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Season 1, Episode 1 - Highway To Hell


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Location: Abandoned farmhouse on the long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Sunday, Second of Growfest (festival week)
Time: a bit after 6am
Weather: Cold, 35°, partly cloudy skies and strong wind out of the southwest
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm


After considerable discussion, it is finally decided that the caravan will hunker down in the abandoned farmhouse. The ankheg remains are dragged outside and deposited several yards from the building. Everything is battened down as good as possible and the animals are brought into the farmhouse's main room while everyone else takes shelter in the smaller second room. The door opening and windows are all secured from the inside, and watches are set, though they, too, remain on the inside of the building.

The growing storm Amira, Spice Merchantnever hits though it gets down to nearly freezing overnight, the chill of winter has still not been thrown off, it seems. Fortunately, nothing bothers the caravan overnight and once morning comes, Amira, the merchant that owns the wagon, brings Iranna, Kelarith, Nessia, and Finn aside with Arwi, her Half-Elven guard. "We'll be reaching Rookroost in the next two days, barring any further delays. You all are not the typical guards I would hire, but you seem to be smart on your feet and willing to get out there and take care of business. I know you have just been traveling with my wagon, but would you be willing to pay just a little more attention to me and my wares? I will pay each of you 50 silver if you do. I frequently move in and out of Rookroost, but things have been tense recently and I would feel a lot more comfortable with a few extra eyes watching my wagon and my back. After we get to the Dirty Dog and I unload and sell my cargo, I can pay you, most likely on the morning after we arrive. What say you?"



Character Status

Arwi HP 12/12 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (1) ||

Finn HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (0) ||

Iranna HP HP 9/9 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 (0) ||

Kelarith HP 12/12 FP 10/10 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||

Nessia HP 12/12 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||


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The young man rubs his head thoughtfully, (and grimaces slightly at the realization that he really needs to shave it), then replies, "Might as well. Anyone going after your wagon isn't likely to leave us alone, and I could certainly use some coin, else I'll be begging in the streets after a night or two."

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Kelarith attempts to regain some dignity, standing up straight and brushing off his clothes. “If your offer extends my way, ma’am, I would be glad to take you up on it. I realize my showing as of yet has been poor, but I assure you I am much more capable within the bounds of a city.”

He pauses as Arwi speaks, nodding in agreement. “Do you have any notion what threats we might expect to face, beyond the standard thuggery of the Bandit Kingdoms?”


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Location: Abandoned farmhouse on the long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Sunday, Second of Growfest (festival week)
Time: half past 6 in the morning
Weather: Cold, 38°, partly cloudy skies and strong wind out of the southwest
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm



Amira, Spice MerchantAmira nods at Finn then looks at both Arwi and Kelarith, "Arwi, just your normal Rookroost ox splat. I've got a guy that can get us through the gates easy enough, not that I'm hauling anything untoward or anything, but you know, sometimes I do and I like to keep things on the, umm, up and up isn't quite the right phrase. I like to keep things easy for me. Easy for me, easy for you," she smiles. "And you, Kelarith, you're good, I can tell you mean business, I am sure it will all work out, I just like having some folk that I know I can trust. Rookroost is a tough city. There's been trouble out west, some more fighting and such, them Men of the Tangles just won't back down, and I've heard there's some new little army out there from the Warfields or somwhere, really trying to stick it to the Old One. That said, there have been more and more refugees flocking to the city. Most of them stuck either outside the walls or between the Outwall and the city proper. It'll be nice to have a few extra arms to keep them away from my goods." At that she continues to prepare to depart.

A short while later, she happens to pass by Nessia and whispers to her, "I know you've been trying to keep it hidden, but I would be careful about letting on about your religion in Rookroost. I'm not sure where the city is right now on Istus, but it might not be good, and if I have figured out who you speak to at night before you go to bed, I am sure one of the Old One's patrols will be able to figure it out. Just be careful. I like you and don't want to see you die in the streets," she smiles weakly.





