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Atto 1 โ€” La Strada per L'Inferno [Highway to Hell]


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"Not more than a year after starting my service, my regiment was on patrol in the east Menador Mountains. A gang of brigands set off a landslide, then tried to pick us off while we dug ourselves out. We beat them back, but old Captain Kercerri caught a spear through his leg. We got out of there, but the captain never quite recovered — you could see it in his face, in the way he hunched when he walked. Months later, I woke up in the barracks one day and found the captain was gone — 'walking the Longacre,' they said. From my bunkmate's look, I assumed he'd died, passed on from some sick that takes old officers. 'Worse,' she told me. 'Retired. Headed off to the fields of weak drink and regret.'"
"That’s when I realized there are worse fates than dying in battle. Longacre's one."

— Viedman Linclair, Doomseer Company, Chelish Army



Longacre. A town of should-have-been heroes, a dumping ground for the used and abused. Easily overlooked in its quiet, charmless corner just outside the fringes of the Whisperwood, it is a place where many grizzled old Chelish army veterans have settled, and where other folk go to slip away from the public eye.


Unlike so many rural crossroads, Longacre girds itself in faded military trappings, the worn uniforms and tarnished regalia of hundreds of former soldiers caught up on both sides of the war that cast their nation into the grip of diabolism three-quarters of a century ago.


This, is where the story of many have come to their ignominious, uncelebrated end...


...This, is where your story begins.


[[ Mood Music ]]


Wealday, 02 Rova, 4715 — Evening. A few lights shine in the streets and windows, and the occasional snippet of conversation or laughter issues from open doors, but here on the outskirts of town, the night is quiet and dark.


Sparse clouds scud across the sky, momentarily obscuring the dim light from the moon overhead. Across a scrubby field, barely distinguishable under the starry sky, a darkened, fortlike compound haunches in the distance.


Cimri, a sharp-tongued hellion with a penchant for drinking and long knives, points toward the dim structure. Word is, she's recently gotten involved with some shady, if powerful and affluent strangers. That's how you got enlisted for this job — shaking down a profitable, and otherwise respectable local tannery for her latest employer.


According to Cimri's employer, the tannery's owner Jabral Louslik hasn't been paying his taxes like a good, law-abiding citizen should. Cimri swears she hasn't been told any more than what's been disclosed to you, but chances are, your gang's pay is likely going to be tied up in whatever you manage to steal.


The pay that's been promised you is a hundred gold apiece. It isn't much, but perhaps the real prize for pulling off the job smoothly is the chance to meet and make a good impression on Cimri's employer, someone by the name of Razelago. You yourself have never heard the name, but Cimri is convinced that her new boss is loaded and has some serious connections out of his back pocket — perhaps even including ties to Longacre's government.




"That's it — Louslik Tannery. Here's the job: We break in, sack Ol' Louslik's office, take whatever's shiny, and get out before the sheriff shows up. If we get separated, meet back at the Ash House by dawn."  The Ash House is an abandoned and half-ruined manor across town, something that's inspired dozens of local ghost stories.

Dull moonlight glints across her dagger as she flicks it in emphasis. "If you get pinched, remember: you're mute. Keep your mouth shut, and I'll handle things. I got assurances that we won’t take any blame if things go south. Get chatty and I'll let you rot." A beat passes and her usual crooked smirk appears. "If you don't screw things up, we'll all be drinking on Razelago's coin come dawn. Let's go."



(( Before we begin, you are each entitled to one single skill check, retroactively applied to represent reconnaissance done around the tannery, prior to meeting up with Cimri at the moment of campaign start. ))

Edited by iantruesilver (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...


Bertram pulls a scarf up to cover his lower face, it wouldn't do to be recognized as a member of the Dottari after all. He nods his understanding and remains quiet.


[URL=/sheets/?id=2838712][B][SIZE=+1]Bertram Ebonviper[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 9/9, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]CMD[/b] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]CMB[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B] Rapier [/B] 4 (1d6, 18-20/x2) [B] Dagger [/B] 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) [B]MW Studded Leather[/B] (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] None
Bertram Ebonviper
M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), Level 1, Init 5, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 0, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Rapier 4 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Dagger 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
MW Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None


Actions Crunch



know local
1d20+6 13
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Signy shifted restlessly from side to side trying to keep her muscles warm. She flashed a grin over at Cimri, one of her longest friends since moving to Longacre. She had always promised if she got a break she would get Signy in, a relief since Signy couldn't stand talking to potential employers for longer than she absolutely had to.


