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It aint arf ot Mum

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You're good to go for the identify. Austin doesn't have that spell yet. Any particular druid spell I should memorize? I can't enchant, but I can fake as a blaster all day long if needed. Also, remember: sometimes disbelieving the illusion is more dangerous than just thinking its real!

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On 11/25/2023 at 4:05 PM, Faeryl_ said:

Viera just hits things. Once in a blue moon she'll actually land a crit and utterly annihilate something, but mostly she just hits for a moderate amount of damage. orcdance.gif.4a2022f87df94b670d39e0c302093a94.gif

Sometimes, the thing you're looking at really is just a big 'ol box of nails.

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  • 4 weeks later...

1. Knowledge Arcana DC 19.

2. I cannot find any information that says that a breath weapon counts as a spell, if anyone else knows of such information please advise.

3. The monster has erupted in front of the beasts (the Kyzza) which are large creatures, they are 2x2 so about 20-25 feet from you.

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A breath weapon is typically a Supernatural ability by my understanding. By way of not being spell-like, I thus do not believe it would be affected by anti-spell stuff like Globe of Invulnerability.


Supernatural abilities are magical and go away in an antimagic field but are not subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or to being dispelled by dispel magic.

You'd need energy protection or a force barrier like Otiluke's Resilient Sphere to stop it from what I'm reading.

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19 hours ago, Faeryl_ said:

A breath weapon is typically a Supernatural ability by my understanding. By way of not being spell-like, I thus do not believe it would be affected by anti-spell stuff like Globe of Invulnerability.

You'd need energy protection or a force barrier like Otiluke's Resilient Sphere to stop it from what I'm reading.

Agreed with this. From everything read, it's similar to an Supernatural or Extraordinary Ability that certain beings have. It requires a energy barrier or force barrier of some sort to prevent damage from.


Also, Dire Lion Stat block added into former post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Between Williorn and Henry both passing, I think it's safe to assume they've informed the others of what this thing is and a decent amount of its features and abilities, within the realm of how much can be said 6 seconds at a time.

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