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3 minutes ago, Faeryl_ said:

I'm not sure how much help Endure Elements will be at the moment, but if you've enough spell slots for it, Viera will accept Tyche's Touch and Darkvision (just in case). She only has one "weak" save right now, but any boost to saves is welcome since that's not something she can deal with on her own (outside equipment).

Alright then! You can note Tyche's Touch as a spell that Williorn shall cast on Viera each morning.

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Nemyl walks up to Viera and strokes her scythe

Me, reading this: orcpascompris.gif.29ba06747b2050be5ed304bf584c1e91.gif

Viera: *visible confusion* 'Why is she touching the scythe? She doesn't seem to be casting a spell on it? Is this a sex thing?!'

Also me: orcblush.gif.5092b7bedfc078571393cfabec4b6688.gif orcdance.gif.84cc8b2be41977ea4a99c53e611ae0ec.gif

Edited by Faeryl_ (see edit history)
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So do we have a preference?


Either Austin and/or Henry can sneak over and take a look at what we're up against?


Or shall we just roll tide over toward the evil-undead-snake-woman-monster?


I'm leaning toward #1, I should be able to identify any key weaknesses, and those of us that can prepare situational counters will be able to do so.

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Yeah, definitely do the scouting thing with the sneaky folks. Viera just hits things. Depending on just how hard they need to be hit, she can go up to Huge size; though it's understandably expensive in PP to do so. This is part of why she has the Dagger of Manifesting: extra spending points. Although I've yet to encounter a situation that warranted Huge size...

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Austin is the best choice to go over. She has hide in plain sight as well as a naturally extended and silenced Greater Invisibility. In addition to that, multiple ways to facilitate scouting. Y'all just need to give the word and she'll be over and back before you know it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have several image spells that could do in a pinch, but I’m limited in true invisibility. Unless someone has something better, we can use a image spell to fake it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I have a heightened silent image spell at level 3 that I should be able to utilize to mimic invisibility sphere or an effect like it. I say, lets use that an move on!

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