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Chapter 5: The townmaster's plight


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image.jpegLotham Pendricky Sheet | Log

Neutral Good, Male Human Wizard 7 (Abjuration)

HP: 44/44 | HD: 7/7 (d6) | AC: 13/16 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 11 | Speed: 30 ft | Prof Bonus: +3 | Arcane Recovery: 1/1

Status: Normal | DM Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 3/3 L4 1/1 | Defenses | Arcane Ward:  19/19


tat Block

Attributes, Saves and Skills

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14  Int 20 Wis 12 Cha 10

Race Features: Languages, Skill Proficiencies

Background Feature: Field of Study (Grad Student - Wizard's Apprentice), Researcher

Class Features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery, Cantrip Formulas

Subclass Features (Gloomstalker): Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward

Feats: Keen Mind


Dagger +5 attack, 1d4+2 piercing

Languages, Tool Proficiencies

Common, Primordial, Infernal, Celestial


Wizard: +9, DC 17

Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver

Level 1: Absorb Elements*, Alarm (ritual), Comprehend Languages (ritual), Detect Magic (ritual), Find Familiar (ritual), Mage Armor*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (ritual)

Level 2: Arcane Lock, Hold Person*, Invisibility, Misty Step*, Web*

Level 3: Counterspell*, Dispel Magic*, Fireball*, Fly*

Level 4: Arcane Eye*, Banishment*

Magic Items

Consumable Magic Items: Potion of Healing

Permanent Magic Items: Tome of Clear Thought, Ring of Protection (attuned), +1 Arcane Grimoire (attuned), Staff of Defense (from Kat)

Inactive Magic Items: Boots of Springing and Striding, Wand of Magic Missiles, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Spider Staff, Dragonguard (inactive), Lightbringer

Familiar Stat Block



AC: 13 HP: 1 Speed: 30 ft

Str: 3 (-4) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 8 (-1) Int: 2 (-4) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 3 (-4)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +5 
Senses: Passive Perception 13  

Keen Hearing and Smell. The weasel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


"A powerful wand, you say?" said Lotham, clearly intrigued. When the older man appeared, and it seemed that Everan knew him, Lotham narrowed his eyes, starting to become a bit suspicious. "This is quite the coincidence," he muttered, but decided he wouldn't dwell on it, especially after the old man mentioned that perhaps he wasn't so old after all. "Advanced aging?" he asked. "The Shadowfell did this?"



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image.png.e1b12aee1d32f3d97feb25c4d4ca86cb.pngBrühl Tordönson
Character Sheet | Adventure Log

CG Illuskan Human "Sailor" Fighter 6 "Battle-Master" / Wizard 1 [7]
HP 72 | AC 20 | Init +2 | Perception 18 | Investigation 20

Brühl Tordönson smiles warmly, as warmly as he can muster considering he looks like a grouchy old man, stands proud when his companion Everan speaks highly of him. "Ah, Everan, I have traded my hammer for this quarterstaff." He starts showing off his battle maneuvers of two weapon fighting with sword and staff. When the other wizard inquired about the Shadowfell he said, "Yes ..." He wanted to elaborate some more but then decided to leave those war stories for another time.




Game Notes

The adventuring party is looking for an old duergar mining outpost; history books mention a powerful duergar leader named Zorzula commanded mining operations throughout the Sword Mountains.; a pair of forbidding obsidian doors is the entrance to Zorzula's Rest (mining outpost).


6e3642009bcf02204bcd7124ea7fb2d6.jpgOwl "Mimir"

AC 11 | HP 1 (1d4-1) | Speed 60' | Darkvision 12' | Passive Perception 13
Perception +3, Stealth +3

Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks
Flyby: doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving enemy's reach

Familiar Abilities
Telepathy 100'
See and Hear through familiar's senses
Deliver touch spells




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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Everan Meliamne - High Elf Bladesinger 9

HP: 56/56 | AC: 16 | Speed: 30ft  | HD: 9d6/9d6 | Spell Slots: Lv 1 4/4 Lv2 3/3 Lv3 4/4 Lv4 3/3 Lv5 1/1

Perception: +6 | Saving Throws: Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2 Int +8 Wis +5 Cha -1 | Spell DC: 16 | Initiative: +4 

Statistics | Magic Items | Skills | Abilities


Cantrips Known Green Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, Lightning Lure, Mage Hand

Lv1 Spells Prepared Shield, Feather Fall

Lv2 Spells Prepared Scorching Ray, Misty Step

Lv3 Spells Prepared Fireball, Haste, Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell

Lv4 Spells Prepared Arcane Eye, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Summon Aberration

Lv5 Spells Prepared Steel Wind Strike


Everan interrupted.

