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Downtime RP


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Citadel Altaerein belongs to you now. You were told to get some rest, but there's also plenty of work to do - both at the citadel and in Breachill.

Each PC can participate in one Event per day. You can also freely do the following:



:FreeAction:Interacting with NPCs and other PCs

:FreeAction:Personal quests (within reason)

It is currently Day 0.

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 4
HP: 52/52 | AC: 21 | Perc +8 | Fort +11 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Speed: 30 ft. | Abilities: Deny advantage
Active Conditions:

Syhlas is eager to get started with clearing out the citadel and make it pleasant and habitable. There are several threats and nuisances that need to be taken care of so he sets about to check them off.

First he approaches the two warg puppies to see how they are doing. Syhlas thinks they could potentially become assets later on as outer perimeter night guards or whatever. There is also the problem with their papa roaming about that is perhaps the single most dangerous threat in and around the citadel.


Downtime Actions

Planned actions

Day 0: Befriend warg puppies

Day 1: Deal with Papa Warg

Day 2 onwards: Keep befriending puppies.


Diplomacy (warg puppies)
1d20+10 8
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Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholarimage.png.6158122ad895e3badf8c1e1661802be9.png

(22) | health-normal.svg HP: 56/56 |halloween_outline-23-512.png Fortitude: +12 | sprint.svg Reflex: +9 | calm, peace, yoga, serene, serenity, mind, meditate, meditation, peaceful Will: +9 | awareness.svg Perception: +6

She knew she should be helping clear out the Citadel, or even preparing Calmont's case, but Arionne had a dream. In it, she was the Mistress of the Elfgates, able to navigate the world in the blink of an eye. In the dream, there was no library in the world that wasn't an open book to her, from the vaulted halls of Acadamae to the hidden mysteries of Magaambya. She knew it was fancy, but the thrill of the Elfgates was too much for her. She needed to get them working, needed to see what they were capable of.

Which meant she needed a stonemason.

She did not want Chelaix getting any word of what they were doing, so Rorsk Axebane of Tuskhead Stoneworking was the only choice. She sought the... well she didn't know what they were, but she sought them out, a contract already carefully drawn out and ready to be signed.


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Conditions: Channel Elements, Armor in Earth,

Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

IMPULSES - DC 20, +10
  • Channel Elements spacer.png raise aura, can combine with 1 action stance or 1 action elemental blast
  • Base Kinesis spacer.png 30' light bulk, generate, move or suppress
  • Elemental Blasts spacer.png or spacer.png 30' bludgeoning or piercing d8, 60' fire d6
  • Flying Flame spacer.png 30' line of 2d6 fire damage. Basic Reflex
  • Weapon Infusion image.png.4807a787a4171fe706d255ca10a57a7f.png shape blasts into a weapon, add a trait
  • Armor in Earth spacer.png raise AC to 21
  • Burning Jet spacer.png stride 40' and ignore difficult terrain
  • Thermal Nimbus spacer.png resistance 4 and damage 2 within aura  


Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
Lore: Law (or Society)
1d20+9 14
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image.jpeg.1bf506b13d468944173e567920351b56.jpegMatilde Canossa (Sheet) Human Cleric 4
HP: 52/52 | AC: 21 | Perception: +10 | Fort: +12 | Ref: +10 | Will: +9 | Speed: 25 ft.
Active Conditions: Shield (4) 12/12

Back in Breachill, Matilde was happy to take advantage of the opportunity for a brief respite, now feeling a lot more confident about her skill at arms after the experiences of the last couple of days. Perhaps Iomedae really was with her in her actions, and her thoughts over the weeks past that she should toss aside the tabard and breastplate that had felt like a mere playacting costume were something she ought to change. Still, she had other things to fill her mind now, like the mysterious aiudara.

Alseta's Ring was the name, and if she remembered enough from what they taught her about faiths while she was in her more formal induction, then that was a goddess the elves regarded well...and she knew at least one elf who was also religiously inclined. But she certainly couldn't be inviting Corwyn's mother to the Citadel in its current unsavoury condition.

So after a morning of trying to trade in extraneous items they had come across in their struggles over the last few days, she set back out for the Citadel, intent on taking on the challenge of trying to clean it out further. She decides to start applying her magic and blade to the easiest such interloper, looking to clear out the spiders.


