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How to Create Your Character

You can find the DCC quickstart rules HERE. Character classes are as in Basic D&D (Fighter, Cleric, Thief, Wizard, Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling), but the classes each have special abilities that they do not in the original game. DCC is inspired by classic D&D, but it is very much its own thing. Be sure to read the description of the class you choose!

Step 1: Roll 3d6 six times, and assign the results to whatever attribute you want
Step 2: Choose a class and occupation
Step 3: Roll for hit points (see below) and apply the Zero to Hero house rule (see below)
Step 4: Roll for gold: 10d6 x 10 gold pieces
Step 5: Purchase equipment (see quick start rules)
Step 6: Wizards and Elves roll for spells. You may also choose a Patron if you wish (note: if you don't have the full DCC rules, ask and I'll help with this part)
Step 7: Name your character and choose an appropriate character portrait

Hopeless Characters

Prior to the Zero to Hero rule, add up all your attribute bonuses including negatives. If the total is under +0, you may re-roll your character.

How to Roll for Hit Points in DCC

Step 1: Roll 1d4 for level 0 HP. Add your CON bonus.
Step 2: Roll your character class hit die and add your CON bonus once for each level above 0 (three times, in this case)
Step 3: Record the total

Note: You gain at least 1HP per level, even if your CON bonus is negative.

Zero to Hero House Rule

At each new level, PCs select one attribute and roll 3d6. Compare your result to the table below.
Since your characters are third level, do this three times (DCC characters start at level 0.)

3 You've suffered a nagging injury on an adventure. -1 to the selected attribute
less than the attribute No change
equal or higher than the attribute +1 to the selected attribute (max: 18)
18 +2 to the selected attribute (max: 18)


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