She looked around the others gathered there. Zoya was a familiar face, though Signy was just hoping she wouldn't use the nickname she had decided fit Signy better. And then there was the one hiding his face. Weakness. He had better keep up.




[b][url=/sheets/?id=2841700]Signy Fullonna[/url][/b] [i]Human Brawler 1 LE[/i] [b]HP[/b] 13 / 13 [b]Speed[/b]30 ft [b]Init[/b] 5 [b]AC[/b] 18 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 5 [b]Will[/b] 1 [b]CMB[/b] +5 [b]BAB[/b] 1 [b]Scizore[/b] +4 (1d10+4, x2) [b]Unarmed Strike[/b] +5 (1d6+4, x2) [b]Cestus[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Dagger[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Brass Knuckles[/b] +5 (1d3+4, x2) [b]Flanking Bonus[/b] With Ally (+1, -) [b]Str[/b] 18 (4) [b]Dex[/b] 17 (3) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 12 (1) [b]Int[/b] 8 (-1) [b]Cha[/b] 8 (-1)
Signy Fullonna
Human Brawler 1 LE
HP 13 / 13 Speed 30 ft
Init 5 AC 18
Fort 4 Ref 5 Will 1
CMB +5 BAB 1

Scizore +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+4, x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Brass Knuckles +5 (1d3+4, x2)

Flanking Bonus With Ally (+1, -)

Str 18 (4) Dex 17 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 8 (-1)






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Level 1 template:

Zoya Tesfaye

spacer.pngZoya Tesfaye — Human Skald 1 (Fated Champion)
AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | HP 11/11 | Init +1 | Speed 20ft | Fort/Ref/Will 4/1/2 (+3 will vs. charm and compulsion | Low light vision
Raging Song 12/12 | Hero Points ??
Active Conditions: none

1st: (2/day) Heightened Awareness (1 hours), Cure Light Wounds
Cantrips: (unl) detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation, read magic

Outside the Tannery and leading up to it

Zoya, of course, got chatty. Not the way Cimri meant of course. Gods forbid, she'd never squeal or anything like that. But chatty was kind of her thing. So when she heard they'd be meeting up outside the Louslik tannery she ... asked around. What did the locals know about it. About him? For that matter. She wasn't all blabbing, mostly she listened and guided conversation where she wanted it with hapless Longacreans who really wanted to talk with her, for some reason. What did you call someone from Longacre anyways? She'd been here for months and still didn't know.

Outside the tannery she nodded and smiled at Signy with a curt, "Signy. Darling! I told you we could do it for money." Presumably an inside joke of some sort. Zoya seemed to be taking credit for lining up this job, though if anything it had been Signy who had invited her in.

She had a question though. "How, um, gentle we need to be? If there happens to be someone home who doesn't want us taking their shinies? Does Razelago care? Do you?"




Diplomacy to gather information 15


Trained Skills

Acrobatics* +5
Climb* +4
Diplomacy +6
Intimidate +7
Knowledge (history) +8
Knowledge (local) +6
Other knowledges (untrained) +2
Perception +3
Perform (Sing) +8
Swim* +4
* -4 ACP to str and dex skills  



Edited by ccanary (see edit history)
Diplomacy to gather information
1d20+6 9
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Signy gave Zoya an annoyed look at being called 'Darling'. That hope was out the window. But at least she could answer some of the womans questions. "Shaul and Pippa are around and two dogs. Refilling the vats, stay away from those the smell doesn't come out for ages. Cimri, you know about the gap in the north wall right?" She had used that to slip out many a time when she had to work there. Anything to get away from that smell.




