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Chapter 1.4 Dead Eddie


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spacer.pngLucienne 'Lucky Luce' Karsteiner, Marshall

AC 29

Female Occultist (Haunt Collector)

Lawful Neutral

Level 10 Init 2 HP 88/88 DR 0, Speed 20'
AC 29 Touch 14 Flat-footed 27 CMD 28

Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 13 (15 vs enchantments/compulsions) CMB +13 BAB 7  

Fauchard+18 (1d10+11, 18-20/x2) Training, +1 Magic, Trip, Reach, [Adamantine +1 to hit]
Cesti +13 (1d4, 19-20/x2) C. Iron/Alch. Silver

Full Plate Armor Magic +2, Mithril Magic

Full Shield Darkwood

11 Armor, 3 Shield, 2 Dex, 1 Natural, 2 Deflect

Str 22 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 22 Wis 12 Cha 8


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil


Constant: Low Light Vision/Darkvision 60'/See Invisible/See Undead/See Unliving

Powers Abjuration 6/6 Divination 9/9 Illusion 2/2 Transmutation 5/6 

Constant (Resonant Powers)

Divination +3 to Perception, Low Light Vision, Darkvision, See Invisibility.

Transmutation Temporary +4 to Strength

Guardian +1 to CMD

Champion +2 to Non Spell Damage

Trappings +3 to BAB with Fauchard


Mental Focus Distribution 23/23

Divination 9/9

Abjuration 6/6

Transmutation 6/6

Illusion 2/2

Immediate Action Implement Abilities

Mind Barrier 2pt Cost Absorbs 20pts physical damage. [Lasts one turn]

Energy Shield 2pts Absorbs 50pts of energy damage last 1 minute

Danger Sight 1pt 1/2 level (+5) insight bonus to AC/Saves for 1 turn

Swift Action Implement Abilities

Guardian (Abjuration) 3/3 day 1 rnd = +3 AC, Con checks, Fort saves/Reflex saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Champion (Illusion) 3/3 day 1rd = +3 on attacks, non-spell damage rolls, Str checks, Str skill checks, Fort saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Mind Barrier (Abjuration) 1pt Cost Absorbs 20 pts physical damage [Lasts 1 rnd]

Sudden Insight (Divination) 1pt Cost +5 insight on one ability check, attack roll or skill check [Lasts 1 rnd]

Energy Shield (Abjuration) 1pt 1 min absorbs 50pts of energy damage

Standard Action Implement Abilities

Aegis Abjuration 1pt 1 min +2 Armor Powers

Minor Figment Illusion 1pt 10 minutes Ghost Sound/Minor Image

Legacy Weapon Transmutation 1pt 1 minute +2 power bonus

Quickness 1pt 10 rnds haste +2 dodge bonus +2 to hit +2 to reflex saves +1 attack at full bonus

Mind over Gravity 1pt 10 minute Fly 60' perfect maneuverability


Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 3/4 4th 2/2 


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil

"Let's take this outside.", replies Luce, while casting Improved Invisibility. She then backs out the door into the street.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Luce vanishes and moves out of the saloon as the wights stream out after her. They spread out looking for signs of her (double moves) but Eddie takes his time. She hears him mutter something in another language and a shimmering bubble grows from him as he walks out the double doors and stands on the boardwalk. As the bubble washes past her, the invisibility goes down and she finds herself surrounded by wights suddenly aware of her location



From the end of the town the party sees human figures pile out of the saloon and then suddenly Luce appears in their midst.

DC 18 Spellcraft check to identify Invisibility Purge, a notorious cleric spell

The wights have revolvers and Bowie knives and Eddie has a lever action rifle.

Begin Round 2, everyone may act.

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
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Ilya with her rifle"Brace for transport! Tell me if you want melee, ranged, or something else!"

Ilya quickly grabs her cherished orrery pendant, and incants:

"Like a comet skips through the sky
Divine energies let us cross
Through paths unseen

In the blink of an eye, the quatuor is brought closer to the action. Ilya lands on top of a nearby building, with the meleers on the ground and Dayv nearby. She tries to position the others as best she can given what they replied, and also what they told her earlier of their fighting style.

"Not-Quite-Dead Eddie" she shouts, to get his attention away from Luce. "You are under arrest! Stand down, or we will use any means at our disposal - mostly disproportionate force, hails of enchanted bullets and powerful spells - to crush the undeath out of you."

