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The Stone Tooth

Chaz Hoosier

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Gerbimble looks at the poor woves. Their only crime in life was serving the wrong master.
The gnome whispers, worried any loud noises might bring the ogre out of his trance. "So, what is the best plan now? If we retreat, he'll no doubt fetch reinforcements. We need to take care of him immeditately! How long can you keep him like this, Sugrin?" he asks the arcanist.

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Sugrin Velicent, Illusionist Extraordinaire

Sugrin.jpg.5950f0040afdf9f8128a135336bee017.jpgMale   Gnome   Illusionist 3  

Init 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 12, Touch 12, FF 11 | Fort 4, Ref 2, Will 4

Sugrin lets out a little laugh at the question. I can keep him busy as long as you don't threaten him in any way. In fact, I can keep him like this while you guys explore the rest of the place, if you're so inclined, although that would be pretty boring for me just sitting here babysitting.

He pauses in thought briefly, an idea occurring to him. How long do you need to set up a trap in the hallway outside the door?




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Free Action: Speak

Swift Action: 

Move Action:

Standard Action: Maintain concentration on his spell

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: 

Inspire Courage: +1 to attacks and +1 to Fear Saves
Protection Devotion: +2 AC [sacred]

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"Depends on the type of trap and how complicated you need it to be..." Urd shrugged. "A rope snare for one of his legs shouldn't take too much time -- but there's no guarantee it'd be strong enough for an ogre. And that's not factoring any random patrols coming by."

Setting a snare for an ogre was MUCH different than setting a snare for a rabbit or a deer; that, at least, was certain.



Urd actually does have ranks in Craft: Trapmaking...


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Brother Christo Vanleaf, Grey Elf Bard-Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=19+2, Touch=14, FF=17+2 / HP=19/19 / Init=2 / Saves: Fort=4, Reflex=5, Will = 6  _____________________________________________________________________________

Brother Vanleaf smiles at Sugrin when the gnome states the potential of his magic and says in a lowered voice, "If you guys could get a rope on each leg and tie them to opposite sides of the room, it should hold him longer. Then we can spread the oil and prepare to attack the creature simultaneously thereafter."

After considering the voiced concerns of his colleagues, Christo grins and says, "I'll cover the hallway to ensure we aren't interrupted. Let's get this done quickly and get it over with before anything unexpected can happen or go wrong," the Elven Priest adds not being a procrastinator even though he is from a long-lived species.

As such, the holy man stows his morning star and draws his long bow as he moves to a corner in the hallway that will give him command of both avenues of approach to the location of the ogre and his colleagues. After nocking a razor-sharp arrow, the Domain Priest keeps his eyes and ears focused on the immediate surroundings, watching and listening for the sight or sound of movement or anything unusual as his friends ready the preparations prior to awakening the Ogre.

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Free Action:   

Standard Action:  


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   


Continuing Effects: Bardic Music - Inspire Courage - (ALL ALLIES are +1 to attacks and +1 to Fear Saves for 2/5 rounds), Protection Devotion from Gerbimble ( +2 sacred bonus to AC)

1d20+3 10
1d20+6 7
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Sugrin Velicent, Illusionist Extraordinaire

Sugrin.jpg.5950f0040afdf9f8128a135336bee017.jpgMale   Gnome   Illusionist 3  

Init 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 12, Touch 12, FF 11 | Fort 4, Ref 2, Will 4

This was a new spell, one that Sugrin had used only a couple of times, so his elf friend's unfamiliarity with how it worked came as no surprise to him.

Trying to tie him up, or even approach him, will potentially wake him up, Sugrin says matter-of-factly before anyone screws up his spell.




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Free Action: Speak

Swift Action: 

Move Action:

Standard Action: Maintain concentration on his spell

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: 

Inspire Courage: +1 to attacks and +1 to Fear Saves
Protection Devotion: +2 AC [sacred]

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Brother Christo Vanleaf, Grey Elf Bard-Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=19+2, Touch=14, FF=17+2 / HP=19/19 / Init=2 / Saves: Fort=4, Reflex=5, Will = 6  _____________________________________________________________________________

Brother Vanleaf smiles at Sugrin when the gnome clarifies more about the magic he is weaving and says, "Sorry, I did not realize that we should not approach the Ogre. That does change things a bit."

Next, after pondering the rope conundrum for a few moments, the Elven holy man suggests, "Perhaps we can string a rope or two at leg level in the hallway to act as trip traps and pour oil on that portion of the floor."

"It won't awaken the Ogre setting it up, and then we can fall back and attack him all at once to bring him out of the trance."

"Hopefully, he will charge down the hall and have to contend with the ropes and oil slick," the Domain Priest adds with a sincere smile.

"If all else fails, we can ignite the oil in the outer hallway without much risk of setting the hallway or the room behind the Ogre on fire, while we keep attacking him," Christo politely suggests.

"It might not work, but it should at least prevent the beast from successfully charging us," the holy man concludes while silently thinking to himself, Hopefully anyway, especially given the immense size and sheer brute force strength of the opponent they plan to awaken with attacks, which presumably would put anyone in a bad mood!

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Free Action:   Speak

Standard Action:  


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   


Continuing Effects: Bardic Music - Inspire Courage - (ALL ALLIES are +1 to attacks and +1 to Fear Saves for 2/5 rounds), Protection Devotion from Gerbimble ( +2 sacred bonus to AC)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Sugrin Velicent, Illusionist Extraordinaire

Sugrin.jpg.5950f0040afdf9f8128a135336bee017.jpgMale   Gnome   Illusionist 3  

Init 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 12, Touch 12, FF 11 | Fort 4, Ref 2, Will 4

Yes, a snare or tripwire would work. I'm pretty sure I can convince him to charge down the hall at me, the colorful gnome giggles gleefully. He was having way too much fun with all this, considering the level of danger.






