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Dice Roller

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This is more of a GM issue than a player one, but with the loss of inline dice rolls, you lose the ability to copy/paste rolls.  Especially in situations when you have a lot of identical rolls every round.


For example, my party of adventurers are in combat with a dozen mooks (goblins, mobsters, xenomorphs, or whatever is appropriate for the genre).  In the old system, I could just copy/paste the old block of combat rolls and reuse them.  No fuss, no muss.


Now, with each round I have to add each roll one at a time, which takes what was once a ten second task and significantly increases the amount of time it will take.


It would be nice if there was something to offset or replicate some of the utility that we're losing.

Edited by CharmingSatyr (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, CharmingSatyr said:

This is more of a GM issue than a player one, but with the loss of inline dice rolls, you lose the ability to copy/paste rolls.  Especially in situations when you have a lot of identical rolls every round.


For example, my party of adventurers are in combat with a dozen mooks (goblins, monsters, xenomorphs, or whatever is appropriate for the genre).  In the old system, I could just copy/paste the old block of combat rolls and reuse them.  No fuss, no muss.


Now, with each round I have to add each roll one at a time, which takes what was one a ten second task and significantly increases the amount of time it will take.


It would be nice if there was something to offset or replicate some of the utility that we're losing.


In a similar vein, for stuff like Initiative, I used to type out the first one and then copy that and paste it however many times I needed, altering the modifiers for each group.  Now I have to enter each roll manually every single time.  Is there a way we can get X number of the same dice roll at one time?  Or did I miss something?

Edited by Scarecrow71 (see edit history)
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@Scarecrow71 @CharmingSatyr


I could have sworn it was tossed out already, but it might have been something said on OGMW. The current Dice Tower is the earliest iteration of it, and being able to bulk roll is one of the aspects that is pending.


Additional pending expansion includes image dice and card decks (Savage Worlds crowd mainly). These are all items required for Baldr’s initial release, not stuff that will be added “eventually, once Baldr is released.” 🙂

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A feature that definitely needs to be added is the ability to add commands like ‘drop lowest’. Not being able to do things like 4d6v1, even as a single roll, is a tough pill to swallow.


Also a future request for mobile: give mobile users a way to see the dice rolls. On PC I can mouseover and see the individual rolls in a set (like in 4d6), but I haven’t found a way to replicate that on mobile.

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@4DFlash Yep, it's in development as we speak! 🙂


The display of roll results is also on the drawing board for revision due to how it displays on mobile, as well as us just not quite being happy with its current form. The Dice Tower is in a very basic form at this moment, and is slated for a lot of expansion going forward well before we hit the point of the official launch.

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I'm actually looking forward to seeing what the dice roller becomes. I feel like its a very high tier objective. Right now its in a very raw state. For example there are way too many steps (post, click dice, add value, click roll, wait for load, click okay. a couple of those could be streamlined) and it doesn't show some rolls, and things like that. I hear a lot about the dice roller, things like image dice will be exceptional. I play in a L5R game that could really use it, at the moment we roll dice on discord which is okay but it would be nice to be able to record the rolls.


I'm hoping the dice tower can become a very streamlined and feature rich feature.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@hoverfrog All features being added to the Dice Tower still, Eric is tackling those very soon so it’s brought up to the same level as OGMW before it expands further. Joys of beta, having a dozen different things that all need work at once. 🤷‍♂️

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2 hours ago, Colin said:

@hoverfrog All features being added to the Dice Tower still, Eric is tackling those very soon so it’s brought up to the same level as OGMW before it expands further. Joys of beta, having a dozen different things that all need work at once. 🤷‍♂️


What's the priority on the Dice Roller with games starting to be run here?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Regarding in-line dice rolls - I wonder if there is a path forward that still utilizes the dice tower, but provides the ability to insert results into the text - perhaps a simple tag that can insert and reference a rolled die by name/id.  Dice would still reside in the tower, but their results could be linked directly into the narrative.

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