Noticing some magic emanating from one of them, she decides to shoot it first.


Move: Warp herself and her allies up to Medium range (200ft); they must end up within Close range (50ft) of her. This costs her 3 SP (1 for extra distance, 1 for Mass, 1 for Move action)

Standard: Deadly Shot (expand MF) vs Dead Eddie, with Hindering Projectile

Atk 38, Dmg 39

Dead Eddie takes a -2 AC/Atk/CMD penalty until he takes a move action to remove it (IC, the bullet is lodged in his body).


I'll roll two Intercepts in case up to 2 enemies attack Luce (or Diesel). If they hit, the triggering attack takes a -6 penalty.

All attacks are touch attacks.



HP: 68/68
Init: +4, Perception: +20
AC: 27, TAC: 22, FFAC: 23
Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +15, CMD: 28
Speed: 30ft

Deadly Shot: +19 vs touch AC (1d10+10/x4, bleed 3) -- range 320ft
+3d6 if expend MF
Intercept: +15 vs touch AC (1d10+10/x4, bleed 3) -- range 320ft
+2 / +1d6 vs Humans

[ ] Martial Focus

14/20 SP

Active buffs: Sense Magic 45ft, Sniper's Eye, Tremorsense 45ft

Mystic Warding: Diesel, Lucienne

Edited by namo (see edit history)
1d20+19 19
2d10+10+3d6 8,9,2,2,5
Intercept 1 - atk
1d20+15 3
Intercept 1 - dmg
1d10+10 8
Intercept 2 - atk
1d20+15 4
Intercept 2 - dmg
1d10+10 5
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Diesel2.png.f8f2381c90bef6e9813c60a7c99eeadf.pngThe tide had turned quickly. He was just getting ready to saunter toward the saloon when the doors bang open and a group of emaciated undead cowpokes stumble out searching around for something or other. Then the head honcho, Eddie, seemed to dispel Luce's invisibility only for the warrior to be surrounded by a small cloud of mist.

Add on to that his sudden appearance behind a covered wagon seemed to set Dayv on the backfoot. He oriented himself quickly however and stepped up to the edge of the wagon drawing his revolver and shooting at the closest enemy.


OOC and Actions

HP: 98 (98 base)
AC: 20 (10 base, +4 DEX, +2 armor, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +2 deflect)
Initiative: 8

===== Reactions =====

===== Actions =====
5' step
Two revolver shots against Wight 8

Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things

Ongoing Effects:
Mystical Warding from Ilya

Remaining Resources:
10 Greater Burrowing Bullet

Edited by Whitehart09 (see edit history)
Revovler shot 1
1d20+12 19
Revolver damage 1
1d8 1
Revolver shot 2
1d20+7 19
Revolver damage 2
1d8 3
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Marshal Marshall Berringer                                                                                                                                                            Character Sheet


Marshall blinked in momentary surprise as he was magically transported forward towards the pack of wights and the strange column.

There was a sour grunt at Ilya's shout then shot. Marshall's military reflexes kicked in. Better to execute a strong attack while the position suited before things got too chaotic. He made sure he was positioned to block any direct charge at Dayv, Marshall suspected he was better protected than the driver with his massive mithril shield covering the side that was now facing the wights.

With deceptively practiced ease that belied the hours of constant refining of technique Marshall's geared beast of a mechanical launch bow swung up even as he knocked alchemical grenades into the ammo slot. A dull thud, the springs whirled and repositioned and so the routine continued.

Two black objects sailed through the air to land with a thud down in the middle of the dusty roadway. Then, as if on cue, exploded simultaneously in a flashing, crashing roar, the overlap catching the undead Eddie and those in the middle of the crossroads.

Marshall brought his shield up in readiness for the return attack.


Barrage Attack:
2 x improved fuse grenades touch attack to land in designated squares. 20' radius blast. As I read the map Marshall can get all targets except wight 4 while wrights 1, 3, 5, 6 and Dead Eddie can get the overlapping blasts. Even if missing the wrong square this pretty much won't change.

There's an unclarified rules point here - because as a fuse master Marshall gets the grenades to explode at the same time it doesn't say which is the base grenade to add damage to. For ongoing definition I'd suggest simply stating the first grenade rolled in every case is the base damage to add overlap damage to.