[b][url=/sheets/?id=2841700]Signy Fullonna[/url][/b] [i]Human Brawler 1 LE[/i] [b]HP[/b] 13 / 13 [b]Speed[/b]30 ft [b]Init[/b] 5 [b]AC[/b] 18 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 5 [b]Will[/b] 1 [b]CMB[/b] +5 [b]BAB[/b] 1 [b]Scizore[/b] +4 (1d10+4, x2) [b]Unarmed Strike[/b] +5 (1d6+4, x2) [b]Cestus[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Dagger[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Brass Knuckles[/b] +5 (1d3+4, x2) [b]Flanking Bonus[/b] With Ally (+1, -) [b]Str[/b] 18 (4) [b]Dex[/b] 17 (3) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 12 (1) [b]Int[/b] 8 (-1) [b]Cha[/b] 8 (-1)
Signy Fullonna
Human Brawler 1 LE
HP 13 / 13 Speed 30 ft
Init 5 AC 18
Fort 4 Ref 5 Will 1
CMB +5 BAB 1

Scizore +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+4, x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Brass Knuckles +5 (1d3+4, x2)

Flanking Bonus With Ally (+1, -)

Str 18 (4) Dex 17 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 8 (-1)






1d20+1 13
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Silas Tyseri
Human Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)

AC: 17 HP: 13/13 Hero Points: 1/1 Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +1 Init: +3 Panache: 4/4

Silas gives Cimri a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. The sort that's been useful to him over the years with Cimri and the types like her, a category that he put all of his present company included into. The sort that made him appear friendly and trustworthy, which he was as long as it was beneficial. And at the moment, Cimri was very useful. Whoever this Razelago was, they seemed to have a lot of money and a lot of power if Cimri was confident that no one would serve any time even if they were caught.


"Signy raises a good question. What happens if we were to encounter opposition? Does our employer have qualms against bloodshed or are we to flee if we get caught?"

Edited by Sarcasticfury (see edit history)
1d20+6 11
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Outside Louslik Tannery

Bertram Only

You can confirm the redhead's information. Word is, a small night crew works at the tannery. The tannery’s owner, Jabral Louslik, often handles the operation’s accounting well into the evening. Additionally, Shaul and Pippa Umbre — the town’s elderly gong farmers — are said to come and go throughout the night, bringing loads of dung to use in softening leather.

Silas Only

You've definitely heard rumours about the large dog that dozes near the office's door inside the tannery, as well as the terrible smell that pervades the place. Some of the workers profess that they likely wouldn't work there if the place wasn't lit by the lanterns both at the gate and near the office's door.

Zoya Only

One night while shmoozing one of the tannery's dozens of workers, one with particularly loose lips, he admitted that the gate that opens into the tannery’s work yard has a simple mechanism, designed to swing open to admit delivery carts. Constructed for convenience rather than defense, the lock can be bypassed to open the gate with the pull of a lever. That said, it won’t necessarily be quiet to do so.


spacer.pngThe silence of the group's crossing the dimly lit, scrubby field was broken by Zoya's jesting jab at Signy, followed by the natural round of questions regarding how to actually pull off the heist.


Responding to Signy about the gap in the north wall, the thieving rabblerouser tosses a corner of her lip up, raising an eyebrow suggestively, "And that's why you're here."


When confronted about the amount of force that would be condoned while executing his job, Cimri rolls her eyes as though she considers the rest of you amateurs, then pulls out a sap from her pack, "Look, it's a smash and grab. We break in, clock anyone who's about to squeal, and we take whatever gold the guy's got stashed up in there!"


"You wanna answer to the law for killing someone or destroy the place, that's on you. We're trying to rob the place and teach Louslik a lesson, not run him out of business."

Edited by iantruesilver (see edit history)
1d4/2 2
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Signy nodded at Cimra and slide her Cestus onto her right hand. The rough padded glove had obvious scuff marks around the knuckles betraying it's frequent use and the spikes attached to the back had been cleaned often enough to wear down the shine. "We splitting or all going in the gap?"




[b][url=/sheets/?id=2841700]Signy Fullonna[/url][/b] [i]Human Brawler 1 LE[/i] [b]HP[/b] 13 / 13 [b]Speed[/b]30 ft [b]Init[/b] 5 [b]AC[/b] 18 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 5 [b]Will[/b] 1 [b]CMB[/b] +5 [b]BAB[/b] 1 [b]Scizore[/b] +4 (1d10+4, x2) [b]Unarmed Strike[/b] +5 (1d6+4, x2) [b]Cestus[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Dagger[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Brass Knuckles[/b] +5 (1d3+4, x2) [b]Flanking Bonus[/b] With Ally (+1, -) [b]Str[/b] 18 (4) [b]Dex[/b] 17 (3) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 12 (1) [b]Int[/b] 8 (-1) [b]Cha[/b] 8 (-1)
Signy Fullonna
Human Brawler 1 LE
HP 13 / 13 Speed 30 ft
Init 5 AC 18
Fort 4 Ref 5 Will 1
CMB +5 BAB 1