Character Status

Arwi HP 12/12 FP 4/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (1) ||

Finn HP 10/10 FP 6/10 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (0) ||

Iranna HP HP 9/9 FP 9/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 (0) ||

Kelarith HP 12/12 FP 5/10 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||

Nessia HP 12/12 FP 2/12 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||



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ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 13 HT: 12 HP: 11/11 FP: 4/12

DMG: 1d+2/1d BL: 20 PER: 10 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge: 8 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 20/40/60/120/200

Age: Adult Appearance: Attractive

Culture Familiarity: Ket (Native), Central Flanaess Languages (Spoken): Baklunish (Native), Common, Giant (Accented), Goblin (Accented), Orc (Accented) Languages (Written): Baklunish, Common

Advantages: Clerical Investment, Mind Control (Emotion Only), Power Investiture 3

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism), Klutz, Odious Personal Habit (Finds Omens ALL OVER), Reduced Basic Speed (0.25), Sense of Duty (Large: Istus' Faithful)

Quirks: Broad-Minded, Careful, Minor Handicap (Sacroiliitis), Vow (Pay 10% of Income to Religious Affiliation)

Skills: Body Language 9, Brawling 10, Diplomacy 11, First Aid (TL 3) 13, Fishing 10, Fortune-Telling 13, Hiking 11, History 13, Knife 10, Meditation 11, Observation 10, Occultism 13, Religious Ritual 13, Staff 10, Survival (Plains) 9, Thrown Weapon 11

Spells: Analyze Magic 14, Armor 14, Aura 14, Awaken 14, Darkness 14, Death Vision 14, Foolishness 14, Forgetfulness 14, Identify Spell 14, Lend Energy 14, Lend Vitality 14, Light 14, Minor Healing 14, Recover Energy 14, Sense Spirit 14, Shield 14

Nessia nods at Amira. "Your words have been noted... Do you know of any 'safe-houses' for such as myself?"

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Location: Abandoned farmhouse on the long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Sunday, Second of Growfest (festival week)
Time: half past 6 in the morning
Weather: Cold, 40°, partly cloudy skies and strong wind out of the southwest
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm



Amira, Spice MerchantAmira shakes her head at Nessia's question. "Of course, the only 'official' religion in Rookroost is the slavish worship of Iuz, but I believe there is a temple to the Lady of Our Fate in the Inner City, but would probably be closed to worship. I believe that the reverence of Istus is even observed by Iuzians, if only barely so, still, no one can doubt her importance. As far as safe houses, I do not know, but I would imagine some such group exists. My suggestion for you would be to just not flaunt your affiliation. Rookroost is FAR from Dorakaa and the Old One himself, and most folk here are just trying to live their lives and make some coin. But come, let us be on our way, we will arrive at the City of Ravens in just a few short days, barring any further excitement on the road."


Location: the road from Marsakeer approaching Rookroost from the east
Date: Godsday, Fourth of Growfest (festival week)
Time: just before sunset
Weather: Cool, 50°, partly cloudy skies and moderate wind out of the northwest
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm

The next two days travel do pass without incident and by midday of Godsday, the Fourth of Growfest, the tall towers of the Black Winged City can be seen against the gray, overcast sky. Black birds, the city's namesakes, fly here and there in large flocks, often found congregating near what is probably animal remains.

As the small traveling band approaches the city, Amira sighs, "I had hoped to get here before nightfall. The Gate will be closed by the time we get there. I have a contact at the Funery Gate, around on the west side of the city. We'll skirt Outwall and come in with the morning rush." Ahead, several wooden structures can be seen near a wide, flat spot where the road widens. Beyond this area, what looks like a tent city crowds around the actual stone walls of Rookroost. Amira points out that the wide, flat spot is the Bazaar, one of the largest and most chaotic open air markets in all of the Flanaess. She notes that the wooden structures are the holding pens for the slave market that goes on during the day, shaking her head and spitting on the ground, clearly not a fan of slave markets. The ravens are even more prevalent here, though there are other, larger things seen flying about the sky closer to the city.


She keep the group moving around the northern end of the city and the shanty town around it. Whenever the wagon starts to slow down, groups of poor and hungry looking people begin moving toward it. Amira quickly keeps things moving. Most of the other followers of the wagon have since dispersed once they arrives at the outskirts of the city, only those few Amira has hired on as guards for the final leg remain.

