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Bul'Ro ushers his sister back up the stairs. You can hear them arguing like siblings the whole way.


Tum nods at Kuz'Arak's proclamation. "Come cousin." He says to Hamarr. "It seems that this one has spoiled our secret."


Later that day, the Bravos gather for an early supper.

Kajimara accepts being petted by Drasil. He's the only one that she allows to do so without complaint. Dackle and Kuz'Arak both train her. Her attitude keeps most others away. Only Drasil 'plays' with her. Plus, she has learned that the elf can best her even without weapons.

Tum finishes summoning recent events. "... so the group of portals below, Alsetta's Ring, are a unique grouping of Elf Gates that can take one to many parts of Golarion. Some of them are non-functional for one reason or another. We have, however, sent an expedition through the one that leads to the Mwangi Expanse. Our new friend, Nalah, used it to travel here. And it seems like there will be a second expedition to another part of the world. Do I have that right?"







Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;

Nalah- 136/136 HP 1/3 AP; Darkvision






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11 hours ago, Dax Thura said:

The board thought I might be a spam-bot and hid many of my threads. It should be corrected now.

It is, it was rather unsettling I must admit.


To Kuz'Arak:

Nalah doesn't interrupt the Iruxi and waits until the end to say: "The Ekujae Elves helped us tracking the Cinderclaws. But they are rather reclusive and... I'm not really a social person. They prefered to help me get to you than to somehow accept me. Anyway, I'm not sure I'd have loved their ways. And, I'm ready to follow you." and Nalah follows the Iruxi in the citadel.


During the supper:

Nalah sits and eats quietly. She only drinks water and only eats the main course, not taking any dessert, starter or whatever (I don't know your eating habits :) ).

When Tum speaks about another expedition, Nalah raises her head and seems suddenly really interested.


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Kyros is happy to meet Tum's brother Hamarr, and is curious about Nalah, though he keeps a polite distance, not wanting to press the woman after her less than welcoming arrival. He tries to draw the dwarf siblings out about their childhood, and listens intently to any detail Nalah shares, but otherwise is less chatty than usual.


Instead he hums songs from the dance last night under his breath and practically floats around the Citadel, his head in the clouds.


Kyros | Swashbuckler 9 | AC 27, Fire Resistance 5 | HP 123 | Percep +14 | F +14 R +19 W +14 | SPD 30 ft. (45 w/ panache) | Focus 1/1

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Tum can be coerced into telling stories of himself and his younger cousin's misadventures in mining and crafting. There is one time that Hamar wanted to impress a girl and Tum gave him some brass with too much zinc in it. The resulting gift was not well received. Not because it was poorly crafted, but because it was made from poor material. Tum chuckles.







Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;

Nalah- 136/136 HP 1/3 AP; Darkvision






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It's heartwarming for Hamàrr to reminisce about his childhood memories with Tum, even the brass story he's never been able to live down. Oh the embarrassment he felt when the necklace tarnished and spotted her skin green. He won't admit it to Tum, but that's the incident that inspired his Alloysmith profession. You never want to be accused of giving goblin pox to a Dwarf's daughter.


Hamàrr | Dwarf Champion 9 | AC 30 | HP 154/154 | Shield 120/120 | Per +13 | F:+20, R:+14, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1


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When Nalah says "O...k?" at the mention of a reading, Garion instead hears a resounding "Oh yes! I can't wait!" Smiling broadly, he says, "Since you're so excited to indulge me, shall we do it right now?" Without waiting for a response, the little gnome takes a seat at a small table in the sitting room, and instructs Nalah to join him. He lays out a velvet mat with a 3 x 3 grid, and he hands her the cards to shuffle.

When she returns the deck, the fortune-teller draws 9 cards placing them face-down in the grid. "One column represents your Past. One is your Present. And one is your Future." He suggests, "Choose 1 card from the Future column." He flips the card over to reveal: A beautiful lady with long silver hair, adorned with colorful bangles on her wrists and ankles, spinning in a circle with ribbons and balls.

