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Season 1, Episode 1 - Highway To Hell


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ST: 9 DX: 10 IQ: 14 HT: 12 HP: 9/9 FP: 9/9

DMG: 1d-2/1d-1 BL: 16 PER: 14 Basic Speed: 5.5 Dodge: 8.5 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 16/32/48/96/160

Age: Adult Appearance: Beautiful

Culture Familiarity: Sea of Dust (Native), Bandit Kingdoms Languages (Spoken): Suloise (Native), Common (Accented) Languages (Written): Suloise, Common

Advantages: Ally (Familiar), Magery 3, Special Rapport (Familiar)

Disadvantages: Obsession (Magic), Overconfidence, Social Stigma (Minority Group - Outsider)

Quirks: Careful, Distinctive Features, Likes (Magic), Proud

Skills: Body Language 12, Dancing 10, Detect Lies 12, First Aid 14, Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore) 13, Hiking 11, Melee Weapon (Knife) 10, Naturalist 12, Occultism 13, Riding (Horse) 10, Ritual Magic (Genie Binding) 12, Survival (Desert) 14, Survival (Plains) 13, Symbol Drawing 12, Thaumatology 14.

Spells: Sense Foes [Communication and Empathy] 15, Detect Magic [Knowledge] 15, Light [Light and Darkness] 15, Foolishness [Mind Control] 15, Forgetfulness [Mind Control] 15, Shield [Protection and Warning] 15, Armor [Protection and Warning] 15, Seek Water [Water] 15, Purify Water [Water] 15, Create Water [Water] 15.

At the man's screams, Iranna jumped forward. Something felt wrong. Clenden didn't seem a man to be impressed by just a few larvae. Jumping worms? What kind of beast did they happen to cross paths with? The mage cursed herself silently: she should have used that spell, but she thought she knew better.

The mage advanced to get a better view at the unlucky guard - not close enough to put herself in danger, though. A hysterical question crossed her mind: how far could a worm jump?

"What..." - was all she could whisper.


OOCI'll add a skill check to identify the worms once I know what skill should be used.

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Location: Long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Starday, First of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 2pm
Weather: Cold, 42°, more cloudy and moderate wind out of the southeast
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm


Iranna pulls up about 10 yards from where Clen is thrashing about on the ground. Iranna can see several writhing masses of green, segmented worms on his body. The caravan guard frantically swats and scrapes at them, trying to get them off of him. Hey looks up at her, locking eyes. Wordlessly, he pleads for help. Iranna can see several small, dark wounds on his exposed flesh, possibly where the worms were... biting him?... or maybe ... burrowing into him?

image.png.e935dd4bcb3efc73977de8d5b134a389.pngJust then, Khaleema flies up next to her, looking around too see what the commotion is about. "Are those worms? How utterly, um, earthly," she says with disgust. 

As she says this, Iranna watches the light go out of Clen's eyes. He stops moving but the masses green worms on him continue wriggling around, giving the impression that he is still moving. Then, suddenly, the worms start flying off of him coming right for Iranna. 

"We should move," suggests the Maridan nonchalantly as she dodges a flying worm.



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Arwi ran up to see what was going on but stopped short next to Iranna.  Then he saw Clen being consumed by the worms.  A wave of fear and revulsion came over him for a split second but he pushed the feelings away.  Now was not the time.


"He's gone.  There is nothing we can do for him now." he said regretfully.   He took several steps backwards watching Clen and then turned to job back to the road.   "Stay back. Don't get off of the road.", he shouted, waving everyone back. 


"Damnit.  Sorry, Clen.", he said to nobody in particular. 


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ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 13 HT: 12 HP: 11/11 FP: 12/12

DMG: 1d+2/1d BL: 20 PER: 10 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge: 8 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 20/40/60/120/200

Age: Adult Appearance: Attractive

Culture Familiarity: Ket (Native), Central Flanaess Languages (Spoken): Baklunish (Native), Common, Giant (Accented), Goblin (Accented), Orc (Accented) Languages (Written): Baklunish, Common

Advantages: Clerical Investment, Mind Control (Emotion Only), Power Investiture 3

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism), Klutz, Odious Personal Habit (Finds Omens ALL OVER), Reduced Basic Speed (0.25), Sense of Duty (Large: Istus' Faithful)

Quirks: Broad-Minded, Careful, Minor Handicap (Sacroiliitis), Vow (Pay 10% of Income to Religious Affiliation)