Attack - Spiders
1d20+11 4
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Vharag Mor'Guldur, Arcane Shaman



FOCUS POINTS: 2 | CURRENT: 1 | SPELL SLOTS [ARCANE]:  1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 2/4 | SPELL SLOTS [OCCULT]: 1st: 1/1



Vharag found Tarn in the citadel’s courtyard, the young Shattered Skull warrior overseeing the Shattered Skulls efforts to settle into their new home, aided by the goblin clan who resided there, the Bramblebrashers. The two orcs shared a bond forged in the fires of survival and battle, their mutual respect growing from shared hardships and a common goal.

"Tarn," Vharag began, his voice a deep rumble. "We need to discuss the future. Our people, the Shattered Skull, are settling in, and they will need refuge, leadership, and guidance." He paused, "We come seeking alliance, not conquest," Vharag assured. "Together, we can fortify this citadel, protect the aiudara gateways, and aid the people of Breachill. Add our clan's resilience to the cunning of the Bramblebrashers, and the industrious nature of the humans."

Vharag's gaze hardened, a flicker of primal intensity in his eyes. "But remember, Tarn. Stone walls and iron gates may shield us from the wild, but they must not make us soft. Strength does not come from the safety of stone, but from the will to endure and crush all threats. Civilization can dull the edge of the warrior's spirit if we let it. We must remain vigilant, ever ready to fight, ever prepared to prove our worth, both to ourselves, and our allies."

Vharag's lips curled into a fierce smile. "This is your chance for redemption, Tarn. Lead with honor, strength, and wisdom. Show our people that the path to true power lies not in fleeting alliances with mercenaries, but in the bonds we forge, those with whom we spill blood in defense of kith and kin."

Vharag sat at a sturdy wooden table in the dimly lit study of Citadel Altaerein, his massive frame hunched over ancient scrolls and tomes. Baldric, the ever-curious half-elf bard, hovered nearby, his nimble fingers flipping through pages and his keen eyes scanning the arcane symbols. The room was filled with the scent of aged parchment and the faint glow of magical candles.

Vharag's deep, rumbling voice broke the silence. "This incantation," he pointed at a complex series of runes, "it's intricate, but its power is undeniable." Together, they painstakingly transcribed the spells, Vharag's large, calloused hands surprisingly deft with the quill. Hours passed as they worked, the air around them humming with latent magic. By the time they were done, several new spells were added to Vharag's repertoire, their combined knowledge a testament to their growing bond and shared purpose.

Vharag glanced at Baldric, his eyes softened with a rare hint of respect. "You have a sharp mind, Baldric. Soft you may be, but your wit is keen, and your hands steady. I misjudged you when we first met. Civilization has not completely dulled your edge."

In the heart of Alseta's Ring, Vharag stood before the damaged Hunter's Gate. The keystone lay chipped, its ancient magic disrupted. With a deep breath, he summoned his arcane knowledge, the runes and spells he had studied coming to the forefront of his mind. Beside him, Verjigorm, the elven spirit guardian, hovered, his form an unnerving amalgamation of angles and shadows that seemed to defy natural law.

Vharag held the Hunter's Gate key, an ancient elven arrowhead, in his hand. Verjigorm hissed softly, his voice like the whispers of forgotten horrors. "Place the key into the keystone, Vharag. Let it guide your magic."

He nodded and carefully inserted the arrowhead into a small, almost imperceptible slot in the keystone. The key fit perfectly, and the air around the gate seemed to hum with a renewed, unsettling energy. Vharag's hands moved with purpose, tracing the lines of the gate and channeling his magic into the repairs. Verjigorm's presence bolstered his confidence, his eldritch knowledge melding with Vharag's arcane power.

The air crackled with energy as he worked, the ancient stone slowly responding to his efforts. It was delicate work, requiring both power and precision, but Vharag was undeterred. Verjigorm whispered arcane secrets, his voice resonating with an otherworldly cadence. "Focus on the runes, feel the flow of magic. The gate will respond to your will."

Hours passed, each moment filled with the intense concentration of arcane manipulation. Sweat beaded on Vharag's brow, his muscles straining under the dual demands of physical and magical exertion. Yet he pressed on, driven by the need to restore the gate.

