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It's odd that, except for Tum, most of these new players have just disappeared without a word. Totally understandable that life gets in the way, but seems considerate to send a quick OOC note letting us know. In any case, yes, the potential new player that NWise mentioned will be a great addition.

I'll miss Brazi's RP and the really useful magic (silence, invis, etc) not to mention the bard songs. I believe the new player's PC is more melee than magic. Anyway, sounds like everyone is on board with that.

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Hello everyone! I spoke with Scott and Nathan about joining your adventuring party. and have played AoA up to level 7 before our group lost momentum and called the campaign. I've done some play by post on Paizo's forums, but will be new to mythweavers.

If you're up for it, I'll bring a Dwarf Paladin w/a Bastion dedication. Since disbanding in the jungle, he's been drinking his woes away in a local tavern while picking up some side jobs at the forge.

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Welcome dohjoe.


Please put a post for your character into the Character Depository thread. Actually, most you need to do so.


Perhaps your character was in Akrivel, at least briefly, during the time that the Breachill Bravos were there.


Another potential option is that your character has a connection to an NPC, Tum Highguard. That is the aforementioned character whose Player announced his departure. Tum started the adventure with the group but is currently in charge of the Citadel Altarein (PC home base) while the rest of the party is away.


The group has recently made a friend of Dialda Rimestone, a dwarf of some renown in Breachill.


The next step in the adventure brings the group to a place called Cypress Point outside of Kintargo. It may be a short time before that, though, but it could be another way in for your character.

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On the note of infrequent posting, sorry about being a bit on-off lately. I had a "real life random encounter" as one of my friends puts it, and a steady stream of meds to cope has just made posting a much more daunting task than usual. On the plus side I'm on the upswing so should be a bit more with it :)

Happy to tag in someone new though, and I think it could be cool linking them to Tum, since from memory they were a Dwarf paladin. I'm no slouch when it comes to suspending my disbelief for an excuse to adventure together, but as simple as Tum recommending his 2nd cousin who's looking for work, or letting us know he's got someone capable in Kintargo will give the party an instant excuse to bring them into the fold.

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Ah yes, second cousin Tum on his mums side. Not the most reliable of fellows, but he knows how to organize a worksite well enough. He sent out a word you had need of a master smith to help arm and defend your party, and having the blessings of Torag never hurts.

I've added a link to Hamárr's character sheet, and will need to update it with purchased equipment. Is there a starting gold amount he has access to? Please let me know if you'd like any other adjustments, this was based on the remaster rules (is that ok?) and should be all common options.


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Posted (edited)

I haven't forced the Remaster yet, but the transition is smooth enough that I can work with it. Perhaps we should have a conversation about that, though.


Honestly, I didn't take that close of a look. I figure if I can't trust you, why am I gaming with you? if there's any mistakes, we'll find them in time. But, from what I did see, there's no glaring issues here. You start with whatever it says, 1400GP, I think.

Edited by Dax Thura (see edit history)
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The only thing really remaster specific he uses is the updated disarm rule (for disarming block). If you prefer the legacy rule (no problem), I'll want to swap that feat to something that would be useful. :)

The success condition has been updated in the remaster to provide a debuff until the creature interacts with the weapon:


You weaken your target's grasp on the item. Further attempts to Disarm the target of that item gain a +2 circumstance bonus, and the target takes a –2 circumstance penalty to attacks with the item or other checks requiring a firm grasp on the item. The creature can end the effect by Interacting to change its grip on the item; otherwise, it lasts as long as the creature holds the item.


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Welcome aboard, dohjoe!

@dohjoe If you're buying anything in town, we have a 10% discount at Quarters & Bits (see the General Information section on our main Mythweavers board for a reminder of the town businesses.) Anyway, Q&B sells almost anything Hamaar will need.

Everyone else: With our 1 day, we'll sell off our recent loot (I'll have a Gameplay post from Garion tomorrow. I'll also add my entry for the Character Depository.).

@Dax Thura Heuberk had a spellbook. 2 questions: 1) what spells were in it? And 2) how do I calculate the selling price? (presumably it's worth more than a blank spellbook, yes?)

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Welcome aboard dohjoe! Happy to have another frontliner.



On 3/27/2024 at 1:23 AM, Mathota said:



Drasil perks up a bit at Wise Araks words, firming himself.

he quickly distracts himself, smiling sunnily the thought of once more traversing the gates. to Kyros' comment he adds: "The Auida were how my people found Golarion, Kyros, from a distant green Star. They can take you much further than around Golarion. Once this Triad is dealt with, I would be interested in walking the whole Ring. Who knows where they might lead?"

After a quick stop at the Dreamhouse to pray, Drasil goes back wit the group to the Citadel.

Drasil | Elf Fighter 9 | AC 28(26 while raging with weapon)(27 without oversized weapon) | HP 8/114 +11 temp| Percep +15 (+17 init) | Speed 35' |


Drasil over here looking to branch into Gatewalkers from Age of Ashes.

I've love to tour the Auidara network as well, but we'll be going a ways off book and into homebrew to make that happen. To my knowledge they've never pinned down the full extent of the network in PF2E or SF, other than to imply it's quite extensive.


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@ScottGell also at Vusker's Carts and Wheels. Fadelby feels a sense of gratitude to you for rescuing him, or most of him as he somehow shows he's missing a finger in the negotiations.

These are Occult spells:

5th crushing despair; 4th discern lies, fly; 3rd dream message, enthrall, hypnotic pattern; 2nd invisibility, mirror image, paranoia; 1st charm, command, fear, ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips (5th) detect magic, message, prestidigitation, read aura, shield


@dohjoe I haven't pushed for a transition to remaster as it's generally simpler for me. If you'd rather use the remaster for that, we can. It's pretty well all the same to me.


@Belabras My limited understanding of auidara, is that, other than Alsetta's Ring, they are solitary gates. One gate leads to this one place. Doing so would take more time than you have had thus far. Alsetta's Ring's issue is that either you don't have the right passkey for an individual gate or the gate is not working and at least requires repair.

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1 hour ago, Dax Thura said:

These are Occult spells:

5th crushing despair; 4th discern lies, fly; 3rd dream message, enthrall, hypnotic pattern; 2nd invisibility, mirror image, paranoia; 1st charm, command, fear, ray of enfeeblement; Cantrips (5th) detect magic, message, prestidigitation, read aura, shield

So how does that work as far as selling off the spellbook (with its spells)? Would it fetch a similar price if we had individual scrolls for each of those spells? Garion does have Arcane Evolution, so he has a (little-used) spellbook with arcane spells, but it's probably easiest to just sell this one off if we can narrow down a selling price.

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Okay. Done. I just edited my previous Bookkeeping post as well as Gameplay post to reflect the correct numbers.

We previously received 99.5 each. Instead, it's 105.8 each.

Or (if you already added in the 99.5), it's an additional 6.3 each.

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