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(In the interest of moving things along...)

After the talkative thug runs off, Garion confirms with the group, "So we call the authorities, help Fadelby clean up his place and make sure he gets some medical attention, of course." He continues, "Then go home, get some rest, sell some loot, make some purchases, and..." he continues excitedly, "...try another gate!"

When they're done at Vusker's Cars & Wheels, Garion follows the group back to the Citadel.

Garion | Gnome Sorcerer 9 | AC 24 | HP 99/89 | Per +15 | F:+16, R:+16, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 2/2 | Spells -/4/3/3/2/2

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Drasil perks up a bit at Wise Araks words, firming himself.

he quickly distracts himself, smiling sunnily the thought of once more traversing the gates. to Kyros' comment he adds: "The Auida were how my people found Golarion, Kyros, from a distant green Star. They can take you much further than around Golarion. Once this Triad is dealt with, I would be interested in walking the whole Ring. Who knows where they might lead?"

After a quick stop at the Dreamhouse to pray, Drasil goes back wit the group to the Citadel.

Drasil | Elf Fighter 9 | AC 28(26 while raging with weapon)(27 without oversized weapon) | HP 8/114 +11 temp| Percep +15 (+17 init) | Speed 35' |

Edited by Mathota (see edit history)
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Two weeks is as long as you could go before you stumbled across an exciting night. If the ball wasn't enough to bring a buzz to Breachill, your late night interlude is a source of a lot of interest.


The two remaining thugs, now known to be slavers, are taken into custody. After Voz's escape, the sheriff and his deputies are extra vigilant. Exercising an abundance of caution in particular after you tell them that the duo are members of the Scarlet Triad.


All of the officials that you would need to speak to were at the ball and are too tired to meet now. There are no rooms left for you to stay in town. By the time you make it back to Citadel Alterein, dawn has arrived. You take the morning to rest before starting preparations to leave.

The day is yours, but you do receive a polite summons to appear before a magistrate the next day.






Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Braz'i 96/96 HP 3/3 AP;







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After an eventful, exhausting night, Garion appreciates his comfy bed at the Citadel. After sleeping till noon, he chats with the other Bravos over a late breakfast that some would call lunch. "Before Kintargo, I'm going into town to sell off this gear. Anyone care to join?" Garion looks around, "Hey ... where's Braz'i? Haven't seen him all morning." He snaps his fingers, opens his Bag of Holding, and retrieves the Infiltrator's Thieves Tools. He asks Kyros, "Do you wanna upgrade your tools before we sell these?" He hands the tools to Kyros.

In town, Garion heads to Quarters and Bits to see Crink Twiddleton. After the usual good-natured wheeling and dealing, Garion feigns, "Okay, okay, you win, my friend. But that's two days in a row that I've taken a beating!" He shakes the halfling's hand and leaves the shop with an empty bag and nearly 400 gp.

As he's walking past the Town Hall, Garion runs into Trini. He smiles, "You're also getting a late start this fine morning! I had a lovely time last night. Thank you for accompanying me!" He looks around to make sure no one is listening and says in a low voice, "We received a summons to report to the magistrate. Can you tell me anything about that?" After their talk, he returns back to the Citadel to divide up the gold.

(Each of the 4 remaining Bravos receive 105.8 gold.)

Garion | Gnome Sorcerer 9 | AC 24 | HP 99/89 | Per +15 | F:+16, R:+16, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 2/2 | Spells -/4/4/4/4/3

Edited by ScottGell (see edit history)
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A shinning figure strolls towards Citadel Alterein, he knocks on the front entrance and patiently waits for entry.

As the door finally swings open you see a 4’ tall (including heels) and 215 lbs of stocky muscle, the flowing red beard makes it clear he’s a Dwarf.  Clad in a gilded suite of full plate, holding a large shield, with a war axe strapped to his back, he takes a bow and presents a letter of recommendation from Tum. For what that's worth.

