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Durlag’s Tower - OOC


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I spoke to Dmitri last night, after three messages i have sent to him...

He said basically said he feels like he doesnt wants to continue , but i think i convinced him at least to stick it out until the end of this one...

Then if he doesn't choose to continue with us into the next module,i guess that would be on him...

I would hope he ends up changing his mind ,as i think we only have a few modules left...and i would like to see us all get it done together.

Since we've all rode the roller coaster the whole time..

He said to me,he will make a move today... let's hope he fulfills that..




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Lol ok i am going to pedantic and methodical about this battle, so Poor first question i ask is... firstly which order was i attacked?
Did The Glab hit first or did the Lightning bolt hit me first.

I also need to know whether you rolled disadvantage checks because of our Cloaks of Displacement to see if any of those hits are actually misses...

Then i will have to see if i can counter some damage with Shield spells and Indomitable features..

before responding myself...

And if i attempt to cast whilst in melee will that draw an AO against me from the Glab.,Well four of them..


And Vall burn the crap out of that little shit..with the staff...

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Phew! I think we all have one .. but good to know you forgot them.. follow up in your own time.. then i will see what Bloodaxe can respond with..

Thanks for the feedback,sorry about the interuption.




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I too have a cloak and it's one of the three items I have attuned, but doesn't help with a Dex save of 0 vs a lightning bolt...
So absorb elements it is and a pack of raptors to the face back!



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Phew, this looks like it could be nasty if they are not dealt with fast!

Good thing we all have those cloaks!



A second crit, somehow doing even more damage than the first one, even with rolling 6 1s on my 12 sneak attack dice!

Eireann is on fire! But then, so are those Raptors!

Edited by omegoku (see edit history)
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Hey Cheezal, Thanks for being persistent with me.

Sounds good PK. I'll do what I can to get another post up soon.

I don't typically spend my day around computers, so I have to make an effort to get a post up. This newer system isn't as easy to use when it comes to mobile, at least it seems that way to me.

Sorry for being the boat anchor all this time.

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Posted (edited)

Actually, I'm going to say the two demons are not affected by the cloaks because they both have Truesight.



While you wear this cloak, it projects an illusion that makes you appear to be standing in a place near your actual location



A monster with truesight can, out to a specific range, see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them, and perceive the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic. Furthermore, the monster can see into the Ethereal Plane within the same range.


Edited by Poor_Knight (see edit history)
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well that's gonna cramp my typical in the scrum style, but what can you do. PK, can I amend my action? I'd like to take a potion of frost giant strength first, then rush in and attack the demon messing with Theren. I may need to use Action Surge to manage this, but it and I would still miss with one hit, but I may manage to hit it if I have an additional +3 to strength and damage.

if that seems to Meta, I get it. I'll just do it next turn.

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Pesky Demons! you,ll pay for that!

Ok.. So now that adjudication has been done...

I had four attacks directed at me...in its combat phase.

One hit with a 28 for 18 damage,One hit with a 27 for 20 damage, One hit with a 29 for 18 damage and the final one hit with a 24 for 13 damage.

Now i have a what is ?possible question..


If the Shield spell negate one attack regardless of AC ,i clearly will block the 20 damage attack.,if it only raises my AC by 5 thus preventing the lowest hit attack.

Or is there a situation where if i can block the 20 damage, then the shield is up for the of the round, does the raising of my AC to 25 also stop the attack of the lowest.. Hence stopping two lots of damage. and i only take the two lots of 18, 15 of which will be healed by Lajal's totem.

And then i only have to deal with the Lightning bolt damage. and do my attacks.

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9 hours ago, Dmitri_Ravenoff said:

Hey Cheezal, Thanks for being persistent with me.

Sounds good PK. I'll do what I can to get another post up soon.

I don't typically spend my day around computers, so I have to make an effort to get a post up. This newer system isn't as easy to use when it comes to mobile, at least it seems that way to me.

Sorry for being the boat anchor all this time.

All good mate, as well as not wanting to lose a member of my gaming crew (which i still don't,and hope you will try and stick with us to finish this race we all started years ago), I can admit i am a bit impatient at times or eager to game.. You aren't the only person i have spoke to Gremlin i also talk to... But its all with good intention to get the crew moving,or not having the game stall or die (which unfortunately happens alot in this online gaming setting).

I also know we all have real lives outside of here which effect how often we do interact with the site, so on my part hope i havent been seen as a pain ,by approaching you in your offline time to bring you back here..,As well as i know at times we may all have life trials to deal with ...I had an offline game where a player pulled the pin due to having a mental health issue, where he wanted to burden the group.. But i stuck my neck out for him and spoke to the Dm about giving him space to sort himself out and be welcome back anytime.. he was about to rejoin us in our next game..

When i actually brought up something about one of his posts on facebook, nothing major i thought.. which blew up in my face.. as he blocked me on facebook,and discord and the group unfortunately imploded for it.. So... i am still trying to get the dephibs on that game if i can with the Dm..

But i have also been told..some times i will ride a horse until i realise its been dead two years...

I don't see any of you as anchors.. But you have made this ride ,enjoyable for the years i have played it with you all.. and it will be a combined victory when we all get to final module, thats if Poor out of spite goes for a TPK in the last one..lol


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Hmm One Further point of Querry...

I rolled my Dex Check and Indomitable check against the Lightning bolt.. failing both..

Then i noticed Lajal's totem gives me advantage on saves...

However my point of querry is.. does our Initiative number determine where we act in combat rounds or only in the initial round to see if we went faster then Schvalt or Knap.

Because if its in number sequence Order, Lajal came after Bloodaxe, which would mean i can't make (I presume an additional save check, and i don't know if my indomitable would be given a second shot), but if after the first round, we act in the order we post.. then my action would get the benefit of that totem...

So i will await your ruling on that one Poor. before making one or two new save checks against the Lightning bolt...


That said.. as far as my assessment goes.. I have taken at least two lots of 18 Damage... I am clarifying if Shield will negate the 20 and possibly the 13 damage,or only one or the other.

And i will take 27 Lightning bolt damage if i don't get a re roll chance or chances with the totem.

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