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Book 2: Chapter 3 - North and North


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Late Summer - Day 79, Mid Morning - The Oracles

OracleTower.png.87e9fe4218c355686d51e5fa05ebc5c7.pngEach that chooses to be lowered down experiences much as Karadoon described. Great winds seem to buffet you in your descent, and a whirl of colors spin throughout the chamber, rising up to meet you. Along the walls, bright blue characters from languages unknown and potentially unknowable flash and disappear, faster than any one can fully register.

Once attaining the bottom, the winds still and the colors cease, but only those who go in can know further - as from the top, it does not appear that anything at all is happening except the steady descent of each person going down.


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Stavard stops haltingly and then steels himself. He remarks, I have traveled over ocean and forests peculiar to come here. I will not turn back now whatever shall come.

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spacer.pngIphigenia looked downwards, almost longingly, as her companions disappeared into the opening. She had wanted to see this Oracle with her own eyes-like the rest of them, she had endured many hardships simply to stand here. But to leave no look-out was unwise and dangerous. The Maliente were still out there... perhaps watching.

"I will go last." she had said to them as the had stood at the threshold. "Hurry now. If there is trouble, I'll give a cry of warning."

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Standing, Karadoon uncoiled rope and a climbing spike.

"Get yerself down there lass. You can't understand what I'm trying to describe unless you see it for yerself. Also, you will ask questions I didn't think of. Or that Stavard won't think of. The value of this place is in the asking. I'll stand watch up here."


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spacer.pngIphigenia hesitated at the threshold. She looked at Karadoon for a moment, not wanting to deny him his chance. But he knew just how stubborn he could be... and so she thought there was little point to deny him.

"I won't linger for long..." she said, "...and when I return, I will repay the favor, and there will be no arguing against it. Understood?"

And with that, she began her decent.

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Karadoon smiled as Iphigenia finally went down the rope. Both of them were stubborn. Leaning over he called after her,

"Try not to let the fake storm dizzy your senses! I heard tell sailors are proud of how they weather a real storm!"


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