6d6 Fire + 6d6 Bludgeoning damage +11
+3d6 bludgeoning for those caught in doubled blast area
Reflex save 19 for half damage

Top side wrights 1,2,3 and Dead Eddie get:
12 fire damage + 27 bludgeoning damage + 11

Bottom side wrights 5,6,7,8 get:
16 fire + 26 bludgeoning +11

Wights 1,3,5,6 and Dead Eddie get:
+14 bludgeoning damage

Total then reflex DC19 for half

(next time I'll stick to characters swinging a sword)


Move ignore 15' difficult terrain.

+6 damage.

4 improved fuse grenades remaining

Will use Active shield defence +4 AC and touch AC for AoO against known attack

Martial Focus: Yes




Edited by Thramzorean (see edit history)
Barrage ranged touch for correct square
repeat(1d20+16,1) 2
Second barrage shot
1d20+16 6
Fire damage grenade 1
6d6 3,4,2,1,1,1
bludgeoning damage grenade 1
6d6 5,2,6,5,6,3
fire damage grenade 2 (let's assume bottom group of wights
6d6 3,1,5,3,2,2
Bludgeoning grenade 2
6d6 6,5,6,2,6,1
overlap added to total for single save
3d6 4,6,4
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spacer.pngLucienne 'Lucky Luce' Karsteiner, Marshall

AC 37  F16 R13 Will 18 (20)

Female Occultist (Haunt Collector)

Lawful Neutral

Level 10 Init 2 HP 88/88 DR 0, Speed 20'
AC 29 Touch 14 Flat-footed 27 CMD 28

Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 13 (15 vs enchantments/compulsions) CMB +13 BAB 7  

Fauchard+18 (1d10+11, 18-20/x2) Training, +1 Magic, Trip, Reach, [Adamantine +1 to hit]
Cesti +13 (1d4, 19-20/x2) C. Iron/Alch. Silver

Full Plate Armor Magic +2, Mithril Magic

Full Shield Darkwood

11 Armor, 3 Shield, 2 Dex, 1 Natural, 2 Deflect

Str 22 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 22 Wis 12 Cha 8


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil


Constant: Low Light Vision/Darkvision 60'/See Invisible/See Undead/See Unliving

Powers Abjuration 6/6 Divination 9/9 Illusion 2/2 Transmutation 5/6 

Constant (Resonant Powers)

Divination +3 to Perception, Low Light Vision, Darkvision, See Invisibility.

Transmutation Temporary +4 to Strength

Guardian +1 to CMD

Champion +2 to Non Spell Damage

Trappings +3 to BAB with Fauchard


Mental Focus Distribution 23/23

Divination 9/9

Abjuration 6/6

Transmutation 6/6

Illusion 2/2

Immediate Action Implement Abilities

Mind Barrier 2pt Cost Absorbs 20pts physical damage. [Lasts one turn]

Energy Shield 2pts Absorbs 50pts of energy damage last 1 minute

Danger Sight 1pt 1/2 level (+5) insight bonus to AC/Saves for 1 turn

Swift Action Implement Abilities

Guardian (Abjuration) 3/3 day 1 rnd = +3 AC, Con checks, Fort saves/Reflex saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Champion (Illusion) 3/3 day 1rd = +3 on attacks, non-spell damage rolls, Str checks, Str skill checks, Fort saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Mind Barrier (Abjuration) 1pt Cost Absorbs 20 pts physical damage [Lasts 1 rnd]

Sudden Insight (Divination) 1pt Cost +5 insight on one ability check, attack roll or skill check [Lasts 1 rnd]

Energy Shield (Abjuration) 1pt 1 min absorbs 50pts of energy damage

Standard Action Implement Abilities

Aegis Abjuration 1pt 1 min +2 Armor Powers

Minor Figment Illusion 1pt 10 minutes Ghost Sound/Minor Image

Legacy Weapon Transmutation 1pt 1 minute +2 power bonus

Quickness 1pt 10 rnds haste +2 dodge bonus +2 to hit +2 to reflex saves +1 attack at full bonus

Mind over Gravity 1pt 10 minute Fly 60' perfect maneuverability


Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 3/4 4th 2/2 


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil

"Well I'd love to stay, but... " drawls Luce, smirking back at Dead Eddie. She hacks at the wight due south of her, then backs off as grenades and bullets coming whizzing in, willing to accept an attack from one of the wights (#4) as she does so.

