said we could copypaste bbcode pages, and it would process them?


..... It doesn't.


Instead, on desktop especially, it keeps popping up with touchscreen-style tooltips, without a rightclick (or longpress, as a touchscreen would do). Apparently I'm [i]really[/i] supposed to want to quote the selection.

(and yes, leaving that in the old style tag markup is intentional)

Edited by Sylas (see edit history)
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