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The Hanger


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Sorry, I lost track of things. If we move forward, that means the end of this session and the interview is next? Or is there something else left?


I wanted to talk to Emiko, but no reason it can't be done later, I think. If everyone else wants to move on, that's fine by me.

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There is one more thing I need to bring up, and then after that the interview.

I will look to get the post donenow, and then I will be in another exam for 4 days so there will be no IC posting from me till the weekend.

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Catching up with the IC thread.

Rudra's idea of inducing unconscious is something that can be chased, as with all things, it would cost surplus and/or research (in this case both I think). I will think of some numbers as I review the rules, but it will likely be something like x research to unlock it and then Y surplus to create 1 injectable. I will keep the values reasonable ;P

As Prestar also mentions going unconscious does not 100% trigger berserk, just gives you a chance to roll it etc. As always, risk and reward etc.



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note that it only work vs Hariti(the trick require an outside boost to synch rating to be reliable) so it could very well be a one time only trick, if we dont encounter other entities with similar power

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I admit I find this pace slightly offputting, the way we keep moving on in mid-conversation. I was still thinking of what to say in response to Serena's earlier question. Though admittedly, I might not have come up with anything too interesting. If everyone else was done with it, I guess it's okay.

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Sorry if it felt a bit jarring but from what I was reading, the conversation felt like it had run its course. Sounds like I might have done this sudden jump more than once though, oopsie haha.

I felt like the last 'topic' raised was by Zelda, on Thursday, so that gives more than the 2 day posting rate we set the game at. Mikhali and Serena had replied since then, and in my eyes, Anya and Emiko had enough time if they thought they had something to add etc. Hence I a pushed on.

At the moment I am being very conscious of posting rate/momentum, mainly because lacking momentum kills games and I have been hit and miss in the last 4 weeks or so due to RL.

If you want, then feel free to post in the old thread, normally I say 'put in one more post and wrap up' but for whatever reason I skipped that.

Appreciate you flagging it up though, I will try and note the flow of a thread more (or more likely) make my penultimate post really clear e.g. "I am ending this thread on my next post unless you do something." I want to try and avoid waiting on all players giving me the thumbs up, as I think it just adds filler and slows things down. Honestly, at the moment I just gut feel it and go from there.

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"Oh, yeah, I just happened to promote a Pilot, sorry you missed the memo."

Mind you, Serena is counting on Zelda's drive to excellence to require her to eventually engage with her teammates at least professionally if she is required to lead them in combat.

We'll see how well that works, LOL.

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Feel like the team is trying to use the power of friendship to make Zelda a better person, i dont know if it will work but it's surely making me feel a terrible person for saying bad things to Emiko😭



Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
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So the Ops Director has decided the person who most wants to run around freely gets access to paperwork and the ability to schedule her and the team's security escorts (GM Veto Pending).

Serena also just stroked Zelda's ego pretty hard while trying to convince Zelda that "they all hang together, or kick ass together".

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So, DM veto chat. What a player (pilot or OD) is given access to is limited, one thing that was meant to be the aspect of the 'spy' part of the game is "how do I get access to things I shouldn't." Honestly, if the pilots can access what the OD can, I am not too fussed as I expected the OD to leak info back to them anyway.


In regards the scheduling outings, got no issues it still follows the limits set by Kirsty, they might find it odd the first time Zelda submits something but then it will become the norm. The outing request is not something I will be hard lining often, but is something I will have in my back pocket to make life harder and the game more interesting etc.

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About Rebecca, if shes a true nemesis for Silver, it's not unreasonable to assume she's keeping track of Silver movement/actions outside the base, we should keep that in mind(initially i was going to suggest sending silver to meet the handler, if we have to send a single person then it's best to send our only adult, but if the reporter follow you...)

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