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Return of the Dragons, Part 1: Mothers in Arms - OOC


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I did, that's the strange part. Plus i never turned off the auto follow toggle under post-maker. ... Although I guess it's a 'reply-maker' now...

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So it seems like the ambient "environmental conditions" have encouraged you folks to prefer the sneaking and skullduggery path?


If you want, we can avoid the whole splitting up and looking for valid hiding places route, and I can just pop an invisibility sphere and we can just bee line for the tower. We'll have 7 minutes to do whatever.


If you think we need it, I can also cover us with some portable Silence, same duration.

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11 hours ago, Sylas said:

I did, that's the strange part. Plus i never turned off the auto follow toggle under post-maker. ... Although I guess it's a 'reply-maker' now...

Have you made a custom "Activity Stream" under the Activity > My Activity Streams page/tab?

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Yep, it worked initially (although I learned quickly it DOESN'T clear the notification if you open a thread via the activity stream, only if you open it via the alert) but then went full-silent, no-notification, nothing in the feed. I think what might have happened on the feed front was that it un-defaulted my default... which is interesting. But didn't explain the lack of notifications. Not sure exactly why, but I'm getting notifications again now, so... everything should be good?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Well... No elvish lookin' folks in the crew, that doesn't bode well.


UP leaves little in the way of escape, save for back down "the quick way," DOWN at least leaves the possibility of a secret entrance/escape route situation.


If the commander here, or any survivors, are being held, they are more likely to be in the dungeons than locked in their own offices/barracks.


All considered, I'd wager that DOWN is the better choice for our initial foray. If we can extricate some survivors they could carry news back to the meeting of Gavstor's hostility. Or, they could help with a diversion, while we try to track down whoever has the leverage over the Duchess. I'm sure the wielder of a Fiendish torture/death ring will be reasonably obvious. Likely the biggest, baddest devil in the place...


If we're quick about it, maybe we can get the door barred while the goons are out hunting.

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I agree, even trying to munchkin people in (via bags of holding or whatever), trying to assault from top down probably isn't going to work well. And while Cyrus' stealth is good, I don't really want to risk a total failure on one bad roll :/

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm oblivious to the world and haven't been paying enough attention to MW because I effectively lost my primary source of interaction, that being the website no longer works on my phone. Like at all. I can't open the menu, I can't even open the post editor, can't use the dropdown menu to select which threadgroup to look at, the only parts that actually still work are the pure html stuff, aka direct/normal hyperlinks. Not sure why, browser is up to date, I disabled all my anti-javascript stuff and adblock even though it irks me, nothing works. It seems some recent (well, month and a half ago now, I think? maybe two months) update they did to the site decided to screw up my phone's ability to do pretty much anything.... so I stopped checking on it. And I haven't re-developed the habit of checking when I get back home on my desktop :(

When I get up in the morning I'll try to post something.

Edited by Sylas (see edit history)
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@HydroGuy @paladinred @Sylas How are we doing here folks? Looks like Hydro hasn't logged on in about a month, and Sylas is having some issues accessing MW. This is the final part of the quest, but if we're low on availability or interest, I may just speed things along and wrap things up so you can have your characters back.

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