"I think that is enough introductions. I approached because I've been scouting around this area and have discovered that there is a steam vent on the western mountain side that might be another possible entrance into the outpost. Perhaps we might try get in that way? What do you think?."

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Felvora Haspirex Sheet | Log
Drow Druid 5
HP: 38/38 | HD: 5/5 (d8) | AC: 15/18 | Init: +2 | PP: 17 (12 for vision in bright light) | Speed: 30 ft | PB: +3 Natural Recovery: 1/1 Wild Shape: 2/2
Conditions: None | Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 2/2 |

Ability Scores, Skills and Saves

Ability Scores:
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 12 (+1)

Skills: Animal Handling +7 Insight +7 Nature +4 Perception* +7 Survival +7
* disadvantage to vision-based Perception checks when in bright light

Saves*: Str 0 Dex +3 Con +3 Int +5 Wis +8 Cha +2
* all include bonus from Ring of Protection
Advantage on saves against Charm (Fey Ancestry)

Attacks and Spells

Frostbite - range 60', Con Save vs DC 15 or 2d6 cold and Disadvantage on next weapon attack
Thorn Whip 30' reach melee spell attack, +7 to hit, 2d6 piercing on hit and target may be pulled 10' toward caster if size L or smaller

Spells Prepared (Druid spells are +7/DC 15):
Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Frostbite, Guidance, Thorn Whip
Level 1: Absorb Elements, Faerie Fire^, Goodberry, Healing Word, Speak With Animals, Thunderwave
Level 2: Darkness^, Flaming Sphere, Pass Without Trace, Spider Climb*, Web*
Level 3: Gaseous Form*, Plant Growth, Revivify, Stinking Cloud*, Summon Fey

^ from Drow ancestry - if cast using ancestry slot, casting stat is Cha and save DC is 12
* Land Circle spells


Special Features

Real Soon Now. As soon as I need to use one.

Felvora gives a formal bow to each of the newcomers.

Well met. I am Felvora, a druid of the Emerald Enclave. The steam vent sounds wise. We know there are goblins in this area, at the very least. There's a good chance the main entrance will be watched or trapped.

Lotham, do you recall if the illithids were ever driven out, after they took the place from the duergar? They can live and spread quietly beneath the earth, like worms.


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Mercedes TokenMercedes Logo

Tiefling Folk Hero Wild Magic Barbarian 5
My words | My thoughts | My Actions

AC 13 HP 50/50 Speed 40 ft., PP 13, darkvision 60 ft.
Resistance fire Rage 3/3 Magic Awareness 3/3
Cantrips hellish rebuke | darkness

Mercedes considers the light reprimand, the call to not be so hasty to check out the Shadowfell. Maybe it's her adventurous spirit, but the warning does little to daunt her: she'd still love to go see what all the fuss was about and maybe bash some dusty heads. The advanced aging in the separate newcomer is surprising, but curses are going to curse. "No goblins, huh? Hmm. Reckon they wouldn't leave much of a trail, I guess."

At the suggestion of a way in, Mercedes perks up. "That sounds like my kinda plan. Let's get to this vent and see what mess we can make of these buggers."

Out of Character

Situational: Pre-emptive Perception just in case
Bonus Action: 
Ongoing Effects/Conditions:

1d20+3 18
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image.jpegLotham Pendricky Sheet | Log

Neutral Good, Male Human Wizard 7 (Abjuration)

HP: 44/44 | HD: 7/7 (d6) | AC: 13/16 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 11 | Speed: 30 ft | Prof Bonus: +3 | Arcane Recovery: 1/1

Status: Normal | DM Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 3/3 L4 1/1 | Defenses | Arcane Ward:  19/19


tat Block

Attributes, Saves and Skills

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14  Int 20 Wis 12 Cha 10

Race Features: Languages, Skill Proficiencies

Background Feature: Field of Study (Grad Student - Wizard's Apprentice), Researcher

Class Features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery, Cantrip Formulas

Subclass Features (Gloomstalker): Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward

Feats: Keen Mind


Dagger +5 attack, 1d4+2 piercing

Languages, Tool Proficiencies

Common, Primordial, Infernal, Celestial


Wizard: +9, DC 17

Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver

Level 1: Absorb Elements*, Alarm (ritual), Comprehend Languages (ritual), Detect Magic (ritual), Find Familiar (ritual), Mage Armor*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (ritual)