Finally, with a surge of arcane energy, the gate shimmered back to life. The runes glowed with a renewed light, the keystone's cracks sealing as the ancient magic was restored. Vharag stepped back, a satisfied grunt escaping his lips. The Hunter's Gate aura was functional once more, a testament to his growing mastery of both magic and the ancient secrets they now guarded.

Verjigorm loomed beside him, his form flickering with an eerie, almost contemptuous approval. "Well done, Vharag," he purred, his voice dripping with condescension. "You have proven yourself more adept than I anticipated. The gate is restored, and its secrets are now within your grasp."

Vharag nodded, his gaze fixed on the now-active gate. "This is just the beginning. There's much more to uncover, and many more threats to face." Verjigorm's eyes glinted with a sinister light, the angles of his form shifting in a way that made Vharag's skin crawl. "Indeed," he hissed, his voice a haunting echo. "But remember, Vharag, true power lies in understanding the darkness that lies between the stars. Only then will you grasp the full extent of your potential."

Out of Character

Free Action:


Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

Edited by Zen Gypsy (see edit history)
Repair Hunter Gate [+1 Status re: Guidance]
1d20+11 13
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spacer.pngBaldric | HP 48/48 | AC 22 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +14 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +7
Hero Points: 0/1 | Focus Points: 1/2 | Spellcasting: Cantrips | Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Spell/Class DC: 20

Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (10 ft): +1 status bonus on fear saves

Baldric smirks at Vharag's rare compliment.

"I may present as a soft-bellied noble, but I assure you, Vharag, that it is all part of the show. When others underestimate you, it's much easier to catch them by surprise when you show your true capabilities."

The half-elf has spent a good deal of time aiding the orc in studies, and it proves as beneficial to him as to the wizard. By immersing himself in magical study, he's able to realign the mystical chords which thrum through his body, plucking one metaphysical string and weaving it into a new pattern.

Combat and spellcraft are not the only areas in which Baldric has experience, and he offers to put his diplomatic expertise to good use for the party as he offers to speak with the Bumblebrashers on their behalf. Although he had no dealings with them previously as the others in the party had, he is sure that his years as a diplomatic corpsman would make up the difference.

Approaching them openly and without craft or deceit, Baldric greets the goblin representatives and accompanying kobolds warmly.

"Glad tidings and much respect to you this fine day! I am here on behalf of the Wardens with whom you dealt previously in regards to the Citadel, and on behalf of Breachill in general. I understand you've been through a lot, and we want to assure you that you still have a home here. In fact, I personally believe your presence will be instrumental in ensuring this place becomes the lively beacon of freedom and diverse cooperation it's always had the potential to be! And between you and me, I think a little goblin panache would go a long way to keeping things interesting, rather than let the humans alone have their say. I'm certain we can work out the details. Now, if I might ask, what concerns might you have, and how may I address them?"

As part of my OOC aid for Vharag's spell research, I'm also using downtime as an excuse to retrain my Daze cantrip for Phase Bolt. I may end up regretting essentially making all of my damage one type (piercing) but we'll have to see!

For downtime Events, I'm going for "Welcome Neighbors" and as such, going on a diplomatic excursion. Diplomacy check below.

1d20+12 3
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Posted (edited)


The wargs greet you quite casually. "Hi."

"Where are your friends? Y'know, the elf and the human ladies?"

"If they died, can we eat them?"

...they haven't changed much.

As you spend some time with them, (presumably) trying to teach them right and wrong, you learn that they have no names - their father always just called them 'whelps' and other insulting things.



Rorsk Axebane seems dour at first, but when you tell him about the job, his face lights up. "You serious? ...No lie, ma'am, that citadel was the whole reason I moved here. Granted, I jus' wanted to study it, but you want to restore it? I'm your man. You can have me and my boys on retainer for 100 gold per month."

You tell him you don't have that much, and he says "Ah, well, I'm gettin' ahead of myself anyway. If it's just these 'gates' you need fixed, we can do that for 20 gold."



You kill the spiders with relative ease. Shortly afterward, Alak Stagram approaches you.

"If you recall, I was searching for Voz Lirayne - or rather, I was searching for an item that was in her possession. I've just learned that she sold it... to you. It's a book, written in Infernal. Do you have it?"