Note: This is why I usually play a Mage. 2 on a d20, then 1 on a d10. The MW die roller vendetta continues. :)

Move: 20'. Immediate: Danger Sight +5 to AC and Saves. Standard: Hack #8 





Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
Fauchard Attack on #8
1d20+18 2
Damage try again
1d10+23 1
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Sam is wisked down the road in an instant teleported by his teammate into the thick of it. He recovers quickly falling in line with his team mates and taking a spot so he had Dead Eddie in his sights dead to rights.

He pulled his orrery from beneath his armor and held it in his hand as he prayed, “Let the stars light guide my hand and bring the fiery justice only found under the true light of the stars above. Let my aim be true and my rounds carry the force of your wraith.”


Sam didn’t bother shouting out to dead Eddie or his team mates he let their words and actions speak for him and lent his strength of action to them. He whistled softly twice as he shouldered his rifle. The fiery sprite living within flared to life and his rifle warmed in his hands and the runes and inscriptions glowed as he sighted down the rifle. He fired softly pulling the trigger and then quickly racking the lever and doing so twice more in rapid succession his rounds flaming down range right as the road ahead of him woke up in fiery plumes of grenade explosions.


OOC: availing myself of the teleportation and then casting smite on Dead Eddie then Rapid Firing my rifle into his face holes.

Edited by ManicPixieFatGuy (see edit history)
Attack 1
1d20+17 10
Attack 2
1d20+17 1
Attack 3
1d20+12 19
Damage 1
1d10+26 7
Fire damage 1
1d6 2
Good damage 1
2d6 3,1
Damage 2
1d10+16 5
Fire damage 2
1d6 3
Good damage 2
2d6 5,1
Damage 3
1d10+16 5
Fire damage 3
1d6 3
Good damage 3
2d6 2,4
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spacer.pngLucienne 'Lucky Luce' Karsteiner, Marshall

AC 37  F16 R13 Will 18 (20)

Female Occultist (Haunt Collector)

Lawful Neutral

Level 10 Init 2 HP 88/88 DR 0, Speed 20'
AC 29 Touch 14 Flat-footed 27 CMD 28

Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 13 (15 vs enchantments/compulsions) CMB +13 BAB 7  

Fauchard+18 (1d10+11, 18-20/x2) Training, +1 Magic, Trip, Reach, [Adamantine +1 to hit]
Cesti +13 (1d4, 19-20/x2) C. Iron/Alch. Silver

Full Plate Armor Magic +2, Mithril Magic

Full Shield Darkwood

11 Armor, 3 Shield, 2 Dex, 1 Natural, 2 Deflect

Str 22 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 22 Wis 12 Cha 8


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil


Constant: Low Light Vision/Darkvision 60'/See Invisible/See Undead/See Unliving

Powers Abjuration 6/6 Divination 9/9 Illusion 2/2 Transmutation 5/6 

Constant (Resonant Powers)

Divination +3 to Perception, Low Light Vision, Darkvision, See Invisibility.

Transmutation Temporary +4 to Strength

Guardian +1 to CMD

Champion +2 to Non Spell Damage

Trappings +3 to BAB with Fauchard


Mental Focus Distribution 23/23

Divination 9/9

Abjuration 6/6

Transmutation 6/6

Illusion 2/2

Immediate Action Implement Abilities

Mind Barrier 2pt Cost Absorbs 20pts physical damage. [Lasts one turn]

Energy Shield 2pts Absorbs 50pts of energy damage last 1 minute

Danger Sight 1pt 1/2 level (+5) insight bonus to AC/Saves for 1 turn

Swift Action Implement Abilities

Guardian (Abjuration) 3/3 day 1 rnd = +3 AC, Con checks, Fort saves/Reflex saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Champion (Illusion) 3/3 day 1rd = +3 on attacks, non-spell damage rolls, Str checks, Str skill checks, Fort saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Mind Barrier (Abjuration) 1pt Cost Absorbs 20 pts physical damage [Lasts 1 rnd]

Sudden Insight (Divination) 1pt Cost +5 insight on one ability check, attack roll or skill check [Lasts 1 rnd]