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Free Action: Speak

Swift Action: 

Move Action:

Standard Action: Maintain concentration on his spell

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: 

Inspire Courage: +1 to attacks and save vs fear [morale]
Protection Devotion: +2 AC [sacred]

1d20+3 18
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Brother Christo Vanleaf, Grey Elf Bard-Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=19+2, Touch=14, FF=17+2 / HP=19/19 / Init=2 / Saves: Fort=4, Reflex=5, Will = 6  _____________________________________________________________________________

Brother Vanleaf nods at Sugrin when the gnome confirms that he can hold the Ogre in place while the party rigs trip lines in the hallway leading out of the room occupied by the huge beast and two dead wolves.

Just as the Elven minister is about to organize the effort to install makeshift trip lines or trip-obstacles, Christo's sharp ears pick up the sounds of at least one voice speaking loudly in the common tongue, as well as distinct banging noise, in the distance prompting the holy man to pause.

Holding up his hand to quiet the group, Christo stops and whispers, "We aren't alone. I just heard someone in the distance calling out in the common tongue, as well as some banging. There are likely at least two individuals or more in the nearby area, which complicates things."

"We don't dare to hammer pitons to secure trip ropes since the noise will alert the newcomers that we are here and will undoubtedly bring them our way," he adds in the same low tone of voice.

"And, since we don't know who they are or what they want, we might be fighting an Ogre in the front and multiple humanoids in the rear at the same time if they turn out to be unfriendly."

"If he can do it, I suggest that Sugrin keep the Ogre in stasis while we spend a few moments to try and determine which direction is the source of the noise and, if possible, which way they are headed," Christo sincerely recommends.

"If they are headed away from us, then we can take our time and install the tripwires. However, if they are headed this way, then we have a couple options," the cleric politely suggests.

"Assuming the newcomers are friendly and cooperative, perhaps we can get their help with the Ogre." Turning to Sugrin with a slight wink, "You know, let them take the front ranks. However, if they won't help but are not a threat, then we can implement our original plan."

"However, if they present a threat, Sugrin can release the Ogre right in their faces at the proper time while we flee to the safe room, and even withdrawing to hide in the secret staircase, if necessary," the padre adds as he attempts to strategize on the fly.

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Free Action:   Speak

Standard Action:  


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   


Continuing Effects: Bardic Music - Inspire Courage - (ALL ALLIES are +1 to attacks and +1 to Fear Saves for 1/5 rounds), Protection Devotion from Gerbimble ( +2 sacred bonus to AC)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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"Whoever -- or whatever -- they are, they ain't speakin' Orc at least. Not enough grunts and squeals by the sound o' it," said Urd. "Thing with a tripwire is, you don't wanna give the target too much time to get his bearings to avoid it. Course, maybe use one of these dead wolves to get him mad enough to not look out..."

Urd cocked her head to try to get a better idea or where the voices were coming from, what they were saying and if they were approaching them.

1d20+6 10
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Brother Christo Vanleaf, Grey Elf Bard-Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=19+2, Touch=14, FF=17+2 / HP=19/19 / Init=2 / Saves: Fort=4, Reflex=5, Will = 6  _____________________________________________________________________________

Christo smiles and says in a hushed voice, "The trip obstacle can even be the wolf carcasses, along with an oil slick in the hallway which can also be ignited if needed."

"We hoped that these obstacles would slow the Ogre down enough to hopefully prevent the beast from charging down the hallway into the face of our attacks, not really to trip it," Brother Christo adds.

"Of course, that would be great if we got that lucky, but the point is to try and slow it down, if possible," the Elf adds with a sincere smile.  

"So, anyway what do you guys want to do about the voices," the minister asks in the same low tone as he quietly moves to listen, and of course watch, for the sounds or the telltale sight of the strangers' ligtht, if any, as the cleric attempts to determine more about what is making the noise as he awaits their decision?

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   Speak

Standard Action:  Active Sensory Check to attempt to determine which direction sounds are coming from, and the approximate distance if possible

Move:  As shown on map

Swift Action:   

Move Action:   


Continuing Effects: Bardic Music - Protection Devotion from Gerbimble ( +2 sacred bonus to AC)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
1d20+6 3
1d20+3 10
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Sugrin Velicent, Illusionist Extraordinaire

Sugrin.jpg.5950f0040afdf9f8128a135336bee017.jpgMale   Gnome   Illusionist 3  

Init 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 12, Touch 12, FF 11 | Fort 4, Ref 2, Will 4

Sugrin's ears pick up the voices and the banging drifting to them from elsewhere in the complex. Cocking his head to the sound he catches the words just right to make out what's being said. It sounds like some prisoners calling for aid, he says to his companions.

He listens for a few seconds then lets out another giggle when he pieces together the full message. Hehe, they're not real happy with our big ugly friend here. Maybe someone should go have a look while we get the snare ready. He looks over at his shifty cousin with a smile, I'm sure Christo wouldn't mind going with you.





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Free Action: Speak

Swift Action: 

Move Action:

Standard Action: Maintain concentration on his spell

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: 

Inspire Courage: +1 to attacks and save vs fear [morale]
Protection Devotion: +2 AC [sacred]

Edited by snugglepooh (see edit history)
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spacer.pngGerbimble shakes his wee head."No, we should deal with this one first. The noises may not origin from orcs, but that doesn't mean there can't be any of them around."
He rummages in his backpack and produces two flasks of oil and a tindertwig.
"We can spill the oil in front of him to both make it slippery and flammable."


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