You tell him that you don't have the book - Arionne does.

"...Ah. I'll need to speak with her, then."



"You want me... to lead?" Tarn seems to be in disbelief. "Well, if you are sure... then I will lead by your example."

Later, as you finish 'repairing' Huntergate's magic, you sense a dreadful presence. Whatever it is, it seems to be inside the portal network, and entering the portal will likely awaken it - best not to go through, then, until you've fully prepared.



You gather most of the Bumblebrashers (and both kobolds) to give them the news. Fortunately, they're not a hard sell - all you really needed to say was "we're not kicking you out".

"No questions," says Helba. "My Bumblebrashers will gladly help you defend the citadel."

"And if there's any magicky stuff you need help with, let us know," the kobolds add.

End of Day 0

Day 1 - new Events are available

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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Vharag Mor'Guldur, Arcane Shaman



FOCUS POINTS: 2 | CURRENT: 1 | SPELL SLOTS [ARCANE]:  1st: 4/4 | 2nd: 4/4 | SPELL SLOTS [OCCULT]: 1st: 1/1



Vharag strode toward the edge of the citadel grounds where the wargs had made their den. His breath misted in the morning air, a sign of the cold resolve within him. Tarn walked beside him, eyes wide with anticipation. The wargs had been a constant presence, their father a dangerous element that needed addressing.

They stopped a few paces away from the den entrance. The ground here was littered with bones and the scent of the wild. The young wargs peeked out cautiously, their eyes reflecting curiosity and fear. Their father, however, emerged with a growl, his eyes blazing with challenge.

"Papa Warg," Vharag's voice was steady, his tone a blend of command and respect. "I seek parley." The massive warg snarled, his teeth bared. "Parley? Orc, I am no friend to your kind." Vharag remained unmoved. "Your daughters claim you killed their mother for failing to bear male offspring. Is this true?" The warg's growl deepened. "She was weak. In Belkzen, the weak perish. Such is the way of things." Vharag's eyes narrowed. "Strength lies in unity, not in needless slaughter. Your daughters deserve a chance to see things differently."

Papa Warg stepped forward, his muscles rippling. "And you think you can teach them? You, who walks on two legs, who speaks of unity, like a soft, civilized, thing?"

Vharag's eyes blazed with fury at the insult, a primal growl escaping his lips. "I am Vharag Mor'Guldur, of the Shattered Skull tribe. I have spilled blood and crushed enemies beneath my heel. You dare compare me to the weak? To the soft? You know nothing of true strength."

He stepped forward, his posture radiating power and menace. "Strength lies in protecting those who stand with you, not in slaughtering your own. If you cannot understand that, then you are not fit to lead, even among beasts."

Tarn watched in awe, the lesson sinking in. Vharag turned his head slightly, his voice a low rumble. "This, Tarn, is what true leadership requires. Strength tempered with wisdom, power guided by purpose."

Out of Character

Free Action:


Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

Spell Attack [Papa Worg Resolution DC 18]
1d20+11 10
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Syhlas Yaeder (Character sheet) Human Rogue 4
HP: 52/52 | AC: 21 | Perc +8 | Fort +11 | Ref +12 | Will +12 | Speed: 30 ft. | Abilities: Deny advantage
Active Conditions:

syhlas answers the puppies and spends some time with them.

"They are all alive and doing well. About food we need to establish some boundaries and rules here. No individuals with two legs are allowed to be attacked or killed unless you have an ok from me or one of my friends here in the citadel. I'll introduce you to them later. Also, no horses or other friendly animals are on your menu. But there will be food for you I promise you that. Just keep in mind those restrictions to begin with and I promise you a much better life than you have had so far."

"Let's go deal with your father. You still want him gone?" Syhlas leads the two puppies to where they believe Papa Warg is located and to his surprise he finds Vharag there with his younger relative whom they freed from the mercenaries.

"Ah I see you have already dealt with the Papa problem. That's awesome."

Syhlas turns to introduce the orcs to the two young wargs. "These are my friends Vharag and..." he pauses for a moment to remember the name of the younger orc as he hasn't seen him in a while "...Tarn. They are not food" he winks at Vharag to let him know he jokes. "and as you can see they have killed your father so I guess you will like them." He turns to the orcs to present the puppies. "These are the daughters of Papa Warg. We need to give you proper names. What about Brave and Fierce?" He suggests to the two puppies.