Hello, I’m Hamàrr, son of Anvàrr, clan of the Golden Ram.  I’ve heard from my second cousin Tum, who’s definitely not a ram, that you were on the lookout for some replacement Dwarven muscle.

Luckily for you, I just returned from a trek through the Mawangi Expanse and find myself with time to spare, and way less dysentery.  I’m the real deal, blessed by the forge father himself.

This devout paladin of Torag wears his family's gilded helm with pride, and occasionally takes advice from his shield-maiden Ewe.  Though he keeps that last part to himself, some folk are turned off when you start talking about the voice of god in your head.

He spends his spare time mixing alloys in the forge, always trying to create more powerful metals.  This strengthens the bond with his god, thus granting him more power to protect and create.

On the battlefield he runs towards danger, trying to put himself between the party and the biggest threat.  With this rock dwarf’s toughness, stoutness, and blessed shield he doesn’t think anything can get through him.  

"Stick Close to me and you'll stay alive."


Hamàrr | Dwarf Champion 9 | AC 30 | HP 154/154 | Shield 120/120 | Per +13 | F:+20, R:+14, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1

Edited by dohjoe (see edit history)
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Posted (edited)


"Probably about that excitement last night." She tells Garion. "Not the ball. That was wonderful, by the way. I like Jorsk, but sometimes it is so much work to get him to have some fun. I mean, did you see him last night? He looked so plain and all he did was talk about rocks and do that boring box step. Fadelby of Vusker's Carts and Wheels was attacked. The villains are in the jail."


Hamarr arrived in town late in the evening the night of the ball. He sees flyers with pictures of the Breachill Bravos, including Tum, saying that "The Pickled Ear is the Bravos' favorite place."  With it being late and having no other information, you choose to try that location first. You receive little attention until you make it known that you are related to Tum. Roxie, the hefty human female proprietor then makes it known to all who you are and you don't have to pay for any more drinks. All you have to do is tell stories about Tum.

You learn that, due to the ball, there are no rooms to be had in town or the nearby homesteads. Roxie, is willing to allow you to sleep in the barroom for the low low price of 1gp and the promise to speak well of her to your cousin. Though she seems like a shrewd business person, you can confirm with other patrons that there are no rooms available anywhere. Some folk are even housing guests in their own homes.


The drinks at the Pickled Ear were both harsh and watered down at the same time. You did come to appreciate the flavor, though. And even your dwarven stamina can't resist its lingering effects. You wake up later than you wanted. The town seems to still be still asleep as well, other than a pair of colorfully dressed gnomes down the avenue a way. You arrive at the gate to Citadel Altarein mid afternoon.

There are four goblins on guard. They take your note and pass it around. None of them actually read it. "So another relative." One says to the others with a smirk on his face. "You do realize that the ball is over. There's no invitations to be had."

"Ohhh! I bet he'd be a good match for Big Bumble." Another offers then runs off. You can hear him calling for Dackle. The other three have huge grins on their over wide mouths









Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Braz'i 96/96 HP 3/3 AP;

Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;







Edited by Dax Thura (see edit history)
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Drasil spends the early morning at the Dreamhouse trying his best to empty his mind. He finds he missed the company of the Eukajae. The Bravos are his companions, but none of them implicitly understood the nature of his elven problems. With Kellen Carondil he discusses such things, like the pain in his joints, and the slowly fading luster of his hair. There are of course, no solutions, but confiding in a spiritual leader helps put him at ease.

Later, he makes his way to the council chambers. He spots Garion, buzzing in conversation with another Gnome whos name has escaped him. He approaches, smiling warmly, but not interrupting their conversation until they are ready to proceed to the council.

He glances around to see if any other Bravos are nearby, leaning on his mighty Iron staff for support

Drasil | Elf Fighter 9 | AC 28(26 while raging with weapon)(27 without oversized weapon) | HP 8/114 +11 temp| Percep +15 (+17 init) | Speed 35' |

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(Sounds like Garion is in town with Trini when Hamaar makes it to the Citadel, so no introductions from Garion yet. Does Kuz'Arak plan to invite Hamaar to our summons?)