Skills: Body Language 9, Brawling 10, Diplomacy 11, First Aid (TL 3) 13, Fishing 10, Fortune-Telling 13, Hiking 11, History 13, Knife 10, Meditation 11, Observation 10, Occultism 13, Religious Ritual 13, Staff 10, Survival (Plains) 9, Thrown Weapon 11

Spells: Analyze Magic 14, Armor 14, Aura 14, Awaken 14, Darkness 14, Death Vision 14, Foolishness 14, Forgetfulness 14, Identify Spell 14, Lend Energy 14, Lend Vitality 14, Light 14, Minor Healing 14, Recover Energy 14, Sense Spirit 14, Shield 14

 Nessia began to close the distance between herself and Clen, but then paused when things became very much apparent to her.  "What are those...?!" She speaks in a half-whisper, and then she sees a flying mass of green things.  "Ugh!"


 Does she leave Iranna to a potentially unpleasant fate?  No, the Fate-preistess waits to see if Iranna is pursued... Action can come after hostility is assessed.


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ST: 9 DX: 10 IQ: 14 HT: 12 HP: 9/9 FP: 9/9

DMG: 1d-2/1d-1 BL: 16 PER: 14 Basic Speed: 5.5 Dodge: 8.5 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 16/32/48/96/160

Age: Adult Appearance: Beautiful

Culture Familiarity: Sea of Dust (Native), Bandit Kingdoms Languages (Spoken): Suloise (Native), Common (Accented) Languages (Written): Suloise, Common

Advantages: Ally (Familiar), Magery 3, Special Rapport (Familiar)

Disadvantages: Obsession (Magic), Overconfidence, Social Stigma (Minority Group - Outsider)

Quirks: Careful, Distinctive Features, Likes (Magic), Proud

Skills: Body Language 12, Dancing 10, Detect Lies 12, First Aid 14, Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore) 13, Hiking 11, Melee Weapon (Knife) 10, Naturalist 12, Occultism 13, Riding (Horse) 10, Ritual Magic (Genie Binding) 12, Survival (Desert) 14, Survival (Plains) 13, Symbol Drawing 12, Thaumatology 14.

Spells: Sense Foes [Communication and Empathy] 15, Detect Magic [Knowledge] 15, Light [Light and Darkness] 15, Foolishness [Mind Control] 15, Forgetfulness [Mind Control] 15, Shield [Protection and Warning] 15, Armor [Protection and Warning] 15, Seek Water [Water] 15, Purify Water [Water] 15, Create Water [Water] 15.

The woman recoiled in disgust, stumbling back so fast that she almost lost her footing. What a horrible sight! He looked her in the eyes asking for help, and she saw life abandon him. A minute earlier, they were talking about their travels, and now he was gone. Just like that.

It took a second for Iranna to process Khaleema's suggestion. Move? She eyed the dangerous vermin as they threw themselves at her.

"Yes. Yes, we should."

The thought of ending up like Clenden - eaten alive? That was enough to push the mage into action. Iranna turned around to run back at the cart as fast as she could.

"Get ready to move! The worms are coming!" - the woman cried, looking at the others. Her backpack! She had to secure it!

OOCI'll add a skill check to identify the worms once I know what skill should be used.

Fright Check (13-)
3d6 4,2,5
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Location: Long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Starday, First of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 2pm
Weather: Cold, 42°, more cloudy and moderate wind out of the southeast
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm


As Arwi comes even with Iranna, he sees Clen's dead body. Several clumps of green, writing worms are on his body, though they are not consumimage.png.e935dd4bcb3efc73977de8d5b134a389.pnging him, it does appear that they are burrowing into his skin. A wave of terror washes over him as he imagines the worms burrowing into HIS flesh. Just then, he sees several of the worms flying through the air, right for him. He easily steps back, avoiding them. He spies another, larger mass of worms moving on the ground, about halfway between Clen's body and where he and Iranna are standing. They are slowly closing the gap.

Iranna turns and makes her way back toward the others on the road. She sees Nessia, one of the other travelers, has come close to investigate as well, but seeing Iranna's flight from the scene, she too, returns to the safety of the road.

OOCWaiting on some info from Arwi to see what he does..



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Master Finn was traveling in the back of the caravan with the camp followers. When hearing the cries of alarm, he moves forward to investigate. He spots the mass of worms moving towards them. He places his bag on the ground and takes out 2 torches. "Anyone could a light?" he calls out.

Not receiving an answer, he takes out his tinderbox and lights one torch.

