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Correct. Regarding the wait time to see him, I was going to have you increase it to two hours as it covers the previously mentioned intentions.

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will have to forgive anything i miss in posts, i now miss two things in last few days i am bit under the weather so it does give me extra time to post am not 100% so seems missing things when reading post( something to do with watery eyes from plugged nose i guess)

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So i wasnt not really expecting to use the mass combat rules as of yet with you lot, i have used them alot for my other live games and ran even Dirk my epic level PC in a game and they worked even with his level. So it will take me a few days to post the rules and format them, they are from original D&D and very easy and fast to use, but it also means things are resolved with a few die rolls. Also means PCs, which they have huge impacts in combat, can also die with a die roll. I have changed that to a roll on the injury table with minus to rolls to reflect the deadliness of the wounds.


So Jake and Prax will be on human side, I will get the other players controlling the dwarves and elves so they are involved as this will not be a DM hand waving but must be run.

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Pardon my confusion, were you expecting some 'do xyz' responses? I can only speak for myself, but I was waiting for responses to cover RP.

I am just keep seeing 'time passes, x happens' so trying to understand what you want from us.

Best I can tell, three major battles have taken place in the handful of minutes introductions were made. All at the same location. So, that includes retreating, regrouping, and redeployment.

Edited by Sohala (see edit history)
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So you are moving towards the battlefield as these battle take place, armies do not move instantly. These updates are for the benefit of what is happening while you get in place. Suggestions as that is all the human commander can give, are being sent to allies in response to the outcome of the battles. So there is no expected responses or actions other than reactions to the event as they unfold until it is the time of your own battle. Each battle lasts a few hours no more.

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'Moving towards' makes sense for the time sink, after explaining it. Bit of a sour pill that we apparently didn't try to reach out to the trolls, considering how tactically suicidal it is to abandon them.

By appearances, it seems like a drive to claim the trolls (though, you not clarifying movements/allocations leaves that as a 'maybe'). They will then act as the regerating wall for the infected, like we should have done for the living.

The elves only sabotaged themselves. Fight the trolls, in theory weakening them (highly unlikely to wipe them out), just for the infected to collect them. All while burning your own troops for upcoming engagements.

On a macro-level, it looks like inept leadership.

My understanding of the layout as you initially described (squares instead of hex, rotate 45 degrees CW):

Troll | Troll

Elf | Us/humans

Hence my confusion about what was going on and why stuff was happening and we hadn't moved (when the second group of trolls had).

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we "suggested" that the dead trolls cant be infected and elves agreed. No one in the tent seem to have a problem or at least voiced their opinion. Remember the military on isle are the hard liners duty over anything, anyone not following the party line dont last long here.


If you look at the trolls troops, alot are fighter types that have uncontrolled raging. As stated once troll army is engaged not much can calm them down other than total battlefield control then they calm down. If they come out of rage and have other foes still its a death sentence. If they had won any of those battle, it would have given the chance to reach out, they did not so they could not snap out of battle without losing anything after. Most of the force either rages by class, or by special chems given to them so there is no reaching out unless they have control of field and come out. That never happened. Even the Orks dont get in their way once they started to attack and they has been times where some trolls started to kill Orks when could not get out of their rage. The Orks have a special defence unit they field when fighting with trolls that job is to protect rest of Orks from raging trolls

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1 hour ago, Sohala said:


My understanding of the layout as you initially described (squares instead of hex, rotate 45 degrees CW):

Troll | Troll

Elf | Us/humans

Hence my confusion about what was going on and why stuff was happening and we hadn't moved (when the second group of trolls had).



is the layout but here on the isle each race has own lands and defends it themselves, we will help when trolls or orks try to push into lands but overall it is up each of to keep our lands. Each lands have artifacts, ruins, and things to explore to find and harvest.


Each hex you control allows you to draw magical power for things like creation of hybrid items, ritual spells, and other powerful effects. The more hexes you control and connect with laylines, the more you can do.

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25 minutes ago, wrathgon said:



Physical layout, not political divide.

You mentioned two groups of trolls. The second was the assume point of contact. (-Ignoring of course the inherently limited duration of rage here, even though it is a stated reason they lost. I understand your flavor goal here on this point)

Edited by Sohala (see edit history)
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force attacked by infected were reserved for elf battle, that is when elves alert us of the push, so that first battle was well under way when the msg reach us, while it was possible to force march into elf troll battle command was unsure would get thee in time to make a difference. Better to set up rested and ready and hope allies could deal with the threat till ready. numbers wise elves are 10 points (10%) better base then adding all the rest should be able to deal with trolls, just a unluckly turn had them not clearing them enough

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3 hours ago, Sohala said:

'Moving towards' makes sense for the time sink, after explaining it. Bit of a sour pill that we apparently didn't try to reach out to the trolls, considering how tactically suicidal it is to abandon them.

By appearances, it seems like a drive to claim the trolls (though, you not clarifying movements/allocations leaves that as a 'maybe'). They will then act as the regerating wall for the infected, like we should have done for the living.

The elves only sabotaged themselves. Fight the trolls, in theory weakening them (highly unlikely to wipe them out), just for the infected to collect them. All while burning your own troops for upcoming engagements.

On a macro-level, it looks like inept leadership.

My understanding of the layout as you initially described (squares instead of hex, rotate 45 degrees CW):

Troll | Troll

Elf | Us/humans

Hence my confusion about what was going on and why stuff was happening and we hadn't moved (when the second group of trolls had).

Yea me and Wrath already had that discussion on discord. So much inept leadership, combined with new good leadership on the side of the infected.

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