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Doom of the Savage Kings - IC


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On 8/29/2023 at 3:19 AM, Dixi said:

//i.imgur.com/UZu2gyS.png... On the way back, though, he kept the conversation with Nothan.

"A bog, huh? Anything's in there? The Sunken Fens is quite the name. Was there some village before, that was swallowed by a bog?" Thugnar was not a minstrel by any means but the general atmosphere called forward all kind of forgotten legends.

Nothan shakes his head, "Not that I know of, but I'm no sage. The hunters say the Fens are always choked with mist and that there are swamp jackals and vines that will pull a man underwater to drown. Horrible place."

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Just Before Dawn

The pale light of the false dawn has just begun to color the sky when you're all awoken by one of the women who work at the inn charging down the hall and pounding on each of your doors in turn.

"Sorry to wake you, but Father Beacom is in the common room. He says you need to gather your gear and meet him downstairs with all haste! Hurry! Something is wrong, I can feel it!"

It's only been a couple of hours since your battle with the Hound, but the barmaid's frantic tone jolts you awake.

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Lyra.png.32df5ee4119192a4069477b7c96fdeac.pngLyra, Level 1 Thief, Ostler, Chaotic

AC: 15, HP: 5/5, Speed: 30, Initiative: +3




  Strength: 12 (+0)   Personality: 14 (+1)
  Agility: 18 (+3)   Intelligence: 14 (+1)
  Stamina: 8 (-1)   Luck: 14 (+1)

Saving Throws

  Reflex: +4
  Fortitude: +0
  Willpower: +1


Weapons Attack Bonus Damage
Staff +0 1d4
Shortbow +3 1d6
Short Sword +0 1d6

Equipment: Backpack (2 gp), Green Cloak, 6 arrows, Leather armor
Trade good: Bridle
Money: 6 gp, 7 sp, 35 cp
Lucky sign: Resisted temptation (Willpower saving throws) (+0)
Languages: Common, Kobold

Why can't anyone ever have an emergency after we have had a good nights sleep?

Lyra asks to the air as she gets out of bed and gets dressed. Then grabbing her gear she heads down to join the others.

Okay, what is so important it couldn't wait?

Apparently she gets a little surly when she does not get enough sleep.




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Bernard D'Ambresi

 Level 1 Warrior/ Noble

AC: 15, HP 14/14, speed 25 Initiative +1

Bernards Stats

Strength: 12(0)   Personality 13(+1)
Agility: 10 (0)   Intelligence 11 (0)
Stamina: 13 (+1)   Luck: 9 (-1)

saving throws

Ref. Fort. Will
1 1 0

Weapon: Longsword 0 (1d8)

Chainmail AC +5

Deed Die: d3 applicable on each roll to attck and damage roles.

Mighty deed of arms: succeeds on d3 roll better than 2

Critical hit: occuring on natural 19 and 20

Weapon training, battle axe, club, crossbow, dagger, dart, ail, hand axe, javelin, longbow, long swrod, mace, polearm, short bow, short sweord, sling, spear, staff, two-handed sword and warhammer.

Equipment: Chain 10' (30 gp)
Trade good: Gold ring worth 10 gp
Starting Funds: 43 cp, 7sp, 6,gp
Lucky sign: Pack hunter (Attack/damage rolls for 0-level weapon) (+0)
Languages: Common

Bernard is the never do well second son of Count Dargolin, and has sent to manage his father’s estate in an out of the way village. In the counts words to stop him from getting into duels with other men all the times, especially not over the wenches. 

He still isn't the shining Champion his father would wish for, but the experiences in the starless sea, have increased his martial skills and sensibilities.



Bernard shuffles into the room, adjusting his mail and the little gear he has pointing his companion and grumbles “What she said”. He clearly is not delighted by the chance of missing breakfast.

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Helge Haisley
Token - Helge.png

Helge pauses to greet any well-wishers. She grasps outstretched hands, leaning in for a hug, or a prayer, or for words of encouragement as appropriate. She tells them to take heart and keep the faith, and doesn't turn anyone away. If there are any children, she pays them special attention with a kind smile and a soft hand.

When inspiring the masses, should one be remote and mysterious, or down-to-earth and present? Perhaps it is the former, but Helge doesn't have it in her to remove herself. She is human and wishes to show others what humans may accomplish with a little bit of faith and a small splash of courage.


Helge sleeps the sleep of the righteous, although in this case it is rather less than a person would prefer. She is sleeping in the common room with the townsfolk when Father Beacom arrives. She rises and goes to him, searching his face for clues.


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HP 10/10 | AC 17 | Init. +1 | CP -6
Ref. +2 | Fort. +1 | Will +0
Tabitha had decided to sleep again in the common room as she had before the Hound arrived. The lack of sleep brought a deep groan of disappointment from her as she was pulled from rest.
"What," she grumbled, less of a question and more like something that would come out of Thugnar. She wiped her face haphazardly, then pulled her hair back. As the others started to congregate, Tabitha wormed her way into her armor, then snatched up her shield and helm, holding them rather than wearing them yet.
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Father Beacom doesn't waste any time telling you what has brought him to the inn before sunrise.