Diplomacy (to befriend puppies)
1d20+10 20
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Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholarimage.png.6158122ad895e3badf8c1e1661802be9.png

(22) | health-normal.svg HP: 56/56 |halloween_outline-23-512.png Fortitude: +12 | sprint.svg Reflex: +9 | calm, peace, yoga, serene, serenity, mind, meditate, meditation, peaceful Will: +9 | awareness.svg Perception: +6

"That is extremely good to know, Master Axebane."

Arionne answered with full formality, relying on politeness to make a good impression. 

"I've yet to fully review our funds, and will need to discuss it with the others. But as we're intending to maintain our control of the Citadel I'd certainly like to see it fully restored. For now, I'll take twenty gold from our communal funds and let us see the gate restored. "

She paused, keeping her tone complete serious so that there would be no room for suspicion that she was secretly mocking the mason. 

"Are you a scholar of Chelish architecture then? What is it about the Citadel that interests you so much?"

She was always happy to meet another scholar, be they amateur or formally trained. She did not try and haggle him down either, she had no interest in trying to convince him to accept less than his craft was worth. If he did good work, then she would be happy to pay for it. If the others wanted her to pay out of her personal share for not trying, so be it. 

She spent the evening deciphering the Infernal text, surprised to discover it was an instruction manual for the construction of Chelish Hellplate. An interesting skill to develop, but one that she had no interest in acquiring. The scales she could summon were harder than an iron, even infernal iron, and it was with no small amount of pride that she thought so. 

The next morning, she returned the text to Alak. 

"I would be happy to accompany you through the Citadel, Armiger Stagram."

She was vastly more interested in making sure he didn't learn anything about the Elfgates than she was in making sure no Goblins died. The others would likely raise a fuss about the later though, so she'd do that too. Besides, they were building a fragile balance of power within their new domain. The Orcs were the dominant force, that much was clear, but technically did not hold the legal ownership of the place. Would such distinctions matter to them? She didn't know much of their kind, so she didn't know. 

For now, she would accompany the Chelaxian, and make sure he learned nothing important to inform his masters. She did her best, but inside her mind she was screaming that she was too awkward, formal, and stiff with him. Could he sense her fear? He was of the Chain, was he not? She wasn't military, but she was a runaway from the position that her Sisters had given her. He was exactly what they would send after her, if the Sisters of the Golden Erinyess ever learned that she was here. It put an edge on all of her interactions that she'd have strongly preferred not be there.



Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Conditions: Channel Elements, Armor in Earth,

Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

IMPULSES - DC 20, +10
  • Channel Elements spacer.png raise aura, can combine with 1 action stance or 1 action elemental blast
  • Base Kinesis spacer.png 30' light bulk, generate, move or suppress
  • Elemental Blasts spacer.png or spacer.png 30' bludgeoning or piercing d8, 60' fire d6
  • Flying Flame spacer.png 30' line of 2d6 fire damage. Basic Reflex
  • Weapon Infusion image.png.4807a787a4171fe706d255ca10a57a7f.png shape blasts into a weapon, add a trait
  • Armor in Earth spacer.png raise AC to 21
  • Burning Jet spacer.png stride 40' and ignore difficult terrain
  • Thermal Nimbus spacer.png resistance 4 and damage 2 within aura  


Edited by TheRaconteur (see edit history)
Society to keep the Armiger polite
1d20+9 4
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image.jpeg.1bf506b13d468944173e567920351b56.jpegMatilde Canossa (Sheet) Human Cleric 4
HP: 52/52 | AC: 21 | Perception: +10 | Fort: +12 | Ref: +10 | Will: +9 | Speed: 25 ft.
Active Conditions: Shield (4) 12/12

After referring Alak to one of her fellow would be Wardens, Matilde sets out the next morn determined to again work on cleaning out the troublesome creatures in the Citadel that would make any repair work or restoration of the place far too dangerous, let alone the ability to actually host guests. Plus, it was a way to keep her sword arm sharp in otherwise idle times. Still, it felt rather odd to try and butcher creatures that were generally just trying to survive...

