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OoC - Out of Chocowaves


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So we can probably address it in character once we're in the city (and let me know paladinred if you'd prefer all tactics/strategy discussion to happen only in person), but given there's no cost to the trickery domain blessing (advantage on stealth checks for 1 hour), I'm thinking that Jac will default to providing it to Kerrick (presuming he's going to default to Guardian armour) to cancel out his disadvantage as we're otherwise pretty stealthy as a party. Obviously if one member is going to head off scouting on their own (of which we're a few candidates), he'll offer it to them instead.

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Kerrick is indeed Guardian armor.

Dual Wielder and Sentinel don't really do much for the Infiltrator model, lol.


I honestly don't know if it's worth it, it might be better to just let someone be really stealthy, and let him be the bait I intended. Though, not sure how well he can be bait in like, an 8 person party.

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Very happy for him to draw the aggro, but presumably there will be times when we want to avoid a fight entirely (especially given what paladinred said about the last time they ran this campaign), and in that circumstance one excellent roll wouldn't make up for one poor roll.

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Essentially my logic was that if you're better at stealth you can still choose to fail and cause a distraction, but if you're bad at stealth you can't choose to succeed. Plus I'm not sure there's any safe zones once we're inside so things could quickly snowball out of control with no real place to lose them (although that might be wrong, and I guess undead at least aren't traditionally the smartest so might be able to run them into some demons and leave in the confusion).

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Its good to make the least stealthy person at least a little stealthy... I'm sure there will be times we dont want to attract attention. But ultimately, I dont want to fuss over it. We dont really know what we are running into. I'm also not sure how well stealth works against things that dont have eyes or ears... skeletons or zombies. Or things that might have amped senses like Vamps or Demons. We dont know exactly what we are running into.

Personally, I wont argue the case beyond this as its "cranky clank's" choice. But, if we are not directly in combat, we are probably trying to stay under the radar. When we are in combat... He can stop trying to remain quiet.

Additionally. If we come across things that are not fooled by stealth. We might want to try that spell on one of our more stealthy people to see if they can sneak and get intel. Or,

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