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Kuz'Arak's face grows concerned as the goblins bring word of a new visitor down below. He nods to hamaar as the dwarf is settling into his new abode. "Well Hamaar, it seems your services might come in handy already... Let us move below before the goblins take things too far and start a brawl. There's still one thing that I have yet to show you in the Citadel. A little secret that you'll have to learn of sooner rather than later if you are to become one of our number."

Kuz'Arak whistles for Bul'Ro and he makes his way down to the ring with the warg in tow. Once below he cautiously approaches as to not frighten the newcomer. "Welcome friend, I am Kuz'Arak of the Breachill Bravos... Please, what is your name? And may I ask, how did you come to travel the ring and find yourself here in our humble citadel?"


He puts the questions forward cautiously and as friendly as he can, hoping to assess the danger of the strange newcomer






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Kuz'Arak |Lizardfolk Druid 9 | AC 27 (29) | HP 98 | Per +17|Speed 25 | Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 17

Bul’Ro | animal companion 9 | AC 27 | HP 96 | Per +16 | Speed 40 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 16



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Kajimara follows after you. Kuz'Arak's attempt at diplomacy is undermined by Kajimara's growl and attempt to go after the newcomer. Bul'Ro snaps at her, though, and holds her back. "Hedgehog Stew!" she exclaims in pain as she recoils from him.







Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Braz'i 96/96 HP 3/3 AP;

Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;







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Nalah clearly takes a defensive stance when Kuz'Arak and his companions enter the room. She stares at the newcomers, trying to determine her chances if combat should happen. Ignoring the questions asked by the Iruxi, she repeats: "I'm looking for a group of people who fought the Cinderclaws in the Mwangi jungle. Do you know where I can find them?"


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From behind the iruxi and wargs come a pair of dwarves. They bear some familial resemblance beneath those beards. One of them, the older one, says, "Seeing that you are intruding into our home, I believe it would be most polite if you were to answer our questions first." The dwarf puts up his hand to stay any action by the group.







Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Braz'i 96/96 HP 3/3 AP;

Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;







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Nalah answers defiantly: "Considering the number of followers of Dahak using these gates, I first want to make sure I didn't step on a nest of vipers. And my name won't help you unless you're the ones I'm looking for."

Nalah looks at the gate she came from, ready to cross it again if the situation gets worse.

And she mutters to herself: "It'd also be polite to be more welcoming..."


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Hearing the mention of Dahak, Hamàrr speaks out

"My lady, you'll find no dragon worshipers here."

After a second thought he whispers to Tum

"Wait, does Mitey count?"


Hamàrr | Dwarf Champion 9 | AC 30 | HP 154/154 | Shield 120/120 | Per +13 | F:+20, R:+14, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1


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As Drasil and Garion are leaving the Town Hall, Garion turns to his friend and says (in elven, on the off-chance anyone is listening in), "Nicely done back there. We may turn you into a diplomat yet!" After paying their respects at the Dreamhouse, the pair make their way back to Citadel Alterein.

[Hoping it's okay to jump us back to the Citadel...]

Back home, Garion picks up the sounds of new voices. The ever-trusting, teal-haired gnome, in the stylish top hat, bounds in gleefully, "We have guests? Wonderful! Greetings. I'm Garion Fortuneseeker." He quickly explains, "It's not my fortune I seek, but yours." He instantly retrieves his Harrow deck in case any of the newcomers want a reading. He does a double-take when he sees Hamaar. The gnome smiles, "I don't need these cards to tell me you're related to Tum. Welcome!"

Garion | Gnome Sorcerer 9 | AC 24 | HP 99/89 | Per +15 | F:+16, R:+16, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 2/2 | Spells -/4/4/4/4/3

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Tum whispers back to Hamarr, "Apsu, I think. They have no love for the Cinderclaws, at least."


"Listen here, lass." That last word something of a question. "You have come into our home uninvited, making demands and levying insults. That may bring a welcome where you're from, but here in Citadel Alterein, it does not. Now state your business plainly or you'll be considered an enemy and be taken into custody, by force, if necessary." The dwarf has not reached for his weapon and still keeps his hand up holding the others at bay.


The smaller warg becomes more aggravated at the older dwarf's words.
Kuz'Arak knows that Kajimara only speaks goblin, so it's probably Tum's attitude that is setting her off.


Nalah's experience with the Cinderclaws would strongly suggest that they would not be so restrained. If they did give her an opportunity to speak it would be as they were torturing her just before they killed her. Also, the group that she's seeking, the Breachill Bravos did come from Citadel Alterein and included an iruxi and his warg. There was no mention of goblins or dwarves, though.









Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;

Nalah- 136/136 HP 1/3 AP; Darkvision






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After a minute of silence, Nalah relaxes her posture. She speaks in common but with a very strong Goblin accent: "I'm Nalah. I was part of a group of fighters who faced the Cinderclaws in the Mwangi Jungle, fighting for months to disable their pillars of power and diminish their numbers. When we finally found their headquarters we were... rather surprised to discover it had been raided and disposed of a few days before our arrival. Going back to the Ekujae Elves, we learned that another group was also facing the Cinderclaws in another part of the jungle. Well, you, as I assume it was you, were more successful and faster than we were. The disappointment was enough for our party to split, our bard finding that "We arrived too late" was not a beautiful name for a song when our ranger decided that guerrilla warfare was too dangerous for his health."


Nalah takes a few seconds to formulate her thoughts: "I will get straight to the point: I'm a warrior, facing evil wherever I can find it. There was not enough Cinderclaws remaining in the jungle to satiate my needs so I've decided to contact you, see if you were still facing the Cinderclaws somehow... or any other threat worth my time."


And she stops speaking, suddenly remembering an important detail. "The Ekujae Gruntmaster gave me that to support my words.", she says while drawing a necklace from her pocket (official description: a rope necklace with a piece of jerky on it).


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The Black eyes elf smiles and nods firmly in appreciation of his Green Friend.

"I Learnt from the best"


At the Citadel Drasil is a bit overwhelmed by the seemly sudden commotion. He straightens his back and adopts a welcoming, if military demeanor, like a general welcoming a visiting politician.

He notes the Dwarf beside Tum, and nods respectfully. He expects he as arrived in the middle of some sort of confrontation he doesn't understand, and seeks to de-escilate the situation.

He switches to Goblin (ancesterial Linguistics) both for the benefit of KajiMara, and the new arrival with the thick accent.

"Peace, Friend." The comment is as much to Kajimara as the newcomer. he stoops to pat the Wargling affectionately as he continues.

"We don't have many visitors from the short road. If we have jaded your sensibilities, I'm sure we all apologize. These have been tense times, and a skilled hand may well be sought after. " He glances at the Necklace, and then to the Wargs. "Kuz'Arak, a Joke from the Eukajae then? Certainly not one a Fiend is likely to try." After a moments hesitation, repeats the question in Common.

Throughout the exchange the Elves smile is everpresent and prominent.

Drasil | Elf Fighter 9 | AC 28(26 while raging with weapon)(27 without oversized weapon) | HP 8/114 +11 temp| Percep +15 (+17 init) | Speed 35' |

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(as it looks like everyone has a color, I'll choose mine!)

"Thanks for your welcome.", says Nalah, giving the necklace to Drasil. "I'd love to share our information about the Cinderclaws, especially if you are still fighting them."


(As Nalah will at some point meet with Garion, I think we can handle it simultaneously)

Nalah is a bit intimidated by the extrovert gnome and simply answers: "I'm Nalah."

When Garion draws his deck, she raises a non-existent eyebrow. Not knowing exactly what to say, she just answers: "O... k?"

(Am I the only one to see only the gameplay thread?)


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Kuz'Arak's grimaces as Kujimara goes on the offensive so quickly, but is relieved when Bul'Ro intercedes. "Bul'Ro, Please take your sister back up to the courtyard. I'll have words with you yet you unruly warg, but for now I must see to our new friend."

The iruxi listens to Nalah's story, surprised that there was another group attempting to take down the cinderclaws as well. As warmly as the druid can he addresses her.. "Please, there is no need to be defensive. The bravos are the ones who destroyed the cinderclaw cult in the Mwange, but it appears we had aid from you and your group as well. We may not have been successful if it had not been for your actions before we faced the cult leader. I thank you for your efforts, though saddened to hear your group has disbanded. I am sure that traveling through the gate means you interacted with the elves guarding the other side of this portal? If so then you would know that we are the ones who aided them and mean no harm to any who would help us fight our foes, as it seems they spring up like weeds of late. Please, Tum, relax. This is a guest of honor, there will be no need for suspicion in their presence. Now if you would be so kind, what is your name mighty warrior? Ah, Nalah. Glad to have met you. And please, let us move above and find a more comfortable place to wait. The others are away at the moment, but I'm sure they will bring news from the Breachill council shortly. We shall await their arrival."


He bows and motions for everyone to follow him upstairs to the dining room where he offers tea and refreshments to both Hamaar and Nalah while they await the rest of the Bravos to return






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Kuz'Arak |Lizardfolk Druid 9 | AC 27 (29) | HP 98 | Per +17|Speed 25 | Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 17

Bul’Ro | animal companion 9 | AC 27 | HP 96 | Per +16 | Speed 40 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 16



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