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Samples of Badassery

Lex Samreeth

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I think this, from Carpe Jugulum, remains the most badass thing I've ever read in my life.



It was doubtful that anyone in Slice would defy Granny Weatherwax, but Granny saw the faintest gray shadow of disapproval in the midwife's expression.

"You still reckon I should've asked Mr. Ivy?" she said.

"That's what I would have done..." the woman mumbled.

"You don't like him? You think he's a bad man?" Said Granny, adjusting her hat pins.


"Then what's he ever done to me, that I should hurt him so?"


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So picture this: it's finally time to fight the BBEG, and one of his minions is a giant hungry worm. Said worm gobbles up the party healer, who has very few ways to get himself out of that situation. So, one of his comrades, who is a dragon (thanks, Battlezoo) flies into the worm's mouth and slashes the thing's belly open from the inside, quickly freeing both himself and his friend.

I was there, and that dragon's player... was me :D

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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"I have heard the gossips and rumormongers speak of why I built it. Some say I've been listening to Grimmht's ruby tongue. Some say it is an act of hubris bordering on blasphemy. A few even joke that I am compensating for a small manhood. I shall tell you why I built it - to prove that anything others accomplish with magic, we can accomplish with engineering."
-Seguilius Tonrus, on the 10th anniversary of the firing of the Medjed superheavy mortar

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"We are not merely crusaders of the light, riding out and smiting the undead and demons without thought for why. We are healers of body, mind, and soul, of mighty kingdom and humble thorpe. We are neighbors, willing to muddy our boots and dirty our hands in whatever work needs to be done. We are the voice of the commoner in the court of the noble, the ones who offer a white stone to the bandit and the marauder, the ones who protect this curious creature halfway between animal and angel that we call mortalkind. Our business in not merely in vanquishing evil, but seeing that good grows."

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