Energy Shield (Abjuration) 1pt 1 min absorbs 50pts of energy damage

Standard Action Implement Abilities

Aegis Abjuration 1pt 1 min +2 Armor Powers

Minor Figment Illusion 1pt 10 minutes Ghost Sound/Minor Image

Legacy Weapon Transmutation 1pt 1 minute +2 power bonus

Quickness 1pt 10 rnds haste +2 dodge bonus +2 to hit +2 to reflex saves +1 attack at full bonus

Mind over Gravity 1pt 10 minute Fly 60' perfect maneuverability


Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 3/4 4th 2/2 


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil

Luce notes the one who'd dispelled her invisibility drawing 'a lot' of fire. If that kept up, she'd be invisible again in moments. She tightens her grip around her polearm, wondering if there'd be any more to fight.

Move: 20'. Immediate: Danger Sight +5 to AC and Saves. Standard: Hack #8 





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Posted (edited)

As the shots ring out and explosions rumble the ground, several of the wights go down right away. The rest rush the group with their bowie knives trying to draw blood but seem ineffective. Eddie cackles with mad glee and babbles something in tongues (casts a spell). The spell reaches out and swipes at Luce but it misses the target. This puts Eddie in a sour mood.

Ilya shoots Eddie (Hindering shot) for 36
Dayv shoots W8 for 4
Marshal uses grenades

W6, W8 makes save
Three wights go down. Eddie takes some damage.

Luce attacks #8 but misses

Sam gets two hits on Eddie for 39 and 30. Eddie is still up.

Wights 2, 4, 6 and 8 rush in and Attack Luce. 4 and 8 get shot by Ilya as protection. No hits on Luce

Wight 7 moves to attack Marshal but does not hit.

Eddie casts a spell at Luce but a Nat 1 misses.

Edited by Penchant (see edit history)
W1 reflex DC 19
1d20+3 7
W2 reflex DC 19
1d20+3 10
W3 reflex DC 19
1d20+3 11
1d20+3 3
W6 reflex DC 19
1d20+3 17
W7 reflex DC 19
1d20+3 11
W8 reflex DC 19
1d20+3 20
Eddie reflex DC 19
1d20+4 19
Wight 4
1d20+2 16
Wight 4
1d20+3 10
Wight 8
1d20+2 14
Wight 2
1d20+8 13
Wight 6
1d20+8 15
Wight 7
1d20+8 10
Eddie touch attack on Luce
1d20+9 1
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spacer.pngLucienne 'Lucky Luce' Karsteiner, Marshall

AC 37  F16 R13 Will 18 (20)

Female Occultist (Haunt Collector)

Lawful Neutral

Level 10 Init 2 HP 88/88 DR 0, Speed 20'
AC 29 Touch 14 Flat-footed 27 CMD 28

Fort 11 Ref 8 Will 13 (15 vs enchantments/compulsions) CMB +13 BAB 7  

Fauchard+18 (1d10+11, 18-20/x2) Training, +1 Magic, Trip, Reach, [Adamantine +1 to hit]
Cesti +13 (1d4, 19-20/x2) C. Iron/Alch. Silver

Full Plate Armor Magic +2, Mithril Magic

Full Shield Darkwood

11 Armor, 3 Shield, 2 Dex, 1 Natural, 2 Deflect

Str 22 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 22 Wis 12 Cha 8


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil


Constant: Low Light Vision/Darkvision 60'/See Invisible/See Undead/See Unliving

Powers Abjuration 6/6 Divination 9/9 Illusion 2/2 Transmutation 5/6 

Constant (Resonant Powers)

Divination +3 to Perception, Low Light Vision, Darkvision, See Invisibility.