Level 2: Arcane Lock, Hold Person*, Invisibility, Misty Step*, Web*

Level 3: Counterspell*, Dispel Magic*, Fireball*, Fly*

Level 4: Arcane Eye*, Banishment*

Magic Items

Consumable Magic Items: Potion of Healing

Permanent Magic Items: Tome of Clear Thought, Ring of Protection (attuned), +1 Arcane Grimoire (attuned), Staff of Defense (from Kat)

Inactive Magic Items: Boots of Springing and Striding, Wand of Magic Missiles, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Spider Staff, Dragonguard (inactive), Lightbringer

Familiar Stat Block



AC: 13 HP: 1 Speed: 30 ft

Str: 3 (-4) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 8 (-1) Int: 2 (-4) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 3 (-4)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +5 
Senses: Passive Perception 13  

Keen Hearing and Smell. The weasel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Lotham looked quite unsettled at the suggestion that mind flayers might still be there. "No, I'm afraid I don't recall anything about that," he said nervously. "But they wouldn't still be there, would they? It was centuries ago. They couldn't be there, surely." His last words seemed more about reassuring himself than anything else.

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image.png.e1b12aee1d32f3d97feb25c4d4ca86cb.pngBrühl Tordönson
Character Sheet | Adventure Log

CG Illuskan Human "Sailor" Fighter 6 "Battle-Master" / Wizard 1 [7]
HP 72 | AC 20 | Init +2 | Perception 18 | Investigation 20

Brühl Tordönson nods in agreement to his companions as plans are being formed. Before they head off he whistles in the air and a bird seems to reply. "Everyone, this is my friend, Mimir. Please don't eat him." He gives a look to each of his companions and settles his gaze on the horned red haired barbarian; all things in the wild are fair game for food when one is hungry enough to eat. Mimir, a majestic looking owl, flies down to answer his master's call and lands on his quarterstaff. "Who is this company's scout?" He wonders who will lead this company.



OoC: I can send Mimir the owl to scout for us if needed.

Game Notes

The adventuring party is looking for an old duergar mining outpost; history books mention a powerful duergar leader named Zorzula commanded mining operations throughout the Sword Mountains.; a pair of forbidding obsidian doors is the entrance to Zorzula's Rest (mining outpost).


6e3642009bcf02204bcd7124ea7fb2d6.jpgOwl "Mimir"

AC 11 | HP 1 (1d4-1) | Speed 60' | Darkvision 12' | Passive Perception 13
Perception +3, Stealth +3

Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks
Flyby: doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving enemy's reach

Familiar Abilities
Telepathy 100'
See and Hear through familiar's senses
Deliver touch spells




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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katrina.png.883a05a31c5c448f61c3bcc8e66f3a36.pngKatrina Fairlight
LN, Female Human| AC:20* | HP:65/65| Speed:30ft | Perception:14 | Insight:10
* Reaction: shield +5 ac | Favored by the Gods: 1 | Speaking thinking
Profile | Character Sheet (DDB)

"Well, there wouldn't be much eating, familiar? " Kat asks thinking that the moment the creature died it would evaporate back to the aether from which it came.

"it is good to meet you Everan and Brühl, did I say that right Brühl" Her pronunciation is not bad, it's as if she had heard your accents before. "Everan, as you've said you've scouted the area, perhaps you should lead on and show us this vent that we might traverse"

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With Everan leading you, the group retreats back the path they came and circles around a smaller mountain to the west. There are no trails or paths to follow which makes it slow going, but eventually you do arrive at the vent previously mentioned. A hole, large enough to fit a person, exhausts a steady flow of steam from within. The steam is hot, but not scalding, and carries the faint scent of sulfur. Unfortunately, the steam is too think to peer down the hole and see what lies beyond.



How do you want to approach this? If you're straight climbing, please make some Athletics checks for me and tell me who is going first. Or you could try something else.


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katrina.png.883a05a31c5c448f61c3bcc8e66f3a36.pngKatrina Fairlight
LN, Female Human| AC:20* | HP:65/65| Speed:30ft | Perception:14 | Insight:10
* Reaction: shield +5 ac | Favored by the Gods: 1 | Speaking thinking
Profile | Character Sheet (DDB)

"Do you think Mimir could get down there? and relay what it senses" Kat asks Brühl.
then looks over to Lotham "You got one of these familiars you could send down as a backup?"

