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DM Dax| Dead Suns Bk 4 Ch 1| Game Play

Dax Thura

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  • 3 months later...

In the first installment, Incident on Absalom Station, several individuals came to Absalom Station to join the Starfinder Society. As soon as they arrived, they became embroiled in a conflict by proxy between the Hardscrabble Collective and Astral Extractions who were fighting over rights to a ghost ship, the Acreon, and the asteroid it held in tow, the Drift Rock. The team was recruited by Gevelarsk Nor, the Eoxian ambassador to Absalom Station, to investigate both the ship and the asteroid in hopes of settling the dispute. The team fought space dogs that infected some with a disease that would change them into undead, met a pair of goblins, were stranded, fought and befriended an android assassin, fought some undead, and encountered a drift born alien, before finally making it back to Absalom Station on a salvaged ship long since thought to be lost to the drift. The dispute between Astral Extractions and the Hardscrabble Collective was not fully resolved.


Don't forget to look into the LOOT LIST for items available for your use and sale.



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The second installment, Temple of the Twelve had the Drift Rock Crew going to a prestigious university on Castrovel to follow up on some clues found while they were exploring the Drift Rock. They discover that others are interested in the Drift Rock as well when the professor they were to speak with is kidnapped. They chase the culprits into the jungles of Castrovel and finally catch up to them at an ancient temple. It turns out that the other interested party is the Cult of the Devourer. Even though the party is able to rescue the professor and gain the information they were after, the cult was able to gain the information first and had transmitted it to another cell of their organization. The information you uncover, the reason that the Cult of the Devourer is interested in it, is that the Drift Rock is a piece of a doomsday weapon called the Steller Degenerator, a weapon capable of devastating entire solar systems.

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When you dock at Absalom Station, Chiskisk is there waiting with a team of Starfinder technicians and specialists.

They path to all of you. "From your reports, I thought it good to have your ship upgraded a bit assuming you'll want to continue your investigation. Our people will work around the clock to finish. You'll be able to leave tomorrow." They lead you to transit that takes you to the Lorespire Complex. "We've delved the databanks to learn more about this Stellar Degenerator and the Gate of the Twelve Suns, but have not found any more than you've told us. Do you have any more information? Anything at all?"




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"image.png.7c11d7a9d320f45f322ad4934a658f4c.pngWe found a bit and the coordinates. But those Cultists idiots did too and have a head start."






Stat Block

Dmerilo Vesk Solider 9
SP: 81/81 | HP: 69/69 | F: 9| R: 6 | W: 6
Init: +7 | Speed: 35 | KAC: 26 | EAC: 24
Punch +15 (2d6+18 B) | Unarmed MW Strike (Standard): 2x Punch +12 (2d6+18 B)

Conditional Bonuses

MW Strike: Combine damage for DR
Frenzy: +4 Melee Dmg, +1 Will, -1 AC, +9 Temp HP
Close Enough to Kill: Miss but not Nat 1 when frenzied, spend 1 RP to treat as hit, do minimum dmg (24)


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"Not surprised. The ancient kish were terrified by the weapon's power and hid it after using it." Alleena says.


Elizabeth Woodward


[b][url=http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2395583]Alleena Novagold[/url][/b]     [i]Half-elf 9  NG[/i] [b]HP[/b] 49 / 49 [b]RES[/b] 10 / 10 [b]STAM[/b] 63 / 63 [b]Speed[/b] 30ft [b]Init[/b] 7 [b]KAC[/b] 19 [b]EAC[/b] 18 [b]Fort[/b] 6 [b]Ref[/b] 6 [b]Will[/b] 8 [b]CMB[/b] 27 [b]BAB[/b] +6 [b]Dueling Sword[/b] +7 (1d6+10, )
[b]Arc Pistol[/b] +9 (1d6+4 E, Arc 2) [b]Str[/b] 12 (1) [b]Dex[/b] 16 (3) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 10 (0) [b]Int[/b] 23 (6) [b]Cha[/b] 11 (0)


Alleena Novagold Stat Block

Alleena Novagold Half-elf 9  

HP 49 / 49 RES 10 / 10 STAM 63 / 63

Speed 30ft Init 7 KAC 19 EAC 18 Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 8 CMB 27 BAB +6

Dueling Sword +7 (1d6+10, )
Arc Pistol +9 (1d6+4 E, Arc 2)

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 10 (0) Int 23 (6) Cha 11 (0)


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@Deronas Place your curser/highlight where you want the picture. Use the section at the bottom of a post to drag and drop an image or use the brown OTHER MEDIA button to insert an image. It can be done in the TITLE section of a FIELDSET. It took me a very small amount of trial and error to make it work.

When adding a LINK, the LINK TEXT is what actually shows in the post.


@longtimeteenager The only way I know to make your signature look pretty is to manually do it. With either OOC or SPOILER. Format it to your preference.







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  • 1 month later...

As you go about looking to upgrade your gear, Chiskisk contacts you. "You are going into danger. I have found a pair of others who I think that you will find to be of benefit in your upcoming excursion. Both of them are skilled, experienced adventurers. I would ask that you meet with them to decide if you would like to take them with you."

The address for an off-site Starfinder office is appended to the message along with a couple of dossiers.


Lavinia and Regnart, each of you get a call from Chiskisk of the Starfinder Society. You have worked with them in the past and know them as a competent field agent that has taken a desk job. Their offer is vague, giving only a brief overview of what has gone on before. Their message gives an address and holos of the agents you'll be meeting.






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