Transmutation Temporary +4 to Strength

Guardian +1 to CMD

Champion +2 to Non Spell Damage

Trappings +3 to BAB with Fauchard


Mental Focus Distribution 23/23

Divination 9/9

Abjuration 6/6

Transmutation 6/6

Illusion 2/2

Immediate Action Implement Abilities

Mind Barrier 2pt Cost Absorbs 20pts physical damage. [Lasts one turn]

Energy Shield 2pts Absorbs 50pts of energy damage last 1 minute

Danger Sight 1pt 1/2 level (+5) insight bonus to AC/Saves for 1 turn

Swift Action Implement Abilities

Guardian (Abjuration) 3/3 day 1 rnd = +3 AC, Con checks, Fort saves/Reflex saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Champion (Illusion) 3/3 day 1rd = +3 on attacks, non-spell damage rolls, Str checks, Str skill checks, Fort saves. [Lasts 1 rnd]

Mind Barrier (Abjuration) 1pt Cost Absorbs 20 pts physical damage [Lasts 1 rnd]

Sudden Insight (Divination) 1pt Cost +5 insight on one ability check, attack roll or skill check [Lasts 1 rnd]

Energy Shield (Abjuration) 1pt 1 min absorbs 50pts of energy damage

Standard Action Implement Abilities

Aegis Abjuration 1pt 1 min +2 Armor Powers

Minor Figment Illusion 1pt 10 minutes Ghost Sound/Minor Image

Legacy Weapon Transmutation 1pt 1 minute +2 power bonus

Quickness 1pt 10 rnds haste +2 dodge bonus +2 to hit +2 to reflex saves +1 attack at full bonus

Mind over Gravity 1pt 10 minute Fly 60' perfect maneuverability


Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 3/4 4th 2/2 


0 (*) Detect Magic, Detect Psychic Significance, Ghost Sound, Mending, Mage Hand

1 (7/7) Lead Blades, Shield, Heightened Awareness, Vanish, Liberating Command

2 (6/6) Versatile Weaponry, Bullet Shield, Node of Blasting, Mirror Image, Rope Trick

3rd (4/4) Resist Energy (Communal), Invisibility Sphere, Haste, Slow, Greater Invisibility

4th (2/2) Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Freedom of Movement, Break Enchantment, Enchantment Foil

Luce, still mentally kicking herself for not having the the full portfolio up prior to this fight, hacks at the two who inadvisedly closed on her at speed (#2, #6), walking straight into the reach of her polearm. She parries, dodges and deflects with her armor the fusillade of attacks on her with complete self assurance. Then... she steps back focussing on the one that looks the least ragged (#8), her polearm a blur of silver swinging in its direction over and over.

Note the second AOO is 28, not 33.

Move: None. Swift: Champion +3 attack/dam 1rnd. Full Attack with 1 extra attack for hasted. 





Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
1d20+18 4
1d10+23 2
1d20+23 10
1d10+23 3
Full Attack with Guardian Power
1d20+21 17
1d10+26 9
Haste Bonus Attack
1d20+21 8
1d10+26 4
2nd attack
1d10+16 10
1d10+26 1
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Ilya with her rifleIn between two shots, Ilya has just enough time to notice that the new guys are acquitting themselves quite well.

"Still covering you!" she shouts, trying to get heard over the din of battle, and likely not succeeding.

What she doesn't say is that her scope is now trained on Dead Eddie, and her finger on the trigger is ready to put a serious dent in any spellcasting he attempts.


Ongoing conditions: Dead Eddie has a -2 AC/Atk/CMD penalty until he takes a move action to remove it

Move: regain martial focus

Standard: ready a Deadly Shot vs Dead Eddie, expending focus, with Hindering Projectile, with the trigger: Eddy casts a spell. If it hits it would force a concentration check.


I'll roll two Intercepts in case up to 2 enemies attack Luce or Diesel. If an intercept hits, the triggering attack takes a -6 penalty.

All attacks are touch attacks.



HP: 68/68
Init: +4, Perception: +20
AC: 27, TAC: 22, FFAC: 23
Fort: +8, Ref: +14, Will: +15, CMD: 28
Speed: 30ft

Deadly Shot: +19 vs touch AC (1d10+10/x4, bleed 3) -- range 320ft
+3d6 if expend MF
Intercept: +15 vs touch AC (1d10+10/x4, bleed 3) -- range 320ft
+2 / +1d6 vs Humans

[ ] Martial Focus

14/20 SP

Active buffs: Sense Magic 45ft, Sniper's Eye, Tremorsense 45ft

Mystic Warding: Diesel, Lucienne

Edited by namo (see edit history)
1d20+19 16
2d10+10+3d6 7,9,5,1,2
Intercept 1 - Atk
1d20+15 20
Intercept 1 - Dmg
1d10+10 1
Intercept 2 - Atk
1d20+15 15
Intercept 2 - Dmg
1d10+10 6
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Marshal Marshall Berringer                                                                                                                                                            Character Sheet


Marshall barely had a chance for muttered grunt as the wight closed on him. With Dayv behind him Marshall had no option to step backwards as he normally would. He instead decided to simply chance his arm and shoot regardless of the threat of the wight.

