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Just now, artsmythe said:

I can't say with complete certainty, but it looks like @Master_Enceladus is MIA from M-W and this game. @SMARTAgentKC, should you try to reach out to them, or should we just try to make do as is?

I put out a mention yesterday, but if they don't respond I'm going to just pretend that Milo didn't show up.

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Actually it's not on hold persay. I'm just on a set schedule when it comes to games

My work schedule blacks out friday night thru Tuesday morning. Then on Tues/Weds I have to deal with house chores and other things leaving me often with only Weds night Thursday and maybe Friday during the day to actually work on DM stuff on Mythweavers.

I'll see about advancing the story and getting people on their missions sometime day

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no worries Rumrunner, We'll manage with seven players.

So far all I've seen is Eilonwy for sure on the Cauldron, and Merida figuring the sundial if she can shoot her bow underwater, the others are indecisive.


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Kronk isn't really that great with water, but maybe it might be useful for him to carry the sundial? If it's as heavy as Ursula says, Kronk should be able to carry it on his back no problem. The man is basically a two-legged taxi service.

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Both of the rogues go for the cauldron? I hope this is not foreshadowing for something we need in the challenge.

I'm very happy Kronk is joining Merida and Moana at the challenge. I don't know about Merida, but Moana will greatly appreciate having someone standing between her and whoever we are fighting.

Edit: Are we still looking for players? I can ask someone if they are interested.

Edited by Ayeba (see edit history)
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