Garion nods knowingly, "You've selected, The Dance , representing the suit of Keys." He continues, "It indicates that you'll be going on a long journey." After a moment, he laughs heartily and says, "Forgive me. A little fortune-telling humor. Everyone is always going on a journey." He turns serious, studying the card, and explains, "You'll soon find yourself in a complicated situation, with many moving parts, that will require your cooperation to avoid complete collapse." After allowing her to study the card, he collects them together, folds up his mat, and asks, "When's dinner?"

Garion | Gnome Sorcerer 9 | AC 24 | HP 99/89 | Per +15 | F:+16, R:+16, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 2/2 | Spells -/4/4/4/4/3

Edited by ScottGell (see edit history)
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Nalah listens to Garion. She seems clearly lost but also amused. She takes quite some time looking at the card Garion revealed. After the reading, she is thoughful for a minute and then smiles: "So, business as usual. Thanks Garion."


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Taking the Jerky necklace, Drasil inspect it closely for some hidden secret. Satisfied, he snaps it in two and tosses one half to each Warg, pocketing the string.

He chuckles softly at the joke.

At dinner Drasil deftly avoids outing himself as not realising Tum and Hamarr were related. He chews slowly, mulling over the new guests, and smalltalking with Hammar about metallurgy. Drasil had spent years a blacksmith, and then as a whitesmith. Hammars knowledge eclipses his own foggy recollection, but he recalls enough of elven methods to make sufficient conversation. Enough to grasp the punchline of Tums prank at least.

Drasil Watches Garions latest reading with interest. Even if not Ironclad destiny like it once was, it stirs happy memories of his first meeting with the Bravos.

Drasil | Elf Fighter 9 | AC 28(26 while raging with weapon)(27 without oversized weapon) | HP 8/114 +11 temp| Percep +15 (+17 init) | Speed 35' |

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Posted (edited)


The Bravos take an additional day to get to know the newcomers better and to allow them to settle in a bit before taking them down to Alsetta's Ring. Using Eclipse as the portal key to activate Dreamgate. The stone turns into a shimmering curtain of mist. Similar to Huntergate, you find yourself in a waystation, a midway between the entrance and exit of the gate.


This room is decorated with tiny, glowing points of light and scratched carvings of butterflies. Upon a short dais at one end between two hallways are two delicate bare feet apparently carved from stone. Chunks of shattered stone around the dais hint at the fate of the rest of the statue. Nailed to the wall above the dais is the preserved corpse of a hideously ugly gray-skinned horned woman. The wall behind her once bore a written message in flowing script, but it’s been scratched out and replaced by a new phrase.


“Praise to Abelstia, for Succulent Nightmares.”

Religion [Recall Knowledge] 15

This ruined room, and thus the ruined statue, was once devoted to Desna.

Speak Elven and Perception 20

“Praise to Desna, for Sweet Dreams.”

Religion or Society [Recall Knowledge] 26

This is the body of a night hag. It shows no sign of what killed her.


I need tokens for the new players in the Maps and Handouts.






Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;

Nalah- 136/136 HP 1/3 AP; Darkvision






Edited by Dax Thura (see edit history)
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Sorry, but I'm lost. The supper was the moment where someone was supposed to explain what's happening. So currently Nalah has no idea why we get to the Alseta's Ring. Someone care to explain?

I added Nalah to the Maps and Handouts.

Edited by SuperBidi (see edit history)
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Once Garion, Kyros, and Drasil have returned and Kuz'Arak has made introductions to the other members of the Breachill Bravos, he would explain the groups plans in going after the Scarlett triad. "We have found repeated evidence that the Scarlet Triad is involved with Elsetta's ring somehow. They certainly have an interest in it... Just last night, some thugs tried to extort us into giving them the notes of one of their allies that we had chased out of town. There was also some evidence that the group was connected to what happened with the cinderclaws. And so after interrogating one of the more wise thugs from last nights excitement, we learned that they were supposed to bring these notes to a Gnoll named Laslunn at the Sunset Imports in Kintargo. We know that we can use Alsetta's ring to open a gate near Kintargo and so it is our plan to use the ring to travel there and deal with this Laslunn. We know he is a leader of the Scarlet Triad, but beyond that we don't have any motives behind his interest in the rings. Supposedly the triad has begun dealing in slave trade, so they may be hungry to expand their import and export to the entirety of Golarion by using this network of gates..." Kuz'Arak shudders at the thought

(Page 13 to 15 of the gameplay channel has this info if you want to read the full conversation. Kuz'Arak would have supplied you with all of that information once the others had returned.)