He first fired a grenade to explode on the wights, then flicked off a bag of sticky goo at Dead Eddie. Sometimes the simple things worked, sometimes they didn't.


Barrage Attack:
1 x improved fuse grenade touch attack to land in designated square to catch wights 6, 8 and 7. 20' radius blast.

6d6 Fire + 6d6 Bludgeoning damage +11
Reflex save 19 for half damage

1 x tanglefoot bag at Dead Eddie. Ranged touch. DC 15 reflex to avoid being stuck to the ground.

(next time I'll stick to characters swinging a sword)


Move ignore 15' difficult terrain.

+6 damage.

3 improved fuse grenades remaining

Will use Active shield defence +4 AC and touch AC for AoO against known attack

Martial Focus: Yes




Grenade shot ranged touch for correct square
1d20+18 14
Tanglefoot bag at Dead Eddie ranged touch
1d20+18 14
Damage for grenade
12d6+11 1,5,4,5,4,2,4,1,3,2,4,5
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Sam knelt in place, his armor rustling slightly as the smooth plates pitted with wear and styled to evoke the look of his old justicar armor moved and hit one another as he steadied himself and cocked the lever on his enchanted rifle. The fire ember living in the caved reliquary temple in the stock lent its power to the rounds as he cycled them through the rifle. His prayers and entreaties for power and guidance from the light of the stars and the power of his faith kept the bullets flying down range on course and flying straight and made sure that when they hit they were felt. The fact that Dead Eddie was dead and he was a paladin empowering his shot with his faith's holy power to smite undead wasn't exactly hurting things.

"We need to end this as quickly as we can. In an endurance contest, the undead always wins. Keep hitting them hard Marshals, and let the light of the stars guide our hands and lend us strength and the righteous power to run justice and retribution down on our enemies.", Sam spit clearing the dust and black powder residue from his mouth almost as much as the holy words that were so new to him. It felt wrong, but that was the thing with faith. You should always feel like you have to earn it. If you start acting like you're owed something. Well then you're nothing better than the dead scum they were taking down.

As bullets rang and whistled cutting the air, and explosions kicked up plumes of smoke and dust he sent his rounds straight toward Dead Eddie's sneering face

Attack 1
SyntaxError: Unexpected token nan
Attack 1 redo (I'm an idiot)
1d20+17 3
Attack 2
1d20+17 10
Attack 3
1d20+12 6
Damage 1
1d10+16 10
Fire 1
1d6 1
Good 1
2d6 2,3
Damage 2
1d10+16 1
fire 2
1d6 4
good 2
2d6 3,3
Damage 3
1d10+16 1
Fire 3
1d6 5
Good 3
2d6 1,1
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Diesel2.png.f8f2381c90bef6e9813c60a7c99eeadf.pngThe dapper man patted Marshall on his back lightly in regards to his cover, "Thanks mate." He then spun past his new ally and the wight threatening them, unsheathing his sword from his cane as he went. The man was a blur as he spun through the gap, first between Sam and Marshall and then between Wight's 7 and 8.

As he moves he reflects the light from the sun into the eyes of Wight 8 as he rolls in behind Wight 7. With a dramatic flourish he stabs the undead creature from a flanking position.


OOC and Actions

HP: 98 (98 base)
AC: 20 (10 base, +4 DEX, +2 armor, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +2 deflect)
Initiative: 8

===== Reactions =====

===== Actions =====
Tumble diagonally between Sam and Marshall then between Wight 7 and 8 then diagonally down behind Wight 7. That should be 30' of double moves.
Sunlight Strike (Dazzle as Swift Action) on Wight 8.
Sneak Attack on Wight 7.

Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things

Ongoing Effects:
Mystical Warding from Ilya

Remaining Resources:
10 Greater Burrowing Bullet

1d20+12 12
Attack on Wight 7
1d20+15 19
Damage on Wight 7
1d6+5+4d6 5,2,6,5,2
Extra crit damage (not that it is needed)
1d6+5 4
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