Scizore +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+4, x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Brass Knuckles +5 (1d3+4, x2)

Flanking Bonus With Ally (+1, -)

Str 18 (4) Dex 17 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 8 (-1)






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Level 1 template:

Zoya Tesfaye

spacer.pngZoya Tesfaye — Human Skald 1 (Fated Champion)
AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | HP 11/11 | Init +1 | Speed 20ft | Fort/Ref/Will 4/1/2 (+3 will vs. charm and compulsion | Low light vision
Raging Song 12/12 | Hero Points ??
Active Conditions: none

1st: (1/2 remaining per day) Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Cure Light Wounds
Cantrips: (unl) detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation, read magic

Outside the Tannery and leading up to it"Signy. Darling! Are you trying to get away from me already? I'm hurt," Zoya smirked, putting a hand on her chest and overacting a mock injury with a playful mockery.

"But I don't think it would be wise to split up regardless," she giggled a little at the irony of her preaching to anyone what was wise or not.

"Strength in numbers after all, right? No, I'd think we should all try to squeeze our way through that gap, smash, grab and clock if needed, as the lovely lady says. It sounds like there will be a guard dog or two, which means noise if we can't distract them or remove them quickly. I've heard that the main gate can be opened from a mechanism inside, but it's noisy too. And honestly if we're inside already, what need do we have of opening the gate?" She shrugged, ready to move, her armor jingling a little as she did.

"I won't be as quiet as some of you. I suggest I stick to the back. If we can somehow get what we need without anyone seeing us, all the better. If the dogs start barking well, poor doggo then. They'll need to be silenced as quickly as possible. Are we ready?"

She case a spell to improve her senses and followed the others to the gap in the wall.



cast heightened awareness, +2 to perception and knowledge skills for 10 minutes


Trained Skills

Acrobatics* +5
Climb* +4
Diplomacy +6
Intimidate +7
Knowledge (history) +8
Knowledge (local) +6
Other knowledges (untrained) +2
Perception +3
Perform (Sing) +8
Swim* +4
* -4 ACP to str and dex skills  



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Bertram nods. "That sounds workable. I would remind you all that Shaul and Pippa are older, so we might need to be careful with how much force we use knocking them out." He glances at the others and sighs. "looks like I'm probably the quietest. I'll take the lead." If there are no other comments, he heads out toward the gap in the wall.


[URL=/sheets/?id=2838712][B][SIZE=+1]Bertram Ebonviper[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 9/9, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]CMD[/b] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]CMB[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B] Rapier [/B] 4 (1d6, 18-20/x2) [B] Dagger [/B] 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) [B]MW Studded Leather[/B] (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] None
Bertram Ebonviper
M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), Level 1, Init 5, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 0, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Rapier 4 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Dagger 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
MW Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None


Actions Crunch



1d20+8 13
1d20+4 12
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Silas Tyseri
Human Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)

AC: 17 HP: 13/13 Hero Points: 1/1 Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +1 Init: +3 Panache: 4/4

So no killing and preferably no maiming. That was all he needed to know, the limits to which he could go. He merely nods at Cimri and proceeds behind Bertram.

The dog, however, seems to be on the table

Edited by Sarcasticfury (see edit history)
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Outside Louslik Tannery

With the plan set and agreed upon, Cimri sets off at a jog across the field for the tannery, a mile west of the rest of Longacre. Getting closer to the log palisade, the rogue slows down and starts to creep along its edges, working her way around the fencing. In places here and there, gaps between the gray, dry-rotted trunks are wide enough to pass a hand through.


To the west of the barrier, a muddy trail slips beneath a plank gate similar to a barn door. These barriers do absolutely nothing to block the heavy stench of chemicals and dung drifting from within however.


As you get around to the north side of the palisade that surrounds the tannery, you notice some light coming from the window of a building that juts out from the line of logs, likely the office.


Leading the way past the office towards the east, Signy points out the larger gap just north of where she knows would be the beamhouse. True, it's wider than the other gaps between the logs, but it would still be a tight wriggle for each one of you to pass through.