The next day, Kuz'Arak prepares to leave with the others. He pulls Bul'Ro aside before they descend down to the gates. "Bul'Ro, I am proud of the strong warrior that you have grown into in our travels together. But I am worried about your sister. She seems to grow rambunctious and... dangerous without the proper care and training. I believe it would be best for her to accompany us on this next leg of our journey. I feel much better knowing that you will be here to guard the citadel. Especially if this Triad sends more thugs into Breachill. I will entrust the safety of our home to you, if you would see it fit to guard." Kuz'Arak hesitantly broaches the subject of Bul'ro staying behind, hoping that after all of his training, the young warg will have the wisdom to know he would be helpful here. If Bul'ro agrees, Kuz'Arak thanks him before going off in search of Kajimara in hopes that she might still be trained as part of the groups adventure.


Once passing through the gates, Kuz'Arak studies the strange waypoint they find themselves in

Religion 1


Religion 2

Kuz'Arak frowns as he recognizes that the room once belonged to the worship of Desna, knowing that both Drasil and Garion follow the dreamer, the Iruxi places a reassuring hand on Garion's Shoulder.

Studying the body on the ground, Kuz'Arak frowns in confusion as he does not recognize the creature






Remaining Vital Beacon






Kuz'Arak |Lizardfolk Druid 9 | AC 27 (29) | HP 98 | Per +17|Speed 25 | Fort: 15 Ref: 17 Will: 17

Kajimara | animal companion 9 | AC 27 | HP 96 | Per +16 | Speed 40 | Fort: 17 Ref: 19 Will: 16



Edited by Nwise (see edit history)
Religion 1
1d20+15 13
1d20+17 12
Religion 2
1d20+15 6
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Hamàrr listens intently to the tale of the Scarlet Triad, and it all sounds like bad news. Robbery, extortion, and slaving, something must be done to stop them. This will be a good test of his new party's character and strength.

Passing through the gates, he's taken aback by the horrific scene. Defaced carvings and a shattered statue, unfortunately this looks beyond even his repair.

Religion 1

Religion 2

He shed's a tear at the destruction of Desna's beauty, and prays for retribution.

Hamàrr | Dwarf Champion 9 | AC 30 | HP 154/154 | Shield 120/120 | Per +13 | F:+20, R:+14, W:+16 | Speed 25' | Focus 1/1


Religion 1
1d20+13 2
Religion 2
1d20+13 5
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At sea with the clues presented here, Kyros looks to the other Bravos for some idea just what is going on in this liminal space.

Kyros doesn't have any of those skills or languages.


Kyros | Swashbuckler 9 | AC 27, Fire Resistance 5 | HP 123 | Percep +14 | F +14 R +19 W +14 | SPD 30 ft. (45 w/ panache) | Focus 1/1

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Bul'Ro does not even try to hide his disappointment as he agrees to remain behind so that Kuz'Arak can train Kajimara. He sulks off to one side, but still within eyesight until you go downstairs to Alsetta's Ring.

Fortunately, Dackle is also nearby to see Drasil the team off. Her excitement for his your adventure is surely real. She holds tightly to Bul'Ro as you leave.



This room is decorated with tiny, glowing points of light and scratched carvings of butterflies. Upon a short dais at one end between two hallways are two delicate bare feet apparently carved from stone. Chunks of shattered stone around the dais hint at the fate of the rest of the statue. Nailed to the wall above the dais is the preserved corpse of a hideously ugly gray-skinned horned woman. The wall behind her once bore a written message in flowing script, but it’s been scratched out and replaced by a new phrase.


The corpse's withered hand bears an expensive looking ring and a gem on a silver chain.






Kuz'Arak 98/98 HP 2/3 AP;
Bul'Ro 96/96 HP;
Drasil 81/102 HP 3/3 AP;
Kyros 104/123 HP 3/3 AP; Darkvision, Low-Light Vision; Resist Fire 10
Garion 99/89 HP 3/3 AP; False Life
Hamarr- 154/154 HP 1/3 AP;

Nalah- 136/136 HP 1/3 AP; Darkvision






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