The ghost, though, was another story. And she felt obliged to be the one to set that horror to rights, if she was truly worthy to be a priestess. She doubted they were the sort to have worshipped Iomedae in life, but whoever they did once serve, she felt their soul should be free to go to its rest. Still, her methods for severing it from this world were not quite so gentle, and she hoped it would forgive her for that, as she blessed her blade, and approached the haunt with the intention of sundering it with hallowed magic.

Edited by crazncanuck (see edit history)
Spell Attack/Religion
1d20+10 8
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spacer.pngBaldric | HP 48/48 | AC 22 | Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +14 | Speed: 30 | Perception: +7
Hero Points: 0/1 | Focus Points: 1/2 | Spellcasting: Cantrips | Rank 1 | Rank 2 | Spell/Class DC: 20

Conditions: N/A | Effects: Marshal's aura (10 ft): +1 status bonus on fear saves

Baldric offers to help gather information to build the case against Voz. He understands that the whole plot may sound far-fetched to some in the town, but hopefully the facts will prevail. Having an outsider do some of the questioning may help serve the greater goal. His experience in diplomatic matters, combined with the fact that besides joining up with the party at the last moment means he may be seen as somewhat more impartial.

The half-elf diplomat arranges to speak with Dmiri, leader of the mercenaries allegedly working as muscle under Voz's employ. Though Baldric himself knows better, he broaches the subject with the authorities in a by-the-book manner so as to guarantee full, uninterrupted access.

"Ah, it's Dmiri, isn't it? My, but you do look fearsome in spite of this temporary confinement. I say temporary as I believe it need not be a permanent residence. I may not look it, but I understand the mercenary trade. I get it! You and your band need money - who doesn't? - and you took a job. Your benefactor even maintained a respectable air to her, did she not? It's reasonable to assume that she may have misled you regarding the nature of your employ. At least, that's what I believe I can convince the Council of. However, I can sell that truth better with more... details."

Day 1 Event: Build a Case
Approaching Dmiri diplomatically. Maybe she has details, maybe she doesn't. She did say "I don't want to rot in jail." The diplomatic approach involves dangling the carrot. If she doesn't want to cooperate, Day 2 could always be the 'stick'.

1d20+12 8
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Posted (edited)


"Your daughters deserve a chance to see things differently."

"No one deserves anything," Papa Warg shoots back. "If you want something, you must take it by force."

The puppies suddenly emerge from hiding and charge at their father - but it's really just a feint to make him lower his guard. It works, and you cast a spell at the warg, badly wounding him. Then, as the warg rears up to attack, Tarn drives his spear through his chest. Papa Warg almost seems to be smiling as he dies.

Tarn seems lost in thought for a moment, then says "I was taught long ago that force, by itself, means nothing... to wield it effectively, you must have a keen mind and a clear conscience. These last few days have certainly reinforced that lesson."



The pups seem quite happy to see you this time.

"Oh, we've already met Vharag and Tarn. We helped them kill Papa!" they say proudly.

"Teach us how to be strong like you, and you can call us whatever you want," they agree.



"I've always liked castles," says Rorsk. "There used to be a ton of 'em, but nowadays, they're like a dying breed - and most of the ones that're still in use are owned by folks with sticks up their bums, so I've never been able to study or work on one - 'til now. I thank you for the opportunity, miss Amata."

The next day, you accompany Alak as he ventures into the vaults below the citadel. He occasionally glares at one of the 'squatters' (as he calls them) but he restrains himself and remains mostly quiet as he retrieves the items he was looking for.

He seems to notice your tension, though, and eventually says "I think I know what troubles you... you think the Hellknights might return to reclaim this place, yes? But no, I assure you, there's no chance of that. This was always a backwater outpost at best - we have far better places to be. Altaerein is yours now, and I hope it serves you well, even if I don't care for your choice of neighbors."



You call upon the powers of Iomedae and Pharasma alike to banish the ghost. You can feel him struggling against your efforts, but eventually, he succumbs and fades into the afterlife.