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Everan Meliamne - High Elf Bladesinger 9

HP: 56/56 | AC: 16 | Speed: 30ft  | HD: 9d6/9d6 | Spell Slots: Lv 1 4/4 Lv2 3/3 Lv3 4/4 Lv4 3/3 Lv5 1/1

Perception: +6 | Saving Throws: Str -1 Dex +4 Con +2 Int +8 Wis +5 Cha -1 | Spell DC: 16 | Initiative: +4 

Statistics | Magic Items | Skills | Abilities


Cantrips Known Green Flame Blade, Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, Lightning Lure, Mage Hand

Lv1 Spells Prepared Shield, Feather Fall

Lv2 Spells Prepared Scorching Ray, Misty Step

Lv3 Spells Prepared Fireball, Haste, Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell

Lv4 Spells Prepared Arcane Eye, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph, Summon Aberration

Lv5 Spells Prepared Steel Wind Strike


Everan stood at the steam entrance trying to work out if the size remained wide enough all the way down. He had a frown on concentration. He looked up at Katrina's suggestion.

"Well friend, it is time to show me how your control of the Weave is progressing. As Katrina suggested, send your pet down there and use your connection to tell us what it sees. Make sure to confirm it is wide enough for us to fit all the way down. Remember you will be seeing out of smaller eyes and the world will seem that much bigger. I recommend sitting down first, away from the entrance!"

Everan was proud of his friends achievement. It was a complete surprise to him that the man had learned to control magic, and seemed like he had a decent handle on it. He had always seemed the brainless brute type when they had travelled together before. Perhaps it was a case of still waters running deep? He wanted to help guide him where he could.

Edited by omegoku (see edit history)
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image.png.e1b12aee1d32f3d97feb25c4d4ca86cb.pngBrühl Tordönson
Character Sheet | Adventure Log

CG Illuskan Human "Sailor" Fighter 6 "Battle-Master" / Wizard 1 [7]
HP 72 | AC 20 | Init +2 | Perception 18 | Investigation 20

Brühl Tordönson nods in agreement to his companions and look into his familiars large eyes. They seem to communicate telepathically and the owl flies off to investigate. Brühl grips his quarterstaff with both hands as he closes his eyes to concentrate on the his familiar's senses to perceive what it perceives. He remains quiet while this action takes place and only speaks when something important emerges. "I see ..."



OoC: Ok, sending Mimir the owl to scout for us.

Game Notes

The adventuring party is looking for an old duergar mining outpost; history books mention a powerful duergar leader named Zorzula commanded mining operations throughout the Sword Mountains.; a pair of forbidding obsidian doors is the entrance to Zorzula's Rest (mining outpost).


6e3642009bcf02204bcd7124ea7fb2d6.jpgOwl "Mimir"

AC 11 | HP 1 (1d4-1) | Speed 60' | Darkvision 12' | Passive Perception 13
Perception +3, Stealth +3

Keen Hearing and Sight: Advantage on Perception checks
Flyby: doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving enemy's reach

Familiar Abilities
Telepathy 100'
See and Hear through familiar's senses
Deliver touch spells




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
Mimir's Advantage Perception+3 (sight & hearing)
keep(2d20,highest)+3 7,5
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image.jpegLotham Pendricky Sheet | Log

Neutral Good, Male Human Wizard 7 (Abjuration)

HP: 44/44 | HD: 7/7 (d6) | AC: 13/16 | Initiative: +2 | PP: 11 | Speed: 30 ft | Prof Bonus: +3 | Arcane Recovery: 1/1

Status: Normal | DM Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 3/3 L4 1/1 | Defenses | Arcane Ward:  19/19


tat Block

Attributes, Saves and Skills

Str 10 Dex 14 Con 14  Int 20 Wis 12 Cha 10

Race Features: Languages, Skill Proficiencies

Background Feature: Field of Study (Grad Student - Wizard's Apprentice), Researcher

Class Features: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery, Cantrip Formulas

Subclass Features (Gloomstalker): Abjuration Savant, Arcane Ward, Projected Ward

Feats: Keen Mind


Dagger +5 attack, 1d4+2 piercing

Languages, Tool Proficiencies

Common, Primordial, Infernal, Celestial


Wizard: +9, DC 17

Cantrips: Firebolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mind Sliver

Level 1: Absorb Elements*, Alarm (ritual), Comprehend Languages (ritual), Detect Magic (ritual), Find Familiar (ritual), Mage Armor*, Magic Missile, Shield*, Sleep, Tenser's Floating Disk (ritual)