"I have heard that you mean to seek Ulfheonar's Tomb. I've come to tell you that you must leave for it immediately. There are loyal parishioners who work within the Great Hall, and one of them has told me that when the Jarl learned of your deed last night, he ordered you all arrested at first light. I came as soon as I heard. He means to use you as sacrifices to placate the Hound as he believes you've only angered it."

Father Beacom takes Helge's hand. "You have reminded me of much I once knew, sister. Fear and despair are wrong. Justicia demands that we face the darkness, both without and within. But the Jarl is sending his thegns, and they are veteran warriors. You must be off for the Tomb before they arrive."

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//i.imgur.com/UZu2gyS.pngThugnar hadn't expected his morning to start with dire news and impending danger. His brows furrowed in annoyance. "We got rid that bastard's lands of the beast and that ungrateful whelp threatens to kill us!"

The sacrifice of the group was expected, of course, and even soon but not like this! These were all too much to process in his current state - sleepiness, hunger, and now a rising anger.

As Thugnar reached for his weapons and gear, his annoyance began to meld with a sense of determination. If the Jarl thought they'd be easy sacrifices, he had another thing coming.

"We'll show him the hound! Come on, lads, we best be quick about it if we're to avoid a run-in with these thegns. Don't mind cracking a few skulls on the way but it will take time. I bet they would not dare to come after us in the tomb."

He would not mind to get some breakfast first but would not mind to eat on the go either.
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Molly.jpg.12e6a20b92637657efe19d090cb51596.jpgRoused from his sleep a lot sooner than he wanted Molly gathers his thigs and heads down stairs, as Father Beacom explains the situation Molly the bard puts on his leather armor and eats whatever is available while they are talking.  “ Let’s make haste and beat them to the tomb.”

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Helge Haisley
Token - Helge.png

Helge squeezes Father Beacom's hand.

"Thank you, Father!" she says earnestly. "You are a blessing to us. It is brave of you to defy the Jarl to warn us. Please pray for our success!"

She turns to the barmaids.

"Quickly! Whatever repast you can provide. Bread from last night, whatever stew is in the pot."

To Thugnar she says, "They may not follow us, but they may await to see if we emerge. Battered and bruised by whatever traps such a tomb has in store for us, they will swoop down on us. We must take necessary precautions."

Helge doesn't actually know what these precautions are, but she's hoping some of the others have an idea.

"Father Beacom, Broegan Haverson, there are seven thegns in Hirot, yes? Are they all loyal to the Jarl? Eadric told us that if we mean to fight the Hound, then we are welcome in his eyes. While we are away, you must find other sympathetic ears and bend them to our cause. If the Jarl chooses to be willfully blind, then he too must be brought to justice for the safety and security of all."

Edited by Tecumseh (see edit history)
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Lyra.png.32df5ee4119192a4069477b7c96fdeac.pngLyra, Level 1 Thief, Ostler, Chaotic

AC: 15, HP: 5/5, Speed: 30, Initiative: +3




  Strength: 12 (+0)   Personality: 14 (+1)
  Agility: 18 (+3)   Intelligence: 14 (+1)
  Stamina: 8 (-1)   Luck: 14 (+1)

Saving Throws

  Reflex: +4
  Fortitude: +0
  Willpower: +1


Weapons Attack Bonus Damage
Staff +0 1d4
Shortbow +3 1d6
Short Sword +0 1d6

Equipment: Backpack (2 gp), Green Cloak, 6 arrows, Leather armor
Trade good: Bridle
Money: 6 gp, 7 sp, 35 cp
Lucky sign: Resisted temptation (Willpower saving throws) (+0)
Languages: Common, Kobold

You townsfolk should rise up and use the Jarl as the next sacrifice. That ignorant man. After a leader is no longer a leader if no one follows him.

She adjusts her pack onto her shoulders and readies her bow.

Let's get moving so we can prevent this idiot from sacrificing his entire village to save his own skin.




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While you're getting ready, you see Llore the Minstrel shouldering his pack. He doesn't have armor or weapons other than a belt dagger, but his boots have seen their share of road dust.

"I'll take you to the Tomb," he says. "I know the way, after all, and its the least I can do."

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HP 10/10 | AC 17 | Init. +1 | CP -6
Ref. +2 | Fort. +1 | Will +0
"Bastard!" she spat at the news. "Coward!" she added a second later with a shake of her head. "First the Hound, then the Jarl," she grumbled, setting her helm on her head, tucking her hair into it.
As the group left, she made eye contact with Bull and nodded to him in silent thanks.
Outside, Tabitha would stay near the back of the group. If the thegns dared attack, they'd face the her wrath.
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