Up ahead, a large stone structure looms. It is clearly the largest structure outside of the city walls. Amira explains that it is the Arena, grown from simple fighting pits in the ground to an amphitheater that seats several thousand. As she guides her oxen around the far edge of this gladiatorial establishment, she pulls up on the reins quickly as a group of people appear right in front of her. "Oh, shit," she mutters quietly under her breath.

"Hail Iuz!" a robed figure calls out in the deepening darkness of the evening. It is a Iuzian Patrol and looks to consist of two robed Humans leading about 10 Orc soldiers. Three hunched, fully hooded beings shuffle around near the two Humans, but they make no sound, and a keen eye shows that the Orcs prefer to keep their distance from them.




Character Status

Arwi HP 12/12 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (1) ||

Finn HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (0) ||

Iranna HP HP 9/9 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 (0) ||

Kelarith HP 12/12 FP 10/10 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||

Nessia HP 12/12 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||



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ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 13 HT: 12 HP: 11/11 FP: 4/12

DMG: 1d+2/1d BL: 20 PER: 10 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge: 8 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 20/40/60/120/200

Age: Adult Appearance: Attractive

Culture Familiarity: Ket (Native), Central Flanaess Languages (Spoken): Baklunish (Native), Common, Giant (Accented), Goblin (Accented), Orc (Accented) Languages (Written): Baklunish, Common

Advantages: Clerical Investment, Mind Control (Emotion Only), Power Investiture 3

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism), Klutz, Odious Personal Habit (Finds Omens ALL OVER), Reduced Basic Speed (0.25), Sense of Duty (Large: Istus' Faithful)

Quirks: Broad-Minded, Careful, Minor Handicap (Sacroiliitis), Vow (Pay 10% of Income to Religious Affiliation)

Skills: Body Language 9, Brawling 10, Diplomacy 11, First Aid (TL 3) 13, Fishing 10, Fortune-Telling 13, Hiking 11, History 13, Knife 10, Meditation 11, Observation 10, Occultism 13, Religious Ritual 13, Staff 10, Survival (Plains) 9, Thrown Weapon 11

Spells: Analyze Magic 14, Armor 14, Aura 14, Awaken 14, Darkness 14, Death Vision 14, Foolishness 14, Forgetfulness 14, Identify Spell 14, Lend Energy 14, Lend Vitality 14, Light 14, Minor Healing 14, Recover Energy 14, Sense Spirit 14, Shield 14

"Thank you for this information." Nessia, formerly wearing her typical remote and inscrutable expression, now has a look of relief on her face. "...I owe you for this." Her holy symbol finds itself being tucked underneath her robes, with even the cord being hidden.

If the birds and their formations did not set the Priestess' over-active imagination ablaze, then the humans, the orcs, and the robed folk definitely did. But, she does her best to keep her wits about herself and nods, if not bowing her head.

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Location: outskirts of Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Godsday, Fourth of Growfest (festival week)
Time: just after sunset
Weather: Cool, 50°, partly cloudy skies and moderate wind out of the northwest
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm

HD wallpaper: cityscape, sunset, architecture, concept art, silhouette, dark  | Wallpaper FlareThe Iuzian patrol watches closely as Amira leads her wagon past. They nod menacingly at the correct replies to their hail. It seems some of the Orcs are a bit disappointed that everyone in the group gave the proper response, they seem to have been desiring a confrontation.

"Ok, let's get ourselves somewhere that we can camp out for the night here in Outwall, then we'll get into the city in the morning. What do you think, should we just try to blend in with all the other refugees or should we try to get into one of the inns, or whatever it is that passes for an inn in this stinking place?" It is clear that Amira is not comfortable with the Outwall area or its denizens. She thinks for a moment then speaks again, "I do know of one place that might be decent, The Last Chance, it's run by an ex-adventurer, and he doesn't let the dregs of Outwall in, mostly merchants coming in from the west stopping off before entering the city proper. What do you think?"




Character Status

Arwi HP 12/12 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (1) ||

Finn HP 10/10 FP 10/10 Combat Move/Dodge 5/9 (0) ||

Iranna HP HP 9/9 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 5/8 (0) ||

Kelarith HP 12/12 FP 10/10 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||

Nessia HP 12/12 FP 12/12 Combat Move/Dodge 4/7 (1) ||



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