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Kelarith, Warlock  


ST: 9 DX: 11 IQ: 13 HT: 10 HP: 12/12 FP: 10/10

DMG: 1d-2/1d-1 BL: 16 PER: 14 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge:Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 16/32/48/96/160

Age: Adult Appearance: Average

Culture Familiarity:  Bandit Kingdoms Languages (Spoken): Common (Native), Suloise (Broken) Languages (Written): Common, Suloise (semi-literate)

Advantages: Blessed, Doesn't Sleep, Magery 0, Night Vision 2, Ritual Adept (Space), Ritual Adept (Time) Amulet

Disadvantages: Lame Hand, Secret, Skinny, Vow

Quirks: Dislikes Bright Light, Minor Addiction, Proud, Uncongenial, Unnatural Palour

Skills: Acting 13(+0), Area Knowledge (Bandit Kingdoms) 13(+0), Crossbow 13(+2), Detect Lies 12(-1), Filch 10(-1), First Aid/TL 3 13(+0), Hidden Lore (Magic Writings) 12(-1), Hiking 9(-1), Holdout 12(-1), Meditation 11(-2), Observation 12(-1), Occultism 13(+0), Riding 10(-1), Ritual Magic 16(+3), Scrounging 13(+0), Search 12(-1), Stealth 11(+0), Survival (Plains) 12(-1)


’What in hells could that be? Demons? Invisible elementals? Powerful magic?’ “The worms are coming!!” ‘…worms?’ Baffled, disturbed, and somewhat frightened by the news, he courageously moves to the center of the road, putting himself right behind the wagon. He lowers his crossbow, anticipating that it may not be of much use, and prepares to jump into the wagon, or flee, as the need may be. 

Actions: All-Out Defense (+2 Dodge)


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ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 13 HT: 12 HP: 11/11 FP: 12/12

DMG: 1d+2/1d BL: 20 PER: 10 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge: 8 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 20/40/60/120/200

Age: Adult Appearance: Attractive

Culture Familiarity: Ket (Native), Central Flanaess Languages (Spoken): Baklunish (Native), Common, Giant (Accented), Goblin (Accented), Orc (Accented) Languages (Written): Baklunish, Common

Advantages: Clerical Investment, Mind Control (Emotion Only), Power Investiture 3

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism), Klutz, Odious Personal Habit (Finds Omens ALL OVER), Reduced Basic Speed (0.25), Sense of Duty (Large: Istus' Faithful)

Quirks: Broad-Minded, Careful, Minor Handicap (Sacroiliitis), Vow (Pay 10% of Income to Religious Affiliation)

Skills: Body Language 9, Brawling 10, Diplomacy 11, First Aid (TL 3) 13, Fishing 10, Fortune-Telling 13, Hiking 11, History 13, Knife 10, Meditation 11, Observation 10, Occultism 13, Religious Ritual 13, Staff 10, Survival (Plains) 9, Thrown Weapon 11

Spells: Analyze Magic 14, Armor 14, Aura 14, Awaken 14, Darkness 14, Death Vision 14, Foolishness 14, Forgetfulness 14, Identify Spell 14, Lend Energy 14, Lend Vitality 14, Light 14, Minor Healing 14, Recover Energy 14, Sense Spirit 14, Shield 14

 A thought comes to Nessia, when she sees Finn lighting a torch... Light!  She has no idea what these worms are, but she does know that some things are averse to light...


 Once she's a safe distance from the worms, she works on casting a spell... With any luck, a light will manifest, that can be moved towards the worms and used to rout them!  They couldn't be that bright, could they?

Out of Character - ActionsNessia is casting [I]light[/I], and making it move move towards the worms in an attempt to rout them.

Nessia - Divine Spell Use (Light)
3d6 4,2,5
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Location: Long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Starday, First of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 2pm
Weather: Cold, 42°, more cloudy and moderate wind out of the southeast
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm


Everyone makes it back to the 'safety' of the road and wagon. The last Awri saw, the clump of worms were slowly moving along the ground toward him, but not at any speed that would be dangerous. One of the travelers in the group, a young, bald man, has lit a torch and stepped off the road toward the worm-infested area and the portent-uttering woman, Nessia, has conjured a magical light and sent it out toward the worms. The small light, no brighter than that of a candle, moves and floats out over the bare landscape.

The other guard, a young Flannish man named Nerich Nidun, tasked with keeping an eye out in the other direction calls out a warning. "Uhmm, hey, there's three, um, people? approaching from over there." Everyone turns and sees him motioning toward the south-west. There, about 300 yards out, are three Human-like shapes, ambling toward the wagon. "They're not moving very fast, and they're kinda meandering back and forth, like they don't really know where they're going, but they're definitely coming this way." He looks around a bit nervously, then back at the three slowly approaching forms. "It looks like they might be hurt, or somthin', you think? They're not moving right, are they, lurching around and whatnot. I don't like it," he mutters. 