Level 2: Arcane Lock, Hold Person*, Invisibility, Misty Step*, Web*

Level 3: Counterspell*, Dispel Magic*, Fireball*, Fly*

Level 4: Arcane Eye*, Banishment*

Magic Items

Consumable Magic Items: Potion of Healing

Permanent Magic Items: Tome of Clear Thought, Ring of Protection (attuned), +1 Arcane Grimoire (attuned), Staff of Defense (from Kat)

Inactive Magic Items: Boots of Springing and Striding, Wand of Magic Missiles, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Spider Staff, Dragonguard (inactive), Lightbringer

Familiar Stat Block



AC: 13 HP: 1 Speed: 30 ft

Str: 3 (-4) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 8 (-1) Int: 2 (-4) Wis: 12 (+1) Cha: 3 (-4)

Skills: Perception +3, Stealth +5 
Senses: Passive Perception 13  

Keen Hearing and Smell. The weasel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.


Lotham looked up distractedly at Katrina when she asked about his familiar. "Oh, yes," he said, holding up his arm. Suddenly, a rodent face peeked out of the sleeve of his robe. Before he could do anything, though, one of the newcomers sent his owl down the hole, and he realized he was meant to be a backup. "Probably just as well, Knowledge," he whispered to his weasel and it slipped back in his robes.

Lotham stood by to listen to what the newcomer (Brool? or something like that?) reported, and then decided perhaps he should be cautious. He quickly cast a spell and a protective magical force briefly shimmered around him. A thought then occurred to him. "If it's too much for the familiar, I could summon an Arcane Eye to scout within," he offered.


Casting Mage Armor, and activating Lotham's Arcane Ward.


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Posted (edited)

Zorzula's Rest, Sword Mountains

Mimir flies into the hole as Brühl shifts his senses to those of his familiar. The owl flies into a chamber roughly 20-feet in diameter. Forty-feet below, a large, natural pool brimming with turquoise water burbles at the center of this chamber. Steam coils off the water's surface, rising to the vent in the cave ceiling. The water itself sparkles with an inviting, tranquil glow.



There is dim light in the chamber, but no discernable entrances or exits (so far). The walls are scalable to climb into or out of the vent, but looks difficult.

The vent shaft itself is moist from the steam so athletics checks are made at disadvantage for that portion. Securing a rope, and using that to climb negates the athletics check for the vent.


Edited by TricksterArcane (see edit history)
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Felvora Haspirex Sheet | Log
Drow Druid 5
HP: 38/38 | HD: 5/5 (d8) | AC: 15/18 | Init: +2 | PP: 17 (12 for vision in bright light) | Speed: 30 ft | PB: +3 Natural Recovery: 1/1 Wild Shape: 2/2
Conditions: None | Inspiration: 0 | Spell Slots: L1 4/4 L2 3/3 L3 2/2 |

Ability Scores, Skills and Saves

Ability Scores:
Str 8 (-1) Dex 14 (+2) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 18 (+4) Cha 12 (+1)

Skills: Animal Handling +7 Insight +7 Nature +4 Perception* +7 Survival +7
* disadvantage to vision-based Perception checks when in bright light

Saves*: Str 0 Dex +3 Con +3 Int +5 Wis +8 Cha +2
* all include bonus from Ring of Protection
Advantage on saves against Charm (Fey Ancestry)

Attacks and Spells

Frostbite - range 60', Con Save vs DC 15 or 2d6 cold and Disadvantage on next weapon attack
Thorn Whip 30' reach melee spell attack, +7 to hit, 2d6 piercing on hit and target may be pulled 10' toward caster if size L or smaller

Spells Prepared (Druid spells are +7/DC 15):
Dancing Lights, Druidcraft, Frostbite, Guidance, Thorn Whip
Level 1: Absorb Elements, Faerie Fire^, Goodberry, Healing Word, Speak With Animals, Thunderwave
Level 2: Darkness^, Flaming Sphere, Pass Without Trace, Spider Climb*, Web*
Level 3: Gaseous Form*, Plant Growth, Revivify, Stinking Cloud*, Summon Fey

^ from Drow ancestry - if cast using ancestry slot, casting stat is Cha and save DC is 12
* Land Circle spells



As they wait for the report from the owl, Felvora approaches Lotham.

You have not introduced your friend, Lotham. I have a fondness for burrowing creatures. Might I say hello to Knowledge?


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