Dmiri gives you a hopeful look. "Y'think you can get me out of here? ...I won't hold my breath, but it's not like Miss Voz can help me, either. Might as well tell you what I know. She hired me an' the Bloody Blades to keep people out of Guardian's Way 'by any means necessary'. She also told us she'd have a long-term job for us if everything worked out. I don't know exactly what she was planning, though. Somethin' about the Citadel, I'd guess."

End of Day 1

Day 2 - new Events are available

Huntergate is fully repaired. For completing this task, the party levels up.

In addition, for befriending the young wargs, Syhlas and Vharag gain Beastmaster Dedication as a bonus feat. This feat ignores the usual restrictions on archetype feats, and you gain the following animal companion:

Young Warg

Size Small

Melee:OneAction:jaws, Damage 1d8 piercing

Str +3, Dex +2, Con +1, Int -2, Wis +1, Cha +1

Hit Points 8

Skill Intimidation or Survival (your choice)

Senses low-light vision, scent (imprecise, 30 feet)

Speed 40 feet

Support Benefit The warg snaps at your enemies, interfering with their reactions. Until the start of your next turn, any creature the warg threatens can't use reactions triggered by your actions unless its level is higher than yours.

Advanced Maneuver:OneAction:Follow Through - if the warg's last action was a successful jaws Strike, the warg can then attempt to Grapple or Trip the same target. Multiple attack penalty does not apply to this maneuver.

Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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Arionne Amata - Itinerant Scholarimage.png.6158122ad895e3badf8c1e1661802be9.png

(22) | health-normal.svg HP: 56/56 |halloween_outline-23-512.png Fortitude: +12 | sprint.svg Reflex: +9 | calm, peace, yoga, serene, serenity, mind, meditate, meditation, peaceful Will: +9 | awareness.svg Perception: +6

"My blood is as Chelish as it is Isgari, Armiger Stagram."

Arionne answered the Armiger, when he spoke of her concerns. Her heart was pounding in her chest so loud that surely he must have beena ble to hear it, but she kept her panic out of her face as best she could.

"I imagine there might be plenty in Westcrown who consider my blood tainted by my Isgari father, but I've always considered myself to be of Chelaix. It was the Chelish missionaries who took me in, when the Hobgoblin raiders butchered my parents."

She kept her back straight and her voice unwavering.

"Not everyone is Isgar feels the way I do, I understand. There are many who might resist a return to civilization. Me? I prefer my books."

And the Elfgates.

"I do not want to see this place damaged further by such a conflict."

As if to prove her point, she spent all of the next day buried in every piece of legal text she could find, familiarizing herself with all that she could of Isgari legal customs. Calmont had killed two people, he was not innocent. Yet she would see to it that his punishment was fair and just, and with luck, that he'd someday walk away from it.


Main Hand: Empty
Off Hand: Empty
Conditions: Channel Elements, Armor in Earth,

Action 1:

Action 2:

Action 3:

IMPULSES - DC 20, +10
  • Channel Elements spacer.png raise aura, can combine with 1 action stance or 1 action elemental blast
  • Base Kinesis spacer.png 30' light bulk, generate, move or suppress
  • Elemental Blasts spacer.png or spacer.png 30' bludgeoning or piercing d8, 60' fire d6
  • Flying Flame spacer.png 30' line of 2d6 fire damage. Basic Reflex
  • Weapon Infusion image.png.4807a787a4171fe706d255ca10a57a7f.png shape blasts into a weapon, add a trait
  • Armor in Earth spacer.png raise AC to 21
  • Burning Jet spacer.png stride 40' and ignore difficult terrain
  • Thermal Nimbus spacer.png resistance 4 and damage 2 within aura  


Lore: Legal
1d20+10 14
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"Bookworm or not, you've shown great strength," says Alak. "I think you will triumph over whatever challenges you face."

Reading up on Isgeri law, you learn that Calmont could be convicted of murder - even though he did not mean for anyone to die, he is still legally culpable for those two deaths.

"If we were in Cheliax or anywhere else in Isger, I'd already be dead or worse," Calmont had said, and he was right - anywhere else, he'd probably be convicted and executed. But Breachill is known for being more lenient, and Calmont has already shown remorse and willingness to cooperate. So, under the circumstances, you're fairly sure that Calmont will be spared as long as you competently defend him.

Day 2 continues. New Events have been added.
Edited by Eagleheart (see edit history)
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