"I don't like it either," says the merchant Amira.

Character StatusArwi HP 12/12 FP 12/12

Finn HP 10/10 FP 10/10

Iranna HP 9/9 FP 12/12

Kelarith HP 12/12 FP 10/10

Nessia HP 12/12 FP 11/12



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ST: 9 DX: 10 IQ: 14 HT: 12 HP: 9/9 FP: 9/9

DMG: 1d-2/1d-1 BL: 16 PER: 14 Basic Speed: 5.5 Dodge: 8.5 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 16/32/48/96/160

Age: Adult Appearance: Beautiful

Culture Familiarity: Sea of Dust (Native), Bandit Kingdoms Languages (Spoken): Suloise (Native), Common (Accented) Languages (Written): Suloise, Common

Advantages: Ally (Familiar), Magery 3, Special Rapport (Familiar)

Disadvantages: Obsession (Magic), Overconfidence, Social Stigma (Minority Group - Outsider)

Quirks: Careful, Distinctive Features, Likes (Magic), Proud

Skills: Body Language 12, Dancing 10, Detect Lies 12, First Aid 14, Hidden Lore (Spirit Lore) 13, Hiking 11, Melee Weapon (Knife) 10, Naturalist 12, Occultism 13, Riding (Horse) 10, Ritual Magic (Genie Binding) 12, Survival (Desert) 14, Survival (Plains) 13, Symbol Drawing 12, Thaumatology 14.

Spells: Sense Foes [Communication and Empathy] 15, Detect Magic [Knowledge] 15, Light [Light and Darkness] 15, Foolishness [Mind Control] 15, Forgetfulness [Mind Control] 15, Shield [Protection and Warning] 15, Armor [Protection and Warning] 15, Seek Water [Water] 15, Purify Water [Water] 15, Create Water [Water] 15.

The mage had not wasted any time to retrieve her backpack. Now that the woman's possessions were within arm's reach, Iranna could focus.

"Khaleema" - she called, and pointed at the three humanoid figures that were slowly but steadily closing in. "Go have a look. Close enough to see what they are doing, but take no risks."

The woman's tone demanded obedience. Right now, it was not the time to pull pranks and have fun. One of the group had died - and so quickly! It had taken just a few seconds for the vermins to slay the poor guard. Iranna walked up to Amira.

"This is dangerous" - she said, addressing the merchant.

"Those worms will kill us if they can reach us. And what is going on with them? What are they doing here, without horses nor carts?" - the woman asked, pointing once again at the group of three distant figures. Her attention focused on the caravan leader.

"Hear me out. We should turn the cart around and fall back until we understand where to go. With the uneven terrain and the grass, we won't know if our path is blocked by more worms until those vermins will be close."

Iranna glanced in the direction of Clen's body. There wasn't much time. They had to act. Now.

"If we keep going, we could end up surrounded by those things. We'd all end up devoured then. Let's retreat, Amira."

OOCI'll add a skill check to identify the worms once I know what skill should be used.

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ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 13 HT: 12 HP: 11/11 FP: 12/12

DMG: 1d+2/1d BL: 20 PER: 10 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge: 8 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 20/40/60/120/200

Age: Adult Appearance: Attractive

Culture Familiarity: Ket (Native), Central Flanaess Languages (Spoken): Baklunish (Native), Common, Giant (Accented), Goblin (Accented), Orc (Accented) Languages (Written): Baklunish, Common

Advantages: Clerical Investment, Mind Control (Emotion Only), Power Investiture 3

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism), Klutz, Odious Personal Habit (Finds Omens ALL OVER), Reduced Basic Speed (0.25), Sense of Duty (Large: Istus' Faithful)

Quirks: Broad-Minded, Careful, Minor Handicap (Sacroiliitis), Vow (Pay 10% of Income to Religious Affiliation)

Skills: Body Language 9, Brawling 10, Diplomacy 11, First Aid (TL 3) 13, Fishing 10, Fortune-Telling 13, Hiking 11, History 13, Knife 10, Meditation 11, Observation 10, Occultism 13, Religious Ritual 13, Staff 10, Survival (Plains) 9, Thrown Weapon 11

Spells: Analyze Magic 14, Armor 14, Aura 14, Awaken 14, Darkness 14, Death Vision 14, Foolishness 14, Forgetfulness 14, Identify Spell 14, Lend Energy 14, Lend Vitality 14, Light 14, Minor Healing 14, Recover Energy 14, Sense Spirit 14, Shield 14

 Nessia nods in agreement with Iranna.  "It might take a little while longer than we might like, but that is very sound advice.  ...my only guess as to those folk we see, is that they might be disoriented or injured.  Inebriated or inhibited, I highly doubt."