On their early afternoon stroll, Garion nods knowingly to Trini, "Yes, Jorsk does need to learn to let loose." He chuckles, "The old dwarf just needs more gnomes in his life!" He snaps his fingers and grins, "We could dye his beard a bright orange during one of his afternoon naps!" Garion laughs and continues walking.

(BTW, picture of Trini, and Jorsk for that matter, can be found here on the General Information board.)

At the Town Hall, when Garion spots Drasil, he turns to Trini, "I'll let you get to work. There's Drasil. Looks like we're gathering for our summons." He adds, "Thanks for the heads up. It was quite an ordeal last night with Fadelby. As you may imagine, we had a hand in that. Once again, thank you for a lovely time." Garion smiles brightly, bids her adieu and waits with Drasil for the others.

Garion | Gnome Sorcerer 9 | AC 24 | HP 99/89 | Per +15 | F:+16, R:+16, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 2/2 | Spells -/4/4/4/4/3

Edited by ScottGell (see edit history)
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Kuz'Arak spends the morning in thought about the evenings climactic ending. He lingers on the danger that the Aiudara would be if it fell into the hands of this Scarlett triad. He tries to distract himself after he realizes that the rest of his companions had left the citadel and ventured into the city by spending the early afternoon running drills with Bul'Ro and Kajimara in the hopes that the little bit of discipline that has been instilled in Bul'Ro will rub off on his sister. "Remember young ones, working together as a team is key to the warrior's strength! Alone you may be strong, but together you are mighty. Now lets see what the two of you can do together!" He spars with the two warg pups, astounded at how quickly they have both grown.

It is from the flat of his back with the wargs standing over him after yet another successful maneuver to knock the Iruxi off his feet that Kuz'Arak hears the commotion from the goblin guards at the gate. "Odd... Lets go see what this is all about."

Seeing the somewhat comical scene at the gate, Kuz'Arak tries and fails to stifle a small chuckle. "My friends, what seems to be the matter today? More guests? Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am Kuz'Arak of the Breachill Bravos, and these two wargs are Bul'Ro and Kajimara. And you said you were family of Tum's? Truly? Strange, I thought he would have informed us if he had sent word to a cousin. But if that is truly the case then please, come in. Welcome to Citadel Alterien. I believe Tum is around here somewhere. I'm sure he'll vouch for you. After that I'm afraid I'm off to town. Summons from the council. But you are more than welcome to join me if you would like."

After confirming the relation with Tum, Kuz'Arak would head into town looking for the others and join them for our summons in front of the council.






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Kuz'Arak |Lizardfolk Druid 9 | AC 27 (29) | HP 98 | Per +17|Speed 25 | Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 17

Bul’Ro | animal companion 9 | AC 27 | HP 96 | Per +16 | Speed 40 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 16



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Hamàrr appears surprised to be greeted by Goblins, Iruxi, and Wargs at the Citadel. As Tum neglected to mention him to the group, he also forgot to talk about the variety of folk he's been working with. His cousin did warn Hamàrr about the ale though, and wishes he would have heeded that advice now that he's looking at another long hike to town.

"A council summons you say. Please give me the honor of escorting you and ensuring your safe return, along with um... your pups?"

Not use to seeing wargs running around freely, he shows some hesitation around them.


Hamàrr | Dwarf Champion 9 | AC 30 | HP 154/154 | Shield 120/120 | Per +13 | F:+20, R:+14, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1

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The timing won't allow Kuz'Arak to make the meeting if he's at the citadel to meet Hamarr. Tum, however, is still at the citadel.


Kuz'Arak finds that Kajimara is resistant to training. She only really participates once Bul'Ro has made her angry. She spouts off a stream of her immature expletives (stupid flat-nose, three-legged tail face) in goblin. More than once, you have to forcibly pull her off of Bul'Ro or yourself as her anger gets the better of her. Bul'Ro's restraint, however, shines in stark contrast to his sister. Your efforts have not gone unrewarded there.