[[ Map — Louslik Tannery ]]

(( Everyone who intends to enter through this gap, please roll a Dexterity or Escape Artist check ))

Edited by iantruesilver (see edit history)
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Level 1 template:

Zoya Tesfaye

spacer.pngZoya Tesfaye — Human Skald 1 (Fated Champion)
AC/T/FF 16/11/15 | HP 11/11 | Init +1 | Speed 20ft | Fort/Ref/Will 4/1/2 (+3 will vs. charm and compulsion | Low light vision
Raging Song 12/12 | Hero Points ??
Active Conditions: heightened awareness (10 minutes remaining)

1st: (1/2 remaining per day) Heightened Awareness (10 minutes), Cure Light Wounds
Cantrips: (unl) detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation, read magic

Outside the Tannery and leading up to it

"After you then, Quietus," Zoya nodded to Bertram and fell in behind.

She looked at the gap in the wall with a frown.

"I don't know how well this is going to work," she whispered.

"I'm a big ... witch, y'all." She shrugged but was ready to give it a try, but then thought better of it. Instead she fished a length of rope out of her pack and threw it half over the wall.

"You all try. I'm not going to have much luck in armor and all. If one of you can squeeze through, tie that off on the other side and I can climb over."



Trained Skills

Acrobatics* +5
Climb* +4
Diplomacy +6
Intimidate +7
Knowledge (history) +8
Knowledge (local) +6
Other knowledges (untrained) +2
Perception +3
Perform (Sing) +8
Swim* +4
* -4 ACP to str and dex skills  



climb once (if) rope is secured on other side
1d20 12
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Bertram raises one eyebrow. "Quietus... I like that. You may continue to call me that." He proceeds to try and squeeze through the gap.


[URL=/sheets/?id=2838712][B][SIZE=+1]Bertram Ebonviper[/SIZE][/B][/URL] M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), [B]Level[/B] 1, [B]Init[/B] 5, [B]HP[/B] 9/9, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 17, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 13, [B]CMD[/b] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 1, [B]Ref[/B] 6, [B]Will[/B] 0, [B]CMB[/B] 0, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 0, [B]Action Points[/B] 1 [B] Rapier [/B] 4 (1d6, 18-20/x2) [B] Dagger [/B] 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2) [B]MW Studded Leather[/B] (+3 Armor, +4 Dex) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] None
Bertram Ebonviper
M LE Human Unchained Rogue (Charlatan), Level 1, Init 5, HP 9/9, Speed 30
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13, CMD 14, Fort 1, Ref 6, Will 0, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 0, Action Points 1
Rapier 4 (1d6, 18-20/x2)
Dagger 4 (1d4, 19-20/x2)
MW Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Condition None


Actions Crunch



Edited by Inash (see edit history)
1d20+4 6
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Signy eyed the gap warily. She had gained a lot of muscle since the last time she had to squeeze through. But she had suggested it so it wouldn't do for her not to make it through.




[b][url=/sheets/?id=2841700]Signy Fullonna[/url][/b] [i]Human Brawler 1 LE[/i] [b]HP[/b] 13 / 13 [b]Speed[/b]30 ft [b]Init[/b] 5 [b]AC[/b] 18 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 5 [b]Will[/b] 1 [b]CMB[/b] +5 [b]BAB[/b] 1 [b]Scizore[/b] +4 (1d10+4, x2) [b]Unarmed Strike[/b] +5 (1d6+4, x2) [b]Cestus[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Dagger[/b] +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2) [b]Brass Knuckles[/b] +5 (1d3+4, x2) [b]Flanking Bonus[/b] With Ally (+1, -) [b]Str[/b] 18 (4) [b]Dex[/b] 17 (3) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 12 (1) [b]Int[/b] 8 (-1) [b]Cha[/b] 8 (-1)
Signy Fullonna
Human Brawler 1 LE
HP 13 / 13 Speed 30 ft
Init 5 AC 18
Fort 4 Ref 5 Will 1
CMB +5 BAB 1

Scizore +4 (1d10+4, x2)
Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+4, x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Dagger +5 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Brass Knuckles +5 (1d3+4, x2)

Flanking Bonus With Ally (+1, -)

Str 18 (4) Dex 17 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 8 (-1) Cha 8 (-1)






1d20+3 19
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