 She looks at the worms... "Do you think we could burn them, or at least repel them with fire?  I haven't got any oil on me, but there might be something flammable that we could use..."


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Location: Long and lonely road between Marsakeer and Rookroostimage.png.f1bb679ac97ff73771b1fa39411ffd8d.png
Date: Starday, First of Growfest (festival week)
Time: around 2pm
Weather: Cold, 42°, more cloudy and moderate wind out of the southeast
Sunrise/set: just after 6am/ just before 6:30pm


In response to Nessia's question, there is not a lot of oil among the folk in the caravan, no more than a couple of pints.

Iranna's small, blue companion flits off toward the approaching forms. Meanwhile, Amira, the merchant, argues about the retreat. "No, forward is the way, whatever they are, they are too far off the road and moving far too slow to be able to intercept us. If we go back, they will still be in front of us, we should try to pass them!" she says, though does not seem too convinced of her tactics. She may be convinced by further conversation.

Out on the plain, the small form of Khaleema can be seen moving toward the three figures at a good pace. when she gets about 10 yards from them she veers off and makes a wide circle around them. This seems to attract the attention of the three walkers, they wave their arms in her direction, change course and try to follow her, though she is much too quick. She completes her circuit then flies up some 20-30 feet up in the air above them. The tiny flier holds there for a moment, then a large sphere of water appears in the air and falls down, splashing on the beings below her. This seems to enrage them and they begin waving their arms in the air at her. When she turns to fly away, they follow her tiny form, now moving about twice as fast as they had been before. 

Seeing this, Amira strongly reconsiders her previous stance on retreating. 

A few moments later, Khaleema returns. "They are not Human, no longer anyway, they appear to be some sort of zombie. And they do not like being doused in water, apparently. I did not get too close, but they appear to be covered in those worms, just like the mule and the rude guard over there," she says, pointing out to where poor Clen had perished. "They do seem to be coming this way faster now, though." She smiles and flies around Iranna's neck, hiding there in the folds of her cowl.


Character StatusArwi HP 12/12 FP 12/12

Finn HP 10/10 FP 10/10

Iranna HP 9/9 FP 12/12

Kelarith HP 12/12 FP 10/10

Nessia HP 12/12 FP 11/12



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ST: 10 DX: 10 IQ: 13 HT: 12 HP: 11/11 FP: 12/12

DMG: 1d+2/1d BL: 20 PER: 10 Basic Speed: 5.25 Dodge: 8 Basic Move: 5 Encumbrance: 20/40/60/120/200

Age: Adult Appearance: Attractive

Culture Familiarity: Ket (Native), Central Flanaess Languages (Spoken): Baklunish (Native), Common, Giant (Accented), Goblin (Accented), Orc (Accented) Languages (Written): Baklunish, Common

Advantages: Clerical Investment, Mind Control (Emotion Only), Power Investiture 3

Disadvantages: Discipline of Faith (Ritualism), Klutz, Odious Personal Habit (Finds Omens ALL OVER), Reduced Basic Speed (0.25), Sense of Duty (Large: Istus' Faithful)

Quirks: Broad-Minded, Careful, Minor Handicap (Sacroiliitis), Vow (Pay 10% of Income to Religious Affiliation)

Skills: Body Language 9, Brawling 10, Diplomacy 11, First Aid (TL 3) 13, Fishing 10, Fortune-Telling 13, Hiking 11, History 13, Knife 10, Meditation 11, Observation 10, Occultism 13, Religious Ritual 13, Staff 10, Survival (Plains) 9, Thrown Weapon 11

Spells: Analyze Magic 14, Armor 14, Aura 14, Awaken 14, Darkness 14, Death Vision 14, Foolishness 14, Forgetfulness 14, Identify Spell 14, Lend Energy 14, Lend Vitality 14, Light 14, Minor Healing 14, Recover Energy 14, Sense Spirit 14, Shield 14

 Nessia hesitates at Amira's statement, but then pauses for a start and nods.  "You're right..." To the scampish Khaleema, she looks to the worm-zombies and repeats herself, wrinkling her nose.  Seeing their approach, she realizes that she has to act -- and fast.  So, she readies a spell to protect the stoutest-looking of the company, this being Arwi.

Out of Character - ActionsNessia is casting [I]deflect[/I] to grant +2 Defense to Arwi.




Nessia - Divine Spell Use (Deflect)
3d6 6,6,2
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