Dackle is close by working with Big Bumble. She appreciates having someone to help her with the training, especially with Kajimara. She has trained Gref and Ref, a pair of goblin dogs) separately from Kajimara since the Yef incident.


Dackle and Big Bumble go with Kuz'Arak to the front gate. When they arrive, the goblin guards stop their joking and stand at attention. They keep looking worriedly at the still fuming Kajimara.


Hamarr that his date, Big Bumble, is actually a large (sized) bear.


No one has sent for Tum yet.


Note: Hamarr would have received the summons at least three weeks ago. About 1 week before the Bravos returned home.










Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Braz'i 96/96 HP 3/3 AP;

Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;







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Kyros finds himself without a set goal as all the other Bravos rush about in the morning after the hostage situation. He doesn't mind though, as he thinks back and finds he left something unresolved last night. With a spring in his step, he goes to pay a visit to Amera.

Kyros | Swashbuckler 9 | AC 27, Fire Resistance 5 | HP 123 | Percep +14 | F +14 R +19 W +14 | SPD 30 ft. (45 w/ panache) | Focus 1/1

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Kuz'Arak asks one of the goblin guards, "Have you seen Tum today?" Once they've checked in with Tum, Kuz'Arak would realize that he missed the meeting time. "Oh, uh... All this excitement and training this morning and it seems that I've missed the meeting time for the summons. Well the rest will be back soon enough I'm sure and they can fill us in. While we wait for them I'll give you the tour of the Citadel."

Kuz'Arak would show Hamarr around the citadel and introduce him to the goblins and anyone else who is making it their home currently until the others return from the meeting.





Remaining Vital Beacon






Kuz'Arak |Lizardfolk Druid 9 | AC 27 (29) | HP 98 | Per +17|Speed 25 | Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 17

Bul’Ro | animal companion 9 | AC 27 | HP 96 | Per +16 | Speed 40 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 16



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The goblins begin snickering at their joke as Kuz'Arak leads Hamarr away.

Hamarr can feel the eyes of the smaller warg steadily upon him. Hungrily upon him. The larger warg keeps between the two of you.

Kuz'Arak introduces Dackle, the goblin girl that leads the large bear. There are two teams working on the citadel. A group of dwarves lead by Rorsk Axebane and a group of humans lead by [name not important]. The humans are part of the Posandi Bros, a masonry firm ran by Amera Lang, the cousin of one of the town council members.

Tum is at his desk when you arrive. He gives a hearty dwarven welcome. "Cousin." It's embarrassing how emotive Tum can be sometimes. "I called you here to help with administrating the citadel, but you may be more useful elsewhere. I can't tell you all the details yet. Probably after dinner. Two things. Keep away from female warg. She likes to bite. And keep away from Amera Lang. Same reason."


The entrance to Posandi Manor is more intimidating than Kyros remembers. A servant lets him in and goes to get Amera. You hear a bit of scurrying about and some overloud whispering while you wait. You have been sitting in the parlor with refreshments readily available for 40 minutes before Amera gracefully makes her appearance. She bows differentially. "I do apologize for my state." As if she was anything but beautiful. "I wasn't expecting visitors. Least of all one of such august reputation and dancing skill." She pours some tea, refreshing yours if necessary, before sitting down. "Surely you have not come to speak of the ball so soon. It was a wonderful evening. What may I assist you with, my lord?"









Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Braz'i 96/96 HP 3/3 AP;

Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;







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Garion waits with Drasil in front of the Town Hall. And waits. He looks up to his tall friend and says, "It's time. Looks like the others can't make it. We shouldn't keep the council waiting." Unless Drasil disagrees, Garion leads the way for their appointment.

After their business has concluded, Garion asks Drasil, "Before we head home, how about stopping at The Great Dreamhouse? I'd love to speak to Desna before our upcoming journey. I fear it may be a while till our return."

Garion | Gnome Sorcerer 9 | AC 24 | HP 99/89 | Per +15 | F:+16, R:+16, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 2/2 | Spells -/4/4/4/4/3

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